480 Microwave processing Dinesh K Agrawal of ceramics Microwave processing of ceramics is fast emerging as a new field of ceramic processing and material synthesis. The past year has witnessed significant progress in the aspect of commercialization and application of the technology to new areas. The most significant developments have been the use of microwaves in the sintering of non-oxides, such as tungsten carbide-based components and powdered metals, fabrication of transparent ceramics, and the design of continuous microwave systems. Addresses Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA; e-mail: dxa4@psu.edu Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 1998, 3:480-485 Electronic identifier: 1359-0286-003-00480 C Current Chemistry Ltd ISSN 1359-0286 Abbreviations BMT Ba(M9o 3sTao.Gs BT BaTiO, PZT Pb(Zro,~~T~o.~~)O3 WC tungsten carbide Introduction New developments and innovative ideas in the area of materials processing ha\,e often led to the discovery of new materials, with interesting and useful properties, and/or new technologies which are faster. better, cheaper and greener. A striking example of such innovations arc recent de\dopmcnts in the area of microwave processing of ceramics. Although many potential advanrages of uriliz- ing microwxves to process ceramics have long been rccog- nized, ir is only now that this field has finally been shown to be at the take-off stage. Although microwave heating ~3s conceived 01 er SO years ago, its use iii ceramic pro- cessing is relatively ne\\; Among the most prominent advances in the past year were those reporwd on tungsten carbide (Il'C-based ceramic composites, fabrication of transparent ceramics, sintering of powdered metals and the design of a continuous microwave system to enable the commercialization of the technology. hlicrowave heating is fundamentally different from COII- ventional heating. Microwaves arc electromagnetic radia- tion with waxlengths ranging from 1 mm to 1 m in free space with a frequency between 300 GHz to 300 hIHz, respectively. Today microwa\w at the 2.45 C;Hz frecluen- c); arc used almost universally for industrial and scientif- ic applications. In the microwave process, the heat is generated internally Mithin the material instead of origi- nating from exwrnal sources, and hence there is an inverse heating profile. `I'he heating is very rapid as the material is heated by energy con\wsion rather than by energy transfer, cvhich occurs in conventional technicl(lcs. hlicrowave heating is a function of rhe material being processed, and rherc is almost 1009T con~xxsion of elec- tromagnetic energy into heat, largely within rhe sample itself, unlike with conventional heating where there arc significant thermal energy losses. hlicro~\~a~~e heating has many advanrages over con\~entional heating methods [l-S]; some of these advantages include, time and cncrg) sar.ing, very rapid heating rates (>4OO'(:/min), considcr- ably reduced processing time and rempcruture, fine microstructures and hence impro\xd mechanical proper- tics, it is en~%amientall~ friendl!; and so on. Other rhan radar, other communicarion purposes and home-cooking, microwaves are widely used in man!. indcls- trial applications including. meat tempering, potato chips processing. bacon cooking, drying of pharmrweutical prod- ucts and wlcanization of rubber. In the case of ceramic processing microwave energy has been in wit since the late 1910s wirh a big push in the eighrics: however. this did not result in the formation of useful products in the field of ceramics. Ceramic processes \vherc micro\vavcs have Ixen applied include: process control. drying of ceramic sanitar> wares. calcination, decomposition of gaseous species I,! niicro\va\x plasma, and sintering of oxide uximics I,) micrownxz plasma. However, excqx for the drying of ceramic uxrcs there is hardlv any orhcr area where microwave technology has been commercially cxploitcd. Only, recently ha1.e there been reports indicating rhat sonic sticccss has been achieved in commerci:llizinfi chc microwar-c sintering of L\`(:-based cutting tools [C)]. hIany different physical phenomena are in\d\ ed during the microwave processing of ceramics. `I'hc interaction bet\\uzii microwa\xs and matter takes pl;tce through rhc electric field \`ector and magnetic field vector of the elccrromagnctic ticld of the microwaves and