Problems in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics prepared by: Jakub Fišák and others 1. Calculation of equation of state Helmholtz free energy of a gas is given by F(V,T) = − 1 3 C ·V ·T4 , where C is a constant. Calculate equation of state of a given gas. Solution: We shall start from the definition of Helmholtz free energy F(V,T) = E −TS, from which dF = −pdV −SdT. Because this is an exact differential, ∂F ∂V T = −p should hold, and, consequently 1 3 C ·T4 = p, which is the equation of state we were looking for. 2. Gamma function Gamma function is defined by Γ(n) := ∞ 0 dt exp(−t)tn−1 . (a) Prove that Γ(n+1) = nΓ(n), (b) evaluate Γ(n), n ∈ N, (c) evaluate Γ n+ 1 2 , n ∈ N. Solution: We will start with 2a, because we will use the formula later. From the definition, we shall express Γ(n+1) and manipulate the expression using integration by parts Γ(n+1) = ∞ 0 dt exp(−t)tn = −tn exp(−t)|∞ 0 0 +n ∞ 0 dt tn−1 exp(−t) = nΓ(n). To calculate 2b, we shall start with Γ(1): Γ(1) = ∞ 0 dt exp(−t) = −exp(−t)|∞ 0 = 1. Using expression from 2a, we calculate values of gamma function for other natural numbers Γ(2) = Γ(1+1) = 1·Γ(1) = 1, Γ(3) = 2·Γ(2) = 1·2, Γ(4) = 3·Γ(3) = 1·2·3 = 6, 1 Γ(5) = 4·Γ(4) = 1·2·3·4 = 24; we can obtain formula for general n: Γ(n+1) = n·(n−1)·····3·2·1 = n!. We will work out the formula 2c in a same way: we will start with Γ(1/2): Γ 1 2 = ∞ 0 dt exp(−t)t− 1 2 = 2 ∞ 0 dsexp −s2 = √ π, where we have introduced a substitution t = s2 in the last integral. We continue with evaluation of values of gamma function for other n: Γ 3 2 = Γ 1 2 +1 = 1 2 Γ 1 2 = 1 2 √ π, Γ 5 2 = 3 2 Γ 3 2 = 1 2 · 3 2 √ π = 3 4 √ π, Γ 7 2 = 5 2 Γ 5 2 = 1 2 · 3 2 · 5 2 √ π = 15 8 √ π, Γ 9 2 = 7 2 Γ 7 2 = 1 2 · 3 2 · 5 2 · 7 2 √ π = 105 16 √ π; for a general n Γ n+ 1 2 = 2n−1 2 · 2n−3 2 ····· 7 2 · 5 2 · 3 2 · 1 2 √ π = (2n−1)!! 2n √ π. 3. Stirling’s formula Using the gamma function, approximate ln(n!) for large n. Solution: We will use formula Γ(n+1) = n! from the previous problem. We will rearrange the Gamma function Γ(n+1) = ∞ 0 dt exp(−t)tn = ∞ 0 dt exp(−t)·exp[nln(t)] = ∞ 0 dt exp[nln(t)−t]. After a substitution t = n+x ∞ 0 dt exp[nln(t)−t] = ∞ −n dx exp[nln(n+x)−n−x] ≈ ∞ −n dx exp nln(n)−n− x2 2n = exp[nln(n)−n] ∞ −n dx exp − x2 2n . Because the Gaussian function significantly differs from zero just in an interval with width much smaller than n, we can approximate the lower bound of integral by −∞. Then we can easily integrate the Gaussian function exp[nln(n)−n] ∞ −n dx exp − x2 2n = +∞ −∞ dx exp − x2 2n = √ 2πnexp[nln(n)−n]. 2 4. Multidimensional calculations Determine volume and surface area of n-dimensional sphere. Solution: There are two ways how to solve this. One can either calculate the Jacobian matrix of the transformation to n-dimensional spherical coordinates or to try some other way. In 3D case, the sphere is described as a set of points that fulfill B3 (R) : x2 1 +x2 2 +x2 3 ≤ R2 , (1) with a boundary described by S2 (R) : x2 1 +x2 2 +x2 3 = R2 . (2) The general form in a higher dimension d: Bd (R) : x2 1 +x2 2 +···+x2 d ≤ R2 , (3) and the boundary Sd−1 (R) : x2 1 +x2 2 +···+x2 d = R2 . (4) We define a volume in a general from; in 1D the volume corresponds to the length of a line, in 2D it correspond to area of circle, etc., Vol S1 (R) = 2πR, (5) Vol S2 (R) = 4πR2 . (6) Since the unit of volume corresponds to unit of length raised to a power of d, we can write the volume in terms of unit sphere volume, Vol Sd−1 (R) = Rd−1 Vol Sd−1 . (7) I a special case of d = 2 a d = 3 we have: Vol S1 = 2π, (8) Vol S2 = 4π. (9) So, we have to find the volume of unit sphere. Let us assume space Rd with coordinates x1, x2, ...,xd let r be the radial coordinate, r2 = x2 1 +x2 2 +···+x2 n. (10) Let us calculate an integral Id = Rd dx1 dx2 ...dxd exp −r2 . (11) First method: we divide an integral into d parts each of which is integrated separately, namely Id = d ∏ i=1 +∞ −∞ dxie−x2 i = √ π d = π d 2 . (12) Second method: let us divide Rd into thin spherical shells. The volume given by r is Sd−1(r) sphere and the volume of shell between r and r +dr is given by Sd−1(r) multiplied by dr. As a result, Id = ∞ 0 drVol Sd−1 (r) exp −r2 = Vol Sd−1 ∞ 0 drrd−1 exp −r2 (13) = 1 2 Vol Sd−1 ∞ 0 dt exp(−t)t d 2 −1 , (14) where we used (7) and performed a substitution t = r2. The last integral can be written in terms of gamma function, Id = 1 2 Vol Sd−1 Γ d 2 . (15) 3 This integral should be also equal to Id = π d 2 , as we have already calculated. As a result, the unit sphere volume is equal to Vol Sd−1 = 2π d 2 Γ d 2 . (16) We can easily determine Vol Bd : Vol Bd = 1 0 drVol Sd−1 (r) = Vol Sd−1 1 0 drrd−1 = Vol Sd−1 rd d 1 0 = Vol Sd−1 d , (17) therefore Vol Bd = 2π d 2 dΓ d 2 = π d 2 d 2 Γ d 2 = π d 2 Γ 1+ d 2 . (18) 5. Occupation numbers of hydrogen energy levels Let us assume that the hydrogen atom exists in a level with principal quantum number n = 3. Assuming that the level occupation numbers are given by microcanonical distribution, calculate a probability that the atom exists in states with the same orbital quantum number l. Solution: We shall first determine the number of states for each state described by a given l. For n = 3 the possible values of orbital quantum number are l = {0,1,2}. Each state with a given l is split according to a given magnetic quantum number m = {−l,−l +1,...,l −1,l}. Furthermore, each of these states is split according to spin quantum number s = ±1/2. Now the number of possible states with given l is : • l = 0: m = {0}, s = {±1/2}, this gives two states, • l = 1: m = {−1,0,+1}, s = {±1/2}, this gives six states, • l = 2: m = {−2,−1,0,+1,+2}, s = {±1/2}, what gives ten states. The probability is given by a formula wi = # states with l = i # all possible states , from which we can easily find w0 = 1 9 , w1 = 1 3 , w2 = 5 9 . 6. Expression for entropy Entropy of an isolated system is given by S = kB lnΩ, (19) where Ω is the number of microstates. For a closed system S = −kB ∑ n wn lnwn. (20) Show that these formulae give the same result for an isolated system. Assume that the system can be divided into a physical object A and thermostat A′, which form an isolated system. Calculate the entropy of a) the whole isolated system A+A′ and b) sum of entropies of A and A′ and show that they yield the same result. Solution: For an isolated system, according to the postulate of a priori equal probabilities wn = 1/Ω. Consequently S = −kB ∑ n wn lnwn = −kB Ω ∑ n=1 1 Ω ln 1 Ω = kB lnΩ Ω ∑ n=1 1 Ω = kB lnΩ. 4 Let assume the system composed of two subsystems A and A′. Energy of the isolated system is given by the sum of energies of these subsystems, E0 = E +E′ = const. Let us now calculate the entropy in both cases. I the case a), Ω(E0 − En) state of A′ system correspond to each n state of A system. Taking the logarithm of the number of states and expanding to the first order in En kB ln[Ω(E0 −En)] ≈ kB lnΩ(E0)− ∂ ∂E kB lnΩ(E)En = kB lnΩ(E0)− ∂S ∂E En = kB lnΩ(E0)− En T , (21) after exponentiation we arrive at Ω(E0 −En) ≈ Ω(E0)exp − En kBT . (22) The total entropy of the isolated system is then S0 = kB ln ∑ n Ω(E0)exp − En kBT = kB lnΩ(E0)+kB ln∑ n exp − En kBT = kB lnΩ(E0)+kB lnZ. (23) In the case b) we have to sum up the entropies of both subsystems S0 = S+S′ = −kB ∑ n wn lnwn +kB lnΩ(E0 −E) = −kB ∑ n 1 Z exp − En kBT −lnZ − En kBT +kB lnΩ(E0)− ∂kB lnΩ(E0) ∂E0 E = kB lnZ + 1 T ∑ n 1 Z exp − En kBT En +kB lnΩ(E0)− E T = kB lnZ + E T +kB lnΩ(E0)− E T = kB lnΩ(E0)+kB lnZ. (24) This gives the same formula at the end. 7. Expression for entropy Show that the entropy derived from S = − ∂F ∂T V can be rewritten as S = −k∑n wn lnwn. Solution: From the canonical distribution, F = −kT lnZ and Z = ∑n exp(−En/kT). Therefore, S = ∂(kT lnZ ∂T V = klnZ + kT Z ∂Z ∂T V = klnZ + 1 TZ ∑ n En exp(−En/kT) = klnZ + 1 T ∑ n (−kT lnwn −kT lnZ)wn = −k∑ n wn lnwn. 8. Heat capacity Show that cV is given by the fluctuation of energy, cV = 1 kBT2 ∆E2 . Solution: Mean energy is given by E = ∑ n wnEn, En is constant for V = const., therefore we can rewrite the heat capacity as cV = ∂E ∂T V = ∑ n En ∂wn ∂T V . 5 The probability corresponding to each state is wn = exp F −En kBT , from which we obtain using differentiation ∂wn ∂T V = ∂ ∂T F −En kBT V exp F −En kBT = T ∂F ∂T V −F +En kBT2 exp F −En kBT . Now we can apply thermodynamics relation for Helmholtz free energy F = E −TS, dF = −pdV −SdT, giving us ∂F ∂T V = −S, and E = F +TS; inserting this to the formula for derivative of wn with respect to temperature ∂wn ∂T V = En −E kBT2 exp F −En kBT = En −E kBT2 wn. The heat capacity takes the form of cV = ∑ n Enwn En −E kBT2 = 1 kBT2 ∑ n E2 n wn −E ∑ n Enwn = 1 kBT2 E2 −E2 , from which we derive the final relationship cV = 1 kBT2 ∆E2 . 9. Fraction of nitrogen molecules in individual states Nitrogen atom nucleus 7N14 has a nuclear spin I = 1. Let us assume that that diatomic molecule N2 excite just rotational states at normal temperatures, but not the vibrational ones. Let us neglect the dynamics of electrons. Determine fraction of „ortho“ and „para“ molecules in a gas composed of nitrogen molecules. („Ortho“ – symmetric spin state, „Para“ – antisymmetric spin state). How the fraction of molecules in individual states behaves when the temperature of gas approaches zero? Solution: 7N14 nucleus has a bosonic spin of I = 1; the total wave function of system of two nuclei should be symmetric. The rotational quantum number J should be odd number for ortho-state to ensure symmetry of the total wave function. In a para state, J should be even number. Rotational energy of nitrogen molecule is EJ = ¯h2 2H J(J +1), J ∈ N0, where H is angular momentum. The ratio of population of individual states is #population of para-nitrogen #population of ortho-nitrogen = ∑odd J(2J +1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT J(J +1) ∑even J(2J +1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT J(J +1) · I +1 I , where I is nitrogen nuclear spin. For ¯h2 HkBT ≪ 1 6 we can replace sums by integrals obtaining ∑ sudé J (2J +1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT J(J +1) = ∞ ∑ m=0 (4m+1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT 2m(2m+1) ≈ ∞ 0 dm(4m+1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT 2m(2m+1) = = ∞ 0 dx exp − ¯h2 HkBT x = HkBT ¯h2 . (25) The second integral can be evaluated in the same way: ∑ odd J (2J +1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT J(J +1) = ∞ ∑ m=0 (4m+3)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT (2m+1)(2m+2) = ∞ 0 dm(4m+3)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT (2m+1)(2m+2) = = exp −¯h2 HkBT ∞ 0 dm(4m+3)exp − ¯h2 HkBT (2m2 +3m) = = exp −¯h2 HkBT ∞ 0 dyexp − ¯h2 HkBT y = HkBT ¯h2 exp −¯h2 HkBT . (26) This after the substitution gives #para-nitrogen population #ortho-nitrogen population = I +1 I exp ¯h2 HkBT ≈ I +1 I ; because I = 1 the ratio is #para-nitrogen population #ortho-nitrogen population = 2 1 . (27) To calculate the ratio for the case T → 0, we will use ¯h2 HkBT ≫ 1; in this case the exponential function approaches zero, consequently, we will use just the first term of each sum, ∑ even J (2J +1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT J(J +1) = ∞ ∑ m=0 (4m+1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT 2m(2m+1) ≈ 1, ∑ odd J (2J+1)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT J(J +1) = ∞ ∑ m=0 (4m+3)exp − ¯h2 2HkBT (2m+1)(2m+2) ≈ 3exp − ¯h2 HkBT . The population ratio of individual molecules is then #para-nitrogen population #ortho-nitrogen population = I +1 3I exp − ¯h2 HkBT → 0; this implies that all nitrogen molecules appear in ortho-state for temperatures tending to zero. 10. Wien’s displacement law Derive Wien’s displacement law from the Planck’s law. 7 Solution: Planck’s law reads B(ν,T) = 8πν2 c3 hν exp hν kBT −1 . (28) Wien’s displacement law is written in terms of wavelengths, consequently, we will transform (28) into wavelength space using B(ν,T)dν = B(λ(ν),T) ∂ν(λ) ∂λ B(λ,T) dλ; the transformation yields B(λ,T) = 8πch λ5 1 exp hc kBTλ −1 . (29) Now we can determine the maximum of the function. Differentiating with respect to wavelength gives −5+ hc kBTλ 1 1−exp − hc kBTλ = 0. We denote xmax = hc kBTλmax , where subscript „max“ denotes a point, where the function has its maximum. This is given by the solution of equation xmax 1−exp(−xmax) = 5. From this the wavelength corresponding to the maximum is λmax = b T , (30) where b = hc kBxmax . 11. Stefan–Boltzmann law Derive the Stefan–Boltzmann law for the amount of energy radiated by a black body per unit area and per unit of time. Solution: The specific intensity is defined as δE = I(ν,n)cosδ ·dΩ·dS·dt ·dν. (31) Therefore, the specific intensity is given by the amount of radiative energy that passes through a surface area dS in solid angle dΩ in time dt in frequency range dν. Here δ is an angle between n and dS. During the time dt the surface intercepts radiation from a volume dV = dS·cosδ ·c·dt. The radiation has energy density ε(ν) and comes from all directions. Therefore from dΩ comes cε(ν)cos(δ)· dΩ 4π dν ·dS·dt, which is equalt to δE above. Moreover, in equilibrium I(ν,n) = B(ν) and therefore B(ν) = c 4π ε(ν). 