79 Hypothetical molecular sieve frameworks Jacek Klinowski There are various ways to describe the frameworks of molecular sieves and their enumeration. As the number of possible three-dimensional 4-connected nets is infinite, all enumerations reported so far have been derived by empirical methods, although many interesting and potentially viable structures, particularly with low framework density (rich in 3- and 4-membered rings), have been found as a result. It is likely that recent progress in mathematical tiling theory will lead to new advances in systematic enumeration not only of molecular sieves, but also of a variety of chemical structures. Addresses Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK; e-mail: jkl &@cam.ac.uk Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 1998, 3:79-85 Electronic identifier: 1359-0286-003-00079 0 Current Chemistry Ltd ISSN 1359-0286 Abbreviations FD framework density SBU secondary building unit T-atoms Si. Al and P atoms Introduction The contrast between the small number of physical laws and the enormous number of structures to which these laws give rise is an intriguing aspect of the natural world. The handful of rules of chemical bonding results in many thousands of crystalline inorganic compounds with a bewil- dering number of different structures, even when only a few chemical elements are involved. For example, about a half of all known minerals are silicates with distinct struc- tures, although their frameworks are built only of Si and 0 (plus Al in the case of aluminosilicates). Enumeration of networks of atoms in inorganic structures is a matter of considerable interest, but a formidable task for a scientist, as the number of three-dimensional nets is infinite. Derivation of chemically viable hypothetical networks is particularly desirable for microporous molecular sieves, of which there are now 105 recognized structure types, with several new ones being added to the list every year [l]. Molecular sieves, particularly zeolites, are widely applied as catalysts, sorbents and ion-exchangers. The annual industrial consumption of zeolites is = 550,000 tonnes, of which 135,000 tonnes are used in catalysis, 375,000 as ion- exchangers in detergent powders and 40,000 as sorbents. New wide-pore (> 2 nm) molecular sieves are much in demand, and a systematic and reliable enumeration proce- dure would not only reveal possible further structures, but could also assist in the design of new synthetic routes by using suitable `structure-directing' molecules. It is noted that in this context that the use of nonaqueous media for the synthesis of molecular sieves has barely been explored. The structure of crystalline molecular sieves This review is concerned with crystalline molecular sieves, a class of porous crystalline open-framework solids which includes aluminosilicates (zeolites), aluminophosphates and related materials [Z-4]. Zeolites are built from corner- sharing Si04 and AlO, tetrahedra linked by the apical oxy- gen atoms to form frameworks of high internal surface area with regular one-, two- or three-dimensional channel sys- tems and cavities of molecular size (Figure 1). Other ele- ments, such as Ga, Ge, B and Fe can substitute for Si and Al in the framework. The net negative charge of the frame- work, equal to the number of the constituent Al atoms, is balanced by exchangeable cations located in the channels which normally also contain water. The name `zeolite' (from the Greek @II = to boil and hdoo= stone) was coined to describe the behaviour of the mineral stilbite which loses water on heating and thus seems to boil. There are = 40 identified zeolite minerals and another 40 recog- nized synthetic species with a wide range of compositions. All known zeolites, both natural and synthetic, contain channels circumscribed by 12 or fewer tetrahedrally coor- dinated Si or Al atoms. Microporous silicates with windows of insufficient size to sorb water molecules reversibly are known as clathrasils [S]. The AlPO, molecular sieves, the porous crystalline equiv- alents of aluminium phosphate, are built from alternating AlO, and PO4 tetrahedra [6]. Incorporation of an Si source into AlPO, gives silicoaluminophosphates, SAPO, and the incorporation of a metal (Me) into AlPO, and SAP0 gives the MeAPO and MeAPSO sieves, respectively. Other zeo- lite-related structures with novel compositions such as zin- cosilicates, gallophosphates, aluminoarsenates, galloarsen- ates and beryllophosphates have also been reported [11.Of the 43 recognized AlPO, and related structures, 16 have the framework topologies of known zeolites, and the rest are novel structures (Table 1 and Figure 2). Unfortunately, although some microporous aluminophosphates contain wider channels than