in\& es polarization and conduction processes. (Iassically \xrious absorption mechanisms ha\ c been identified in the interaction of niicronx\w with in;i1- ter. Exanplcs of these are dipole reorientation, conduction of space and ionic charge. and so on, which are primaril) found in insulators or dielectric materials. Other energ? Ioss- es, depending on the material under interaction. can occur through rlcctric conduction in (semi)metals and/or magnct- ic resonance in magnetic materials. All these processes gi1.c rise to energy losses which manifest themschzs in the form of \dumetric heat in the material. Interest and activity in microwa\~e processing has been coii- tinuously increasing, and the ~1st:of microuwx tcchnolog) in industrial applications is also growing \vith nt`n~ de\~lop- mats in both the engineering and design of micro\va\x sys- terns. `I'his growing and renewed interest in microux\ c technology has been amply supported by the s~~cccss of the Microwave processing of ceramics Agrawal 481 Figure 1 Table 1 I .!z Current Opinion m Solid State & Materials Science Schematic drawing of apparatus for continuous microwave sintering. `First World Congress on Microwave Processing', which was held in Orlando, January 5-9, 1997. Five earlier excellent reviews by Clark and Sutton [7], Schiffman [B], Katz [9] and Sutton [lO,ll], are more than adequate to give interested readers a broader picture of the status of microwave processing research up until 1996. This current review presents a series of innovations and new developments in the field of microwave processing of ceramics, which occurred in the last year and half. During this period, the use of microwave sintering has been extended to new material families which contain not only white ceramics and `semiconducting cements' but also major composite families containing substantial amounts of metals, and even pure metals and alloys. Dramatic developments have taken place in the area of material syn- thesis utilizing microwave energy and variable valance oxide precursors. This approach triggers very high reaction rates during the synthesis of important dielectric materials compositions. This is an unambiguous demonstration of a non-thermal `microwave effect' in accelerating and cat- alyzing new reactions. The advantage of obtaining finer microstructures in microwave processed products, unat- tainable by conventional heating, has led to its application in the development of transparent and translucent ceram- ics for a variety of applications. These areas and other advances will be the focus of this review. Comparison of microwave and conventional processes for sintering WC-Co composites. Microwave Conventional Sintering temperature YC) Total cycle time Sintering time (minutes) Density (O/oTD) Average grain size (pm) Bending strength (MPa) Hardness (Rockwell A) TD, theoretical density. 1300 1450 90 min 12-24 hrs 10 60 99.8 99.7 0.6 2 1800 1700 93 91 Microwave sintering of WC + Co composites Hard metal composites due to their unique combination of hardness, toughness and strength, especially WC-based composites, are universally used for cutting tools and drilling operations underground. Conventional methods for sintering WC with Co as a binder phase involve high temperatures and lengthy sintering cycles of the order of one day. In a conventional sintering method, the carbide specimen is subjected to high temperatures (up to 1SOO'C) for long periods in order to achieve a high degree of sinter- ing. Such conditions unfortunately favor undesirable WC grain growth in the presence of Co liquids. Consequently, the mechanical strength and hardness of the tool is dimin- ished. It is a well known fact that finer microstructures pro- vide superior mechanical properties and a longer life-time of the product. Often, additives such as titanium carbide (TIC), vanadium carbide (VC) and tantalum carbide (TaC) are used to prevent grain growth of WC grains. Unfortunately such additives deleteriously affect the mechanical properties of the product. In 1991, JP Cheng, in a PhD thesis [121,showed for the first time that WC/Co composites could be sintered in a microwave apparatus. Gerdes and Willert-Porada [13] also reported the sintering of similar WC objects, but they followed a reactive sinter- ing route using a mixture of pure W, C and Co instead of normal microwave sintering. In