Tělesné proporce a nelineární- allometrické vztahy. Velký živočich nemůže být zvětšeninou malého. A = JL = £1 A2 P2 Qř izometrické trojúhelníky SA vs. volume (slope = 0.67) < (0 Í 10 3 SA/V ratio vs. volume (slope = -0.33) J___I___L ■ . ■ I J___I I 1 I 1.0 Volume of cube (V) j 10 (a) Species of carnivorous mam ma J s M 10-0 e m DC I U r., I 01 Least weasel Mammalian carnivores as different in size as weasels, cheetahs, and dofphins tenet to follow a single allometric relation between resting metabolic rate and body weight \ im- Ghost bat • (carnivorous)- American1 mink J African hunting dog Eurasian river otter' •• Cheetah' ' ...... J___L J..I I ill I i i i il J__........ 10 100 1000. 10,000 Body weight (g) on log scale {b) Individuals of a species of crab 0.100 r s-i _SJ '-J rä C '■*> So m 0.005 - ___. _ v Metabolic rate and body weight are often (although not always) related allometrically among individuals of a single species. 100,000 Figure 5.10 Metabolic rate aru linearly on log-log coordinate; a function of body weight for m: mařily vertebrate flesh, plotted o points represent individual sped to them, (b) A log-log plot of we a function of body weight In a cí [Pachygrapsus crassipes) at a bod point represents a particular indi fitted to the points. See Appendi layouts, {a after McNab 1986; b a- J___I___L I I I J___' i i I i I 10 Body weight (g) on log scale 100 Nejtěžší se dostanou nejdál Running ectotherms Swimming endotherms Running endotherms ____I_________l_________l_________i i 10 ~4 10"3 10"2 10 -1 1 Body mass (kg) Těžkého plavce stojí rychlost méně L- ' I_______i i_______I_______I------------1-----------1-----------L- 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Swimming velocity