® .Geomorphology 33 2000 37­58 Characteristics and controlling factors of bank gullies in two semi-arid mediterranean environments L. Vandekerckhove a,) , J. Poesen a,b , D. Oostwoud Wijdenes a , G. Gyssels a , L. Beuselinck a , E. de Luna a a Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology, Instituut oor Aardwetenschappen, Katholieke Uniersiteit Leuen, Redingenstraat 16, B-3000 Leuen, Belgium b Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders, Belgium Received 9 February 1999; received in revised form 27 August 1999; accepted 12 September 1999 Abstract Bank gullies are gullies that are formed due to a height drop caused by a terrace or a river bank, which develop by ® .headward retreat in erodible hillslopes. This study aims i to investigate the morphology of actively eroding bank gullies, ® .i.e., geometrical characteristics resulting from past erosion and active erosion processes shaping the gully, and, ii , to find relationships with environmental site characteristics, such as topographical parameters, material properties and climate. The ultimate goal is to identify the most important controlling factors of past and present bank gully erosion. Fifty-five active bank gullies formed in different lithologies by various erosion processes have been selected in the Guadalentin basin and the ® .surroundings of Guadix Southeast Spain . For each bank gully site, geometrical and topographical parameters of both the channel and the drainage basin were measured. Erosion features indicating activity at the gully head, such as tension cracks, plunge pools, undercutting, fluting, piping and rill or sheet erosion on sloping side walls were mapped, and samples were taken from distinct lithological layers that were considered to influence the type and intensity of erosion processes. A relationship could be shown between the presence of piping and fluting and a number of material characteristics, including particle size distribution, dispersion behaviour and electrical conductivity. On the other hand, lithology appeared not to be a ® .differentiating factor on gully development in the long run, as expressed by the total eroded volume V . This parameter was ® .most strongly related to the drainage basin area in which the entire bank gully had been formed A , explaining 66% of theo variance. The relationship is Vs1.75) A0.59 . No significant difference was found between regression lines througho sub-datasets of different soil textural classes. Finally, multiple regression was used to include both topographical parameters and material characteristics in an explanatory andror predictive equation for the total eroded bank gully volume. The results of the analyses using the entire dataset, including the sites in the Guadalentin as well as in the Guadix area, have been compared with the results for the separate study areas. Differences are not only related to topographical and lithological characteristics, but may also be the consequence of a different climate in the two areas. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: bank gully; piping; fluting; lithology; southeast Spain ) Corresponding author. Fax: q32-16326400. ® .E-mail address: liesbeth.vandekerckhove@geo.kuleuven.ac.be L. Vandekerckhove . 0169-555Xr00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. ® .PII: S0169-555X 99 00109-9 ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5838 1. Introduction Bank gullies are gullies that are formed due to a height drop caused by a terrace or a river bank ® .Poesen and Hooke, 1997 , in contrast to hillslope gullies that are formed upon the exceedance of a critical flow shear stress at the soil surface, as de- ® .scribed by Montgomery and Dietrich 1988 . Bank gullies develop by headward retreat in erodible hill- slopes. In this study, they occur as tributary gullies ®initiated at the bank of an ephemeral river rambla or .barranco in a semi-arid environment in Southeast ® .Spain Fig. 1 . Eroding bank-gully heads decrease the effective agricultural area of the surrounding land, produce considerable amounts of sediment fill- ing downstream reservoirs, and aggravate floods ® .Poesen and Hooke, 1997 . Past research concentrated mainly on active gully development in terms of headcut or sidewall retreat and related erosion processes. Many descriptive stud- ies exist on specific processes, such as piping or ®tunneling Harvey, 1982; Gutierrez et al., 1988, 1997;´ . ®Martin-Penela, 1994 , rill formation Gerits et al.,´ . ® .1987 , fluting Veness, 1980 , and badland develop- ® .ment Imeson et al., 1982 , relating these phenomena to material characteristics or other factors. Some studies provide an extensive description of the active geomorphological processes by geomorphological ®mapping of entire gully systems La Roca Cervigon .and Calvo-Cases, 1988 or along a gully wall ® .Jungerius and van den Brink, 1991 . Gullies have been the object of intensive monitoring with respect ®to headcut retreat and active processes Leopold et al., 1966; Malde and Scott, 1976; Crouch, 1983; Sneddon et al., 1988; Oostwoud Wijdenes and Bryan, 1991, 1994; Palacio-Prieto and Lopez-Blanco, 1994; Burkard and Kostaschuk, 1995; Archibold et al., .1996 . The majority of these studies make links with controlling factors, but in qualitative terms. On the other hand, quantitative prediction equations for gully-head retreat have been established by relating measured gully growth to different environmental Fig. 1. Illustration of a bank gully in the Guadalentin basin. ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 39 ® . ® . ® .Fig. 2. Location of the study sites in southeast Spain a ; b Guadix area; c Guadalentin basin. ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5840 ®factors Beer and Johnson, 1963; Thompson, 1964; Seginer, 1966; Stocking, 1980; Burkard and .Kostaschuk, 1997 . In fact, these relationships are valid as long as the observed growth mechanisms can be extrapolated in time, which probably repre- sents only part of a gully's life span. Another group ®of studies uses a classification of gully types Heede, .1970, 1974; Imeson and Kwaad, 1980 or gully ® .sidewalls Blong, 1985; Crouch and Blong, 1989 to predict future gully behaviour and sediment produc- tion, without providing quantitative estimates. The idea is that understanding gully morphology as a product of past and present gully processes is the basis for predicting future gully events. However, both the quantitative prediction equations and the qualitative assessment of gully erosion hazard are limited to projections to the near future. Measure- ments andror observations of existing erosion phe- nomena serve to predict their future evolution, but do not predict nor help prevent gully erosion as such. Consequently, there is a lack of knowledge on the quantitative influence of factors controlling the pres- ence, the prevailing processes and the severity of gullying in a certain environment. This paper pre- sents a contribution to this topic by investigating quantitatively the relationship between the morphol- ogy of a number of selected, active bank gullies and some topographical parameters of the catchment as well as some characteristics of the soil material in which they have been formed. Both geometrical characteristics resulting from past erosion, and spe- cific processes shaping the gullies, such as piping and fluting have been investigated. However, the main focus is on the long-term effect of environmen- Fig. 3. Measurement and calculation procedure of the total eroded gully volume. O represent measured cross-sections. M are calcu-i i lated cross-sections. Fig. 4. Topographical parameters measured at a bank gully site. tal factors on the presence and the final appearance of bank gullies. No detailed process studies have been undertaken, but different gully initiating mecha- nisms have been considered. The origin and progression of gullies has often been related to piping or tunnel erosion where high hydraulic gradients occur in dispersive materials. In their gully classification scheme, Imeson and Kwaad ® .1980 distinguished a U-shaped gully type, in which water is supplied from sub-surface sources in associ- ation with piping, usually found on slope deposits and pediments located on gently sloping lower