Syllabus JAGO1 1. Meeting new classmates, introducing 2. University Life -- Entrance exams, field of study, accommodation 3. Academic writing -- CV 4. University Life -- getting accustomed to new system, listening skills 5. Masaryk University -- structure and organisation, management 6. Faculty of Science -- structure and management 7. Scientific methods -- observing, classifying, inference, hypothesis, theory 8. Sciences. Spheres.Units of measuring. 9. Mapping. 10. Minerals -- physical properties (luster, heft, hardness, streak, cleavage, fracture, color), crystalline systems, crystals 11. Rocks -- forming, classes, structures, rock cycle 12. Using earth materials -- metals and nonmetals, fossil fuels, wind and sun, water, atom energy Addison-Wesley, Earth Science -- učebnice v knihovně PřF a ve studovně CJV, kde jsou uloženy i mateiály k okopírování ( Pozor -- budou přemístěny do studovny PřF) Gramatické tabulky aj. materiály na