E7441: Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine Overview Vlad Popovici, Ph.D. RECETOX Bibliography: KONG Q., SIAUW T., BAYEN A. (2020). Python programming and numerical methods. Academic Press. ISBN: 9780128195499 HEATH M.T. (2002). Scientific Computing. An introductory survey. McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition. ISBN: 0-07-239910-4 Good accompanying materials at https://heath.cs.illinois.edu/scicomp/notes/index.html, including slides and demos! Used as basis for the first part of the course. KEPNER J. (2009). Parallel Matlab for Multicore and Multinode Computers. SIAM Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-898716-73-3 GENTLE J.E. (2005). Elements of Computational Statistics. Springer. ISBN:978-0387954899 Vlad Popovici, Ph.D. (RECETOX) E7441: Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine 2 / 6 Computing environments for the course: Python 3, https://www.python.org - with NumPy and SciPy packages recommended: JupyterLab for exercises suggestion: install Python and related packages using a distribution like Anaconda or Mamba for easier integration of dependencies R, http://www.r-project.org - "environment for statistical computing and graphics" WARNING: Some pieces of code shown during the course may not represent the optimal implementation in the given language. They are merely a device for demonstrating some principles. Vlad Popovici, Ph.D. (RECETOX) E7441: Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine 3 / 6 Overview of the topics: 1 Introduction to scientific computing 2 Systems of linear equations: square and non-square 3 Basic methods for non-linear equations and optmization 4 Stochastic methods (touching upon optimization as well) 5 Basic concepts of parallel computing (in Python) 6 Examples of implementations of various fundamental methods in statistics and machine learning Vlad Popovici, Ph.D. (RECETOX) E7441: Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine 4 / 6 Organization: combined theoretical presentation and practical work 4 homeworks and 1 project (i.e. a more consistent homework) Project presentations: May 12th, 2025 Deadline for sending in the homeworks (via email): May 12th, 2025 Delivery of homeworks and project presentations are required for qualifying for the exam. No homeworks and/or project = no exam Final mark: 50% homework and project + 50% exam Vlad Popovici, Ph.D. (RECETOX) E7441: Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine 5 / 6 Questions? Vlad Popovici, Ph.D. (RECETOX) E7441: Scientific computing in biology and biomedicine 6 / 6