slopes. The dispersive nature of the lower soil horizons is an essential condition for the formation of this gully type. Duplex soils are also susceptible to this type of ® .gullying. Examples are given by Heede 1971 and ® . ® .Crouch 1976 . De Ploey 1974 also attributed the generation of gullies in central Tunisia to progressive ® .pipe collapse, and Gutierrez et al. 1988 considered´ subsurface pipe networks as the initial cause of gully development in alluvial fans and on debris slopes in ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 41 ® . ® .the Ebro basin Spain . Crouch 1983 distinguished three stages in gully-head advance in dispersive du- plex soils by a combination of tunnel and overfall erosion, and showed that gully heads advanced most rapidly when tunneling was a dominant active me- ® .chanism. Harvey 1982 identified soil conditions in which piping occurs, and showed a strong influence of deep pipes on gully network development, mainly on channel alignment in relation to tension cracks and sub-surface veining. However, the progressive development of piped areas may lead to the develop- ment of poorly or non-piped badlands, where surface or near surface processes dominate. No morpho- metric distinction could be made between badlands where pipe collapse had been important and areas developed by surface or near surface processes. From a study on the litho-structural control of pipe and ® .gully development, Martin-Penela 1994 also con-´ cluded that when mature gullies tend to become stabilised, surface processes dominate their evolu- tion. The general reduction of relief and hydraulic gradients implies that piping activity is restricted to small ducts in the sediments deposited in the gully floors or near the heads. Especially in isolated linear gullies, such as the bank gullies investigated within this study, piping gradually decreases and eventually disappears, or can be recognised only in relict mor- phologies of inactive pipes. Hence, it may become difficult to discern a previous stage of piping interac- tion in the development of such gullies. In this study, remnants of piping have been related to soil proper- ties and are considered as an important indication of ® . ® .Fig. 5. Illustration of piping a , and fluting b at one of the studied bank gully heads in the Guadalentin basin. ()L.Vandekerckhoeetal.rGeomorphology33200037­5842 Table 1 Summary of the measured parameter values for all the studied bank gully sites and for the separate study areas ® . ® . ® .Variable Explanation All sites ns55 Guadalentin ns42 Guadix ns13 Significance level a of differenceUnits Mean Standard Minimum Maximum Mean Standard Mean Standard deviation deviation deviation UU3 ® .Vol Volume m 3149 11994 1.1 65172 1915 10016 7138 16795 UUU2 ® .A Present drainage m 359875 2140482 5.1 15832950 31146 146638 142192 4352455p basin area UUU2 ® .A Original drainage m 372537 2142229 11.9 15845776 32630 152913 147069 4342859o basin area A r A A ­ A ratio % 73.4 22.1 18.2 99.9 72.2 21.1 77.5 25.6p o p o U L A Length of A m 439.0 1319.0 2.5 8280 145.9 390.3 1386.0 2458.0­ p p U L A Length of A m 480.8 1342.0 4.4 8380 175.7 438.9 1467.0 2463.0­ o o UUU S Local slope at the % 12.7 8.8 2.0 38.5 15.4 8.4 4.3 2.0lh gully head UUU S Average slope of the % 14.0 13.6 1.0 58.0 17.0 14.3 4.3 1.8Ap present drainage basin UUU S Average slope of the % 12.2 8.6 1.5 36.0 14.6 8.4 4.4 2.0ag soil surface along the gully UUU S Average slope of the % 24.5 19.4 2.0 100.0 29.9 19.1 7.1 4.8ab gully bed UUU S Average slope of the % 13.8 11.5 1.3 49.1 16.7 11.7 4.5 1.6Ao original drainage basin UU L Total gully length m 41.8 64.3 1.5 350.0 29.7 54.7 80.9 79.0 D Average gully depth m 3.5 2.1 0.6 10.3 3.3 1.8 4.0 3.0 W Average gully width m 5.0 5.3 0.8 31.6 4.9 5.1 5.6 6.0 WrD Width­Depth ratio r 1.45 0.71 0.23 3.07 1.44 0.70 1.48 0.74 UUU WrL Width­Length ratio r 0.26 0.20 0.03 0.89 0.31 0.19 0.11 0.13 Hhc Height of the headcut m 2.1 2.2 0.1 12.0 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.6 Clay Clay content % 16.7 10.9 0.6 36.9 15.6 10.4 20.3 12.0 UU Silt Silt content % 61.8 16.8 17.3 88.4 65.5 14.0 49.7 20.1 Sand Sand content % 21.5 16.2 2.6 63.1 18.9 12.6 30.0 23.2 ClayqSilt ClayqSilt content % 78.5 16.2 36.9 97.4 81.1 12.6 70.0 23.2 U RFr Rock fragment content % 5.2 12.4 0.0 56.9 2.6 6.5 13.7 21.2 D clay Change in clay content % 13.6 10.3 y4.7 34.8 12.9 10.5 15.8 9.8­ b after dispersion D Silt Change in silt content % y9.0 10.6 y33.1 10.7 y8.4 11.0 y10.7 9.7­ c after dispersion D sand Change in sand content % y4.6 5.8 y36.9 0.6 y4.5 6.2 y5.0 4.5­ d after dispersion UUU EC Electrical conductivity mSrcm 3.04 2.71 0.12 13.09 3.78 2.68 0.65 0.63 U R Dispersion Ratio % 94.6 4.4 82.3 100.0 95.2 4.1 92.8 4.9 ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 43 the potential role of this process in the initiation of the respective bank gullies. 2. Study areas Two study areas have been selected in Southeast Spain, i.e., the Guadalentin basin and an area around ® .the town of Guadix Fig. 2a . Fig. 2b and 2c show the location of the individual gully sites within each area. The Guadalentin basin is a target area of the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use ® .MEDALUS project. The Guadix area has been chosen to represent different environmental condi- tions within the same climatic zone. Both areas have a semi-arid climate; however, the area around Guadix is slightly wetter and cooler than the Guadalentin basin. The annual precipitation in the Guadalentin study area, i.e., the average of the measurements over 25 years at 4 locations near the gully sites ® .Zarcilla de Ramos, Vald'Infierno, Puentes, Lorca , amounts to 276 mm, and the mean daily temperature ®16.48C Casa Forestal-Zarcilla de Ramos; Andrade, .1990 . Near Guadix, 14.5 years' measurements at ® .two meteorological stations Guadix and Esfiliana give an annual average precipitation of 325 mm, and ® .a mean daily temperature of 14.98C Andrade, 1990 . The main differences between the two study areas result from the contrasting geological and lithologi- cal situations, and the distinct topographical charac- teristics of the landscape. In the Guadalentin, the landscape can be de- scribed as a basin and range topography. The inter- mountain sedimentary basins consist of marls and marly limestones of Cretaceous to Tertiary age, cov- ered by Quaternary deposits. These basins were up- lifted in the late Neogene and early Quaternary, and consequently, the valley bottoms were incised by ephemeral rivers from which the studied bank gullies developed into the lower hillslopes. The Quaternary sediments consist of alluvial and slope deposits, but they often have an undifferentiated composition, and are difficult to distinguish from each other. Some Tertiary formations contain layers of conglomerate and sandstone, occurring at a minority of the study sites. The Guadix basin is a wide inter-mountain sedi- mentary basin between the Sierra Nevada, the Sierra de Baza and the Sierra Arana, uplifted and dissected by an ephemeral river network. The studied bank gullies in this basin are located further from the drainage divide in relatively flat surroundings, com- pared to the Guadalentin, where the distance from the bank-gully heads to the drainage divides is gen- erally smaller and the slope of the land steeper. In the Guadix area, Quaternary gravel and red clay is the most frequently occurring formation at the stud- ied gully sites. Other formations consist of a combi- nation of Tertiary to Quaternary loams, marls, sands, clays, and conglomerates. Current land use in both study areas is a mixture ® .of arable land wheat and almond cultivation and rangeland. 3. Materials and methods Screening of aerial photographs covering the study areas, followed by field prospection allowed the identification of a set of 55 apparently active bank gullies. 