® .Geomorphology 39 2001 69­82 www.elsevier.nlrlocatergeomorph Late Holocene channel changes of the Middle Trent: channel response to a thousand-year flood record A.G. Brown a,) , L. Cooper b , C.R. Salisbury c , D.N. Smith d a Department of Geography, School of Geography and Archaeology, Uniersity of Exeter, Amory Building, Rennes Drie, Exeter EX4 4RJ, UK b Uniersity of Leicester Archaeological Serices, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK c 165 Tollerton Rd., Tollerton, Nr Nottingham NG12 4FT, UK d Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, Uniersity of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK Received 16 December 1999; received in revised form 1 July 2000; accepted 11 November 2000 Abstract This paper presents recent work on the floodplain sedimentology of the Middle Trent using data from gravel pits, archaeological sites and documentary sources. The Middle Trent has been unusually active during the Holocene in comparison with other large lowland rivers in the British Isles. The Holocene floodplain fill is dominated by sands and gravels with abundant structural evidence of changes in channel pattern and channel type. A thousand-year record of channel change has been reconstructed from palaeochannels and gravel units with radiocarbon dating of brushwood, palaeomagnetic dating of fine channel fills, dendrochronological dating of timber structures and dating via archaeological typologies. The Trent also has a reasonably well-recorded flood history at least since the 11th century AD. A comparison of the flood record and channel change indicates that the same degree of morphological and sedimentary response is not necessarily associated with floods of similar magnitudes, i.e. there is no constant relationship between event magnitude and landform change. Instead, the response seems dependent on the existing state of the channel and medium-term trajectory of channel change. There is evidence at both the Hemington and Colwick reaches of a cycle of channel change involving a change in channel typology, and dating evidence that this may have migrated downstream. The results of this work provide a medium-term perspective on channel change, which may be more appropriate for large British rivers than short-term monitoring for both model validation and planning purposes. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Channel change; Floods; Late Holocene; Medieval bridges; Beetles; Trent ) Corresponding author. Tel.: q44-1392-263-331; fax: q44- 1392-263-342. ® .E-mail addresses: a.g.brown@exeter.ac.uk A.G. Brown , ® .SMITHDN@hhs.bham.ac.uk D.N. Smith . 1. Introduction In contrast to most other lowland rivers in Britain, the Trent has been particularly active over the last 0169-555Xr01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. ® .PII: S0169-555X 01 00052-6 ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­8270 1000 years. This paper presents evidence of this activity and attempts to relate it to the flood history of the Trent basin. Large lowland rivers in the British Isles are generally characterised by channel stability over the last 1000 years. The lower Severn has suffered from channel siltation in the perimarine ® .zone Brown, 1991 , but otherwise there is little evidence of significant meander migration or avul- sion over this period. Likewise, the middle and lower Thames remained largely stable since major changes ®in planform in Prehistory ca. 3500­2000 years BP, .e.g. Needham, 1992; Allan et al., 1997 . This is not ®the case with upland rivers Howard and Macklin, .1999; Merrett and Macklin, 1999 , or many smaller ®piedmont and lowland rivers Hooke, 1977; Hooke et . ® .al., 1990 . Passmore et al. 1993 have shown how aggradation and transformation to a braided pattern occurred in reaches of the Upper Severn and the Tyne both in the late Roman period and the 13th and 14th centuries. The apparent Late Holocene stability ® .Fig. 1. Site location map inset and a map of palaeochannels in the Hemington area. ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­82 71 of lowland rivers is probably due to a combination of ® .low stream power Ferguson, 1981 , the creation of highly cohesive banks by overbank siltation, and the management of watercourses through embanking, bank protection and similar measures. The Middle Trent, however, is anomalous as despite bisecting the ® .English Midlands Fig. 1 and having a moderate to ® y3 .low slope average 0.5=10 , it has undergone major channel changes during the Late Holocene. The excavation of a series of medieval bridges, fish weirs and other structures at Hemington and earlier archaeological work at Colwick has provided a wealth of information on channel changes of the Trent, ® .which extend back over 1000 years Salisbury, 1992 . This allows assessment of the response of the Trent to the combination of changing flood regime and intrinsic variables, which control the reaction and ®relaxation times of rivers Brunsden and Thornes, .1979; Bull, 1991 . 