C7876en – Schedule 26.2. 9:00-12:00 (C05/107) – Tools used in Gene Technologies: primer and qPCR probe design, design of oligos for different cloning systems, analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences, design of site-directed mutagenesis oligos, CRISPR-Cas design 5.3. 10:00-12:00 (C05/312) – Testing of knowledge from online tools used in Gene Technologies 12.3. 9:00-17:00 (C05/312) – RNA isolation and Restriction and TA-cloning, Gibbson assembly of specific genes from tomato and Arabidopsis plants (Group 1) 19.3. 9:00-17:00 (C05/312) – RNA isolation and Restriction and TA-cloning, Gibbson assembly of specific genes from tomato and Arabidopsis plants (Group 2) 26.3. 9:00-17:00 (C05/312) – RNA isolation and Restriction and TA-cloning, Gibbson assembly of specific genes from tomato and Arabidopsis plants (Group 3) 2.4. 10:00-15:00 (C05/312) – Transient expression of genes in plants: Transformation of N. benthamiana plants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Group1, 2, 3) 9.4. 10:00-15:00 (C05/312) – Analysis of transient expression of the protein in N. benthamiana: RNA isolation, RT-qPCR analysis (Group1, 2, 3) 16.4. 10:00-15:00 (C05/312) – Analysis of transient expression of the protein in N. benthamiana: Western-blot analysis 23.4. 9:00-11:00 (C05/312) – Preparation of NGS library (Part 1): Group 1 11:00-13:00 (C05/312) - Preparation of NGS library (Part 1): Group 2 13:00-15:00 (C05/312) - Preparation of NGS library (Part 1): Group 3 30.4. 9:00-11:00 (C05/312) – Preparation of NGS library (Part 2): Group 1 11:00-13:00 (C05/312) - Preparation of NGS library (Part 2): Group 2 13:00-15:00 (C05/312) - Preparation of NGS library (Part 2): Group 3