8 The total energy emited by the unit surface element per unit of time and frequency is F(ν) = δE dSdt dν = Ω+ dΩ c 4π ε(ν)cosδ = c 4π ε(ν) 2π 0 dϕ π 2 0 dδ sin(δ)cos(δ) 2π·1 2 = c 4 ε(ν). Inserting the energy density F(ν) = c 4 8πν2 c3 hν exp hν kBT −1 = 2πν2 c2 hν exp hν kBT −1 , after integrating over all frequencies F = σT4 . (32) 12. Rayleigh–Jeans law Derive Rayleigh–Jeans law using the equipartition theorem. Solution: Rayleigh–Jeans law describes the equilibrium electromagnetic radiation in a closed cavity. According to the equipartition theorem, this corresponds to the system of oscillators with energy Ev = 2· 1 2 kBT = kBT. Energy of a system of oscillators is given by the sum of energies of individual oscillators. We can approximate the summation by integration. From the solution for a particle in a box we have ki = 2πni Li , then the number of states in intervals ∆ni is given by ∆nx∆ny∆nz = Lx ·Ly ·Lz V ∆kx∆ky∆kz (2π)3 . The total energy of all particles can be written as E = ∑ k Ek ≈ 2 R3 d3 k (2π)3 VEk = V 2π 0 dϕ π 0 dθ ∞ 0 dk′ k′2 (2π)3 2kBT = V ∞ 0 dk2kBT k2 (2π)3 4π, where we perform a substitution k = 2πν/c, yielding E ≈ V ∞ 0 dν 2kBT ·4π ν2 c3 , (33) from which εν ≈ 8πν2 c3 kBT. (34) 13. Influence of Sun on Earth Let us assume that both Sun and Earth radiate as black bodies in empty space. Temperature of Sun is TS = 6000K. Let us assume that the temperature on Earth is the same everywhere. The radius of Earth is RE = 6·108 cm and the Earth-Sun distance is d = 1.5·1011 m. (a) Estimate temperature of Earth. (b) Determine the radiative force of Sun on Earth. 9 (c) Compare the results with interplanetary chondrites of spherical shape. Chondrites can efficiently transfer heat and can be regarded as black bodies. Their radius is d = 0.1cm and let us assume that they move at the same distance as our Earth, that is d. Solution: (a) The total radiative flux coming from our Sun is F = 4πR2 s σT4 ⊙; the radiative flux per unit of surface at the distance d (Earth) is F S = 4πR2 s σT4 ⊙ 4πd2 , therefore the Earth intercepts F⊕ = R2 s σT4 ⊙ d2 πR2 ⊕. Because we assume that the Earth is in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, it emits as a black body, F⊕ = 4πR4 ⊕σT4 ⊕, therefore R2 s σT4 ⊙ d2 πR2 ⊕ = 4πR4 ⊕σT4 ⊕, T⊕ = R⊙ 2d T⊙ = 290K. (35) (b) Because the radius of Earth is much smaller than its distance from Sun, we can estimate the force directly from F = F⊕ c = R2 s σT4 ⊙ d2 πR2 ⊕ c = 6×108 N. (c) In this case we cane use the same equation as derived above, T = 290K, F = 1.7×10−11 N. 14. Greenhouse effect Consider a greenhouse formed by placing a horizontal sheet of glas above the ground. The glass is transparent to radiation with wavelengths below 4 µm, but absorbs a fraction ε of radiation at longer wavelengths. Suppose a downward flux I of solar radiation. Assume that both earth and glass radiati according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Determine the change of earth temperature due to presence of glass. 10 Solution The ground warms up to a temperature Tg and emits long-wavelength radiation with upward flux given by U = σT4 g . Part of this flux is absorbed by the glass and reflected back. Equilibrium is reached when the upward fluxes balance the downward fluxes, that is, I = (1−ε)U +B = U −B, where B is a flux emitted by the glass. Solving for B gives B = εU/2 and σT4 g = U = I 1− ε 2 , Tg = I σ 1− ε 2 1/4 Therefore, Tg is higher by up to 19% (for ε = 1) higher than it would be in the absence of glass (for ε = 0). 15. Harmonic oscillator Determine eigenvectors of linear harmonic oscillator in coordinate representation. Solution: We will use creation and annihilation operators. Let us remind that ˆa|0 = 0|0 . We will determine the coordinate representation of this vector q| ˆa|0 = q|0|0 . Because the annihilation operator can be written in terms of ˆx and ˆpx as ˆa = 1 √ 2 ( ˆq+i ˆp), where the dimensionless operators are ˆq = mω ¯h ˆx, ˆq = 1 m¯hω ˆpx. We shall substitute in a previous equation obtaining q| ˆa|0 = q 1 √ 2 ( ˆq+i ˆp) 0 = 1 √ 2 ( q| ˆq|0 +i q| ˆp|0 ). The operator can act on the left state, 1 √ 2 ( q| ˆq|0 +i q| ˆp|0 ) = 1 √ 2 q q 0 + 1 √ 2 d dq q 0 = 1 √ 2 qh0(q)+ 1 √ 2 d dq h0(q) = 0. We obtain equation for the eigenfunction of a given state |0 as qh0(q)+ d dq h0(q) = 0. (36) Solution is h0(x) = Cexp − mω 2¯h x2 . C constant can be determined from the norm of eigenvector dx[h0(x)]2 = 1. Then C2 = mω π¯h . (37) 11 The final eigenfunction is h0(x) = 4 mω π¯h exp − mωx2 ¯h . (38) To determine the coordinate representation of eigenstate with nonzero n, we shall use the identity ˆa† |n =√ n+1|n+1 . Fro n = 1 we have q| ˆa† |0 = q 0 , then q 1 √ 2 ( ˆq−i ˆp) 1 = q 0 . We shall rewrite the left hand side 1 √ 2 q q 0 + 1 √ 2 d dq q 0 = q 1 , from which h1(q) = 1 √ 2 qh0(q)+ d dq h0(q) . (39) The eigenfunction hn(q) can be written in terms of recursion formula hn(q) = 1 √ 2 qhn−1(q)+ d dq hn−1(q) . (40) 16. System of harmonic oscillators Determine thermodynamic properties of the system of N distinguishable classical harmonic oscillators with frequency ω. Solution: The energy of a system of harmonic oscillators is E = N ∑ n=1 p2 n 2m + 1 2 mω2 q2 n . (41) We will calculate the statistical sum first, Z = 1 hN R2N dN q·dN p·exp − N ∑ n=1 p2 n 2mkBT + mω2q2 n 2kBT = 1 hN R2N dN p·dN q· N ∏ n=1 exp p2 n 2mkBT + mω2q2 n 2kBT = 1 hN N ∏ n=1 R dpn ·dqn ·exp p2 n 2mkBT + mω2q2 n 2kBT = 1 hN ∞ 0 dp·exp p2 2mkBT N   ∞ 0 dq exp mω2q2 2kBT   N = 1 hN 2mkBTπ · 2πkBT mω2 N = 2πkBT hω N = kBT ¯hω N . (42) Helmholtz free energy can be determined from F = −kBT ln(Z) = −kBT ln kBT ¯hω N = −NkBT ln kBT ¯hω . (43) The pressure and entropy are p = − ∂F ∂V T = 0, (44) 12 S = − ∂F ∂T V = NkB ln kBT ¯hω +1 . (45) Energy of the system is E = F +TS = NkBT. 17. Density distribution in an atmosphere Determine the density distribution in a gas column with a cross-section A in homogeneous gravitational field. Let us assume that the gas is composed from indistinguishable particles with mass m. Solution: We will start with calculation of the canonical partition function, which can be written as Z = 1 N!(2π¯h)3 R3N ×Ω d3N p·d3N q·exp −∑ n p2 n 2mkBT + mgq kBT , where Ω = {[x,y,z]; x ∈ [−L,L], y ∈ [−L,L], z ∈ [0,∞),L ∈ R+}. One-particle partition function is Z = 1 (2π¯h)3   R dp·exp − p2 2mkBT Ω dq·exp − mgq kBT  ; the first integral leads to Gaussian function, R dp·exp − p2 2mkBT = (2πmkBT)3. The second integral gives Ω dq·exp − mgq kBT = L −L dx L −L dy A ∞ 0 dz exp − mgz kBT kBT mg = A kBT mg . Consequently, Z = 1 (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 A kBT mg . (46) The probability of finding the particle in a phase space d3 p·d3 q is given by dwn = 1 Z d3 p·d3 q (2π¯h)3 exp − p2 2mkBT exp − mgq kBT = mg (2πmkBT) 3 2 AkBT exp − p2 2mkBT exp − mgq kBT d3 p·d3 q. Our aim is to obtain the probability density in real space q, therefore we shall integrate wn over the momentum space, p dwn = mg AkBT exp − mgq3 kBT P ·d3 q, where P denotes the probability density of finding the particle at the position q. The particle number density is n = Nmg AkBT exp − mgq3 kBT . (47) The mass density is ρ(z) = ρ(0)·exp − mgq3 kBT . (48) 13 18. Heat capacity of a gas I Let us study a gas composed of diatomic molecules. We shall calculate heat capacity per molecule. We shall account just vibrational motion of molecules with energy given by En = ¯hω n+ 1 2 . (49) Calculate the partition function, determine the Helmholtz free energy, and the heat capacity. Determine the approximate behaviour at low and high temperatures. Solution: The partition function