parallel work Cheng et a/. [14], using a newly designed apparatus (Figure 1) were able to sincer WC `commercial' green bodies containing 12% and 6% Co. It was observed that microwave processed WC/Co bodies exhibited better mechanical properties than the conventionally processed parts, a fine and uni- form microstructure (-1 micron size grains) with very little grain growth, and nearly full density was achieved without adding any grain-growth inhibitors when sintered at 1250"-1320°C for only lo-30 minutes [6,15,Pl]. Table 1 provides a comparison between microwave and conven- tionally processed WC/Co cements. Microwave synthesis using reduced oxide precursors Microwave energy has been used in many syntheses to either enhance the reaction kinetics or to trigger new reac- tions at lower temperatures. However, recently microwave 482 Ceramics, composites and intergrowths Table 2 Comparison of reaction pathways for BaTiO, synthesis using microwave and conventional methods. Processing temperature 200°C 300°C 600% 800°C 900% 1loo"c 1300% Microwave Conventional Microwave BaCO,+TIO,_, BaCO,+TiO,_, BaCO,+TiO, hex-BT tet-BT; hex-BT _ tet-BT _ tet-BT Ba,TIO, (at 950°C) Ba,TiO, tet-BT Ba,TiO, Ba,TiO,; tet-BT tet-BT Ba*TiO, BazTiO,; tet-BT hex, hexagonal; tet, tetragonal. energy was cased [12,16',17] to synthesize important ferro- electric materials and other ceramic powders by adopting the concept of the prc-reduction of phases, such as `I'i02 and `Ib20i, to give a highly microwave absorptive precursor material and thereby enhancing the reaction kinetics dra- matically. `I'he main idea was to create a defect structure to make microu2vc coupling more efficient at room tempera- ture. It was reported that by using pre-reduced `I'i02 and `IB20s precursor oxides, Ba'li0,3, WI: I'b(%r,,,5L7'i(,,~X)03 and 13h1'1',Ha(hlg,,,,~,~`l:,l,,,,7)0,~could bc synthesized at astonishingly low tempcraturcs, between 300°C: and 000°C: in S-12 minutes. Conventional methods for the synthesis of these phases require tcmpert\tures in the range of 900°C to 1400°C: and several hours of soaking time. Pure stoichio- metric metal oxides, such as `1~zO.i and `l'i02, do not COLI- pie with microwave energy efficiently winless heated to temperatures Lvherc they become dielectrically loss); (> 1000°C). By partially reducing these phases to oxygen defective states, such as `1:,1&, and `ITiC)_,, their ability to absorb microwave energy at lower temperatures is radically enhanced. `I'his concept WLISfurther reinforced by the work of Bosssert and Ludwig 1181 who reported rapid sintering of titania in a microcvave field using a nitrogen atmosphere which reduced the titania creating oxygen \:acancies. `I'hey achieved 98% density in 40 minutes as compared to 3 hours using a conventional heating. `I'his they attributed to the reduced titania causing better microwave coupling leading to higher densification. Below are examples of some specific materials prepared by this mcthod. BT, BaTiO, In the case of the synthesis of 13a'ri03~ X-ray diffraction data for microwave processed powders using `I'iO,_, as one of the precursors, shows most surprisingly the formation of the hexagonal Ba'l'iO, phase (`1:dble 2; [IX]) at 300°C with no soak time. `The formation of the desired tetragonal Ba'l'i03 phase increased with soak time and the reaction was complete hy 700°C. `I'he total time necessary for the synthesis of Ba'Ti& via this route was less than 12 min- utes. Conventional synthesis of Ba'l'i03 using the same reactant mixture occurs above 1300°C and always proceeds via the formation of the Ba2'l'iO, phase first. `I'he phase diagram for Ba'l'i0,3 shows that the high tempernture hexagonal phase of 13a'1'i03 is only stable above 1400'(:. `I'hc presence of this phase at 300"(~ and its disappar;lncc by 700"(:, lvithorlt 13a,`liO, ever appearing indicates that radically different reaction path\vays occur compared with those obser\,ed from com~entionally proccsscd ma&al. `I`his reaction path difference is a con\ incing demonstr:i- tion of a `micron2ve effect' PZT,Pb(Zro.s2Tio.4a)03 One of the major problems researchers face \vith COI~\~CII- tional processing of 13'1: t'l~(%r,,,sl'l`i,,,,,)O;. is the \.;ipor- ization of PbO, which starts near 750"(:. Apart from the obvious environmental hazard this poses, it also results in an incomplete rcaction Icaling large amoilnts of iinreact- cd %rOL. hlathis [171 and (Iheng [12] reported that stoi- chiometric WY1 mixtures, that is with no cxccss I'bO, reacted in 3 microwa\.c field using `l'iO:_, powder in the starting mixture. Analysis of the XKD patterns of the microwa\~c processed 1'%`1'show4 that the reaction MYIS nearly complete 3t 600°C with only tract amounts of I'bO and %rOZ detectable, indicating a virtually complete rcac- tion before PhO \.olatilization occurs. `I'hc crlbic 1'%`1' phase was formed first (at 6(N)"(:), follo\val Iq suhsccliicnt nucleation and an increase in the tctragon;ll WI' phase. By 900"(: a 5050 mixture of the cubic and tctragonal phases was e\,idcnt. `I'he total time recluircd to achic\,c synthesis at 600°C: in the microwave field MYISless than X minutes. BMT,BaWlg,,3Ta2,3)03 I~a(h1g,,,~`1:,l,,3)0,~ with a perovskite structure is a good dielectric material for microwave resonators. bccausc it possesses a high quality factor (Q) and moderate dielectric constant. In high frequency (gigahertz) commLlnicatit,n systems, use of high Q materials is imperati\~e. `I'his remarkable material is. pcrhaps, the most refractory oxide (melting point > 3000"(:), and therefore very high tcmpcr- ;Itures are required to sinter it in a conventional furnace. It takes several hours and a temperdturc of over 1~~50"(: to achieve reasonable densification of 13hl'l' ccramicc. `I'hrrefore, to obtain Bhl'l' ceramics \vith a high density sintcring aids such as hln and Sn arc used. But the sintcr- ing aids also influence the dielectric properties undesirably. In a recent study, Agrawal d NI. [19] synthesized and sin- tercd a Hhl'l' single phase material, using reduced oxide precursors. I IX of reduced `I~~O,i_X remarkably cnhanccd the reaction kinetics and produced a single phase material at a much lower tempcraturc with higher densification than is normally obtained by conventional processes. hlicrowa\~e processed Bhl'l' samples exhibited density as high 3s 97%' of the theoretical when heated at 1600"(: for 30 minutes. Transparent ceramics `Iiansparency is a valuable optical property of materials. The nature of the material including grain size. density crystal structure, porosity and the grain boundary phase arc the main factors which influence the degree of transparen- cy. `To achieve transparency in a ceramic, one must control Microwave processing of ceramics Agrawal 483 the grain growth, eliminate porosity and achieve a fully dense material. The conventional methods to fabricate fully dense and reasonably transparent ceramics involve high temperatures, lengthy sintering conditions, and vari- ous complex processing steps, which not only make the processing of transparent ceramics uneconomical, but also the desired properties are often not achieved. However, a microwave method has been successfully used to fabricate transparent ceramics due to its ability to minimize grain growth and produce a fully dense ceramic in a very short period of time without utilizing high pressure conditions [20,21]. Several studies have been conducted on the fabri- cation of transparent ceramics using hydroxyapatite. Such studies led to the first preparation by Fang et al. [ZZ] of a fully sintered transparent ceramic by microwave process- ing. It was shown that useful bodies could be sintered in less than 15 minutes: the densification was shown to be critically dependent on the starting materials. Related work [23,P2] also demonstrated that one could make transparent ceramics of a spine1 and alumina. Fully dense alumina and spine1 ceramics using high purity and submicron size pow- ders were developed [23,PZ] with reasonable degrees of transparency on laboratory type small samples in a few min- utes. Figure 2 shows microwave processed partially trans- parent ceramics of hydroxyapatite and spine1 phases [Zl]. Powdered metals As has been stated in earlier reviews the use of microwave heating and sintering has been confined mainly to oxide ceramics, and only recently has it been extended to car- bide semimetals. But the most recent application of microwave technology to another completely unexpected area, yet one which encompasses a vast industry of variety of applications, namely powdered metals (PMs), has great significance [24']. Bulk metals are excellent reflectors in microwaves and in general are not heated significantly. But in a powdered and unsintered form virtually all