Microfacies analysis in Carbonates Statistical methods TOPICS * Basics and components * Clustering * Principal component analysis (PCA) * Correspondence Analysis (CA) * Markov Chains * Your data In the field a limestone is characterized by: Mokra Quarry, Czech Republic, Late Tournaisian, basinal to lower slope deposit Microfacies * In carbonates the macrofacies is generally not enough to understand the sedimentary environement and a petrographic study is necessary. * The microfacies is the equivalent of the macrofacies but in thin-sections. It is fundamental to keep in mind the scale of the observations! Namur-Dinant Basin, Belgium, Late Tournaisian, outer-slope deposit Mokra Quarry, Czech Republic, Late Tournaisian, basinal to lower slope deposit Microfacies components * Texture: Dunham or Folk * `grains' = allochems (allochemical grains), bioclastic or non-bioclastic * micro-sedimentary or biogenic structures (partly in texture) * Special diagenetic features (partly in text.) * Non carbonate grains Texture: Dunham classification Texture: Folk classification Main carbonate grains * Coated grains * Peloids, intraclasts, lithoclasts, aggregates * Bioclasts: recognized by their shape (3D to 2D) and the structure of the skeleton/wall/shell. MOLLUSCS BRACHIOPODS BRYOZOANS CORALS