2. Methods At all the sites referred to in this paper, the quarry ® .faces exposures produced by aggregate extraction have been observed as part of archaeological investi- gations. Faces have been monitored since 1987 as ® .part of planning consent mostly by C. Salisbury and archaeological remains and associated natural features are recorded and surveyed using an EDM Total Station and section drawing. As part of the excavation of the buried Medieval bridges at Hem- ®ington Cooper and Ripper, 1994; Cooper et al., .1994; Cooper, 1998, 1999 , the sediments were drawn and recorded using standard archaeological practise ® .i.e. recording by context by the Leicester Archaeo- logical Unit. The archaeological recording has also covered natural features including channels; around 40 sections and 80 EDM files over the last 2 years. This archaeological stratigraphy has been translated into an alluvial stratigraphy by applying standard ® .sedimentological rules and procedures Miall, 1978 largely involving the recognition of erosional bound- ® .ing surfaces EBS and distinctions between clast- ®and matrix-supported gravels Brown and Salisbury, .in press . Multi-method dating has included den- drochronology, radiocarbon assay, palaeomagnetic ® .dating Ellis and Brown, 1998 and archaeological ® .dating artefact typology . An approximate estimate of the channel-forming discharge associated with the Medieval channels used both the slope­area method and HECII step backwater modelling. More detail of ®this is given elsewhere Brown and Salisbury, in .press . Coleoptera from organic layers within the gravels and associated with Bridge I were processed from bulk samples using the standard method of ® .paraffin flotation as outlined in Kenward et al. 1980 . The Coleoptera were identified using a range of entomological keys and by direct comparison to the Gorham Collection of British Coleoptera at the De- partment of Ancient History and Archaeology, Uni- versity of Birmingham. The taxonomy follows Lucht ® .1987 . 3. The record of channel change from sedimen- tary and archaeological data The paper uses data from two sites within the Burton-on-Trent to Newark section of the valley ® .Hemington and Colwick, Fig. 1 , a section in which the main channel is joined by two tributaries drain- ®ing the northern upland half of the catchment the .Dove and the Derwent and one draining the south- ® .ern lowland catchment zone the Soar . Both sites are the result of aggregate quarrying but stratigraphic investigations have been undertaken in support of archaeological investigations; at Colwick in the 1970s and at Hemington in the 1990s. The Hemington and Colwick reaches have a large number of still visible palaeochannels dating from most periods of the ® .Holocene Fig. 1 . These are incised into the lower terrace, which is now known to be of Younger Dryas ®age on the basis of recent radiocarbon dating Brown .and Salisbury, in press . Extensive and systematic quarrying of aggregate in the Hemington reach has exposed a number of archaeological features over the last 10 years and from the Colwick­Holme Pierre- point reach archaeological finds have included a ®dug-out canoes and fish weirs Cummins and Run- .dle, 1969; Losco-Bradley and Salisbury, 1988 . The sedimentology of both Colwick and Heming- ton is both subtle and complicated as all the Holocene gravels are reworked Late Devensian gravels with ®only a minor reduction in mean grain size Deven- .sian d 13 mm, Medieval d 8 mm . The Deven-50 50 ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­8272 ®Fig. 2. Selected stratigraphic sections around Bridge I recorded by Cooper and Ripper and generalised into bounding surfaces sediment .discontinuities . ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­82 73 sian gravels contain many cryoturbation features, especially ice-wedge casts, while acknowledging the problems associated with the identification of such ® .features Worsley, 1996 , the form and linearity hence polygonal planform of these features suggest they did originate from freezing of the gravels under mean annual temperatures below 08C. Large intra formational masses of compact clay have also re- vealed, under SEM analysis, a lenticular microfabric ® .typical of freezing Van Vleit-Lanoe, 1986 . The¨ distinguishing criteria of the Holocene reworked gravels are lack of cryogenic features and colour, as the Devensian gravels have a red hue from the hematite-rich matrix. The presence of archaeological remains also distinguishes the Holocene from the Devensian gravels. At Hemington, over 50 sections surrounding the Medieval bridges have been recorded ® .by Cooper and Ripper in press . Fifteen of these have been redrawn and sedimentologically inter- preted, a selection of which is presented in Fig. 2 in order to show the scour and fill nature of the stratig- raphy. This suggests that there are at least three separate flood units recorded at the site of Bridge I. There is a general decrease in the complexity of the ® .channel fill from the oldest Bridge I to the youngest ® .bridge Bridge III as evidenced by the stratigraphy; however, this is probably also due to the changing cross-sectional shape of the channel that widens over time. By combining the archaeological, sedimentologi- cal and dating evidence, a tentative sequence of channel changes over the last 1500 years can be postulated, based upon both the archaeological and ® .geomorphological evidence Fig. 3 . The channel pattern is reconstructed from the bridge locations and dimensions, the sedimentology associated with the Fig. 3. Hypothetical model of channel changes at Hemington from archaeological, sedimentological and dating evidence. ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­8274 bridges, the pattern of palaeochannels, derived from the monitoring and plotting of artefacts such as dated fishweirs and anchor stones. For an unknown period prior to the 6th century BC, the Trent had a single ® . ® .Fig. 4. Major Late Holocene channels of the river Trent at Colwick a and channel change 1609­1840 b . Both adapted from Salisbury et ® .al. 1984 . ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­82 75 sinuous channel forming a large meander upstream of Sawley and across Hemington Fields. Evidence for a single meandering channel comes from several reaches including the dated meander at Hemington ®which is of similar proportions to the Sawley .palaeomeander, see Fig. 1 , and downstream at Col- ® .wick Salisbury et al., 1984 and Holme Pierrepoint ® .Cummins and Rundle, 1969 . By the 10th century, sinuosity had decreased and there is some evidence of two channels. The primary evidence of this are fish weirs discovered in a western extension of the ® .aggregate workings FW I and FW II , at least one of ®which dates to the late 10th­mid 12th century FW . ®I , and a Norman Mill discovered in 1985 Clay and .Salisbury, 1990 . Together, these indicate a WNW­ ESE flow over the mill dam, which considering the ®evidence of a functioning channel at Bridge I but one too small to accommodate the full Trent dis- .charge implies a bifurcation into eastern and west- ern channels at or upstream of the Mill Dam. The Mill Dam was destroyed in a flood around 1140 AD ® .Clay and Salisbury, 1990 . Between the 11th and 15th centuries flow in the easterly channel increases and is presumably balanced by a reduction in the discharge of the westerly channel. The evidence for this is primarily from the increased length and ro- bustness of bridges built across the easterly channel and the results of slope­area and HECII step-back- water modelling, which suggest an increase from a bankful discharge of 50­140 m3 sy1 for Bridge I to somewhere between 220 and 350 m3 sy1 for Bridge III. The large ranges of the estimates reflect the many sources of error inherent in such calculations. One possible source of error arises because the input channel dimensions are based upon the structures ®rather than the channel edges except in the case of .the S bank of Bridge III and therefore include an estimate for the maximum width of the outer casson or pier to the channel bank. However, the present bankful discharge of the Trent is around 200 m3 sy1 suggesting that the majority or all the flow of the Trent had shifted into the channel by the estimated ®date of Bridge III construction in ca. AD 1239 last .felling date from bridge pile . Consistent paleomag- netic dates from a section adjacent to Bridge III show that fine sediments were filling the channel ®from 1375"50 to 1400"50 Ellis and Brown, .1998, Section 10 onwards, implying that the main channel had avulsed back into the westerly channel by this date. However, it seems likely that the east- ern channel remained open, taking flood flows be- tween the 15th and 16th centuries, eventually leaving only an oxbow lake named the Old Trent along the line of the old county boundary. These dates provide a minimum date for the destruction of Bridge III by floods. ® .At Colwick studies by Salisbury et al. 1984 revealed a similar cycle of channel change during ® .this period Fig. 4 with a well-established southern Roman course, a northerly Saxon course with two ® . ®meanders 9th century and a divided section at . ®Colwick Hall as recorded in 1270 Salisbury, 1984; .Salisbury et al., 1984 . There is evidence that a phase of more rapid channel change occurred be- tween 1300 and 1416 with limited braiding, avulsion and channel abandonment. In the late 14th century, considerable channel engineering was undertaken by ® .Richard Byron Lord of Colwick and weirs were removed, which had obstructed the channels. By the ® .16th century map of 1602; Salisbury, 1983 , avul- sion to the present meandering planform had oc- curred. Indeed, in the Colwick reach since 1609 channel change has been limited to abandonment of the Hesgang meander loop and limited meander ex- pansion. 