PDF 1 0 Evaluating Probabilities from Various Distributions 8 This workbook can be used to evaluate probabilities for various probabilities: Select the appropriate sheet and enter your parameters, etc, in place of the example data 9 Sheets 8 Beta: Beta distribution 8 Bino: Binomial distribution 8 Chisq: Chisquare distribution 8 Exp: Exponential distribution 8 F: F distribution 8 Gamma: Gamma distribution 8 Hypgeom: Hypergeometric distribution 8 Lognormal: Lognormal distribution 8 Normal: Normal distribution 8 Poisson: Poisson distribution 10 T: T distribution Weibull: Weibull distribution User defined: User defined (discrete) distribution Cells that you may alter are blue - others should not be changed. Do not Cut, Move or Delete cells. Do not change the name of the workbook. Help is obtained by double-clicking on any red cell. Read XLStats.doc for more information and examples. You can speed up calculations on a sheet by choosing not to draw graphs of the probability function. Rodney Carr, 1997-2005