The perception of the safe place =known people Znojmo-Retz Czech-Austrian Rural Area A. Hynek, N. Hynek, P. Karvánková, K. Keprtová, B. Svozil Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotláská 2, 611 37 Brno The main natural hazards in the cultural landscape spatial units settlement land use agriculture industry nature/culture transport Dyje/ no permanent forests no national foot/bike Thaya canyon Hardegg meadows except parks paths Šobes Šobes recreation lumber Dyje/ forests national parks heath foot/bike Thaya meadows forestry paths rim shrubs lumber Highland small arable intensive rural roads II III agricultural villages meadows without monotonous railway gardens vineyards urban orchards historical roads I II III suburban vineyards monuments railway subrural gardening node/hub the city urban vineyards historical roads II III of Retz suburban orchards monuments railway subrural gardening node bike string of arable intensive food rural valley roads III villages/ vineyards with workshops vineyards railway townships orchards vineyards heath bike Retzbach/ vineyards intensive food rural valleys roads I II III Daníž arable vineyards workshops vineyards transit orchards orchards Dyje arable intensive rural gorge vineyards vineyards diversity woods orchards heath workshops roads II III G villages H villages E Retz diverse F Pulkau C workshops D Znojmo the city of Znojmo very diverse A no B no permanent no no Cultural landscape spatial units - land use The perception of the unsafe place Potential vegetation deep/steep contrast wet lithosols oak hornbeam valley aspect moist rankers pine beech fir floodplain inverse dry cambizems floodplain crystalline groughs contrast semidry cambisols oak hornbeam sediments gullies aspect semiwet luvisols pine beech fir ridges inverse rankers elm alder sediments plains equal semidry luvisols oak-beech- crystalline low ridges horizontal semiwet pseudogleys -hornbeam vales loess valleys contrast mollisols oak-hornbeam- sediments basin aspect fluvisols elm willow crystalline steps inverse luvisols poplar sediments step sunny cambisols oak hornbeam crystalline piedmont slopes mollisols pine loess low ridge equal fluvisols oak-hornbeam- sediments shallow slight mollisols elm willow valley inversion cambisols poplar loess valleys sunny mollisols oak-hornbeam- sediments ridges slopes pellosols elm willow pararendzinas poplar crystalline valley contrast moist cambisols oak beech pine sediments basin aspect dry fluvisols elm willow poplar plain inverse luvisols H Dyje gorge F Pulkau semidry G Retzbach/Daníž semidry D Znojmo semidry E Retz semidry B Dyje/Thaya rim C Highland agricultural topoclimate hydricity soil cover A Dyje/Thaya canyon crystalline rocks landforms Physical landscape spatial units and their component structure Some results of mental maps analysis 1. The view of Znojmo represented by media (as a victim by this year's floods) nonconforming reality disagree with experiences of the local people. 2. Mental maps showed that students perception of natural components play insignificant role. 3. The important and main themes for students are these which have social context. 4. Students perceive the most often their surroundings like safe place, on the contrary unsafe is everything, what is made by humans and where is a direct human, presented in mass media during ,,flood period"? nuclear power station school and surroundings Retz/Znojmo Austrian and Czech Borderland: searching for environmental security Project design: Aims: ! ! ! ! ! Alois Hynek, Masaryk University Nikola Hynek, University of Plymouth and Masaryk University To compare changes in environmental situation in both parts of the Austrian/Czech borderland after the fall of the Iron Curtain of 1989, environmental loads and risks/hazards in particular To fulfill this aim, Vienna and Brno research groups will be established for joint environmental survey in RZA To empower initiatives in the field of environmental cooperation between Retz and Znojmo which will pursue sustainability, security, stewardship and sound science at the local level (R.T.Wright: Environmental Science) - To apply principles of multilevel governance and governmentality (local-regional-national- the EU; non-state actors will become subjects of governance) which will render possible the dissemination and transfer of the gained experience regarding environmental security at all levels Publication covering joint environmental research and survey in Retz/Znojmo Area intended for target groups in public administration (Znojmo, Retz regional bodies), rural communities, business/entrepreneurship, education, nature/landscape management (national parks Dyje/Thaya), stakeholders/citizens, visitors with texts, photos, maps, tables QUESTIONNAIRE 1. The state of the environment before the fall of Iron Curtain 2. Environmental changes after 1989 3. Environmental SWOT analysis 4. Who is active/initiative in environmental issues? 5. Who are the actors of environmental damages? Residents, visitors, larger municipalities? Czechs/Austrians, casual/intentional marauders, individuals, groups, gangs 6. Are the inhabitants able to improve their environment? 7. Who threatens environmental quality? 8. Who helps to improve environmental quality? 9. Are the national parks - Dyje/Thaya rivers positive/negative/barier/controversial/neutral part of your environment? 10. Whom do you trust to help you with environmental quality? Experts, technicians, scientists, politicians, local authority, entrepreneurs/businessmen, non governmental organizations (NGOs), strong/powerful individuals, church, physicians, lawyer, they/themselves 11. Is there any environmental course, public education in your municipality? 