42 sites have been selected in the Guadalentin, and 13 sites in the Guadix area. The selection aimed at obtaining a representative range of bank-gully types and sizes, and of material proper- ties. Two years monitoring of these gullies allowed the observation of active erosion processes. Pro- cesses indicating activity and shaping a gully include the formation of tension cracks at the rim of the head- and the side-walls, promoting mass move- ments by which the gully extends in length and width, undercutting at the gully head by plunge-pool Notes to Table 1: a Significance level of the difference between the mean parameter values for both study areas: U s10%; UU s5%; UUU s1%; ® .ssignificance level of the logged parameter. b % clay measured in dispersed sampley% clay measured in non-dispersed sample. c % silt measured in dispersed sampley% silt measured in non-dispersed sample. d % sand measured in dispersed sampley% sand measured in non-dispersed sample. ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5844 activity and fluting, and, in case of sloping side walls, sheet erosion and the formation of small rills and headcuts. Although piping was expected to be an active erosion process, a longer term observation showed that the presence of pipes was not an indica- tion of strong erosion activity. Subsurface flow as a trigger for headcut erosion, e.g., by undercutting, could, in the absence of water, only be assumed at six gully sites. All bank gullies are linked either ®directly or indirectly with an ephemeral river rambla .or barranco . Only first- or second-order channels were selected. If necessary, the gully length was considered only to the first or second bifurcation instead of down to the outlet in the main river. Most ®gullies are continuous some have upstream rills or .small headcuts , and both U- and V-shaped gullies were included, as well as combinations of these types. Often, the cross section varied from U-shaped at the head to V-shaped further downstream, due to the dominance of erosion activity at the head and the accumulation and stabilisation of debris against the downstream side-walls. For each bank-gully site, geometrical and topo- graphical parameters of both the channel and the drainage basin were measured. The total eroded vol- ume of each bank gully was determined by measur- ing cross-sectional areas, mostly simplified as quad- ® .rangles or triangles areas `O ' in Fig. 3 , at regulari intervals along the entire gully length. This was carried out using measuring tapes. The total bank ® .gully volume V was then calculated according to ® .the formula Tysma et al., 1995 n 1 Vs l O qO q4M® ® .Ý i iy1 i i 6is1 where nsthe number of intervals at which a cross- sectional area was measured, l s the distance be-i tween the measured cross-sectional areas O andiy1 O ; and M s the area of the cross section betweeni i the measured O and O , which can be geometri-iy1 i cally derived. A related parameter is the total gully length, LsÝn l . From the basic measurements,is1 i ® . ® .an average depth D and width W of each gully, ® .and consequently, a width-depth ratio WrD and a ® .width-length ratio WrL were calculated. ® .The present drainage basin area A , i.e., thep area draining to the present gully head, the original ® .drainage basin A , i.e., the area draining to theo ®gully mouth i.e., the original gully head assuming .the gully was formed solely by surface processes , and several characteristic slopes of the catchments ® .and along the gully profile were measured Fig. 4 . The drainage-basin area was delineated by visual assessment of local topography and signs of overland flow if these were still present. The area was subdi- ®vided into smaller polygons quadrangles and trian- .gles that were measured with a measuring tape. The total drainage-basin area was then calculated as the sum of the areas of the individual polygons. The parameter A rA was calculated to express a rela-p o tive stage of development of the bank gullies: the greater the difference in present and original catch- ® .ment area i.e., the smaller A rA , the more devel-p o oped the gully must be. Characteristic slopes were measured with a clinometer and include the local slope above the gully head, measured over a distance ® .of 3 m or less S , the average slope of the presentlh ® .drainage basin S , the average slope of the origi-Ap ® .nal drainage basin S , the average slope of the soilAo ® .surface along the gully side S and the averageag ® .slope along the gully bed S .ab Specific erosion processes in the bank gullies were inventoried by means of geomorphological mapping of the gully head and sketches of character- istic gully-head or side-wall profiles. One to two soil samples for each gully site were taken from distinct soil layers associated with processes such as piping ® . ® .Fig. 5a and fluting Fig. 5b andror showing clear differences in texture. As already mentioned, pipes appeared to be relict features of past erosion activity. No changes in shape took place during the monitor- ing period. Vertical pipes were observed in side-walls ® .Fig. 5a , but seemed not active anymore. Sub-hori- zontal pipes, most often formed in slumped and non-evacuated sediment in the gully bed, could still act as ducts for freshly eroded material from the head. However, no roof collapse and consequent deepening of the gully bed was observed. Flutes are vertically elongated grooves, generally tapering to the top, which furrow into the wall of the gully. They result predominantly from the action of ® . ®running water Veness, 1980 or throughflow Blong, .1985 , in combination with raindrop impact and ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 45 Fig. 6. USDA texture diagram for the fine earth fraction of all ® .studied bank gully sites ns55 . splash. In the studied bank gullies, flutes were often found in actively eroding heads, under an apparently ® .more resistant upper soil layer Fig. 5b . In the Guadalentin, their development and consequent de- struction were clearly responsible for undercutting of the headwall as the first trigger of headcut retreat. The extent of the soil layers with piping and fluting, as well as the location where the samples were taken, was indicated on the profile sketches. From a total of 67 samples, rock fragment content was determined as well as particle-size distribution using the sieve-pipette method without and with addition of a dispersing agent. The difference in clay and silt content before and after dispersion is a measure of the stability of the aggregates in which these particles are `hidden'. Therefore, Middleton's ® .Fig. 7. Histogram of the dispersion ratio R for all studied bank ® .gullies ns55 . ® . ®®1930 ``dispersion ratio'', defined as Rs siltq . . ®® . .clay r silt q clay , was calcu-non dispersed dispersed lated for each sample. This erodibility index ex- presses the relative amount of total silt and clay ®content that is easily dispersed by water without the . ® .addition of a dispersing agent . Middleton 1930 classified soils with a ratio below 15% as `non- erodible soils' and above 15% as `erodible soils'. The data of the dispersed samples were used to characterise each bank gully by a USDA soil texture ® .class Soil Science Society of America, 1996 . If more than one sample was taken per gully, a weighted average of the particle-size distribution according to the depth of the sampled soil layers was used. Like- wise, a depth-weighted average of the dispersion ® .ratio R was determined for each gully from the values of R of the individual soil layers. ® .The electrical conductivity EC was measured from the same soil samples on a mixture of 1:2.5 soil Table 2 ® . ® .Mean values of soil physical and chemical parameters for soil layers showing piping ns17 or fluting ns18 vs. those without ® U UU U UUU .underlined values are significantly different: 5%, 1% , 0.1% 1® . ® . ® . ® . ® . ® .N Clay % Silt % Sand % RFr % R % EC mSrcm UUU UUU UUU Piping 17 17.0 71.2 11.8 3.4 93.6 4.7 UUU UUU UUU No piping 50 16.8 55.4 27.8 6.1 93.2 2.1 U UU Fluting 18 17.6 62.1 20.3 1.7 96.5 2.9 U UU No fluting 49 16.6 58.0 25.4 6.6 92.4 2.6 ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5846 and distilled water. This parameter measures the soluble salt content or electrolyte concentration, in- fluencing the dispersion behaviour of the soil. The relationship between soil material character- istics and the presence of a specific erosion process shaping the gully was studied, in particular for pip- ing and fluting. For this purpose, mean values of the measured soil parameters from the samples taken in soil layers associated with the process were statisti- cally compared with