is Z = ∞ ∑ n=0 exp − −En kBT = ∞ ∑ n=0 exp − ¯hω n+ 1 2 kBT = exp − ¯hω 2kBT ∞ ∑ n=0 exp − ¯hω kBT n . (50) Using the sum of a geometric sequence we derive Z = exp − ¯hω 2kBT 1−exp − ¯hω kBT = 2 2 exp ¯hω 2kBT −exp − ¯hω 2kBT = 1 2sinh ¯hω 2kBT . (51) From the partition function we determine the Helmholtz free energy F = −kBT ln(Z) = kBT ln 2sinh ¯hω 2kBT . We will estimate the energy first, E = F +TS = F −T ∂F ∂T V . After substitution and differentiation E = kBT ln 2sinh ¯hω 2kBT −kBT ln 2sinh ¯hω 2kBT + ¯hω 2 cotanh ¯hω 2kBT = ¯hω 2 cotanh ¯hω 2kBT . From this for the heat capacity follows cV = ∂E ∂T V = ¯hω 2T 2 1 kB sinh2 ¯hω 2kBT . (52) The limiting behaviour at low and high temperatures is • low-temperature approximation: we will approximate the sinh function using exponentials cV = ∂E ∂T V = ¯hω T 2 1 kB exp ¯hω 2kBT −exp − ¯hω 2kBT 2 . The first term dominates, therefore cV ≈ 1 kB ¯hω T 2 exp − ¯hω 2kBT . (53) • high-temperature approximation: We perform first-order Taylor expansion of sinh, from which cV ≈ ¯hω T 2 1 kB ¯hω kBT 2 = kB. (54) 14 19. Heat capacity of a gas II Let us study a gas composed from diatomic molecules. Calculate heat capacity per mole of a given gas. You may account just rotational movement of the molecules with energy given by Ej,m = ¯h2 j( j +1) 2I , (55) where I is molecular moment of inertia. The partition function cannot be calculated analytically, therefore express this quantity in the limit of high and low temperatures. Solution: The partition function can be written as Z = ∑ j gj exp − Ej kBT , (56) where gj is the degeneracy factor of a given energy level. After substitution (55) we derive Z = ∞ ∑ j=0 (2j +1)exp − ¯h2 j( j +1) 2IkBT . (57) The sum cannot be evaluated analytically, therefore we express the quantity in the limit of high and low temperatures.the degeneracy factor, • high-temperature limit: in this case ¯h2 2IkBT ≪ 1, therefore (57) is in fact left Riemann sum. Therefore, we can approximate ∞ ∑ j=0 (2j+1)exp − ¯h2 j( j +1) 2IkBT ≈ ∞ 0 d j(2j+1)exp − ¯h2 j( j +1) 2IkBT = ∞ 0 dz exp − ¯h2 z 2IkBT = 2IkBT ¯h2 . From this the Helmholtz free energy is F = −kBT ln 2IkBT ¯h2 , energy E = kBT, and heat capacity cV = kB. (58) • low-temperature limit: for low temperatures ¯h2 2IkBT ≫ 1; the exponential tends quickly to zero, and we can account just limited number of summands. Let us take just tow; in this case the partition function can be approximated as ∞ ∑ j=0 (2j +1)exp − ¯h2 j( j +1) 2IkBT ≈ 1+3exp − ¯h2 IkBT . We shall proceed as previously estimating the Helmholtz free energy, energy, and heat capacity. The energy is E = 3¯h2 I 1 3+exp ¯h2 IkBT , and heat capacity is cV = 3¯h4 kBT2I2 1 3exp − ¯h2 2kBTI +exp ¯h2 2kBTI 2 . (59) 15 20. Unit testing Show that pressure and energy density share the same unit. Solution: we shall proceed from definition [p] = [F] [S] = kg·m·s−2 m2 = kg·m−1 ·s−2 , [e] = [E] [V] = kg·m2 ·s−2· m3 = kg·m−1 ·s−2 . 21. Relativistic particles Calculate density of states of relativistic particles and find the limiting formulae for classical and ultrarelativistic particles. Solution: The density of states is given by ρ(E) = gV πd 1 2d Vol Sd−1 [k(E)]d−1 dE dk , (60) where g is the degeneracy factor, d is the dimension of space, and Vol Sd−1 surface area of d − 1 dimensional sphere. In our case d = 3. Dispersion relation E(k) is given by E = m2c4 + ¯h2 k2c2, from which k = √ E2 −m2c4 ¯hc . We substitute in 60) obtaining ρ(E) = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 1 c3 E E2 −m2c4. (61) • Classical limit: Energy is given by Ecl ≈ E −mc2 = m2c4 + ¯h2 k2c2 −mc2 = mc2 1+ ¯h2 k2 m2c2 −mc2 ≈ mc2 1+ 1 2 ¯h2 k2 m2c2 −mc2 = ¯h2 k2 2m . (62) • Ultra-relativistic limit – in this case E ≫ mc2 and we can neglect the second term in square root ρ(E) = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 1 c3 E2 . 22. Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution Show that it is possible to derive Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of velocities from the grand-canonical distribution. Solution: The number of bosons in energy interval (E,E +dE) is dN = ρ(E)dE exp E−µ kBT +1 . In a classical case exp − E − µ kBT ≪ 1, therefore we can neglect one in the denominator. After the substitution of ρ(E) we arrive at dN = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 √ 2m3E exp E − µ kBT dE. 16 The expression can be transformed into velocity space dE = ∂E ∂v dv = mvdv, using classical expression for kinetic energy E = 0.5·mv2 dw = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 √ 2m3 m 2 exp 0.5mv2 − µ kBT mv2 dv = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 m3 v2 exp − v2 2mkBT exp − µ kBT dv. The chemical potential can be derived from the equation for one particle 1 = N = gV (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 F3 2 µ kBT = gV (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 1 Γ 3 2 ∞ 0 dx x 1 2 exp x− µ kBT +1 . The exponential is significantly higher than one, therefore we can approximate ∞ 0 dxx 1 2 exp −x+ µ kBT ≈ exp µ kBT ∞ 0 dxx 1 2 exp(−x) = exp µ kBT Γ 3 2 . We substitute in the previous formula gV (2π¯h)3 exp µ kBT = (2πmkBT)− 3 2 . This gives dw = 4π m 2πkBT 3 2 v2 exp v2 2kBT dv. (63) 23. Derivation of the Planck’s law Show that the Planck’s law can be derived from grandcanonical distribution of particles with µ = 0. Solution: The number of bosons in energy interval is dN = ρ(E)dE exp E−µ kBT −1 . For photons µ = 0 holds and their energy is equal to E = hν. Transforming to frequencies, we derive the energy density EdN = 8πv2 c3 hν exp hν kBT −1 . (64) 24. Bosonic a Fermionic integral Prove that If(m) = ∞ 0 dx· xm−1 exp(x)+1 = 1−21−m ζ(m)·Γ(m), (65) and Ib(m) = ∞ 0 dx· xm−1 exp(x)−1 = ζ(m)·Γ(m), (66) where ζ(m) is the Riemann function ζ(m) = ∞ ∑ k=1 1 km . 17 Solution: We can manipulate If(m) to ∞ 0 dx xm−1 exp(x)+1 = ∞ 0 dxxm−1 exp(−x) 1 1+exp(−x) ; the fraction can be expanded as 1 1±x = 1∓x+x2 ∓..., (67) which gives ∞ 0 dxxm−1 exp(−x) 1 1+exp(−x) = ∞ 0 dxxm−1 exp(−x) ∞ ∑ k=0 (−1)k exp(−kx) = ∞ ∑ k=0 ∞ 0 dx(−1)k exp[−(1+k)]xm−1 . In sum we substitute k′ = k+1, take out terms that do not depend on variable x, and perform a substitution y = k′x ∞ ∑ k′=0 ∞ 0 dx(−1)k′ exp[−(1+k′ )]xm−1 = ∞ ∑ k′=1 ∞ 0 dx(−1)k′ −1 exp(−xk′ )xm−1 = ∞ ∑ k′=1 (−1)k−1 k′m ∞ 0 dy exp(−y)ym−1 . Because the integral does not depend on k′, the sum can be evaluated separately. We can separate positive and negative contributions to the sum, which gives ∞ ∑ k′=1 (−1)k−1 (k′)m = ∞ ∑ l=1 1 (2l −1)m − ∞ ∑ l=1 1 (2l)m . This can be manipulated in the following way ∞ ∑ l=1 1 (2l −1)m − ∞ ∑ l=1 1 (2l)m = 1 1m + 1 3m + 1 5m +···+ 1 (2l −1)m +...− 1 2m − 1 4m − 1 6m −...