Department of Geography ZA231 Advanced cartographic visualisation Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk Stachoň Prof. Petr Kubíček Dr. Lukáš Herman Dr. Dajana Snopková, Department of Geography Aims ̶ The course is focused on the fundamentals, advantages, and limitations of selected advanced methods of cartographic visualization ̶ Attention will be paid to the specific data sources and also to the methods of data processing. ̶ The topic of user aspects (UX – User eXperiences) will be covered. Department of Geography Outline ̶ Theoretical lesson ̶ Classroom: Z3 ̶ Thursday 3pm ̶ Practical lesson ̶ Classroom: Z7 ̶ Tuesday 3pm Visualization Feedback Department of Geography Agenda of theoretical lessons Lesson n. Date Topic 1 February 20 Introduction 2 February 27 Presentation of the DHF database 3 March 6 Reading (there will be no lecture, self-study) 4 March 13 Methods of Analysis 5 March 20 Methods of Visualization 6 March 27 Reading (there will be no lecture, self-study) 7 April 3 Uncertainty visualization 8 April 10 Reading (there will be no lecture, self-study) 9 April 17 Review of the curriculum, quiz, ... 10 April 24 Lecture by a foreign expert - May 1 National holiday (there will be no lecture) - May 8 National holiday (there will be no lecture) ?? Exam (presentation + feedback) preliminary plan; will be specified Thursday 3pm – 4pm Classroom: Z3 Department of Geography Agenda of practical lessons Lesson n. Date Topic - February 18 There was no lecture 1 February 25 PL n.0 – Repeating work in ArcGIS Pro 2 March 4 PL n.1 – Data + research question 3 March 11 PL n.1 – Consultation 4 March 18 PL n.2 – Analysis, visualization 5 March 25 PL n.2 – Consultation 6 April 1 PL n.3 – Uncertainty visualization 7 April 8 PL n.3 – Consultation 8 April 15 PL n.4 – ArcGIS Story map 9 April 22 PL n.4 – Consultation 10 April 30 There will be no lecture – project completion, individual consultations 11 May 6 There will be no lecture – project completion, individual consultations Tuesday 3pm – 5pm Classroom: Z7 Department of Geography Visualizing global change ̶ Climate change is reshaping our world, and its impacts are increasingly visible through extreme events like wildfires, droughts and heatwaves ̶ Advanced cartographic visualization provides powerful tools to understand, analyse, and communicate these complex phenomena ̶ Why is cartographic visualization crucial? ̶ Enhanced understanding: Maps reveal spatial patterns and relationships that are often hidden in tables and graphs ̶ Effective communication: Visualizations can convey complex information to diverse audiences, including policymakers, scientists, and the public ̶ Data-driven decisions: By visualizing climate change related data, we can identify vulnerable areas, assess risks, and develop targeted mitigation and adaptation strategies Department of Geography Department of Geography Department of Geography Department of Geography Scope of practical lessons International project Clim4cast Evaluation of the spatial and temporal variability, frequency, seasonality, and intensity of the past DHF events, applying advanced cartographic (and statistical) methods to determine their trends Target Area: „Central Europe“ Department of Geography Objectives of the project DHF = Drought, Heatwave, wildFire Department of Geography Exam ̶ Presentation of the results ̶ Theoretical questions Department of Geography Useful materials: GIST BoK ̶ CV-01 – Cartography and Science ̶ ̶ CV-26 – Cartography and Power ̶ ̶ CV-27 – Cartography and Art ̶ Department of Geography Fundamentals Bertin (1967) More details here: https://gistbok- Department of Geography Cartographic Communication Koláčný (1969) Department of Geography Cartographic Communication Kent (2018) Department of Geography Thank you for your attetion! Zdeněk Stachoň, Lukáš Herman, et al.,