those from the samples taken in soil layers were the process was not observed. The dataset of all measured geometrical, topo- graphical, and soil parameters for each bank-gully site was statistically analysed. At each step in the Table 3 ® .Correlation matrix of measured topographical parameters and material characteristics ns55 , Correlation coefficient Rslarge font, Significance level Pssmall font Log Vol Log A Log A A rA Log S Log S Log S Log S Log S WrD­ ­ p ­ o p o ­ lh ­ A ­ ag ­ ab ­ Ap o Log Vol 1.000 0.781 0.811 0.029 y0.580 y0.311 y0.376 y0.476 y0.340 0.463­ 0 0.0001 0.0001 0.8339 0.0001 0.021 0.0046 0.0002 0.011 0.0004 Log A 1.000 0.993 0.426 y0.748 y0.428y0.668 y0.627 y0.523 0.365 y0.522­ p 0 0.0001 0.00012 0.0001 0.00011 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0062 Log A 1.000 0.319 y0.752 y0.437 y0.660 y0.636 y0.526 0.394­ o 0 0.0175 0.0001 0.0008 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0029 A rA 1.000 y0.265 y0.104 y0.342 y0.174 y0.194 y0.095p o 0 0.0509 0.4498 0.0107 0.2038 0.1563 0.4924 Log S 1.000 0.661 0.799 0.635 0.759 y0.193­ lh 0 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.158 Log S 1.000 0.535 0.296 0.958 y0.030­ Ap 0 0.0001 0.0283 0.0001 0.8307 Log S 1.000 0.648 0.701 y0.113­ ag 0 0.0001 0.0001 0.4121 Log S 1.000 0.409 y0.284­ ab 0 0.0019 0.0354 Log S 1.000 y0.045­ Ao 0 0.7442 WrD 1.000 0 WrL ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 47 analysis, the results for the entire dataset including all the sites in both the Guadalentin and the Guadix area were compared with those for the separate areas. This involves differences in sample size. A correlation matrix was constructed to study the rela- tionships between all the parameters. Meaningful and statistically significant relationships have been se- lected and interpreted in more detail. Particular atten- tion has been paid to environmental factors explain- ing the geometrical characteristics of the bank gullies resulting from past erosion, which is mainly reflected in the total eroded volume. Therefore, statistical relationships between these parameters were investi- gated by simple and by multiple regression. WrL Hhc Clay Silt Sand Rfr D Clay D Silt D Sand EC R­ ­ ­ y0.536 0.450 0.139 y0.245 0.161 0.368 0.146 y0.018 y0.229 y0.334 y0.228 0.0001 0.0006 0.3128 0.0715 0.24 0.0057 0.2866 0.8891 0.0932 0.0127 0.0944 0.222 0.189 y0.239 0.121 0.234 0.171 0.009 y0.322 y0.501 y0.245 0.0001 0.1029 0.166 0.0788 0.3793 0.0857 0.2111 0.9474 0.0165 0.0001 0.0711 y0.557 0.236 0.187 y0.246 0.130 0.266 0.165 0.016 y0.324 y0.517 y0.263 0.0001 0.0829 0.1708 0.0698 0.3445 0.0495 0.2275 0.908 0.0157 0.0001 0.0525 0.113 y0.001 0.121 y0.021 y0.059 y0.172 0.137 y0.072 y0.111 y0.076 0.066 0.4124 0.9934 0.3805 0.8791 0.6678 0.2081 0.3189 0.5993 0.4193 0.5806 0.6318 0.368 y0.193 y0.251 0.415 y0.263 y0.404 y0.232 0.083 0.261 0.537 0.140 0.0057 0.159 0.0649 0.0016 0.0527 0.0022 0.0888 0.5477 0.0543 0.0001 0.3078 0.145 y0.034 y0.106 0.471 y0.418 y0.507 y0.100 0.095 0.004 0.411 0.090 0.2904 0.806 0.4433 0.0003 0.0015 0.0001 0.4663 0.4887 0.9783 0.0018 0.5122 0.202 y0.030 y0.365 0.387 y0.157 y0.324 y0.325 0.181 0.248 0.497 0.223 0.1397 0.8293 0.0062 0.0035 0.252 0.0159 0.0154 0.1865 0.0678 0.0001 0.1021 0.337 y0.249 y0.174 0.214 y0.105 y0.286 y0.140 0.000 0.251 0.281 0.128 0.0118 0.0673 0.2042 0.1173 0.4456 0.0342 0.3067 0.9991 0.065 0.0378 0.3535 0.132 y0.003 y0.178 0.506 y0.405 y0.482 y0.169 0.131 0.060 0.479 0.139 0.3352 0.9803 0.1936 0.0001 0.0021 0.0002 0.2184 0.34 0.6636 0.0002 0.3109 y0.147 0.104 0.078 y0.233 0.189 0.158 0.096 0.077 y0.312 y0.214 y0.278 0.2836 0.4511 0.5728 0.0873 0.1661 0.2503 0.486 0.5767 0.0203 0.1163 0.0396 1.000 y0.011 y0.041 0.095 y0.071 y0.268 y0.024 y0.043 0.122 0.244 0.153 0 0.9369 0.7679 0.491 0.606 0.0476 0.8603 0.7552 0.3737 0.0727 0.2658 Hhc 1.000 0.122 y0.091 0.012 0.127 0.142 y0.219 0.149 0.092 0.110 0 0.3768 0.5108 0.9284 0.354 0.3016 0.108 0.276 0.5061 0.4248 Clay 1.000 y0.379 y0.278 0.152 0.983 y0.803 y0.277 y0.316 y0.124 0 0.0043 0.0398 0.2667 0.0001 0.0001 0.0405 0.0187 0.3687 Silt 1.000 y0.783 y0.641 y0.409 0.407 y0.018 0.487 0.298 0 0.0001 0.0001 0.0019 0.002 0.8982 0.0002 0.0273 Sand 1.000 0.563 y0.235 0.117 0.204 y0.293 y0.226 0 0.0001 0.0841 0.3952 0.1344 0.0298 0.097 Rfr 1.000 0.137 y0.138 0.010 y0.197 y0.256 0 0.32 0.3143 0.9406 0.1493 0.0588 D Clay 1.000 y0.848 y0.226 y0.285 y0.082­ 0 0.0001 0.0966 0.0349 0.5502 D Silt 1.000 y0.325 0.229 y0.203­ 0 0.0155 0.0923 0.1362 D Sand 1.000 0.087 0.520­ 0 0.526 0.0001 EC 1.000 0.232 0 0.0887 R 1.000 0 ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5848 4. Results A statistical summary of the data is given in Table 1, including the mean values, standard deviation and range of the measured parameters for all the studied bank-gully sites, as well as the values for the Guadalentin and for the Guadix areas separately, indicating significantly different parameters between both areas. ® .The USDA texture diagram Fig. 6 shows that most studied bank gullies are characterised by a fine earth texture belonging to the silt, silt loam, silty clay loam, loam and sandy loam class. The rock fragment content in 91% of the gullies is lower than 7%. Only 5 sites, situated in Guadix, have a higher rock fragment content ranging between 20% and ® .57%. According to Middleton's 1930 erodibility classification, all sites are `erodible' with very high values of the dispersion ratio R, ranging between ® .83% and 100% Fig. 7 . Electrical conductivity val- ® .ues EC indicate that this parameter is greatly vari- able with, but not systematically related to the depth at which the sample was taken. This soil parameter also seemed to be dependent on changes in textural composition, and on the topographical position of the ® .bank gully e.g., distance from the drainage divide . In spite of the variations in EC values within the separate study areas, there is a significant difference between the mean value for the Guadalentin com- ® .pared to the Guadix area see Table 1 . Table 2 shows the mean values of the measured soil parameters for the samples taken in soil layers with piping or fluting, in comparison with the results for the samples from horizons where the processes were not observed. This reveals significant differ- ences in silt and sand content, and in EC for the soil horizons showing piping versus those without, and in ® .gravel content and R dispersion ratio for the soil layers showing fluting versus those without. The correlation matrix of the entire dataset is partly shown in Table 3. A significant topographical relationship exists between the local slope at the ® .gully head S and the present catchment arealh ® . ®A , i.e., the area draining to the gully head Fig.p .8 . The relationship has a correlation coefficient ® .Rsy0.748 Ps0.0001 , and is significant for the ® .Guadalentin Rsy0.688, Ps0.0001 but not for ® .Guadix Rsy0.258, Ps0.395 . Hence, the good ® . ® .Fig. 8. Local slope S ­drainage basin area A relationship atlh p the head of the studied bank gullies in the Guadalentin basin ® . ® .ns42 and the Guadix area ns13 . correlation for the entire dataset is based mainly on that for the Guadalentin and also on the difference between the study areas, i.e., significantly smaller catchment areas and steeper slopes in the Guadalentin compared to the Guadix area. The negative slope- catchment area relationship at the bank-gully heads results from the more pronounced topography of the Guadalentin. In contrast, it is less evident in the relatively flat Guadix basin, where there is little variation in slope with distance from the drainage divide. In addition, the poor significance for the Guadix dataset may also result from its smaller sample size. Nevertheless, this relationship indicates the average topographical position of the studied bank gully heads in the landscape. Geometrical characteristics of the bank gullies seem to be related to each other and to some envi- ronmental parameters. For instance, the total eroded ® .bank-gully volume V is positively correlated to the ® . ® .width-depth ratio WrD Rs0.463, Ps0.0004 ® . ®and negatively to the width-length ratio WrL Rs .y0.536, Ps0.0001 . This indicates that in gully ® .growth increasing bank-gully volume , widening is more important than deepening, but