− 1 (2l)m −··· = 1 1m + 1 2m + 1 3m + 1 4m +···+ 1 km −2 1 2m + 1 4m +···+ 1 (2l)m +... = ∞ ∑ k=1 1 km −2 ∞ ∑ l=1 1 (2l)m = ∞ ∑ k=1 1 km −21−m ∞ ∑ l=1 1 lm = 1−21−m ∑ k=1 1 km . (68) The function is then ∞ ∑ k′=1 (−1)k−1 k′m ∞ 0 dy exp(−y)ym−1 = 1−21−m ∑ k=1 1 km ∞ 0 dy exp(−y)ym−1 = (1−21−m )ζ(m)Γ(m). (69) The equality can be proven analogously – we expand according to (67) Ib(m) = ∞ 0 dx· xm−1 exp(x)−1 = ∞ ∑ k=0 ∞ 0 dxxm−1 exp[−x(1+k)] = ∞ ∑ k=1 ∞ 0 dxxm−1 exp(−xk) = ∞ ∑ k=1 1 km ∞ 0 dyym−1 exp(−y) = ζ(m)Γ(m). (70) 18 25. Properties of functions We shall define Bn(y) = 1 Γ(n) ∞ 0 dx xn−1 exp(x−y)−1 , (71) and Fn(y) = 1 Γ(n) ∞ 0 dx xn−1 exp(x−y)+1 . (72) Prove that dBn+1(y) dy = Bn(y), and dFn+1(y) dy = Fn(y). Solution: We will start with dBn+1(y) dy = d dy   1 Γ(n+1) ∞ 0 dx xn exp(x−y)−1   = 1 Γ(n+1) ∞ 0 dxxn d dy 1 exp(x−y)−1 . Because the following identity holds d dy 1 exp(x−y)−1 = − d dx 1 exp(x−y)−1 , we can substitute into the integral and integrate by parts − 1 Γ(n+1) ∞ 0 dxxn d dx 1 exp(x−y)−1 = 1 Γ(n+1)    − xn exp(x−y)−1 ∞ 0 0 + ∞ 0 dx n·xn−1 exp(x−y)−1    . Using Γ(n+1) = nΓ(n) we derive dBn+1(y) dy d dy = 1 Γ(n) ∞ 0 dx xn−1 exp(x−y)−1 = Bn(y). (73) The fermionic relations can be proven analogously. 26. Bose–Einstein condensate in 2D? Prove that in there is no Bose–Einstein condensate in d = 2. Solution: We shall estimate the density of states in 2d: ρ(E) = 2πgSm (2π¯h)2 . Landau potential is Ω = − ∞ 0 dE   ∞ 0 dE′ ρ(E′ )   1 exp E−µ kBT −1 , where ∞ 0 dE′ ρ(E′ ) = 2πgSmE (2π¯h)2 . 19 The potential Ω is equal to Ω = 2πgSm (2π¯h)2 ∞ 0 dE E exp E−µ kBT −1 . Number of particles is in the 2D case equal to (taking into account µ → 0) N = ∞ 0 dE ρ(E) exp E−µ kBT −1 = 2πgmS (2π¯h)2 kBT ∞ 0 dx 1 exp(x)−1 = . 2πgmS (2π¯h)2 kBTζ(1)Γ(1). Because ζ(1) → ∞, any number of particles can appear in the state with E = 0, and there is no BoseEinstein condensate. 27. Electron-positron gas At temperatures kBT ≈ mec2 electron-positron pairs are created. Determine equilibrium number of e− and e+. Solution: We shall start with. ∑ i γiµi = 0. (74) From the equation that describes the reaction follows that the number of electrons and positrons is the same, therefore µ− + µ+ = 0 = 2µ, that is, the chemical potential is equal zero. For ultra-relativistic fermions dNE = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 1 c3 E2dE exp E−µ kBT +1 , therefore the number of particles is NE = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 1 c3 dE E2 exp E−µ kBT +1 = 4πgV (2π¯h)3 (kBT)3 c3 Γ(3)F3 µ kBT . For the case µ = 0 we derive F3 µ kBT = 1−2−2 ζ(3) = 3 4 ·ζ(3). Number of particles is N+ = N− = 3πgV 4(π¯h)3 (kBT)3 c3 ζ(3). For g = 2 in particular N+ = N− = 3V 2π2 kBT ¯hc 3 ζ(3). (75) 28. Number of particles of bosonic gas From the Landau potential of nonrelativistic bosonic gas Ω = −kBT gV (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 B5 2 µ kBT , (76) determine number of particles N. Solution: The number of particles is given by N = − ∂Ω ∂µ T,V , 20 substituting from (76) we obtain N = −kBT gV (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 ∂ ∂µ B5 2 µ kBT . From the previous problem can use the identity dBn+1(y) dy = Bn(y), from which dBn+1 µ kBT dµ = 1 kBT Bn µ kBT . The number of particles is then N = gV (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 B3 2 µ kBT . (77) 29. Adiabatic process equation for photon gas Determine the adiabatic process equation for photon gas in terms of p and V. Solution: Helmholtz free energy of photon gas is F = − 4 3c σT4 V, the following relations hold ∂F ∂V T = −p, ∂F ∂T V = −S. From these equations the entropy is S = 16 3 σT3 V, and the temperature is T = 4 3cp 4σ , after the substitution S = 4 5 4 3 1 4 c 3 4 p 3 4 σ 1 4 V = const.. After using more suitable constant, we derive p 3 4 V = const., what can be manipulated into the form pV 4 3 = const. (78) 30. Fermi gas degeneration Rewrite the degeneracy condition of Fermi gas kBT ≪ εF in terms of wavelength of the de Broglie wave corresponding to the thermal motion and Fermi wavelength. Solution: We substitute into the formula for λT λT = 2π¯h2 mkBT ≫ 2π¯h2 mεF . The Fermi wavelength is λF = 2π¯h pF = 2π¯h √ 2mε = 4π2 ¯h 2mε , The inequality can be rewritten as λT = 2π¯h2 mkBT ≫ 2π¯h2 mεF ≈ λF. From this follows λT ≫ λF. (79) 21 31. Heat capacity III Determine the heat capacity cV of fermionic gas and prove the validity of classical limit for cV /N. Solution: The energy of classical fermionic gas is E = 3 2 gV λ3 T kBTF5 2 µ kBT , (80) and number of particles is N = gV λ3 T F3 2 µ kBT , (81) where λT = 2π¯h2 mkBT . (82) From this the energy could be written as E = 3 2 NkBT F5 2 µ kBT F3 2 µ kBT . We denote Fn µ kBT = Fn. Heat capacity is cV = ∂E ∂T N,V = 3 2 NkB F5 2 F3 2 + 3 2 NkBT ∂F5 2 ∂T F3 2 −F5 2 ∂F3 2 ∂T F3 2 2 , where the differentiation of Fn with respect to T is ∂Fn ∂T V,N = ∂ ∂T µ kBT F′ n = ∂µ ∂T V,N 1 kBT − µ kBT2 Fn−1. Substituting into the formula for cV cV = 3 2 NkB F5 2 F3 2 + 3 2 N ∂µ ∂T V,N − µ T   1− F5 2 F1 2 F3 2 2   . The number of particles does not depend on temperature, ∂N ∂T V,N = 3 2 F3 2 + 1 kB ∂µ ∂T V,N − µ kBT F1 2 = 0. From this the temperature derivative of chemical potential is ∂µ ∂T V,N = µ T − 3 2 kB F3 2 F1 2 . (83) After substitution cV = 3 2 N   1− F5 2 F1 2 F3 2 2    − 3 2 kB F3 2 F1 2 + 3 2 NkB F5 2 F3 2 = 3 2 NkB    F5 2 F3 2 − 3 2 N F3 2 F1 2   1− F5 2 F1 2 F3 2 2       . 22 In a classical case we can approximate Fn by Fn ≈ exp µ kBT , (84) then all ratios of F functions are equal to one and we derive the classical limit cV ≈ 3 2 NkB. (85) Another approach: We shall calculate cV,N first. In cV,µ = T ∂S ∂T V,µ , we express entropy as S = S(N(µ,V,T),V,T), therefore T ∂S ∂T V,µ = T ∂S(N(µ,V,T),V,T) ∂T V,µ = T ∂S ∂N V,µ ∂N ∂T V,µ +T ∂S ∂T V,N . We shall use Maxwell’s relation that follows from the Helmholtz free energy dF = −SdT − pdV + µdN, from which ∂S ∂N V,T = − ∂µ ∂T N,V . Because the number of particles is constant dN = ∂N ∂µ T,V + ∂N ∂T µ,V = 0, we derive ∂µ ∂T N,V = − ∂µ ∂N T,V ∂N ∂T µ,V . We substitute partial derivatives into cV,µ cV,µ = T ∂N ∂µ −1 T,V ∂N ∂T 2 µ,V +T ∂S ∂T V,N cV,N . This gives for the heat capacity cV,N = cV,µ −T ∂N ∂T 2 µ,V ∂N ∂ µ T,V . (86) Now we can substitute results from the statistical physics for fermionic gas. Landau potential is Ω = − gV λ3 T kBTF5 2 µ kBT . (87) The entropy is from (87) S = − ∂Ω ∂T V,µ = −gVkB λ3 T 5 2 F5 2 − µ kBT F3 2 . From this the heat capacity cV,µ is cV,µ = T ∂S ∂T V,µ = − gVkB λ3 T 15 4 F5 2 −3 µ kBT F3 2 + µ2 k2 BT2 F1 2 . 