any known zeolite (> 1 nm), their practical value is limited by their poor thermal stability. The structures of all known zeolitic, AlPO, and related structures are listed in the `Atlas of Zeolite Structure Types' by Meier, Olson and Baerlocher [l], while their topology and geometry have been extensively reviewed by Smith [7]. Topological considerations In the vast majority of molecular sieves Si, Al and P atoms (known as T-atoms) occupy 4-connected vertices of a three-dimensional net, and the 0 atoms occupy Z-con- nected positions between the 4-connected vertices. Thus each T-atom is surrounded by four oxygens and each oxy- gen by two T-atoms, which is written symbolically as (4;Z). However, in some frameworks oxygen atoms are linked to 80 Solid catalysts and porous solids Figure 1 r- SOD FAU KFI Current Op~nmn in Solid State & Materfals Scmc~ LTA CAN RHO Framework structures of uninodal zeolites of structure types SOD (sodalite), LTA (zeolite A), FAU (faujasite), CAN (cancrinite), KFI (zeolite ZK-5) and RHO (zeolite Rho). The positions of tetrahedral atoms are at the crossings of the straight lines which symbolize T-T linkages. Oxygen atoms (not shown) lie approximately half-way between the T-atoms. The types of cages involved in each structure are represented by polyhedra which have been shrunk towards their centres. Sodalite (structure type SOD) is formed by direct face-sharing of four- membered rings in the neighbouring truncated octahedra, more correctly described as tetrakaidodecahedra (also known as `sodalite cages' or `P-cages'). Zeolite A (structure type LTA) is formed by linking the sodalite cages through double four-membered rings. Faujasite (structure type FAU) is formed by linking the sodalite cages through double six-membered rings. Cancrinite is formed by direct linking of 1 1-hedra (`e-cages' or `cancrinite cages'). Other polyhedra are also present: the `cL-cage' (26.hedron of type I); double E-membered ring; double B-membered ring (hexagonal prism) and the 16-hedron (`y-cage'). Exchangeable nonframework cations are not shown for clarity. one or three T-atoms; in others, T-atoms may be connect- ed to 5 or 6 oxygens [8]. Given that each oxygen always lies between two T-atoms, the topology of the framework may be considered simply in terms of the connectivity of the T-atoms. Thus each T-atom is treated as a vertex of a three-dimensional net, and each vertex lies at the inter- section of four T-T edges. Such a net is said to be 4-con- netted. If all vertices in a net are topologically identical, the net is described as uninodal; binodal, trinodal and so on, nets are those with two, three and more topologically distinct types of vertices. How are the different periodic nets described and classi- fied? The diversity of known structures and the current state of mathematical knowledge are such that a topologi- cal classification of structures is necessarily based on com- mon subunits of linked tetrahedra, known as secondary building units (SBUs) (Figure 3) [9]. The SBlJs are the smallest number of simple units from which all known structures can be built. Some SBlJs are thought to be prc- cursor molecular fragments present in the synthesis gel from which the molecular sieve was crystallized. As new structures are discovered, new SBLJs are added to the list. Polyhedral cages, the larger building blocks, are each com- posed of a handful of SBUs and can in turn be combined to form an infinite framework. For example, the truncated octahedron (or p-cage), may be linked directly to other P-cages to form the SOD (sodalite) structure type, via dou- ble 4-membered rings to form zeolite A (LTA structure type), or via double 6-membered rings to form the zeolitic mineral faujasite (FAU) (Figure 3). Polyhedra are described by their face symbol: thus the sodalite cage is described as 4666, which specifies a polyhedron built from six 4-mem- bered rings and six 6-membered rings. Alternatively, frameworks may be described in terms of chains of linked tetrahedra. LJsing a limited number of chains as building blocks, it is possible to generate molecular sieve structures in a similar way to that used to generate SBIJs. A periodic network of tetrahedral atoms can be described in terms of the `circuit symbol' of each T vertex. Each T vertex participates in six Ti-T-Tj angles, and for each angle there is a shortest circuit of edges T-Ti...