less important than linear gully extension. Width-depth ratio is ® . ®negatively correlated to dispersion ratio R Rs .y0.278, Ps0.0396 , indicating that bank gullies in highly dispersive material are rather deep and nar- row, and possibly have been formed as collapsed ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 49 ® . ® . ® .Fig. 9. Bank gully volume V vs. original catchment area A for all study sites ns55 , differentiated by USDA texture class.o pipes. A positive relationship exists between height ® .of the headcut Hhc and the present drainage basin ® . ® .area A Rs0.222, Ps0.1029 . However, thep ®correlation is significant for the Guadalentin Rs .0.316, Ps0.0413 , but not for the Guadix area ® .Rs0.346, Ps0.247 . There is also a negative ® .correlation between height of the headcut Hhc and ® . ®average slope of the gully bed S Rsy0.249,ab .Ps0.0673 , indicating that a steeper bed of a bank gully results in a smaller headcut height. Again, this ®correlation is significant for the Guadalentin Rs .y0.416, Ps0.0062 , but not for the Guadix area ® .Rsy0.242, Ps0.4265 . Also the differences in significance of the correlation between these parame- ters in the two study areas may partly result from the difference in sample sizes. However, physical causes ®should not be excluded and are discussed below see .Discussion . The most significant correlation with total eroded ® .bank gully volume V is found with the original ® . ® . ® . ® .Fig. 10. Bank gully volume V vs. original catchment area A for the Guadalentin basin ns42 and the Guadix area ns13 .o ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5850 ® .catchment area A , i.e., the area draining to theo gully mouth, explaining 66% of the variance. The relationship is given by Vs1.75U A0.59 .o This relationship is depicted in Fig. 9, where the USDA texture classes for the individual gully sites are indicated. Visually, points of the same texture class do not cluster in a certain position relative to the overall regression line. This was statistically confirmed as no significant difference was found between regression lines through the sub-datasets of individual USDA texture classes. In contrast, when ® .comparing both study areas Fig. 10 , the V­Ao regression line for the sites in the Guadalentin plots parallel to, but above that of the Guadix area, ex- ® .pressing a significantly higher intercept as10% , but no significant difference in slope. This suggests that, for a given catchment area, smaller gullies are formed in the Guadix study area compared to the Guadalentin. Multiple regression analysis has been applied to ® .relate the total eroded bank-gully volume V to all measured parameters listed in Table 1, apart from Table 4 Results of the multiple regression analysis for the entire dataset and the sub-datasets of the Guadalentin and the Guadix area, using as input ® . ® . 2 all parameters A , and only predictive topographical parameters and material characteristics B , with R scoefficient of determination of the multiple regression equation; R2 spartial R2 ; psp-value of parameter estimatep ( )A Inputsall parameters All gullies 2 R s0.7872 Log Vols y0.34q0.80 Log A y0.02 A rA q0.84 Log S q0.01 RFry0.01 D Siltq0.047EC­ ­ p p o ­ ag ­ p 0.5291 0.0001 0.0001 0.0080 0.0671 0.1277 0.1323 2 R 0.6095 0.1123 0.0282 0.0203 0.0065 0.0104p Guadalentin 2 R s0.8236 Log Vols 0.87q0.92 Log A y0.02 A rA q0.02 RFrq0.02 D Sandq0.04EC­ ­ p p o ­ p 0.0025 0.0001 0.0001 0.0690 0.1361 0.1139 2 R 0.6602 0.1246 0.0166 0.0114 0.0108p Guadix 2 R s0.8278 ® .Log Vols 5.92q0.69 Log A y1.32 Log A rA y2.48 ClayqSilt q0.03 D Clay­ ­ o ­ p o ­ p 0.0277 0.0009 0.1477 0.0793 0.1582 2 R 0.5841 0.1470 0.0445 0.0521p ( )B Inputspredictie topographical parameters and material characteristics All gullies 2 R s0.7228 Log Vols y0.67q1.20 Log L A q0.40 Log S q 0.02RFr­ ­ ­ o ­ Ao p 0.1240 0.0001 0.1193 0.0051 2 R 0.6756 0.0336 0.0136p Guadalentin 2 R s0.7510 Log Vols y0.51q1.41 Log L A q 0.02RFr­ ­ ­ o p 0.0483 0.0001 0.1873 2 R 0.7395 0.0115p Guadix 2 R s0.7647 Log Vols 0.67q0.68 Log A y0.02 Silt­ ­ o p 0.4442 0.0007 0.0198 2 R 0.5841 0.1806p ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 51 those directly or indirectly used for the calculations ®of the volume itself i.e., total gully length, L, average gully depth, D, average gully width, W, width­depth ratio, WrD, width-length ratio, WrL, .depth of the plunge pool, Hhc . The procedure re- sulted in different but comparable relationships for the entire dataset and the sub-datasets of the Guadalentin and the Guadix area. The result also depended on the combination variables used as input for the stepwise regression procedure. The number of variables in the relationships was further reduced to remove the effect of multicollinearity, which was detected by means of the variance inflation factors of the parameter estimates, and the condition numbers ® .Freund and Littell, 1991 . The equations for both the entire and the separate datasets are given in Table 4, together with the model R2 , the partial R2 of the selected parameters, and the P-value of the parameter estimates. First, all parameters have been used as input, resulting in the highest R2 of the fitted ® .relationships Table 4A . Second, only variables with ® .a predictive value have been used Table 4B . There- fore, topographical parameters related to or affected by the gully itself, such as average slope along the ® . ® .gully bed S or along the gully side S , theab ag ® .present drainage-basin area A , the average slopep ® .of the present drainage-basin S and the localap ® .slope at the gully head S were omitted in thislh input. 5. Discussion 5.1. Piping and fluting in relation to material prop- erties In our study, piping was observed in only 17 bank gullies, and most pipes appeared to be fossil and relatively inactive. However, the pipe remnants are an indication that these and similar gullies have been initiated from a collapsed pipe or pipe net, or at least developed by a mixture of piping activity with over- land flow processes. All bank gullies with pipes were located in the Guadalentin, and no pipes were ob- served in the studied bank gullies of the Guadix area. Consequently, the initiation of the studied bank gul- lies by pipe collapse is considered more likely in the Guadalentin than in the Guadix area. Two reasons ® .may explain this unequal distribution: 1 related to ® .soil properties and 2 related to the influence of local topography. First, the physico-chemical analysis shows that piping occurs in soil layers with a higher electrical ® .conductivity EC , and a higher silt and lower sand ® .content Table 2 . Although there is no significant ® .difference in dispersion ratio R between soil layers ® .with piping and those without Table 3 , EC is ® .positively correlated with R Table 3 , indicating that higher EC values enhance dispersion behaviour in the sampled soil horizons. Swelling and dispersion depend on the relationship between electrical con- ® . ® .ductivity EC and sodium absorption ratio SAR ® .Kamphorst and Bolt, 1976 . Dispersion is usually related to high SAR values, but may be inhibited by ® .too high soluble salt contents i.e., EC values . How- ever, the average EC value of the soil horizons with ® .piping in this study 4.7 mSrcm is much lower than ® .values reported by Imeson et al. 1982 for saline ® . ® .EC 10­26 mSrcm and sodic SAR 20­35 soils, resulting in a non-dispersive chemical environment. ® .Gutierrez et al. 1988 reported very high values for´ ® . ® .both EC up to 26 mSrcm and SAR 48­67 in soils showing severe piping. In that case, dispersion was favoured by leaching of the soluble salts whereas high levels of sodium saturation remained. Methods ® .for assessing soil dispersivity include i field disper- ®sion tests such as the Emerson test Loveday and . ® . ® .Pyle, 1973 , used by Imeson et al. 1982 , ii disper- sion thresholds with respect to the SAR and EC ®Agassi et al., 1981; Imeson and Verstraten, 1988; . ® .Gerits, 1991 , and iii dispersion indices such as the Middleton index or variations on this index, used by ® . ® .Imeson et al. 1982 , Gerits 1991 , Gerits et al. ® . ® .1987 and Gutierrez et al. 1988, 1997 . Besides´ chemical characterisation of the soil, several physical properties