23 We calculate derivative from (81) ∂N ∂T V,µ = gV λ3 T 3 2T F3 2 − µ kBT2 F1 2 . Finally, ∂N ∂µ V,T = gV λ3 T 1 kBT F1 2 . We substitute this into (86) cV,N = gVkB λ3 T   15 4 F5 2 −3 µ kBT F3 2 + µ2 k2 BT2 F1 2 −T2   9 4T2 F2 3 2 F1 2 − 3µ kBT3 F3 2 + µ2 k2 BT4 F1 2    . We divide by kBN and substitute (81) cV,N kBN = 15 4 F5 2 F3 2 −3 µ kBT + µ2 k2 BT2 F1 2 F3 2 − 9 4 F3 2 F1 2 + 3µ kbT − µ2 k2 BT2 F1 2 F3 2 . In a classical case one can approximate Fn by (84), therefore cV,N kBN = 15 4 −3 µ kBT + µ2 k2 BT2 − 9 4 +3 µ kBT − µ2 k2 BT2 . All terms except 3/2 cancel out and we finally arrive at cV,N kBN = 3 2 , (88) what is the same result as in previous case. 32. Classical limit Prove the validity of the classical limit E = 3 2 NkBT, Solution: We use (80) and (81) once again. We approximate Fn as (84). Then the energy is E = 3 2 gV λ3 T kBTF5 2 µ kBT ≈ 3 2 gV λ3 T kBTF5 2 exp µ kBT , and analogously for the number of particles N ≈ gV λ3 T exp µ kBT . This gives for E ·N/N, E = 3 2 kBTN. (89) 33. Relativistic fully degenerate fermionic gas Calculate: (a) density of states, (b) Fermi energy, Fermi momentum, (c) number of particles, (d) energy, (e) Landau potential, (f) equation of state 24 for relativistic (in case 33f ultra-relativistic) fully degenerated fermionic gas. Evaluate number of particles, energy, and the Landau potential in terms of Fermi energy. Solution: The assumption of fully degenerated fermionic gas means for temperature T → 0. In this case lim T→0+ 1 exp E−µ kBT +1 =    1 E < µ 1 2 E = µ 0 E > µ. (a) Density of states can be derived from n(p)dp = V (2π¯h)3 gdp, in this case n(p)dp = V π2 ¯h3 p2 dp. (b) Because fully degenerated fermionic gas populates levels up to state with Fermi energy or momentum pF, we obtain after integration of density of states N = V π2¯h3 p3 F 3 . From this the Fermi momentum follows as pF = (3π2 ) 1 3 N V 1 3 ¯h. The Fermi energy is εF = p2 Fc2 +m2 0c4. (c) We will express the density of states in terms of energy, n(ε)dε = V π2¯h3 √ ε2 −m2c4 c3 εdε. After substitution ε → mc2t we obtain n(t)dt = V mc2 3 π2¯h3 c3 t2 −1tdt. The number of particles can be obtained by integration with respect to t from 1 to εF/mc2 (which corresponds to from mc2 to εF before substitution) and by multiplying by the above term, N = V mc2 3 π2¯h3 c3 εF mc2 1 dtt t2 −1, what gives N = V 3π2¯h3 c3 ε2 F −m2 c4 3 2 . (d) The energy is given by U = ∞ mc2 dN E = V π2¯h3 εF mc2 dε ε2 √ ε2 −m2c4 c3 = V mc2 4 π2 ¯h3 c3 εF mc2 1 dt t2 −1 1 2 t2 . 25 The integral can be evaluated using substitution t = cosh(x), which, after some manipulation gives V mc2 4 π2¯h3 c3 εF mc2 1 dt t2 −1 1 2 t2 = V mc2 4 8π2¯h3 c3 t 2t2 −1 t2 −1−ln t + t2 −1 t= εF mc2 t=1 . The result can be cast in the form of U = V mc2 4 8π2 ¯h3 c3   εF mc2 2 ε2 F (mc2)2 −1 ε2 F (mc2)2 −1−ln   εF mc2 + ε2 F (mc2)2 −1    . (e) We can proceed analogously as in previous case to determine the Landau potential Ω. We will evaluate Ω = − V mc2 4 3π2¯h3 c3 εF mc2 1 dt t2 −1 3 2 . We integrate as in previous problem obtaining Ω = − V mc2 4 8π2¯h3 c3   εF mc2 2 3 ε2 F (mc2)2 −1 ε2 F (mc2)2 −1+ln   εF mc2 + ε2 F (mc2)2 −1    . (f) We shall rewrite the formulae obtained above in the case of ultra-relativistic gas. Number of particles is N = V mc2 3 3π2¯h3 εF mc2 3 , Landau potential is Ω = − V mc2 4 12π2 ¯h3 εF mc2 4 , and energy U = V mc2 4 4π2¯h3 εF mc2 4 . From the identity Ω = −PV follows P = mc2 4 12π2 ¯h3 εF mc2 4 , or, in terms of number of particles, P = 3 1 3 4 N V 4 3 π 2 3 ¯h. This gives P ∝ ρ 4 3 . 34. Fluctuations Determine fluctuation of number of particles in the case of grandcanonical distribution ∆N2 = N2 − N 2 . Evaluate in the case of nonrelativistic bosonic and fermionic gas. Solution: We shall start manipulating the formula for N N = ∑ n,N Nwn,N = ∑ n,N N exp − En,N−µN kBT Ξ 26 Now we differentiate the exponential with respect to the chemical potential ∂ exp − En,N−µN kBT ∂µ = N kBT exp − En,N − µN kBT . Then ∑ n,N N exp − En,N−µN kBT Ξ = kBT Ξ ∑ n,N ∂ ∂µ exp − En,N − µN kBT , the differentiation can be taken out of the sum, kBT Ξ ∂ ∂µ ∑ n,N exp − En,N − µN kBT = kBT Ξ ∂Ξ ∂µ . We proceed analogously to evaluate N2 N2 = ∑ n,N N2 wn,N = ∑ n,N N2 exp − En,N−µN kBT Ξ . Then ∑ n,N N2 exp − En,N−µN kBT Ξ = kBT Ξ ∑ n,N N ∂ ∂µ exp − En,N − µN kBT , the differentiation can be taken out of the sum and we can expand Ξ kBT Ξ ∂ ∂µ ∑ n,N N exp − En,N − µN kBT Ξ Ξ = kBT Ξ ∂ ∂µ ( N Ξ) = kBT Ξ ∂ N ∂µ Ξ+ kBT Ξ N ∂Ξ ∂µ . Because we have already determined N , we can rewrite kBT ∂ N ∂µ + kBT Ξ N ∂Ξ ∂µ = kBT ∂ N ∂µ + N 2 . From this follows N2 − N 2 = kBT ∂ N ∂µ . We apply this to the case of bosonic gas; the number of particles is N = gV λ3 T B3 2 µ kBT , then (∆N)2 = gV λ3 T B1 2 µ kBT . This can be written as (∆N)2 N2 = 1 N B1 2 µ kBT B3 2 µ kBT . A similar equation can be written also for fermionic gas except the fact that we shall replace B by F. Therefore, the resulting formula is (∆N)2 N2 = 1 N F1 2 µ kBT F3 2 µ kBT . 27 35. Virial theorem Derive the virial theorem from the classical mechanics. Solution: The virial theorem can be derived for the movement of particles in central force field. Let us study G = ∑ i pi ·ri, where we sum over all particles of the system. Total derivative is dG dt = ∑ i ˙ri ·pi +∑ i ˙pi ·ri. (90) We can manipulate the first term on the right hand side in the following way ∑ i ˙ri ·pi = ∑ i mi˙ri · ˙ri = ∑ i miv2 i = 2T. The second term can be rewritten as ∑ i ˙pi ·ri = ∑ i Fi ·ri. Equation (90) then takes the form of d dt ∑ i p·ri = 2T +∑ i Fi ·ri. (91) Taking the mean value by integrating from to τ and divide by τ 1 τ τ 0 dt dG dT ≡ d G dt = 2 T + ∑ i Fi ·ri . Left hand side can be rewritten as 1 τ [G(τ)−G(0)] = 2 T + ∑ i Fi ·ri . (92) Left hand side tends to zero for periodic motion or for spatially confined system (in this case also G is bounded from above), therefore for large τ we obtain T = − 1 2 ∑ i Fi ·ri . (93) We can rewrite the right hand term. The force acting on a given particle is given by the mutual interaction of particles and by pressure, − 1 2 ∑ i Fi ·ri = − 1 2 − ∑ i ri ·∇Π −P S dA n·r . The diversion: Euler’s homogeneous function theorem A function f of N variable is homogeneous of degree k if f (tx1,tx2,··· ,txN) = tk f (x1,x2,··· ,xN). The Euler’s theorem states that the sum of product of the partial derivatives of homogeneous function and the variables is equal to the given function multiplied by the degree, N ∑ n=1 xn ∂ f (x1,x2,··· ,xN) ∂xn = k f (x1,x2,··· ,xN). (94) 28 End of the diversion. Let us assume that the potential energy Π is a homogeneous function of coordinates of degree n. In this case − 1 2 − ∑ i ri ·∇Π −P S dA n·r = 1 2 (n Π −3PV). We substitute this to the right hand side of (93), what gives the virial theorem in the form of 2 T −n Π −3PV = 0. (95) 36. Application of the virial theorem Determine the equation of state using the virial theorem. Solution: The mean kinetic energy is from the equipartition theorem equal to T = 3 2 kBT. We shall evaluate the right hand side term of (93). From the definition of the perfect gas follows that the mutual interaction of particle is rare in comparison with interaction with walls of the vessel. This is why we can replace summation with integral over the gas surface. The differential of the force is dFi = −PndA, or 1 2 ∑ i Fi ·ri = − P 2 dAn·r, where P is a pressure due to the particle flux, n is vector of the normal and dA is surface element. This can be rewritten using the divergence theorem as dAn·r = dV ∇·r = 3V. We substitute the expression for kinetic energy and potential into (93) 3 2 NkBT = 3 2 PV, (96) from which follows NkBT = PV, (97) This is the state equation. The same result can be derived from (95). 