metals, alloys, and intermetallics will couple/heat in a microwave field both very efficiently and effectively to produce high- ly sintered bodies with improved mechanical properties. It is reported that the microwave sintering of PM green bod- ies comprising various metals and metal alloys (Fe-Ni-C and Fe-Cu-C) has produced highly sintered bodies in a very short period of time. Typically the total cycle time was -90 minutes, the sintering temperature ranged between llOO"C-1300°C and the soaking time from 5 to 60 min- utes. The mechanical properties, such as the modulus of rupture (MOR) and hardness of microwave processed sam- ples were much higher than those of the conventionally prepared samples. The densities of the microwave processed samples were also better than those of conven- tional samples. Other developments In addition to the above mentioned recent developments in the field, there were a few minor but important areas in which microwaves were utilized and some significant progress has been made in many on-going research areas. Figure 2 ikmsparent Hydroxyapatite Ceramics bansparent ~~~xya~atite Ceramics Cment Opinion in Solid State & MaQeti& Scante Transparent ceramics. Top: transparent hydroxyapatite ceramics fabricated in ambient air by microwave processing for 5 minutes at 1100-l 150°C. Bottom: mullite ceramics sintered by microwave processing for 10 minutes at 13OO'C. Zeolites are important materials as catalysts, adsorbents and ion-exchangers. Querol et al. [ZS] have reported a rapid method for recycling fly ash and synthesizing zeolites using a microwave assisted hydrothermal method. They used an alkaline activation experiment and synthesized various types of zeolitic material. They found that the activation time was drastically reduced from 24-48 hours (by conven- tional methods) to only 30 min using microwaves. In anoth- er study Kosslick et ai. [26] prepared a series of zeolites (aluminosilicates, aluminophosphates, etc.) and found that the synthesis time decreased from the hours and days nor- mally needed in conventional methods to a few minutes. They also claimed that in the case of an ion-exchange reac- tion, the isomorphous replacement was enhanced and the quality of products was considerably improved. Microwave sintering of clay ceramics is also getting attention. Shiming and McColm [27] studied clays with the addition of metal and semiconducting powders as microwave coupling aids, and achieved harder and stronger microwave sintered clay samples compared with conventional samples. Tan et al. [28] studied the phase transformation kinetics of four baux- ite materials in a variable frequency microwave furnace, 484 Ceramics, composites and intergrowths they quantitatively identified mullite, corundum and cristobalite phases in the fired extrudatcs. `I'hc technology of micrown~e drying has been in use for many years in channel dryers \vith com~eyor belts, especial- ly for tableware products. Hut recently at Riedhammer (Germany; [29]) large micro\vave dryers have been LISC~ in drying technical ceramics, such as honeycomb structures and insulators, with the advantage of energy savings and ;1 uniform rapid drying. `I'hey claim damage-free drying of items of large volume in microwaves in hours in contrast to weeks required by comrentional drying methods. `I'his is one major area in ceramic processing where microaw.es have been successfully exploited for a commercial appli~:l- tion. Sizgek and Sizgck [.30] ha1.e also reported the microwave drying characteristics of simulated high level licl- uid waste impregnated Synroc ceramic microsphcres. `I'hey observed that at a given microwa\.e power le\cl, drying of water-saturxed samples was quicker and prod wed a homo- gencous distribution of the \uste than with comw&c dry- ing, which resulted in segregation of waste components. Several studies of the miorowavc sintering and microstruc- tural imestigations of zirconia based composites [.31-.X3) have been reported. In all of these studies an enhanced den- sification in the microwa\,e processed materials wxs observed. Si,iN_, ceramics, which are widely used for high temperature structural applications, were also f&ricated b> micro\\a\x methods and their microstructllral characteristics examined [34,35]. The formation of a P-phase, which is very critical for high toughness, was enhanced in microwaves. Fiore and Clark [.