`I'j-T. The set of six numbers forms the circuit symbol of the vertex [lo], which reflects the degree of compactness of a net. A simplified form of the circuit symbol is `loop coordination': a graph showing only the number of 3- or 4-membered rings in which a given T-atom participates (see Figure 4). A very powerful description of a net involves the concept of a `coordination sequence' (CS), originally introduced by Brunner and Laves [ll] and first applied to molecular sieves by Meier and Moeck [12]. Thus in a 4-connected network each T-atom is connected to N, = 4 neighbouring T-atoms through oxygen bridges. These are then linked to N, `T-atoms in the next shell, in turn connected to N.3 `T-atoms and so on, including each T-atom only once. For example, the coordination sequence for faujasite is: 4, 9, 16, 2.5, 37, 53, 73, 96, 120, 14.5. The coordination sequence satisfies the condition chat N,, = 1, N, = 4, N, 2 12, N.3 = 36, Nk $4.3k-1 and is a periodic function [131. Although the coordination sequence for each kind of T-atom is not Figure 2 Table 1 I AlPo4-5 AlPo4-11 VP15 I Current Ooinion in Solid State 8 Materials Science 1 Framework projections of AIP04-5 along 1001 I, AIPO,-1 1 along 11001 and VPI-5 along [OOl]. Neither of the three structures has a naturally- occurring analogue. Figure 3 0 004 5 6 6 moo4-4 6-6 6-6 dQ@4-1 4=1 4-4=1 5-2 Spiro - 5 0 06-2 CT5-1 6~1 Secondary building units (SBUs) found in molecular sieve structures. The numbers indicate in how many known structure types a given SBU is found. Reproduced with permission from [l I. completely unique to a given structure, and occasionally distinct structures (such as LTA and RHO or ABW and ATN; see Table 1) have the same coordination sequence, it is a very useful guide because structures with different coordination sequences are guaranteed to be different. Framework density (FD) is defined as the number of Hypothetical molecular sieve frameworks Klinowski 81 Microporous zeolitlc and related molecular sieves. Silicates Silicates and Phosphates phosphates AFG FER MFI RSN ABW `BEA GME MFS RTE AFI BIK GO0 MON RTH ANA BOG HEU MOR RUT AST BRE IFR MTN SGT BPH CAS JBW Ml-T STI CAN CHI KFI MTW TER CHA CON LIO MWW THO ERI DAC LOV NAT TON FAU DDR LTL NES VET GIS DOH LTN NON VNI LAU EAB MAZ OFF vsv LEV EDI MEI -PAR WEI LOS EMT MEL PAU -WEN LTA EPI MEP PHI RHO EUO MER -RON SOD AEI AEL AET AFO AFR AFS AFT AFX AFY AHT APC APD ATN AT0 ATS ATT ATV AWW CGF CL0 CZP DFO OSI SAO VFI WEI ZON T-atoms per 1000 Ax, whereas topological density, ~10, is defined such that lOOOpl0 is the number of T-atoms in the first ten coordination shells of a given T-atom [14,16] and also reflects the degree of compactness of a net. The most recently introduced structural descriptions of molecular sieves use the concept of nodal surfaces [17] defined by wave vectors in a reciprocal space; equipotential surfaces, defined by point charges in real space, and triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS), that is surfaces with zero mean curvature at all points [1%201. If a minimal sur- face has space group symmetry, it is periodic in three inde- pendent directions. Minimal surfaces have been shown to appear in a variety of real structures including cristobalite, diamond, quartz, ice and many molecular sieves. These concepts are fundamentally different from the `conven- tional' approaches described above in that they do not con- sider chemical bonds and bond angles but treat structures as an assembly of atoms `decorating' an infinite surface. Structural enumeration In two dimensions, there are 11 different topological types of uninodal nets, a result already shown by Kepler [Zl]. Similarly, there are 508 and 16,774 types of binodal and trinodal nets, respectively. However, in three dimensions even the number of types of uninodal nets is infinite (although the number of `realizable' ones may well be finite, see below). Finding interesting new nets therefore amounts to selecting a subset of an infinite set using cer- tain criteria. The basic topological discussion of three- dimensional nets was given by Wells [10,22,23], who attached special importance to uniform nets in which the shortest rings at every angle are equal in length. Enumerations reported so far have been derived by empir- ical methods, and new structures were predicted by link- ing together structural subunits (SBUs, chains or cages) in new ways, either by building models or by computer sim- 82 J I 1 Loop configurations and the number of structures in which they occur. Solid lines represent T-O-T linkages, dotted lines nonconnected T-O bonds found in interrupted frameworks. Reproduced with permission from [l]. ulation. As the T-O distances in all known zeolites are in 0 the range 1.58-1.78 A (such that all T-T edges are close to 3.1 A) and the T-O-T angles in the range 130-160", mod- els of these can be built using identical sections of plastic tubing attached at each end to tetrahedral nodes. However, of the many structures which are generated, only some will be `chemically reasonable' [24]. Topology takes no account of chemistry and the basic requirement for