Cryptogamie, Algol,. 2005. 26 (3): 275-358 © 2005 Adac. To us droits reserves Epilithic and chasmoendolithic phycoflora of monuments and buildings in South-Eastern Spain Bohuslav UHER*1*, Marina ABO A Lh & Lubomír KOVACIK« " Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Revova 39, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, b Laboratórií) de Algología, Departamento de Biologin Vegetal, Facultad de Biológia, Campus de Espinardo, E-30100 Murcia, Espaňa (Received 27 February 2004, accepted 16 July 2004) Abstract - Algae and cyanobacteria occurring on monuments and other epilithic habitats in the Region of Murcia (SE Spain) were studied. Samples were collected from 16 subaer-ial sites, including monuments (12), calcareous rocks (3) and a new building {1); limestone and marble were the predominant substrata. Overall, 47 laxa were identified (22 cyanophytes, 4 heierokontophytes and 20 chlorophytes). In lotah 58 unialga! strains were isolated. The following species were recorded for the first time for Spain: Cyanohacterium cedrorum (Sauv.) Komárek et Anagn., NautOCOCCUS terrestris P.A.Archibald, Tetracystis sarcinalis Schwarz, Ecdysichlamys obliqua G.S.West, Oocystis asyrnmetrica W. et G.S.West sensu Komáromy, Chlorella kessleri Foli et Nováková, Klebsormidium nitens (Menegh. in Kütz.) Lokhorsl. Klebsormidium crertulatum (Kütz.) Lokhorst and Stickococcus alias Rcisigl. The most diverse genus was Lepiolynghya (7 taxa) and the most frequent taxa were Chmococcidiopsis kashaü, Nostoc sphaericuin, Botrydiopsis sp., Apatococcus lohatus, Chlorosarcinopsis ci. arenicola. Marietta terrestris, Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella kessleri and Sticliococcus hacillaris. The epi- and (chasmo)endoiithic flora from these sites showed a dominance of prokaryotic microorganisms and only the more humid sites were colonized by eukaryotic algae. Tire chasmoendolithic cyanophyte Chroococeidiopsis kashaii was dominant. The data showed that coccoid species outnumbered the filamentous species and represented 55 % of all taxa recorded. The type of lithic substratum is considered to have little or no influence on the composition of the lithic phycoflora in the localities investigated. biodeterioration / monuments / cyanobacteria / cyanophytes / algae / biodcteriogeu / Murcia / SE Spain Résumé - Flore des algues épilithes et chasmociidolithcs des monuments et bailments du de TEspagne. Seize monuments historiques el habitats épilithes de la region de Murcic (SE ľĽspagnc) ont été prospectés: áo\r/.e monuments, trois habitats calcaires et une nouvelle construction. Le calcaire et le marbre sont les supports prédominanls. Quarante-sept taxons ont été identifies (vingt deux Cyanophyta, quatre rieierokontophyta et vingt Cblorophyta). Touš les taxons sonl décrits et dessinés. Cinquante huit cultures uni-algales ont été isolées. Neuf espĚces sont nouvelles pour la floře algologique de 1'Espagne: Cyano-bacterium cedrorum (Sauv.) Komárek et Anagn., Nautococcus terrestris RA.Archibald, Tetracystis surcinalis Schwarz, Ecdysichlamys obliqua G.S.West, Oocystis asymmetrica W. et * CorreřipcinJenct; arid reprints: Communicating editor: Tabio Ríodi 276 P. Uber, M. Aboal i L. Kováčik G-S-West sensu Kumáromv, Clttorefta kessteri Fott ei Nováková, Klebsormidtum nliem (Mene*h. in Kätz.) Lolthoŕst. KkbsormidiwM eretudatum (Küt^.J Lakhorst fV Šticktxňcau alias ReisgJ. Le genre le plus diversifié íini LepwNngbya (7 (uxolis) et les