12. Are there any records in your chronicle on natural hazards? 13. Which natural hazards are you anticipating? Mental mapping The main research question was set as follows:"What do you perceive as main environmental threats in your lived space what do you consider safe and unsafe in your neighbourhood?" The purpose of mental mapping in the Znojmo/Retz area (2006) has been sketching negatives, positives and generally significant principles of students perception. Rivers / s treams Nature W eather Ag riculture W as te Indus try S ettlement A Dyje/ Thaya canyon Aus trian s ite Flo o d s T wice a d ay in creas ed water tab le Fis h in g /A n g lin g Neo p h y tes s p read in g W in d fallen trees Lan d s lid es Ro ck fallin g Heav y rain s s o il s h eet was h an d ero s io n Sh eet was h /mu d fro m th e field s to th e p ark/ s treams T o x ic w a ste co m e fro m C zech sit e Nuclea r p o w er sta tio n - C zech site: T em elín Co n s tru ctio n an d u s in g o f b u ild in g s > d is tu rb an ces in eco s y s tem A Dyje/ Thaya canyon Czech s ite Flo o d s T wice a d ay in creas ed water tab le Neo p h y tes s p read in g W in d fallen trees Lan d s lid es Ro ck fallin g Rav in es an d g u llies So u th ern as p ect extreme droug ht g ras s b u rn in g , fo res t wild fires chang e of veg etation cover Heav y rain s s o il s h eet was h /ero s io n Sh eet was h /mu d fro m th e field s to th e p ark/s treams A g ro ch emicals ap p licatio n B lack dumps Cu ttin g p ractices o f lo g g in g Careles s b u ilt-u p areas > d y kes Dis p lacemen t B Dyje/ Thaya fores tland Lo cal flo o d in g Rav in es an d g u llies Lan d s lid es Ro ck fallin g So u th ern as p ect in creas in g temp eratu re extremes fo res t wild fires A g ro ch emicals d ep o s itio n B lack dumps Cu ttin g p ractices o f lo g g in g Sto n e/s an d p its O ld dilapidated hous es , farms teads > lan d s cap e ch aracter (CZ ) C Hig hland ag rarian fring e Local flooding Sto n e q u arries > s ource of local g round-water pollution Ov ers ized n atu ral res o u rces co n s u mp tio n an y b io -co rrid o rs , b io -cen tres Extreme droug ht area d u s t s to rms Heavy rains s o il s h eet was h Accelerated wind and water s oil eros ion A g ro ch emical co n tamin atio n B iodivers ity reduction larg e b lo cks o f field s Ras h ploug hing S ewag e fro m p ig g eries (M aš o v ice) Black d u mp s In d u s trial was te d ep o s itio n Ho u s in g main ten an ce an d ch aracter D Znojmian Lo cal flo o d in g W ater p o llu tio n > s ewerag e, in d u s try Extreme reg u latio n o f water s treams S trong er biodivers ity reduction lan d s cap e co v ered with co n crete Dis eas e d is s emin atio n b y an imals > rats Hot s pot> in creas in g temp eratu re, d ro u g h t/ mo is tu re extremes Extreme droug ht area - d u s t s to rms an d win d ero s io n Local winds torms an d whirlwinds ("lep rech au n s " ) Us in g ag rochemical preparations > s oil, water pollution A ccelerated s o il ero s io n Heav y rain s s o il s h eet was h Uns orted was te Illeg al was te dis pos al s ite B lack dumps (ru b b le, clay ) Nois e pollution fro m v en tilato rs o f facto ries In d u s try zo n es Inappropriate land us e in d u s try zo n es , ap artmen t h o u s es , s to res an d s u p ermarkets New b u ild in g s in flo o d ed areas non-res pecting nature in environment E Retzian Po llu tio n o f water Genetic m o d ify o rg a nism s fro m C Z Extreme d ro u g h t area Frequent s trong winds ­ s o il ero s io n Heavy rains an d s n o win g , black ice S oil s heet was h ag ro ch emical p o llu tio n co min g fro m CZ > s oil, water pollution R a d io a ctive to x ic w a ste co mes fro m C Z Nuclea r p o w er sta tio n - C zech site : Du k o va n y, Temelín . Seco n d h o mes F P ulk au Streams reg u latio n Ban k p lan ts remo v al Local flooding S trong water pollution Drain ag e Dis eas e d is s emin atio n b y water Bio d iv ers ity red u ctio n Extreme d ro u g h t area d is ap p eared water res o u rces Du s t s to rms So il an d win d ero s io n Heav y rain s s o il s h eet was h Black ice So il co v er o v eru s e R a d io a ctive to x ic w a ste co mes fro m C Z Nuclea r p o w er sta tio n - C zech site : Du k o va n y, Temelín . Partly d ecay in g ru ral areas G Retzbach/ Daníž Local flooding Reg u lated s treams Dis eas e dis s emination by plants /animals Lan d s lid es Bio d iv ers ity red u ctio n B lack ice, heavy s nowing and rains Very h ig h s u mmer temp eratu res > g rowing temperatures extremes Extreme d ro u g h t area Local wet of arable land S oil eros ion Ras h ploug hing W as tes along roads Black d u mp s M is s in g lo cal in d u s tries Deterioration of lands cape > o ld d ilap id ated h o u s es Careles s built-up area Partly d ecay in g ru ral areas (CZ ) H Vrbovec/ Naeratice W ater p o llu tio n : eutrophication of water Lo cal flo o d s Un co n cern to th e p ro tectio n o f th e en v iro n men t > weak co n tracto r's activ ities Extreme d ro u g h t area in s ummer time > in creas e amo u n t o f dus t in th e air Stro n g win d ero s io n S trong er biodivers ity reduction larg e b lo cks o f field s featureles s lands cape Ag rochemical pollution Cattle/p o u ltry p ro d u ctio n s ewag e d eb as emen t Illeg al was te dis pos al s ite Black d u mp s Sto n e q u arries San d p it (T as o v ice) M is s in g lo cal in d u s tries Partly d ecay in g ru ral areas W in ter air in v ers io n s