Pilot version for Spring 2025. Feel free to share your feedback at phdcoordinator@ceitec.muni.cz. TAC AssesSment Report Meeting # 2 (to be held in the 4^th or 5^th semester) To be completed by PhD candidate Date: Click or tap here to enter text. PhD candidate’s name: Click or tap here to enter text. Semester number: Click or tap here to enter text. PhD Programme: Click or tap here to enter text. Supervisor: Click or tap here to enter text. Project Title: Click or tap here to enter text. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ To be completed by the Chairperson of the TAC meeting Section 1. Assessment of the progress and plans The following criteria should be assessed: 1.1. Status of the project Click or tap here to enter text. 1.2. Progress made Click or tap here to enter text. 1.3. Goals for the coming year Click or tap here to enter text. 1.4. Internship (plans/assessment if already completed) Click or tap here to enter text. 1.5. Career plans Click or tap here to enter text. Section 2. Assessment of the student-supervisor relationship During the discussion between the PhD candidate and the TAC without the supervisor, and subsequently during the discussion among the entire TAC without the PhD candidate, the following topics should be addressed while maintaining discretion: 2.1. Meeting frequency (sufficient x insufficient) 2.2. Communication (clear, timely, concise x delayed, incomplete) 2.3. Professional development support (encouragement for training in soft, transferable, and hard skills) 2.4. Independence and guidance (balanced x unbalanced) 2.5. Suggestions for improvement of the student/supervisor relationship Please confirm whether these topics were discussed: Choose an item. Please indicate whether any issues required reporting in the confidential part: Choose an item. Note: Do not enter any written comments in Section 2. This section is meant for discussion and to provide potential suggestions for both the PhD candidate and the supervisor. Should any issues arise that require reporting (for example, if the problem is more complex or the PhD candidate requests that it is reported), please use the confidential part of the report on the following page. Section 3. (optional) Other issues, comments: Click or tap here to enter text. Signatures Name Signature PhD Candidate TAC Chairperson TAC Member (supervisor) TAC Member not needed Note: Add lines if the committee has more than 3 members. Signatures needed from: PhD candidate, Chairperson, Supervisor. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ To be completed separately from the TAC Assessment Report by the TAC Chairperson only if there are issues to report from Section 2. The confidential part of the report is submitted by the TAC Chairperson to phdcoordinator@ceitec.muni.cz and will then be forwarded to the Chair of the Doctoral Board of the relevant PhD programme. The confidential part of the TAC Assessment Report Report any issues raised during the discussion regarding the student-supervisor relationship. Include any suggestions or recommendations for solutions or improvements that were proposed. Click or tap here to enter text.