4. Coleoptera and channel conditions Many issues concerning the response of the River Trent to the flood record and channel change are evident in the insect faunas recovered during archae- ological investigations. This is particularly the case with those associated with the bridges at Hemington. The insect faunas are from organic sandy silts de- ®posited below a hurdle panel made of interwoven .woody stems and under dislodged timbers, associ- ®ated with the second caisson bridge pier of box-type . ® .construction of the 11th Century bridge Bridge I . The close association between the bridge structure and the insect faunas enables direct reconstruction of not only the landscape immediately surrounding the bridge, but also the nature of fluvial conditions, riversides and channel bottom at this time. The continued existence of reworked gravel and sands in the bed of the channel is one of the key ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­8276 features that allowed the Trent at Hemington to maintain a multi-channel form through the accumula- tion of in-channel bars. The presence of these condi- tions in the past is clearly indicated by the insect fauna recovered. Many of the species of water beetle present are today more characteristic of upland gravel-bed rivers rather than those of the silt laden lowlands. Stictotatsus duodecempustulatus, Pota- monetectes depressus, Orectochilus illous and the Ariffle beetlesB or elmids Elmis aenea, Esolus paral- lelepipedus, Oulimmnius species, Limnius olck- mari, Riolus cupreus and R. subiolaceus, are nor- mally distributed outside of the lowlands in Britain ® .today Holland, 1972; Friday, 1988 . In addition to requiring oxygenated waters, elmids are limited in their distribution to those rivers with sands and ®gravels in their channel base Nilsson and Holmen .1995; Holland 1972 . This may be particularly true of two of the elmids present in the archaeological material at Hemington. Stenelmis caniculata and Macronychus quadrituberculatus are considered to ®be very restricted or rare in Britain today the former ® .has a Red Data Book RDB 3 status and the latter ® .RDB 2 status in Shirt 1987 . The literature suggests that these two species are often associated with scour holes and plunge pools in larger water channels, such ® .as in rivers Steffan, 1979 . The subsequent decline of these species between the 12th century AD and today probably results from changes in the sediment input to the Trent or river modification and engineer- ing, resulting in the formation of cohesive gravel channel bases and banks. A number of terrestrial species also suggests that the sands and gravels extended to the bank sides. In particular, the small ground beetle Benbidion punc- tatum is usually found on barren areas of stones and ® .gravel beside fast flowing waters Lindroth, 1974 . It is clear from this insect fauna that though the bridge may have been undermined as the result of the 1141 ® .flood events Table 1 unstable gravel and sand bed conditions must have existed throughout the entire period of the use of the bridges. Such channel bed conditions can be expected to exacerbate the effects of high discharge events and floods. The implied bed instability is supported by calculations, which at- tempted to estimate the maximum scour depth from the structure of Bridge I. The relationship between actual scour depth and estimated scour depth only converges if the assumption is made that the bed was ® .not armoured Brown and Salisbury, in press . One of the most important implications of the recent sedimentological work at the bridge site is the implication that the Trent, almost alone amongst Britain's lowland rivers, experiences a period of large scale channel change and migration in the medieval period. This is also largely confirmed in Table 1 ® .Floods that occurred in the 11th­14th centuries on the Trent largely from Potter, 1964 with the floods most likely for the destruction of the bridges at Hemington indicated. Potter also notes increase in river freezing and summer droughts in the 13th Century. Pontage is a tax raised for the repair of bridges Date Comments Bridge I ® .1141 2 Feb First recorded flood on the Trent, breached the Spalford Bank. A rain on snow flood similar to 1795, 1946 and 1947 1205 Severe winter, snow and river frozen 1216r17 Severe winter, snow and river frozen Bridge 2? 1255 Jul A summer flood exacerbated by flood debris Bridge 2? ® .1279 Caused channel change in the lower Trent Riley et al., 1995 1305­1306 Dec­Jan Severe winter freeze ended by 3 days of rain Bridge 3 1309r1310 Severe winter floods destroyed several bridges and damaged Hethbeth Bridge, Nottingham ® .pontage issued for its repair and may have caused channel change at Shardlow and Wilne Pasture ® .Lang Holme, Courtney forthcoming ® .1315r16 Rainfall floods pontage again issued for Hethbeth bridge 1322 Severe winter floods 1310­1330 A period of severe winters with damage to bridges almost every winter 1403 A severe flood, which breached the Spalford Bank and caused channel change at Sawley ® .and Lockington Sand Holme, Courtney forthcoming ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­82 77 the 11th century fauna of insects recovered at Hem- ington. The paleoentomological record of several of Britain's rivers, including the Trent, contains sub- stantial numbers of elmid species in Neolithic and ®Bronze Age deposits Dinnin 1997; Howard et al., 1999; Osborne, 1988; Robinson, 1991, 1993; Smith, .in press but, it is suggested, few after this time ® .Osborne, 1988 . As suggested above, it is thought the decline of elmids in riverine insect faunas is linked to the onset of the deposition of fine grain ® .AalluvialB sediment Osborne 1988 . The initiation of sedimentological change is normally thought to be ®either late Prehistoric or Iron age in date Robinson .and Lambrick, 1984 , and so it is assumed that this is also the date of the disappearance of the elmids in most lowland rivers. At present, this is a persuasive, but to some extent a circular, argument due to a lack of research into the paleoentomology of post Iron ®Age channels outside of the Trent catchment Smith, .in press . In spite of this, it seems fair to assert that the Trent, both in terms of the sediments it produces and its insect fauna, is not following the normal pattern of development we observe in the other lowland rivers elsewhere in Britain. 5. The flood records of the Trent basin The Trent basin has an unusually comprehensive, although incomplete, flood history for the last 900 ®years. This has been compiled by Potter 1964 and .personal communication for the period prior to the instrumented record. Although the record is essen- tially qualitative prior to the 18th century, there are two ways in which relative magnitude can be gauged. Firstly, only the largest floods breached the Spalford Bank, which was a flood defense protecting the Witham valley and the city of Lincoln. From the gauged record, it is known that it is breached at discharges over approximately 1000 m3 sy1 . Sec- ondly, damage to bridges and `pontage' a right to borrow money for bridge repairs, can indicate the largest floods. However, the timing of the flood must be taken into consideration here as a major cause of bridge damage was late summer floods, which swept hay-ricks downstream causing bridge obstruction and damage greater than that which might be expected for the discharge. The flood record shows several ®large floods during the 12th­13th centuries Table .1 , which can be partly matched with the bridge record using the last felling date derived from den- drochronology and the date of the succeeding bridge. ® .The dendrochronology shows that the first casson phase of Bridge I was destroyed in c. 111 AD, prior to the documented flood record, but that the 1141 flood was most likely responsible for the destruction ® .of the second pile phase of Bridge I. The destruc- tion of Bridge II is more problematic but the last timber date was 1224 so it could have been de- stroyed by recorded floods in 1255 or 1279, or unrecorded floods. The chronology of the third bridge is more difficult as it was partly of stone construc- tion, with evidence of maintenance from an inter-pier ®timber with a felling date of 1270­1305 Howard in .Cooper and Ripper, in press , and so the 1309r10, 1316r16, 1322 and 1402 floods are all possible ® .candidates. However, the last structural bridge tim- ber recorded in the whole quarry is dated to 1270­ ® .1305, and historical Courtney, in press and topo- graphic work has revealed that the inception of Wilne Ferry was in 1310r1311. Since the ferry would have charged and the bridge would not have charged, as it served the King's Road, this implies that the bridge had been lost. The date of 1305r6, or more likely 1309r1310, is also supported by an associated agreement between land owners, regard- ing access to cut-off land refereed to as Lang Holme and now believed to be Shardlow and Wilne pasture. The 1402 flood caused major avulsion between Hemington and Colwick at Sand Holme near the Sawley meander, leading to land exchange between two manors and agreements to try and stabilise channel location. It is noticeable that for at least 5 of the 11 floods or flood periods listed in Table 1 freezing conditions, rain-on-snow or snowmelt was a major factor, probably resulting from continental ®blocking of westerly depressions e.g. a Scandina- .vian high pressure system . This is in contrast to only three similar events recorded out of the 10 ®largest recorded floods since the 15th century Table .2 . The record for the 17th­19th centuries shows a ®lower frequency of large approaching or over 1000 3 y1.m s floods, with a return interval of 66 years for such floods between AD 1402 and 1792 as opposed to 24 years between AD 1100 and 1402. However, ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­8278 Table 2 The 10 largest floods for which Q is known or has been reliably estimated on the Middle Trent Rank Date Synoptic conditions 1 1795 Feb Largely snowmelt with some rain, 3 y1® .blocking conditions 1400 m s 2 1875 Oct Depressional rain 3 1947 