ťípŕíes plus fre'-quentes syn t Chropceccidfopsis kash'aii, Nosloc sphaericam, Barydiúpsis sp., Ajiůíňů^-ctLi !t)bäíiLi, Clitorosarcinopsis cf. arcnicoía. Marietta lem&rlz Chĺorctfo vulgaris. Chlorella kehlen et StieücKoecus btraillarii: La Auru čpi- et chasmocndülithes des sites étudies pné-sentent UílC dominance des rľliCrOťVťganismes precarye-tcs. landis que seules Les zones les plus humides som colon isčes par des algues eueíryoles. Les formes coceoídcs sonf plus nombreuses que les formes filamenteuses et reprěsentent 55 % de loutes les fcii-m^s &u-dii-res. Noa résullats coruirnient la ÍJiLblc influence du substrát Lithiqwe suj la coTnpem'tioti floristique des com mutantes algal es dyn;; les lotidités éludičes, Wodétťriaratlon / mniiuaients / evanobactéries / eyartnpliTtée* / algue* / bindeten open / Muicic / sud-eit de ľtúpugne INTRODUCTION' Ihe region of Murcia (SE Spain) has an important cultural heritage. including caves with prehistoric paints, Roman and Middle Age buildings and Baroque cathedrals. In this artificial environment, air-borne cells and spores settle and develop on building surfaces and form microorganism biolilms of varying thickness. Knowledge of the diversity of these lithobiont assemblages in these habitats is necessary to understand the adaptation of microorganisms to such CTitreme environments, an J is, important in predicting the putenLial damage due lu changes of the characteristics of the substratum caused by lithophytic microrganisms. During the last five decades several rtcudies.. mainly conducted in Southwestern nnd Western Hurope and using various methodological approaches, have significantly contributed to our knowledge and understanding of the biology of subaerial cyan obtie Lena and algae, Only a few studies of subaerial algae are available for urban habitats. Most papers on cyanobaeLeria and algae in urban environments have focused on biodüteri oration problems. Very few contributions on subaerial atgac in urban environments, have examined in detail the morphology and life history of individual taxa and assemblages. Observations made hv Kapusta & Kuvácik (2000), Hindi &. Guiry £2003) and Uher et gl. (3003) indicate that many urban habitats frost a rich and diversified subaerial algal flora. In this study, we examine the taxonomie s La Luh and auiecoJoiiiea] trails of subaerial algae and cyanobactcria occurring in urban habitats in the region of Murcia and we document in detail their distributional patterns. MATERIALS & METHODS The accum illation of calcium ions (Ca2"1") is the most important factor of the edaphogencsis in the region of Murcia. In the region, areas situated near the Mediterranean shore arc characterized by a hot and arid climate. The average annual rainfall is lower than 330 mm per year and the annual temperature mainly oscillates between 6 and 14 "C in the north of the region, in which most of the Table 1 Chaiacteiisticö of sampling sile* til Murtia IVft tisům lif buUiliiiji Auerasii C'iiy í'yjrľ Mk-Tiw/wiriVMiGfit AirjJtŕw DstS \mtt\ii\l ~ľ'C i'f JubrJrntum Iff xatupfc 1 1 Kiíiil Mutiíistorlu iMi Encarníiclun fi-l-ľr Mul IL Limestone ĽJiLrjute. Willi, 1 May 1996 du MonJLW í'Jjtííiih-, 5]| ílťkľ.l1, SĽňliňíid '.- CVlílilJll dt (ijfi Vdllřd ň-1 J^ťľ Muk Limestone Tfc^lL. Ü4}ll1i;(l. si.'liľsiřili .' May l*li.|i 1. KlHjnsLslL-Ľio t£e Jííin Ľrunui&Ľtr B44*C V, . Hrkl. Wall, lii'.hIľíI. Ki.LiiÍLiíkJ -1 May IWB i. Ip.k-iiji dul Samo ďialn Sri+t Gíhcg.