are also related to its dispersion behaviour. ® .Gerits et al. 1987 used consistency parameters indicating the capacity of material to withstand flow or plastic deformation in terms of its moisture con- tent, such as the plastic and liquid limits to calculate ®the plasticity index and the activity Young and .Warkentin, 1975 , and determined the C -index5­10 ® .developed by De Ploey and Mucher 1981 . They¨ also measured volumetric properties such as the shrinkage limit, COLE and the dry bulk density.25 Most studies relate the presence of pipes to soil ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5852 ® .texture characteristics. Gutierrez et al. 1988 report´ a high silt and clay content and a low sand content of piped soils, and the granulometric fraction smaller than 4 mm was statistically correlated to piping by ® . ® .Gutierrez et al. 1997 . In a study of Harvey 1982 ,´ however, silt and clay percentages could not differ- entiate between piped and non-piped sites. More important was the nature of the material at depth, particularly the presence of differential porosity, sol- ubility and strength, together with surface features allowing concentrated penetration of surface water such as deep tension cracks or desiccation cracks, and surface crusting over less consolidated sub- ® .surface layers. According to Martin-Penela 1994 ,´ the most decisive factors for piping are the presence of poorly indurated silty­clayey materials containing cracks, fractures or other discontinuities, such as ® .gypsum-filled joints and faults. Compared to these studies, entirely dedicated to piping processes, only a limited number of simple physical­chemical parameters has been determined in this study on bank-gully characteristics, but the relationships found between piping and material characteristics correspond relatively well, i.e., piping was related to the more dispersive, silty soil hori- zons. Consequently, the first reason for the absence of piping at the study sites near Guadix vs. the exclusive presence in the Guadalentin is also related to the difference in material properties between these two areas. Table 1 shows a lower EC value, a lower silt content, a higher sand and a higher rock fragment content for the Guadix area compared to the Guadalentin, suggesting a lower soil dispersivity. The second reason is probably related to the difference in overall relief between the two study areas. The wider and flatter drainage basins in the Guadix area, as illustrated by their significantly ® .smaller slope gradients Table 1 , may imply that pipe development was restricted by smaller hydraulic gradients. Consequently, overland flow erosion might have been more important in the Guadix area, whereas in the Guadalentin, more gullies developed from collapsed pipes. The role of fluting in gully development in dis- persible materials, in particular side-wall evolution, ® .has been extensively described by Veness 1980 and ® .Blong 1985 . The process of fluting is described in a sequence of stages, starting with rilling in a fresh planar face together with the transport of the dis- lodged material by the channel, over the initiation ®and development of flutes, to their destruction by .undercutting or slumping and eventually complete drowning of the flutes by their own debris when the channel is incapable of collecting and removing the material. In short, gully side-wall development is dominated by the growth, decay and stabilisation of flutes. Whereas these authors stressed the importance of fluting in gully sideward extension, flutes were often observed in the head of the studied bank gullies. In the Guadalentin, this process contributed to headcut retreat by undercutting a more resistant layer on top, when the action of overland flow or plunge pool erosion destroyed the flutes. In the Guadix area, the process appeared to be less active. The frequency of fluting was about the same in the Guadalentin as in the Guadix area, i.e., at 33% and 30% of the sites in the respective areas. Material ®characteristics of fluted vs. non-fluted horizons Ta- .ble 2 show that fluting is related to a higher disper- ® . ® .sion ratio R and a lower gravel content RFr , and therefore can be considered to accelerate the erosion process and sediment production from the studied bank-gully heads. 5.2. Topographical and geometrical relationships The present topographical position of the heads of the studied bank gullies is represented by the rela- tionship between the local slope at the gully head ® . ® . ®S and the present drainage basin area A Fig.lh p .8 . A topographical threshold for the initiation of bank gullies would consist of a similar relationship between topographical parameters at their original initiation point, i.e., at the edge of the rambla banks where the outlet of the present gullies is located. For comparison, the initiation of gullies on hillslopes by overland flow occurs where a critical flow shear ®stress at the soil surface is exceeded Montgomery .and Dietrich, 1988 . This erosional threshold can be expressed by a negative power relation between the local slope and drainage basin area at the gully ® .initiation point Begin and Schumm, 1979 . Apply- ing this concept to the studied bank gullies would provide valuable information on the topographical conditions of bank gully initiation. However, the initiation of bank gullies is somehow different from ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 53 the incision of a gully into a continuous hillslope ® .without banks because of the sudden height drop at the rambla bank. The main trigger for incision of the headcut is more likely to be the overfall depth or the hydraulic gradient at the rambla bank than the shear force at the soil surface near the rambla bank as determined by its local slope. Therefore, the original ® .catchment area A , substituting the runoff volume,o ®should be related to the overfall depth or the corre- .sponding hydraulic gradient rather than to the local slope of the soil surface at the original rambla bank where the headcut was first formed. In the field, however, it was impossible to accurately measure these parameters because severe erosion destroyed the original shape of the rambla bank at the outlet of most gully sites, leading to a gradually sloping sur- face instead of a sharp break. Consequently, the assumed relationships could not be verified. Such a study can only be undertaken at locations where bank gully erosion has just started and the rambla banks are still relatively intact, which was the case at only a few of our study sites. The positive correlation between height of the ® . ® .headcut Hhc and present drainage basin area Ap for the bank gullies in the Guadalentin can be inter- preted by the positive effect of discharge on plunge pool erosion. A large drainage basin above the gully head generates a large runoff discharge flowing over the headcut, enhancing rapid downcutting and deep- ening the plunge pool. This correlation is not signifi- cant for the Guadix area. The difference between the study areas can be explained by intrinsic differences in channel geometry. Because at most studied bank- ® .gully sites 71% , the average slope of the gully bed ® .S is steeper than the average slope of the soilab ® .surface along the gully S , gully depth generallyag decreases in upstream direction, i.e. with decreasing drainage basin area. In the Guadalentin, S and Sab ag are significantly steeper than in the Guadix area ® .Table 1 . Hence, comparing gullies of different ®length within one study area assuming the respec- .tive mean values for S and S from Table 1 , theab ag decrease in headcut height with increasing distance from the rambla, or decreasing drainage basin area, will be much more pronounced in the Guadalentin compared to the Guadix area. The importance of ® .average slope of the gully bed S in relation to theab ® .height of the headcut Hhc is once more expressed by the negative correlation between these two pa- rameters, significant for the Guadalentin but not for the Guadix area. ® .The greater average slope of the gully bed Sab compared to the average slope of the soil surface ® .along the gully S illustrates that the studied bankag gullies are situated in the lower part of a concave slope