Mar Snowmelt with heavy rain, blocking conditions--high over Scandinavia 4 1952 Nov Depressional rain 5 1960 Dec Depressional rain 6 1946 Feb Snowmelt and rain, blocking conditions 7 1932 May Depressional rain 8 1855 Mar Depressional rain 9 1901 Jan Depressional rain 10 1886 May Depressional rain this difference may partly reflect less information on particular floods and so a less complete series. The largest recorded flood in Britain occurred on the ® .Trent in 1795 Acreman, 1989 . It had an estimated 3 y1 ® .discharge 1416 m s Archer, 1993 and was typically a rain on snowmelt flood associated with blocking of westerlies by high pressure over main- ® .land Europe Table 2 . A period of increased flood magnitudes during the 12th­15th centuries AD is consistent with data indicating an increased fre- quency of wet and severe winters at the end of the ®Little Climatic Optimum ca. AD 900­1300 e.g. Britton, 1937; Hughes and Diaz, 1994; Brown, 1996, .1998 . Given the evidence of the flood record, the cause of the phase of channel change recorded at Heming- ton would appear to be fundamentally climatically controlled reflecting the sensitivity of the reach to an increase in flood magnituderfrequency and bedload transport rates. High bedload transport rates are sug- gested by the abundant evidence of in-channel gravel deposition and little evidence of overbank siltation. In this respect, the delay of ca. 100­200 years in the response of the Colwick reach may reflect the time- lag associated with the movement of the bedload ® .pulse or slug sensu Nicholas et al., 1995 over a ® y1 .distance of 21 km 100­200 m year . The passage of sediment through a reach typically induces aggra- dation, which may result in the conversion of a single-thread channel to a multi-channel system ® .Nicholas et al., 1995 . An alternative hypothesis is that the intervening input of the Soar altered channel response. A combination of more accurate dating and clast provenancing would be required to test these hypotheses. Fluvial studies over the last decade have shown that climatic instability at the end of the Little Climatic Optimum was responsible for increased flu- ® .vial activity Rumsby and Macklin, 1996 and allu- ® .vial fan sedimentation Harvey and Renwick, 1987 in the uplands and pulses of topsoil erosion from ®lowland predominantly arable catchments Borck, .1989; Foster et al., 2000 . 6. Discussion The question immediately raised is why did the floods of the 12th­15th centuries cause a complete cyclical metamorphosis of the channel at Hemington and similar changes at Colwick and yet later floods have had relatively little geomorphological effect. The first possibility is that the earlier floods were of far greater magnitude. It is extremely difficult to estimate the magnitude of single floods in alluvial reaches with a long flood history. The documentary record, while supporting the observation of a run of ® .large floods over a relatively short period 300 years , does not support the hypothesis that they were of significantly greater magnitude than the 1795 or 1947 floods. A second possibility is that since the 15th century channel engineering has effectively constrained the channel. A common form of channel training on the Trent was the `kidweir'; a line of posts, brushwood and wattle. At Colwick, a kidweir has been radiocarbon dated to cal. AD 1458­1640 ® .Lord and Salisbury, 1997 . There was also channel improvements for coal barges during the 16th cen- tury including lines of posts and piling designed to increase siltation of the banks and secondary chan- nels, a process known as warping. Downstream of Nottingham, there was shoal removal the construc- tion of rubble walls and the planting of willow trees ® .osiers ; a progressive channelisation of the river. This may explain the lack of response to the 1795 flood at Colwick but not at Hemington where the river was far less channelised. An important indirect human impact has almost certainly been an increase in suspended load supplied from arable fields. The agricultural revolution in the 18th century facilitated the cultivation of the heavier and less fertile soils of ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­82 79 the North Midlands and it is generally accepted that extensive land drainage has increased sediment con- veyance and increased peak discharges from small ® .tributaries Green, 1979; Higgs, 1987 . An increase in suspended sediment concentrations would have led to increased overbank sedimentation, helping to accumulate silt and fix channel banks and to in- creased silt and clay deposition on the channel bed on the falling limbs of floods. The cyclic form of channel change at Hemington also suggests there may be an autogenic component to channel response to floods whereby the channel is in transition, and so sensitive to moderate floods in between more stable states, the single-thread meandering pattern. On a Quaternary time scale, the Trent record would reveal a catastrophic change from a meandering to a multi- channel state, through avulsion and an increase in stream power associated with a period of frequent ® .large floods Graff, 1988 , but a more gradual change back from the multi-channel to the meandering state. Depending upon bank stability, and height, the me- andering state may take many decades or centuries to become susceptible to avulsion as this increases in probability as sinuosity increases. This element, ® .which is in essence Lane and Richards' 1997 `con- figurational state', requires testing using numerical modelling and observations of systems over appro- priate time scales, probably 1­2 ka years in medium-sized rivers. 