37. Application of the virial theorem II Studied system contains N weakly interacting particle and its temperature is high enough to use classical mechanics. Each particle has mass of m and oscillates around the equilibrium position. Determine the heat capacity for the following cases: (a) The return force is proportional to deviation x from the equilibrium position. (b) The return force is proportional to x3. Calculate without evaluating the corresponding integrals. Solution: We will use (95) without surface forces, that is with P = 0. (a) Because the force is proportional to r, the potential is proportional to Π ∝ r2. Consequently, the potential is a homogeneous function of second order. Therefore, the virial theorem is 2 T −2 Π = 0, and T = Π . 29 We insert this result into the law of conservation of energy U = T + Π U = 2 T = 3NkBT, from which U = 3NkBT. (b) In this case Π ∝ r4, therefore 2 T −4 Π = 0, from which U = 9 4 NkBT. 38. Lattice vibrations Determine the heat capacity due to the lattice vibrations for (a) Debye model, (b) Einstein model of the lattice. Solution: The energy of vibrations is u = 1 V ∑i Ei exp(−βEi) ∑i exp(−βEi) . (98) Let us assume harmonic lattice composed of N ions, which can be regarded as a system of 3N oscillators. The contribution of ordinary mode with frequency ωs(k) to the energy is quantized, En = nks + 1 2 ¯hωs(k), (99) where nks ∈ 0,1,2,···. The total energy is given by a sum of energies of individual modes, E = ∑ ks nks + 1 2 ¯hωs(k). Let us define f f = 1 V ln ∑ i exp(−βEi) . We can easily prove that u = − ∂ f ∂β . Substituting for En, we obtain f = 1 V ln ∑ nks exp −β ∑ ks ¯hωs(k) nks + 1 2 = 1 V ln ∏ ks ∑ nks exp −β ¯hωs(k) nks + 1 2 = 1 V ln   ∏ ks exp −β ¯hωs(k) 2 1−exp[−β ¯hωs(k)]    = 1 V ∑ ks − β ¯hωs(k) 2 −ln[1−exp(−β ¯hωs(k))] . The energy is given by the expression above u = − 1 V ∑ ks − ¯hωs(k) 2 − ¯hωs(k)exp(−β ¯hωs(k)) 1−exp(−β ¯hωs(k)) = 1 V ∑ ks ¯hωs(k) 1 2 + 1 exp(β ¯hωs(k))−1 . This can be rewritten as u = 1 V ∑ ks ¯hωs(k) nks + 1 2 , (100) 30 where nks = 1 exp(β ¯hωs(k))−1 . From the comparison with (99) follows that nks excitational number of ordinary mode ks at temperature T. The classical energy of lattice is u = ueq + 1 V ∑ ks 1 2 ¯hωs(k)+ 1 V ∑ ks ¯hωs(k) exp(β ¯hωs(k))−1 . The specific heat capacity is then cV = 1 V ∑ ks ∂ ∂T ¯hωs(k) exp(β ¯hωs(k))−1 . (101) (a) Within Debye model we assume ωs(k) = cs(k0 )k. Sum in (101) can be replaced by integral (across the first Brillouin zone) cV = ∂ ∂T ∑ s dk (2π)3 ¯hωs(k) exp(β ¯hωs(k))−1 . This integral can be replaced by an integral across the sphere with radius kD chosen in such a way that it contains exactly N allowed vectors, where N is the number of ions in the lattice. Volume of k-space corresponding to one wavevector is (2π)3/V, what requires volume of k-space to fill the volume (2π)3N/V to fill 4πk3 D/3, so kD is n = k3 D 6π2 . We substitute cV = ∑ s ∂ ∂T dk (2π)3 ¯hcsk exp(β ¯hcsk)−1 = ∑ s ∂ ∂T 2π 0 dΩ kD 0 dk (2π)3 ¯hcsk3 exp(β ¯hcsk)−1 and perform a substitution x = ¯hcsk kBT , obtaining ∑ s ∂ ∂T 2π 0 dΩ kD 0 dk (2π)3 ¯hcsk3 exp(β ¯hcsk)−1 = 1 8π3 kBT ¯h 3 ∑ s dΩ 1 c3 s (Ω) ¯hcskD kBT 0 dx x4 exp(x) (exp(x)−1)2 . We denote 1 c3 = 1 4π ∑ s dΩ 1 c3 s (102) and for kD holds ωD = kDc, for Debye temperature ΘD kBΘD = ¯hωD = ¯hckD. After substitution, cv = 9nkB T ΘD 3 ΘD T 0 dx x4 exp(x) (exp(x)−1)2 . (103) 31 The derived equation depends just on ΘD. Debye temperature can be derived using low-temperature limit. At low temperatures, the heat capacity is cV = 2π2 5 kB kBT ¯hc 3 , where we substitute equation for Debye temperature, kBΘD = ¯hckD = ¯hc 3 √ 6π2n, after the substitution of ¯hc/kB cv = 12π4 5 nkB T ΘD 3 . (b) Einstein model is more suitable for optical branch and assumes that ωs(k) = ωE. The heat capacity can be derived from (101), where we substitute the dispersion relation cV = ∂ ∂β 1 V ¯hωEN 1 exp ¯hωE kBT −1 = nkB ¯hωE kBT 2 exp ¯hωE kBT exp ¯hωE kBT −1 2 . 39. Free particle I Determine the mean coordinate in the case of 1D movement of free particle confined in the region x ∈ [0,L], the density matrix operator is ρ(x,x′ ,β) = 1 L exp − π(x−x′)2 λ2 T . (104) Solution: The mean value can be determined from ˆx = Tr( ˆρ ˆx). The trace is Tr( ˆρ ˆx) = L 0 dx′ x′ | ˆρ ˆx|x′ = L 0 dx′ ∞ −∞ dx x′ | ˆρ|x x|ˆx|x′ , The first matrix element correspond to the density matrix, and the second element is x|ˆx|x′ = x x x′ = xδ(x−x′ ). We obtain ˆx = L 0 dx′ ∞ −∞ dx 1 L exp − π(x−x′)2 λ2 T xδ(x−x′ ) = 1 L L 0 dx′ x′ = L 2 . 40. Free particle II Determine matrix elements of the density operator of free particle in the momentum representation. Solution: Density operator is ˆρ = exp −β ˆH Tr −β ˆH . (105) We shall start with the partition function. Free particle Hamiltonian is ˆH = ˆp2/(2m): Z(T,V,1) = Trexp −β ˆH = ∑ p φp exp −β ˆH φp = ∑ p exp − βp2 2m . 32 We can approximate the sum by an integral Z(T,V,1) = V (2π¯h)3 dpexp − βp2 2m = V (2π)3 2mπ β ¯h2 3 2 = V λ3 . From this the matrix elements of the density operator are φp′ | ˆρ|φp = λ3 V exp −βp2 2m δpp′ . 41. Free particle III Determine the mean value of the Hamiltonian of a free particle using a direct calculation in the momentum representation from ˆH = Tr ˆρ ˆH . (106) Solution: We will write the trace as Tr ˆρ ˆH = ∑ p p ˆρ ˆH p = ∑ p,p′ p| ˆρ|p′ p ˆH p = ∑ p,p′ λ3 V exp −βp2 2m δpp′ p2 2m δpp′ . We approximate the summation by an integral and rewrite the integral in the spherical coordinates 1 2m λ3 V V (2π¯h)3 dpp2 exp −βp2 2m = 1 2m λ3 2¯h2 (2π)2 ∞ 0 dkk4 exp −β p2 2m . After the substitution we have ˆH = ¯h2 λ3 m 1 (2π)2 1 2 2m β ¯h2 5 2 ∞ 0 dxx 3 2 exp(−x). From this follows ˆH = 3 2 kBT. 42. Free particle IV Calculate the mean value of the Hamiltonian of a free particle from the partition function (in a framework of quantum physics) Z = V λ3 T . (107) Solution: The mean value of the Hamiltonian is H = Tr exp −β ˆH ˆH Tr exp −β ˆH = − ∂ ∂β ln Tr exp −β ˆH = − ∂ ∂β ln(Z), now we can substitute − ∂ ∂β ln(Z) = 3 ∂ ∂β λT = 3 1 2 ∂ ∂β (lnβ) = 3 2 1 β = 3 2 kBT. 43. Two fermions Calculate the matrix elements of density operator and the partition function for two noninteracting fermi- ons. Solution: The wave function should be antisymmetric with respect to interchange of particles, therefore |p1, p2 = 1 √ 2 (|p1, p2 −|p2, p1 ). 