profile, where the slope of the soil surface is ® .flattening out. If the slope of the gully bed S andab ® .the slope of the soil surface along the gully Sag would remain constant while a bank gully retreats, both would intersect at a certain point upstream. Hence, it would be possible to predict the point where bank gullies stop growing. However, the con- cave slope profile of their catchments implies that the slope of the soil surface increases much more than that of the gully bed. Consequently, other mech- anisms must be responsible for the future stabilisa- tion of the bank gullies. ® .Heede 1970 associated low values of width-de- pth ratio of a channel with a young stage of develop- ment, in which all width changes are accompanied by similar changes in depth. In this study, the posi- ® .tive correlation between width­depth ratio WrD ® .and gully volume V may express the same rela- tionship, as a larger volume can be seen as a further development stage, whereby width increases more than depth. It also implies that for large gully vol- umes, sidewall erosion becomes more important than ® .linear incision, as suggested by Blong 1985 and ® .Blong et al. 1982 . A positive correlation between total bank-gully ® . ® .volume V and the original catchment area Ao exists both for the entire dataset and for the sub- datasets of the Guadalentin and the Guadix area. As the original catchment area is a substitute for runoff volume entering the entire bank gully, this relation- ship expresses the physical effect of discharge as an erosive force. The importance of drainage basin area for gully growth has been shown by several authors investigating the effects of catchment characteristics ®and hydrologic variables Beer and Johnson 1963; Thompson, 1964; Seginer, 1966; Stocking, 1980; .Burkard and Kostaschuk, 1997 . In most studies, headcut retreat occurs by the action of overland flow. ® .Stocking 1980 , however, made a distinction be- ®tween gully growth by waterfall erosion overland .flow , piping, or a combination of the two. Multiple ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5854 regression analysis pointed out that catchment area was highly significant for all heads that migrated at least partly through waterfall erosion, but this param- eter was not selected for headcut retreat by piping ® .alone. Also, Imeson et al. 1982 pointed out that where piping occurs due to swelling and dispersion, very high denudation rates can be expected that are not just a function of mechanical laws, i.e., the eroded volume may be extremely large compared to the volume of water draining it. In contrast, where interflow is responsible for undercutting by seepage erosion, the progression of gully heads and sidewalls is again related to contributing drainage area by ® .Sneddon et al. 1988 . Hence, the good correlation of ® .total bank-gully volume V with original catchment ® .area A resulting from this study suggests that ino the long run, the total amount of water that has reached the gully during its lifespan, through either surface or sub-surface sources, determines its total eroded volume. Differences in growth rate between the first stages of development, possibly dominated by piping and hence less related to catchment area, and later stages when surface process become domi- nant, are averaged out at this time scale. The final extent of the gullies is determined by the volume of overland flow that can still reach the head after piping activity has disappeared. This explains the nonlinear increase in total eroded volume with drainage basin area, suggesting that gully growth is limited by water transmission losses in the catch- ment. ® .In the study of Seginer 1966 , the area draining ® 2 .into the gully head A, km appears as the single most important factor explaining average annual gully ® .head retreat, E, mryear , measured over 15 years. He obtained a relationship of the form EsaAb with b ranging from 0.36 to 0.75 for 3 different areas in Southern Israel. Higher values for the exponent b were associated with samples of smaller catchments both within and between locations. This illustrates the higher efficiency in surface runoff production for smaller drainage basin areas. Finally, the average value of 0.50 for the exponent b is proposed for use in a practical prediction formula, valid for catchment areas ranging between 0.01 and 1 km2 . This b value is very close to the exponent of the relationship ® .between original drainage basin area A and totalo ® .eroded bank gully volume V , found in this study ® .bs0.57 . Apparently, the cumulative effect of the original drainage basin area on gully growth, result- ing in a certain eroded volume, is about the same as the short-term effect of the drainage basin area enter- ing the gully head on linear gully growth. Burkard ® .and Kostaschuk 1997 found a similar power rela- ® 2 .tion between gully area growth rate G , m ryearA ® 2 . 0.59 and drainage basin area D, m , G s0.4DA ® 2 .R s0.77 from measurements over 62 years. The authors defined watershed area as the area that flows into the gully through the headcut and over the side slopes, because they measured the increase in plani- metric area of the entire gully, including both head- cut retreat and sidewall erosion. This parameter cor- ® .responds to the original drainage basin area Ao used in this study, and the relationship expressing the ®short-term effect on gully growth in the order of .decades corresponds very well with our relationship expressing the long-term effect on total eroded vol- ®ume in the order of centuries, based on extrapola- tion of actual gully retreat rates measured in the .study areas . The difference in regression lines between the two study areas indicates smaller eroded volumes per unit catchment area in the surroundings of Guadix. Assuming that the gullies in Guadix are roughly the same age as those in the Guadalentin, this can be explained by topographical, lithological and climatic factors. Table 1 shows that average catchment slopes ® .S and S as well as local slopes above the gullyA Ap o ® .heads S are steeper, on average, in thelh Guadalentin. Consequently, larger bank gullies can be formed with the same drainage basin area, be- cause not only runoff volume, but also the flow velocity influences the erosivity of concentrated overland flow. Comparing material properties be- ® .tween the two study areas Table 1 , the Guadix area is characterised by less dispersive soils compared to ® .the Guadalentin see 5.1 , and hence by an increased stability and erosion resistance of the material in which the studied bank gullies developed. Statisti- cally, however, soil parameters were only poorly correlated with bank-gully volume. This shows that differences between the two study areas can only partly be attributed to different material properties and the main control of gully development in the long run is topography. In addition, erosion activity also depends on climatic factors. Although both ar- ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 55 eas have a semi-arid climate, the more humid condi- tions in Guadix allow a higher vegetation cover providing a higher erosion resistance. 