Trop1 . 7 Suppose G is a Lie group and es es ① For any Keg , 4(9) : = TelgX e TgG (resp . Ry(g)= [93X - > TgG) is a left-(resp. right) invariant vector field on G. ② The maps Gxg > TG , defined be (9 . X)- > Lolg) resp . (g . X) + Rx(g) , are differmorphisus . ⑤ The map XreLx Cresp . XRx) define linear icomorphism with inverse +ste) between g and (ty(G) (resp . (tip(G) . Iroof ② (g , x) + Lx(g) is a differu. Define the mop F : Gxg + TExTG given by F(g , x) = (0g , x) (OgfTgG zero taugent vecteaty) It is smooth and so is TroF : Gxg > TG , which equals (g . x) + L(g) by Leana 1 . 5 . To show Trot is a differe . We construct a smooth inverse . Define F : TG + TGxTG by ↑ (g) = (Og , 4g). It is smooth (by Bofhemnes 1 . 5) * gG and so is TroF , which is given by Egte Ti = Egt (g , Tgig(g) -Gxg is smooth was TG Gxg , which is inverse (g , x)h(g)= Tig Similarly , one proves the statement for (g , x) + Ry(g). ⑦ By ② ↳ and Ry ane smooth vector fields on G. (ig * (x)(h) = [ig) ((x(ig(4))) = = TutgeTigaX = Telgin)x = 4(4) Vgin - G. 20 in Similarly , one checks right-inv . of Rx ③ By D , Xi define a linear mop g + (t , (E) and L() = X If seCtuLG) , theg = (igs) (g) = Tigg(e) = Lget - # P1. 8 G Lie group . TeG = ig ① The differepuism Erg -+ TG given by (g , x) + 2x (g) (resp . (g , X)+ Rx(g) of Prop. 1 . 7 is called the left-(resp. right) trivialization of tangent bundle TG + G : TG-Gxy vector bundle isamorphisa. &↓P - natural first factor ② For Xeg , La Cresp. Rx) is called the left-Creep . right) invorient rector field on G generated by X. Note that any L tresp . Rx) is nowhere vanishing on G and choosing a basis X 1, .... An of the Vector space f , Lxe(g) , .... h(g) (resp. Rx(g). ... Rx3) forms a basis of TgG For any geG , Ig * [sin] = [Sg , ijn] = [5n] Vs , y + (ty(t). The subspace (ty(G) e (t(G) is a subelgebra of(Ct(G) · [ . J) . Vir isomorphim , g = (ty(G) of3 of Prop . 1. 7 , we can transport I , I to a brocket on g Be. 1 . 4 Suppose G is a lie group. Then the taugent space g : TeG at e@G together with the mop [ , J : gxg + g [x , 47 : = [(x , Ly](e) is called the lie abgebre of G. Onehas Lexys = [hehy] by construction. From the properties of the lie bracket of rector fields it follows : Prop. 1 . 10 The mop [ , J : gxg + gas in Def . 1. 9 hos the following properties : (i) it is bilinear (overIR) (ii) Skew-symmetric : [xiT] = -[4 , x] ExYeg (iii) it satisfies the Jacobi-identity : [x , [4 , z]] + [4 , [z , x]] + [z , [X , 4]] = 0 VX , Y , zeg Def . 1 . 11 ① A real (resp . couplex) Lie algebra is real (resp . complex rector space o equipped with a IR-(resp (-) bilinear map [ , 7 . gxg + & satisfying (ii) and (iii) of Prop . 1. 10. ② A Lie algebra homomorphism (resp. is amarphise) between Lie algebras gand G is a linear map Cresp . Linear isamorphism) 4 : g + G s. t . P([x , 43) = [4(x) , 4(3778x, 78 ③ A subalgebra of a lie algebra g is a subspace zofg .. 2 . [X]eg Exeg Examples① Consider a Vector space V (dim(V) Ta(B , X) = (AB , Ax) - TABGL(n, (2) ETizGL(u, IR) = k(t) = Tax = * ~ Viewing Lx as a function GR) + Man(1) we know that [x4] : = [Lx , Ly7 ((d) = TraLyLxe) - Tax Lyll= xy - YX VX , 4 g= Muxu((R) . Lie algebra of GL(u, IR) is = Maxn(R) =: ge (n, 1) with the commutator of matrices as hie brocket. Prop. 1 . 12 Suppose G and H are lie groups and y : G+ H is a lie group homomorphism . ① Then 4 := TeY : TeG = -Tel = G (q(e) = e) is a homomorphism of Lie algebras · ② If G is commutative /abelian , then the lie bracket ou g is zero (i. e . (g , [ , 1) is an abelian liedly. as one says) Prof Exercise ClarySuppeGinliegend subalgebra of g. In particular, the lie algebra of any matrix group H1GL(u , IR) is a subalgebra of (geIniR) , [ , 2) , where [ , J is the commutete of motrices. Pof Apply ① of Prop . 1. 12 to the incusion i : H4G. Proph Suppose G is a lie group with lie e ⑦Ry = r + Lyfxeq ② [Rx , Ry] = Rex, y] Fileg . ③ [Ly , Ry] = 0 Yeg Rot Exercise Prop. 1. 15 Suppose G is a hie group and 5 is a Left-(resp . right)- invariant vector field on G. ⑦ FE(g) = gF((e) VgeG (resp . F((g) = Fl(e)g Fg = G) ② is complete Prof ⑦ If h is left-invenient , theu I is lg-related to itself (1g * (h) = >(n) () Tig = S(gn) ↑ Sy- - ((gu) = S(u) which implies that the flow of s commute with bg : Folg = IgOFL VgeG. Evaluating at eThows : F((g) = gF(e), ② Follows from Criteria we proved in Global anylisis : If EG)0 s . t . any integral curve through only point of a vector fieldis defined on 79. a) , then S is complete &1 . 16 Suppose G is a lie group . A one paramete subgroup of G is a lie group homomorphism a : (IR +) -> G (i. e . a smooth Curve 2 : 1R + G s. r . a(s+ +) = a(t)a(s) Vs. te(R) · In particular , a (0) = e. Lemma 1. 17 G lie group , a : IR- > G smoothwith a loze and X Eg . Then the following are equivalent : ⑦ a is a bue parameter subgroup with(0) = X. ② a(t) = F(e) V + EIR ③ a(t) = FLX(e) FtEIR Prof ① ② Jaslals) a (t) =dstt)ata = Tec = k(x(+) = < is an integral wive of Lx and since alo) = e, we must hore alt) = Fut(e) by uniqueness. ② a(t) = Fl(e) is a smooth curve in G with < (0) = e and a'(0) = Lx(a(0) = X . Since It is a flow we have alt + s) = F((e) = (()) = a(s)a(t) ↑ = als) @ of Prop. 1. 15 By exchanging roles ofs andt , one proves similarly that D E. V