33 The matrix elements of density operator are according to (105) p′ 1, p′ 2 ˆρ |p1, p2 = 1 2Z p′ 1, p′ 2 − p′ 2, p′ 1 exp − ˆp2 1 + ˆp2 2 2mkBT (|p1, p2 −|p2, p1 ) = 1 2Z exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT p′ 1, p′ 2 p1, p2 − p′ 1, p′ 2 p2, p1 − p′ 2, p′ 1 p1, p2 + p′ 2, p′ 1 p2, p1 1 2Z exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT δ p′ 1 −p1 δ p′ 2 −p2 −δ p′ 1 −p2 δ p′ 2 −p1 − δ p′ 2 −p1 δ p′ 1 −p2 +δ p′ 2 −p2 δ p′ 1 −p1 = 1 Z exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT δ p′ 1 −p1 δ p′ 2 −p2 −δ p′ 1 −p2 δ p′ 2 −p1 . The partition function is Z = Tr exp −β ˆH = 1 2 ∑ p1,p2 ( p1, p2|− p2, p1|)exp − ˆp2 1 + ˆp2 2 2mkBT (|p1, p2 −|p2, p1 ) = 1 2 ∑ p1,p2 exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT (2−2 p1, p2| p2, p1 ) = 1 2 ∑ p1,p2 exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT [2−2δ (p1 −p2)] = 1 2 ∑ p1,p2 exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT − 1 2 ∑ p exp − p2 2mkBT Approximating the sum by the integral 1 2 V2 (2π¯h)6 dp1dp2 exp − p2 1 +p2 2 2mkBT − 1 2 V (2π¯h)3 dp exp − p 2mkBT = 1 2 V2 (2π¯h)6 (2πmkBT)3 − 1 2 V (2π¯h)3 (2πmkBT) 3 2 . (108) This can be rewritten as λ = 2π¯h2 mkBT , and finally Z = 1 2 V2 λ6 1− 1 2 3 2 λ3 V . 44. White dwarf We will study a star made of electron degenerate gas. (a) Denoting the number of nucleons N estimate the number of electrons (assume 12C a 16O composi- tion). (b) Determine energy per electron assuming i. relativistic gas, ii. nonrelativistic gas. (c) Determine energy per nucleon. (d) Find the minimum energy as a function of radius and show that in ultra-relativistic case the minimum appears for R → 0. (e) Determine the limiting mass for ultra-relativistic case for zero total energy. Solution: (a) Carbon contains six electrons a twelve nucleons. Oxygen has eight electrons and sixteen nucleons. Consequently, the number of electrons is half the number of nucleons in both cases. 34 (b) In the case of nonrelativistic gas we obtain (see problem 33) E = p5 F 10meπ2¯h3 , N = V p3 F 3π2¯h3 . Dividing these results E N = 3 10me N V 3π2 ¯h3 , we substitute volume of a sphere E N = 3 10me 9 4 π¯h3 2 3 N 2 3 e R2 . For ultra-relativistic case E = V mc2 4 4π2¯h3 εF mc2 4 . N = V mc2 3 3π2¯h3 εF mc2 3 . Energy per particle can be derived in a similar way as in previous case E N = 3 4 mec2 = 3 4 mec2 Ne V 3π2 ¯h3 (mec2)3 1 3 = 3 4 mec2 9 4 π 1 3 ¯h mec2 N 1 3 e R . (c) Gravitational potential energy is EG = − Gm2 R . Mass is m = Nu, then EG N = − GNu2 R . (d) The total energy is given by a sum of kinetic and potential energy. E Ne = Ek Ne + EG Ne = 3 10me 9 4 π¯h3 2 3 N 2 3 e R2 − 4GNeu2 R . The necessary condition of extreme is dE dR = 0 = 3 5me 9 4 π¯h3 2 3 N 2 3 e R3 − 4GNeu2 R2 , which gives R = 3¯h2 20meGu2 9 4 π 2 3 N − 1 3 e , from which follows R ∼ N− 1 3 . The energy in extremely relativistic case is E Ne = Ek Ne + EG Ne = 3 4 mec2 = 3 4 mec2 Ne V 3π2 ¯h3 (mec2)3 1 3 − 4GNeu2 R . From this follows that the derivative with respect to radius is proportional to R−2 and minimum energy appears for R → 0, when E → −∞. 35 (e) For Ne > NCr and E = 0 we obtain from the formula above Ncr = 3hc 16G 3 2 3 2 √ π 1 u3 , and the critical mass is mcr = 2Ncru = 3hc 16G 3 2 3 √ π u2 . 45. Equation for the chemical potential Determine the equation for the chemical potential for a matter in spherically symmetric gravitational field. Assume that µ +kuϕ = µ′ +mc2 +kuϕ = konst., where k is number of nucleons per electrons and u is the nucleon mass. Explain the equation. You can neglect the pressure of nondegenerate matter and electron mass. Solution: From the instructions follows that ϕ = konst. ku − µ ku , or ϕ = konst. ku − µ′ ku − mc2 ku . For spherically symmetric case 1 r2 ∂ ∂r r2 ∂ϕ ∂r = 4πGρ. We substitute ϕ from previous equation. Only the chemical potential depends on radius. After substitution and some manipulation we arrive at 1 r2 ∂ ∂r r2 ∂µ ∂r = −4πGk2 u2 n. We can obtain the same equation after substitution of equation with µ′. 46. Equation for chemical potential in integral form Integrate the equation for chemical potential assuming dµ dr r=0 = 0, where R is radius of a star. Express the result using total mass of the star. Solution: We shall start with the equation from the previous problem multiplied by r2 ∂ ∂r r2 ∂µ ∂r = −4πGk2 u2 nr2 . After integration R 0 dr ∂ ∂r r2 ∂µ ∂r = − R 0 dr4πGk2 u2 nr2 . The left hand side contains total differentiation and we obtain R 0 dr ∂ ∂r r2 ∂µ ∂r = r2 ∂µ ∂r r=R −r2 ∂µ ∂r r=0 = r2 ∂µ ∂r r=R . Right hand side gives − R 0 dr4πGk2 u2 nr2 = −4πGku R 0 drkunr2 = −4πGkunM. 36 We obtain r2 ∂µ ∂r r=R = −4πGkunM. 47. Nondimensional form of equation for chemical potential Rewrite the equation for chemical potential in nondimensional variables ξ = r R , µ(r) = 1 √ λR f(ξ), where λ = 4 3 k2 π 6u2 (¯hc)3 , and determine the boundary conditions. Solution: Number density is n = µ3 (¯hc)33π2 , after the substitution 1 r2 ∂ ∂r r2 ∂µ ∂r = − 4πGk2u2µ3 (¯hc)33π3 = −λµ3 , and some manipulation gives 1 ξ2 ∂ ∂ξ ξ2 ∂ f ∂ξ = − f3 . 48. Equation of continuity Derive equation of continuity from the Boltzmann transport equation. Assume that the force is independent of momentum. Solution: Boltzmann transport equation is ∂ f ∂t +v·∇r f + F m ·∇p f = ∂ f ∂t coll. Integrating over momentum m Γ dp ∂ f ∂t +m Γ dpv·∇r f + Γ dpF·∇p f = m ∂ ∂t Γ dp f +m∇r · Γ dpvf +mF Γ dp∇p f. We use Stokes theorem to manipulate the third term Γ dp∇p f = ∂Γ dSp f = 0, assuming that f tends to zero faster than p2. From f(r,t) = m·n(r,t) = m Γ dp f(r,p,t) (2π¯h)3 . Mean velocity is u(r,t) = v = Γ dpvf Γ dp f = Γ dpvf (2π¯h)3mn(r,t) . After the substitution we derive m ∂n ∂t +m∇r ·(nu) = 0. Equivalently, ∂ρ ∂t +∇r ·(ρu) = 0. 37 49. Thermal transpiration Determine the heat flux from the Boltzmann transport equation due to temperature gradient α = − dT dy , T = T0 −αy. (109) Solution: The hydrostatic equilibrium holds due to the subsonic motion p = n0kBT0 = nkB(T0 −αy), from which n = n0 T0 T0 −αy . In the Boltzmann transport equation ∂ f ∂t +v·∇r f + F m ·∇p f = ∂ f ∂t coll. , we shall assume the stationary state. We further assume F = 0 and ∂ f ∂t coll. = − f − f0 τ , where f0 is equilibrium distribution function, which is assumed to take the form of f0 = n 2π¯h2 mkBT 3 2 exp − p2 2mkBT = n0 2π¯h2 mkB 3 2 T0 (T0 −αy) 5 2 exp − p2 2mkB(T0 −αy) . This simplifies the Boltzmann transport equation substantially v·∇r f = f − f0 τ , where we shall approximate the gradient of f by the gradient of f0. This gives form f f = f0 −τv·∇r f0 = f0 −τvy ∂ f0 ∂y . We substitute into the distribution function, f = f0 +ατvy T0 2(T0 −αy) 7 2 p2 mkB(T0 −αy) −5 n0 2π¯h2 mkB 3 2 exp − p2 2mkB(T0 −αy) . Finally, we can focus on the heat transport flux, which is qy = d3 p (2π¯h)3 p2 2m vy f. Because f0 is an eve function, the integral is equal to zero. Within an approximation T0 − αy ≈ T0 the heat flux is qy = ατ 2T0 1 2m n0 2π¯h2 mkBT0 3 2 d3 p (2π¯h)3 p2 v2 y p2 mkBT0 −5 exp − p2 2mkBT0 . We shall introduce the spherical coordinates with north pole unusually in the direction of y axis, that is vy = vcos(θ) 1 m2 1 (2π¯h)3 2π 0 dϕ π 0 dθ ∞ 0 dp p2 mkBT0 −5 p6 cos2 θ sinθ exp − p2 2mkBT0 = 1 m2 1 (2π¯h)3 ·2π · − 1 3 cos3 δ π 0 ·   1 mkBT0 1 2 (2mkBT0) 9 2 ∞ 0 dt t 7 2 exp(−t)− 5 2 (2mkBT0) 7 2 ∞ 0 dt t 5 2 exp(−t)   = 5 2 α n0k2 BT0β m . 38 We derive for the hear transfer q = −κ dT dr = κα, where κ = 5 2 n0k2 BT0β m . 39