7. Conclusions If it is accepted that the response time of geomor- ® .phic systems is scale-related i.e. size-time related then medium-sized to larger channels will only show explainable changes at the 102 ­103 time scale. If this is the case then historical and archaeological information is invaluable in allowing a reconstruc- tion of fluvial trends, which may then be related to forcing factors such as climate and land use change. The broadening of alluvial palaeoecology has also allowed a new range of techniques to be used at ®indicators of fluvial conditions Amoros and Van .Urk, 1989 . In particular, Coleoptera have the poten- tial to add process detail to reconstructions of past fluvial regime including bed and bank conditions and floodplain land-use. In this case, they show how the channel had a mobile, un-armoured bed and rela- tively lower suspended sediment load than it carries today. At both Hemington and Colwick, there is a cyclic phase of channel change from single channel mean- dering to active braided to fixed multi-channel state ® .anastomosing and finally back to a single channel meandering state. This cycle rakes place over 300­ 400 years between the 9th and 14th centuries, or a ® .little 100­200 years later at Colwick, and is driven ® .by a series of large floods Fig. 5 . During this period, the recurrence time of floods was probably far shorter than the relaxation time of the channel causing channel conditions to be predominantly tran- ® .sient TF)1 sensu Brunsden and Thornes 1979 . The climatic context of these floods has been dis- ® .cussed elsewhere Brown, 1998 ; however, they do coincide with the Late Medieval Climatic Deteriora- tion, which is generally accepted to have been a time of climatic instability. This channel response is unique for a larger lowland river in England and is almost certainly the result of the unusual hydrometry of the basin. Within 50 km of the Middle Trent, four major tributaries join the main channel and, as Fig. 5. Late Holocene cycle of channel change at Hemington, the driving mechanism is believed to be a flood-induced increase in bedload transport rates and low bank resistance. ( )A.G. Brown et al.rGeomorphology 39 2001 69­8280 ® .Knighton 1987 has shown, the estimated mean annual flood increases from around under 200 m3 sy1 to nearly 450 m3 sy1 . Two of these tributaries drain adjacent uplands and they alone increase the 3 y1 ®estimated mean annual flood by 200 m s Knigh- . ® .ton, 1987 . As Knighton 1998, p. 61 remarks such Adiscontinuity present in the fluvial system, . . . has implications for downstream channel adjustmentB. The result is that the Trent is very sensitive to rain on snow events and these can cause a switch in the ratio of contributing discharge from a Trent-to a ® .Derwent-dominance Brown, 1998 . The difference in hydrology is illustrated by the flood multiplier ® .ratio of mean Q to maximum recorded Q , which is 1.6 for the Trent at Shardlow and 3.2 for the Der- ® .went at Longbridge based on NERC 1975 figures . As Hemington is at the junction of the Trent and Derwent, this may have been particularly important in driving channel change in this reach. From the 14th century onwards, there is little relationship be- tween the rates or relative magnitudes of channel change and flood history. Several possible reasons include a change in channel form causing an auto- genic change in channel sensitivity, and increase in suspended sediment load and direct channel modifi- cations encouraging a fixed single-channel form. The remarkable Late Holocene history of the Middle Trent illustrates how the response to floods may depend on the state of the channel and this is deter- ®mined not only by the past flood history sensu .Erskine and Warner, 1999 but any other change in channel or floodplain conditions including both di- rect and indirect human impacts. Acknowledgements The authors must acknowledge all involved in the Hemington project especially S. Ripper, P. Clay, M. Beamish and other members of University of Leices- ® .ter Archaeological Services ULAS . The work was begun with support from J. Mellor and the Leicester- shire Archaeological Unit, English Heritage with the agreement and help of Ennemix Construction materi- als. Work has continued supported by Lafarge Red- land. 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