%I reported a microwave induced rcduc- tion/oxidation method to form ceramic-metal composites. In a pressurcless microwave sintcring (371 method function- al gradient material (I:GRl) of metal-ceramic compositions have been successfull\- fabricated t&searchers have been long discussing how to find out the exact nature of the so-called `micro\~a~e-effect', which enhances the sinterability of the ceramics and other posi- tive effects observed during microwave processing of materials. In an excellent article DXllert-Porada [W] has explained the micro\vavc effect hypothesis b); studying the microstnlctural changes in the ceramics sintered by both conventional and microwave methods. It w;ls cxplaincd that in that presence of an electric field (micravavc) the closed ports could be sites of cnhanccd material transport and therefore more efficiently removed than open ports. causing rapid and enhanced densification. Several studies have been reported on the microwave pro- cessing of nanophase materials. The ad\.antage of using nanopowders in microwaves is to retain the fine microstruc- ture in the sintered ceramics. Lewis d o/. [?#I processed nanophase ceramics using 2.45 and >35 GtIz microwaw frequencies and found significant enhancements in the sin- wring properties, especially in the case of aluminum oxide. Agrawal d N/. (DK Agrau~l, J Cheng, R Roy 1' Seegopaul, unpublished data) reported microwave sintering of nanophase \1'(:/Co composites and stated that micron-;I\ c sintered material exhibitcd higher hardness and finer ,qrain size than the conventionally sintered material. \`ollath [-lo] has developed a continuous process for synthesizing ccram- ic nsnoparticles and nanocomposites of oxides. nitrides. sul- fides, selenides and with certain precautions e\`en carhidcs and metals. `l'he author reported that, in general, it MX dif- ficult to obtain a uniform distribution of t\zv or more phas- es when producing nanocomposites. Ilo\vwer. in the microu~ave plasma process, the second phase is used to coat particles consisting of the first phase. this coating can IX ;I second ceramic phase or a polymer. Conclusions In the past year and half. significant df32lopments and advances ha\.e taken place in the field of microu.avc pro- cessing of ceramics. `I'hc microwave process is increasing- ly being exploited to develop better and cheaper products, particularly specialty ceramics. It has hecn demonstrated that in the case of \T:C/(:o the use of microwa\u can reduce the cycle time to about one-tenth that required 11) con\ entional means, and still obtain better propcrtics. `1%~ ad\antage of using microwaves was quite dramatic \\.licii using redrlccd oxide precursors in synthesizing titanate and tantalate bawd electroccramics. `I'he microwa\c COII- pling in the praence of :I defect strwturc causes cxtrcme- ly rapid reaction kinetics and new reaction paths producing materials at much lower temperatures than normalI~- obtained by a comzntional heating method. `l'he most six- nificant dc\,elopmcnt in microwave sintcring has hxii the sintering of powdered metals and fabrication of transparent ceramics in a single step process. `I'he so-called micro\52\ e effect, which is commonly assumed to IX a nonthcrmal phenomenon and responsible for the rapid dcnsification and enhanced sintcring mechanisms has hccn explained by the concentration of electrical energy in the ~loscd pores of the green ceramics. It can be prcdictcd uith thcsc significant advances having been made in the field of niicrowri\.e processing of ceramics. that there is a great future for microwave technology for the swccssful con- mercialization for specialty- ceramics. References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: l of special Interest l * of outstanding Interest 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Roy R, Komarnenl S, Yang JL: Controlled microwave heating and melting of gels. J Am Ceram Sot 1985, 68:392-395. Komarneni S, Roy R: Anomalous microwave melting of zeolites Mater Lett 1986, 4:i 07-l 10. Snyder Jr WB, Sutton WH, lskander MF, Johnson DL (Eds): Microwave Processfng of Ma/laterfa/s II. Pittsburgh, USA: MRS; 1990. [Materials Research Society Proceedings, vol 189.1 Beatty RL, Sutton WH, lskander MF (Eds): Microwave Processing of Matends 111.Pittsburgh, USA: MRS; 1992. 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