chemically realistic structures is that bond lengths and angles are within a certain acceptable range. For example, one must reject hypothetical structures in which the dis- tance between the vertices is smaller than the sum of atomic radii of the T-atoms involved. O'Keeffe [14] describes `realizable' nets which can be realized geometri- cally with each vertex having only four equidistant nearest neighbours and with the T-T linkages corresponding to the edges of the net, and he believes that the number of such uninodal nets is not only finite, but amounts to `some hundreds'. Given a realizable hypothetical structure, a least-squares fit leading to optimal T and 0 positions can then be performed by computer. A very powerful criterion of realizability is the framework density. For the known zeolites and zeolite-type materials, FD values range from 12.5 to = 20.5. Brunner and Meier [ZS] have shown that the range of the observed FD values in tetrahedral networks depends on the type and relative number of the smallest rings (Figure 5). The frameworks of lowest density have a maximum number of 4-membered rings, and the minimum framework density increases with the size of the smallest rings. They have demonstrated [ZS] that there is a clear gap in the FD values between zeolitic and dense frameworks and a lower limit to framework den- sity, with the position of both dependent on the size of the smallest rings present in a given structure. These results have considerable predictive value for assessing the viabil- ity of hypothetical structures and can serve as a guide for the synthesis of low-density framework structures. Brunner [26] addressed the question of the likelihood of preparing highly siliceous frameworks of a given topology, much in demand by industry, in terms of the loop config- uration. In an article significantly entitled `Quantitative zeolite topology can help to recognize erroneous structures and to plan syntheses' [27] he characterized open and dense tetrahedral structures with respect to the smallest rmgs, bond angles, symmetry, loop configuration and framework density. The conclusion was that the lowest density is obtained for structures of high symmetry. The largest cavities are usually found in the positions of high- est symmetry of the space group, and two 4-rings with a common edge prefer the ci.s conformation, with nearly pla- nar rings and a maximum of T-O-T angles near 109" over the tram conformation. Aware of the practical importance of nets with very open frameworks (FD < 12) and wide channel openings (con- taining a maximum of 3- and 4-rings), Barrer and Villiger [`28] were the first to find a chemically realistic net with uni- dimensional l&ring channels, and Meier [29] and Hansen [30,31] derived a series of low-density nets. In a long sequence of papers, Smith and his coworkers have described a large number of hypothetical stereochemically realizable structures [32-46]. One of their most interesting results was the prediction [47] of the (4;2) net with l&rings (described as net 81(l) in the original paper) which was sub- sequently identified in the aluminophosphate VPI-5 (VFI structure type) [48]. IJsing four different kinds of geometri- cal transformations, Andries and Bosmans [49] were able to enumerate, systematically, (4;2)-connected 3D nets related to the (nonzeolitic) tridymite group. O'Keeffe et aL. [14-16,50-551 have derived many new structures using empirical computer search algorithms. A point was moved in small increments throughout the asymmetric unit of the unit cell of all the cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal and orthorhombic space groups in turn. All the equivalent points in the cell, generated by the group-sym- metry operations, were then identified. The topology of the net defined by the four nearest neighbours of the ini- tial point was then characterized by its coordination sequence. In this way, O'Keeffe was able to describe and characterize topologically, 11 uninodal nets in which the shortest rings containing each pair of edges are N-rings (N > 4) and 13 nets without 3- or 4-rings [14], 19 uninodal nets containing 3-rings [15] and 21 nets in which at least Hypotheticalmolecularskve frameworksKlinowski 83 Figure 5 FD i q- 26 elogaaite III AN . .* . l* . : 3+ 4 4+ S 5+ 6 size of smallestRing Distribution of framework densities versus the smallest ring in the network. The hatched region represents the gap between dense and microporous framework types (251, and the dotted line marks the lower limit for the framework density. The `+' sign next to a ring size indicates that some T-sites are associated with larger rings than the one in question. Please refer to Table 1 for teolite and microporous sieve type. Reproduced with permission from Ii]. 