5.3. Multiple regression The multiple regression equations in Table 4 inte- grate the effects of both topographical parameters and soil material characteristics on the total eroded bank-gully volume. If all parameters are used as input, they provide a good reflection of the control- ® .ling factors A , whereas limiting the input to predic- tive parameters provides a somewhat less accurate but more simple and useful tool to predict the future ® .volume of bank gullies in a non-affected area B . Drainage-basin area, A or A , or its length, L A ,­o p o is represented in all equations, and explains the main ® .proportion )58% of the total variation. The pa- rameter A appeared to be the most significant byo simple regression both in this study and in previous ®studies Seginer, 1966; Burkard and Kostaschuk, .1997 . In other studies using multiple regression to estimate future rates of gully head retreat, drainage basin area is always investigated as an input parame- ter. Drainage basin area above the gully head was represented in the equation proposed by Thompson ® .1964 with an exponent of 0.49. It was also highly ® .significant in equations obtained by Stocking 1980 for gully heads that migrate at least partly through waterfall erosion. The exponent varies from 0.38 to 1.00 with an average of 0.68. In this study, exponent values for A are between 0.68 and 1.20.o The contribution of the remaining parameters varies from about 1 to 18%. Although the parameter A rA was not significantly correlated to V, neitherp o for the entire or the separate datasets, it explains the second largest proportion of the variation in the ® .multiple regression equations in A for all datasets. Obviously, this parameter is not predictive as it ® .involves the present catchment area A . Its nega-p tive coefficient in the equations corresponds to the idea that, when bank gullies retreat and hence in- ® .crease in volume, the catchment at the headcut Ap becomes smaller compared to the original catchment ® .A . Thus, smaller values for A rA imply greatero p o bank gully volumes. The average slope along the gully, S , and of the original drainage basin, S ,ag Ao ® .are represented in both types of equations A and B for the entire dataset. Its positive coefficient reflects decreasing transmission losses and increasing flow velocity with steeper catchment slopes, resulting in greater eroded volumes. In comparison, Thompson ® . ® .1964 and Stocking 1980 tested the slope above ® .the gully head equivalent with our S as an inputlh parameter for their headcut retreat model, but ob- tained rather poor results. The parameter was repre- sented in the equation of Thompson with an expo- nent of 0.14, but with a low significance. Stocking did not withhold the parameter in his equations as it was insignificant at the short-term while it improved with longer-term measurements. Material characteristics appearing in the equations include clay, silt and rock fragment content, change in clay, silt and sand content after dispersion, and electrical conductivity. Clay and silt appear in the ® .equations both A and B for the Guadix area with a negative coefficient. The cohesive influence of clay contributes to the erosion resistance of the soil mate- rial, and hence clay content has a negative effect on the total eroded volume. Although silt can be consid- ered as highly erodible, its negative coefficient is due to the fact that the largest bank gullies in the Guadix area were found in lithologies with a low silt content but high gravel and sand content. This also explains the positive coefficient of rock fragment content in the equations. It can be concluded that, if bank gullies in the Guadix area occur in gravels or litholo- gies with a high rock fragment content, they tend to be large, whereas in silty soils with few rock frag- ments, relatively small gullies develop. Changes in particle-size distribution upon addition of a dispersing agent reflect the influence of soil dispersivity on the total eroded gully volume. A low ®negative value for D silt a great reduction in silt­ .content after dispersion has the same relative effect as a high positive value for D clay, and a negative­ ®value for D sand closer to zero a small reduction in­ .sand content after dispersion , i.e., increasing the total eroded volume. A great reduction of silt content ® .after dispersion implies that i a relatively large proportion of the silt fraction consists of water-stable aggregates that disintegrate into clay particles upon ® .addition of a dispersing agent, and ii a relatively small proportion of the sand fraction disintegrates into silt particles upon addition of a dispersing agent. The latter is confirmed by the negative correlation ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­5856 ® .between D silt and D sand see Table 3 , and­ ­ indicates that there are few water-stable aggregates of sand size, which can be considered as the least erodible. In contrast, particles or aggregates of silt size are generally considered to be highly erodible. Hence, the parameters D silt, D clay and D sand­ ­ ­ in the multiple regression equations reflect relatively well the effect of aggregates of silt and sand size on the erodibility of the soil material in the estimations of total eroded volume. Finally, electrical conducti- ® .vity EC also represents its influence on soil erodibi- lity in some multiple regression equations. High EC values may enhance dispersion of the soil material in water, and therefore have a positive effect on bank gully volume. 6. Conclusions This study focused on the morphology and geo- metrical characteristics of bank gullies resulting from present and past erosion processes in two semi-arid environments in Southeast Spain and revealed the following conclusions. ® .1 Erosion processes shaping the bank gullies are related to soil material characteristics. Piping occurs in soil layers with a higher silt content, a lower sand content and a higher electrical conductivity, whereas horizons with fluting show a lower rock fragment content and a higher dispersion ratio. ® .2 Correlation analysis of all measured bank-gully parameters showed a negative relationship between ® .local slope at the gully head S and the presentlh ® .drainage basin area A , i.e., the area draining top the gully head, indicating the average topographical position of the studied bank gully-heads in the land- scape. A similar relationship indicating the topo- graphical threshold conditions for bank-gully initia- tion could not be determined because erosion of the original surface of the rambla banks inhibited accu- rate measurement of the necessary parameters. Some geometrical characteristics of the bank gullies, such ® .as total eroded bank gully volume V , width-depth ® . ® .ratio WrD , width-length ratio WrL and depth of ® .the plunge pool Hhc are related to each other. The overall result of bank gully erosion over time, ex- ® .pressed by its total volume V , seems to be best related to the topographical parameter `original ® .drainage basin area' A , explaining 66% of theo variance of the relationship Vs1.75U A0.59 . Soil tex-o ture had little impact on this relationship. The differ- ence between the two study areas, indicating greater eroded volumes for a given drainage basin area in the Guadalentin compared to the Guadix area, may be due to steeper drainage basin area slopes, a lower erosion resistance of the soil material, and a higher degree of degradation due to drier and more extreme climatic conditions in this area. The implication of these findings is that, in order to reduce the eroded volume over time, conservation measures should fo- cus on reducing the amount of overland flow drain- ing into active gully heads. This could be achieved either by mechanical structures diverting the flow away from the headcut into stabilised channels, or by adopting land-use practices which increase surface ®roughness and depression storage Oostwoud Wij- .denes and Bryan, 1994 . ® .3 The effect of both topographical parameters and soil material characteristics on total eroded bank gully volume was integrated in multiple regression equations. The models based on all measured para- meters explain up to 83% of the variation in V. R2 is limited to 76.5% for the strictly predictive models, but these are more useful tools for erosion risk assessment studies in potentially vulnerable areas. Acknowledgements This research was carried out as part of the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use ® .MEDALUS collaborative research project. MEDALUS was funded by the European Commis- sion Environment and Climate Research Programme ®contract: ENV4- CT95-0118, Climatology and Nat- .ural Hazards and the support is gratefully acknowl- edged. This study is also a contribution to the Soil Erosion Network of the Global Change and Terres- trial Ecosystems Core Research Programme, which is part of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Pro- gramme. References Agassi, M., Shainberg, I., Morin, J., 1981. Effect of electrolyte concentration and soil sodicity on infiltration rate and crust formation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45, 845­851. Andrade, J.L.A., 1990. Atlas Fitoclimatico de Espana, Taxono-~ ( )L. Vandekerckhoe et al.rGeomorphology 33 2000 37­58 57 mias. 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