RepresentationLiegroupandLie alesie A representation of G on a finite-dim. real vector space V is a lie group homomorphism y : G + GL(V). Equivalently , it is a smooth map 4 : GxV-V s . t . · y(g , -) : V-V linear FgeE · y(e , v) = v ver · 4(g , y(h , v)) = y(gh , v) FgineG , veV . RemarkQueofleuutretetorepresentate mop y : G + GL(V). Examples ①GL(V) = G dim (V) = n Defining Istended repres on V : 4 : Gh(V) + V + (A , v) +- Av = y(t , v) via choice of basis , one con identity Gh(v) = GL(u , IR) and 4 with GL(uIR) +IRh > IR" (A , v) + Av (Matrix meuhtp- of AEGLn, IR) with a vector in IRK) Similarly , any matrix group HIGL(V) has a standard representation , namely V. ② Adjoint representation of a lie group 'G au its lie algebra o Denoe by Long : G > G Conjugation in G : cong(h)= gugt The G. It is a lie group homomorphism Ad : G + GL(g) Ad(g) : = T - cong : g + g is called the adjoint representation of G on its lie alg . g. Let us Check this is really a representation : cong = ↓go 19 =19 glatt cougy = con Coun = Ad(gh) = Ad(g)oAd(h) conge = (ong)= > Ad (gz) = Ad(g) 1 => Ad : G + GL(g) is a group homonarpeisen. To see that Ad is smooth , we can equir . Show that (g . x) + Ad(g)(X) is smooth . Setting F: Gxg+ TEXTEXTG , F(g , x) = (og , X , Og) , we have Im(ida + Tr) · F)(g, x) = Tyng 0 Tep9X = Ad(g)x which is smooth as a composition of smooth maps. If G = GLu , IR) , then cu(B) = ABA-1 is lineer as a mop cout : MuxulIR) > Mux) => Ad(A)(X) = Tau(X) = cona(X) = AXA - 1 VX gl(u, (R) VAEGLLu , IR) . P1 . 25 Suppose g is a real (or complex) lie algebra over (K = 1R(r = () . A representation of gou a finite-aim . vectospace V over IK is a Lie algebra homomarpuises 4 : q -+ g)(v) i . e . a lineor mop s . r . U(tX ,Y]) = [4() , U(Y)] = y(x)04(y) - y(y)- 4(x) VX , Yeg Equivalently y a bilinear map 4 : gxV V s . t . P([x ,43 , v) = 4(x , P(Y, v)) - P(Y, PIX, r)) EU By Prop . 1 . 12 , any representation y : G + GL(V) of a lie group G induces a representation 4 = Tel : g g((v) of its Lie algubrag . For G = GL(u, IR) , the standard representation 4 of GL(uR) gives rise to standard representation of geln. IR) y : gen, IR) x IR" - IRm (x, v) + Xv Similarly , for ary motrx group and its standard representation . For the adjoint representation of ahie group G, Ad : G-Gh(g) , the induced representation of g , called the adjoint representation of g , is given by ad : g + gl(y) ad(x)(y) = [X , 4] EXYeg . os the following proposition shows . Prop. 1 . 26 G Lie group with lie alg . (g . [ , ]) . ① For XegaudgeG , (x(g) = Ra ② For X , Yeg , ad(x)(y) = [X , 4] ③ For Xeg , geG one has ④ For X , Ye one has [X , [x , .. [x , Y]. . ] dieh+ [x, [x, 43+ - - ca => TelgX = TepTcongX = Ra eg 1 -- (y(g) Ad(g)(x) = ② Choose a basis X..... In of g , then Ad(g) : g-g corresponds to an neu wohi (Mij(g) for any get and Rij : G + IR ane smooth Matrix representation of ad(x) : g + & equals X . nij = TajX = (j) (e) Exeg . Any Yeg can be written as YZyX - => Ly(g) = MYg R,a iis - => []= R Evoluting at e yields : [4] = [3) Xi = ad(x)(Y) ③ Since Ad(g) = Tecong , the result follow from ① of Them . 1 . 23 , log(exp(+x) = expg)(+x)) = exp(+ Ad(g)(x) VgeG, Xeg . ⑪ Ad : G + Gh(g) hie group houn. Tete = ad : g+ ge(g) ByD of Thus . 