84 Solid catalysts and porous solids three of the shortest rings containing each pair of edges are 4-rings [54]. Most of these nets are new. He has also shown [16] that the coordination sequence for many simple 4-connected nets can be expressed by sets of quadratic equations, which can in some cases be reduced to a single equation. The coefficient of the quadratic term is related to the geometric density. O'Keeffe described low-density nets with a high proportion of three rings and showed that in terms of density correlations they form a group separate from typical zeolite nets. Very recently, Treaty [56] described a computer method for generating periodic 4-connected frameworks. Given the number of unique tetrahedral atoms and the type of crystallographic space group, the algorithm systematically explores all combinations of connected atoms and crystal- lographic sites, seeking the 4-connected graphs. The resulting symmetry-encoded graphs are realaxed by simu- lated annealing and to identify the the regual tetrahedral frameworks. Results were given for one unique tetrahedral atom in each of the 230 crystallographic spave group types. Over 64,000 unique 3-dimensional and 4-connected unin- odal graphs were found when the search was restricted to those topologies which connect to nearest-neighbour asymmetric units. In any given space group, the number of graphs can depend on the choice of asymmetric unit. About 3% of the 4-connected graphs refined to reasonable tetrahedral conformations, and many were described. The combinatorial explosion of graphs as the number of unique vertices is increased at present restricts this method to consideration of small numbers of unique atoms. Hyde el al. [57,58] have shown that many low-density frameworks are related to periodic minimal surfaces of known surface area, thus providing a connection between FD and the average size of rings decorating the surface. Having considered the relation between density and bond lengths and angles, they gave upper and lower bounds of density as a function of the average ring size. The fact that the area per vertex on the surfaces is the same as that for related sheet silicates implies that framework density can be inferred from the average ring size alone. The lower bound for the density is consistent with the preferred bonding geometry of SiO, networks. The results were considered in light of framework densities of highly siliceous zeolites, clathrasils and dense silicates in order to separate the roles of geometry and chemistry in determin- ing framework topology. LJsing an analogy with three-con- nected networks of hyperbolically-curved single sheets, Fogden and Jacob [59] described a method for construc- tion of frameworks corresponding to their interconnected, double-sheet relatives, and gave models of hypothetical frameworks fitting the triply-periodic minimal surfaces P, D and G. The channels and cavities in these structures are significantly larger than those in known zeolites. Finally, it is important to mention that recent advances in mathematical tiling theory [60] are likely to lead to new ways of systematic enumeration of a variety of chemical structures, including molecular sieves [61]. Conclusions Enumeration of networks of atoms in inorganic structures in general and in the commercially important microporous molecular sieves in particular is a highly desirable objec- tive. (Jnfortunately, there is still no systematic procedure for such enumeration. As a result, all hypothetical struc- tures reported so far were derived by empirical methods, and new structures were predicted by linking together structural subunits in new ways, either by building models or by computer simulation. A systematic and reliable enu- meration procedure would not only reveal possible further structures, but could assist in the design of new synthetic routes by using suitable `structure-directing' molecules. However, recent advances in tiling theory may lead to new ways of systematic enumeration of a variety of chemical structures. Acknowledgements `l`his paper is dcdicatcd to Sir John hlcurig Thomas (FKS) on the OCCASION of his 65th birthday. 1 am gratefill to 0 Dclgudo l;riedrichs, Ilnixcrsity of RielefL-Id, for Figure 1. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Meler WM, Olson DH, Baerlocher C: Atlas ofZeo/ite Structure Types (updates on http://kristall.erdw.ethz.ch/lZA-SC/), London: Elsevler; 1996. Barrer RM: Zeolites and Clay Minerals as Sorbents and Molecular Sieves. London: Academic Press; 1978. Breck, DW: Zeolite Molecular Sieves: Structure, Chemistry and Use. London: John Wiley; 1974. Szostak R: Molecular Sieves: Principles of Synthesis and Identification. 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