1. 23 : Ad (exp(xs)(y) = exp(ad(x))(y) = gadk)(y) = W Prop. 1 . 27 G hie group with hie algebra o Let 4 : G + GLIV) be a represent - of G with induced represent . 4' : g+ gl(v) ofg . ① y(exp(+x(()= exp(tyk)(G) fte(R , Yxeg , vel ② y'(x)v =dexp Pof ① follows from D of Thu . 1 . 23 and & is an immedide lausegu . D hiesubgroups and Virtual Lie subgreups P1 . 28 Suppose It is a hie subgroup of a hie group G . Then It is closed as subset of the hopolog . space G. of Any submite N of a mild M is locally coed , i . e. open in its closure # (ED every poinc x + N Los a neighbled W in M s. t. Un N is closed in U For any subgraup It of a hopolog group G , #T is also Elt a subgroup of G (*th 9 highn + 1 n + 0 If It is a lie subgreup of G . It is open and deuse in # . Heuce , for get , (g(H) # is open in # Since It is dcuse in # , (g(H) n H + 0 , which implies geH. * Conversely , one has : Thre . 1 . 29 Suppose It is a subgroup of a lie group G that is closed as a subet of the topolog , space G. Then It is a Lie subgroup . Pof We write o for the liealg. of G and set 2 : = [c'(0) : c : IR-G is smooth , clo) -e 3andc has values in It g -Heins1 G is a lincer subspace of g. If Ge : IR-HEG Co-curves , Geld-clo = e. Then ((E) : = G(t)G(at) neIR is Co-curve with values in It clo) = e. = c'(0) + 211 Tem (c(0) . ncilo) = clo) + a =(0) Aum2 Suppose (Xninew is sequence in S. 2. lim In = X Eq and let (tune be e sequence o IRyo With limtn =0 Then , if expLtutu) eH UneIN, the explteH FteIR. Fix telR . For ne let on be the largest integer => inth It and t-outh /to , so limanti => line(n) = liuexplanten) = expl continuity CH of exp Since It is Gold . Pu3 G = Sxeg : exp(+ x) - H Ft - IR] RAS 2G by Def. of G. To show y[RIS , let c : IR-H-G be usmooth curve with clo) = e . Then c'(0) -g . Then 7930 and a co-cive v : (E . c) + g St . e(t) = explu(t)) f + etqa)(v(d = 0q) => c(d)) = Texplo Sollt = liven u (m) n +0 ser te= and Xn = n for sulf . Lage n => expltutn) = exp(r()) = c(z) - H fer suff. Legen By claim , exp(tc(o) -H FtelR imWunvecheine Then 7 an open neighbld Wot Oth in & s . L . exp(W)nH = 23. conversely , assume that's not the love . Then I a sequence of elements YntR s . r . Live Yn = 0 and = O h+0 exp(Yn)eH . For a norm 11 . 11 onk , put tu = Yu . By passing11Yull to a subsequence if necessary , we can assume that limtn =: Xek . Then 11X11 = 1 , in particular, X = 0. h-y Set tu = /Mall . Than expltnYn) = exp(Y) =H and Claim Q and ⑤ show that XEG , which is a controduction to X10 and XER . we define the following smooth wap F: G + k + G F(x , y) = exp(x) exp(y) Since Tof is a linedisemaphism , 7 open neighbleds V and W of OEG and Dek S . L. F w : VW - F(Yw) == is a differaphism onto on open neighbled Wote in G. By shrinking W , we way assume that exp(W)nH = Ses by Claim 4 . ↑ restricted to Ve30] is a bijection autoHt. Indeed , exp(u) [Unl, since VEG . Moreover , ony -Utt cas be written reiguely as x = exp(x) exp(y) for Kev. YeW. => exp(y) = exp(-) x eH -H By construction , this implies exply) = e , Lance Y = 0. Therefore , (W , n : = Flam) is a submeld . Chart for defined around eG and (in(U) , noin) for helt is a submitel. Chor around halt- *