ín MeitNc Wdli. shn(.li>w. stmieirid i Maying j- llik-sJ-ii June 1996 II Medina Lí-lS°C CSeza Limes tone SHinu, MglilüJ, su-iniiLiid : May Lyyfh I" rasiilVide MoiLTüacLUdi:! Ltí-lffČ MorMľagadn Ssindjtofiŕ Wall. shiLtlnw, hutnW i May 2003 13. ľ'iiťukkíl de Diulu{ijii le-iaŤ Muťda Cotierele Wall, shadow, humid. 7 March. 3103 ]-l Ula.1, dm lb ijinnji lu-lÄ"t MeiľjuL ilí Oliv; 1 1 II. ;■■" ■■!.■.' Rl-jľL, Iíí.IlIiíJ, h mnul .-. April 1ÍHJ3 \'- Bůfl[& Salada, ■sített üptinji iŕ-lŕc Oliva LilljilSLdlH.! Cuvc humid .: May 3003 16. La ľuiíflll (vnlfcy) lé-itfí BJo ALharebí LiuiBSLjona R(Kk. Khíldiľlh'. IlllLllnl ? \l,y 'i.i 1 27S B. Uher. M, Aboal &. L. Kováčik annual rainfall occurs in winter. The temperature mostly ranges between 12 and 15 *C in the continental zone of the north of the region, characterized by high rainfall in spring. Average annual temperatures between 16 and Íri X characterize the south of the Region, which is the hottest and aridest part (Alcaraz el al., 1391). Samples Wťn> collected from In sites, including monuments (12).calcareous rocks (3) 'Alia a new building (1) (Tab. 1). during the spring and summet of 1996 and 2003. Substrata colonized by the algal biofilms were limestone, sandstone and, in one ease, concrete. Collections were made at sites where biofilms were visually detectable as black, green or grey microbial mats and crusts on/inside the stone, rľhe samples were kept dry in plastic and paper bags in a cooler at 4~C in the Laboratory of Algolugy (Murcia University) before examination. Cultivation is usuallv necessary for detailed taxonomie studies of subnerial cyanophyrcs and algae, as the thalii of the microrganisms occurring in the biofilms are usually covered by large amounts of inorganic material in native preparations. The morphology of the species was therefore studied both from field-collected materia! and from cultivated specimens (subcultures and unialgal cultures). Part of the scraped field material was aseptically spread into test tubes and over the surface of Petri dishes containing BG11 medium (Rippka ?t al, 1973), ROl ln (Rippka, 19KK) and BBM (Smith & Bold, 196ft), either liquid or agariscd. The test tubes and Petri dishes were incubated in constant conditions at 20"C, 64.2 % humidily, 75 jlE UTS'1, !.&:& Ugrit;daik, ^n tne laboratory of the S.A.C.E. (Servicio de Apoyo a las Ciencias Expcrinicntales, Murcia University). After the first cultivation in Petri dishes (7-21 days of incubation), most of the species were examined and isolated into unialgal strains, which were used to support field observations in lbe determination of the species. Microscopic examinations were made with a stereonti-croscope Olympus SZII and a microscope Olympus BH2, From the cultivated samples, 58 unialgal strains were isolated ('lab. 2): these are maintained in LAUM culture col I eel i on (laboratory of Algology, Murcia University. Spain), Collected sample* are preserved as dry material and the photographic doc uměn lati tin of the species recorded is available in the Laboratory of Algology, Murcia University (Spain). The following publications were used foT the identification of subaerial algae and cvanobateriaiFrÉmy (1929), Geitler (1932). Pascher (1939). Destkacharv (1959). Sta tma ch (1965), Groover & Bold (1969), Ettl (1978), Komárek & Folf (1983), Anygnostidis & Komárek (1985). Hoffmann (1986), Komárek & Anagnostidis (198b). Anagnostidis & Komárek (1988). Ettl & Gärtner (19Wfi), Komárek & Anasmostidis (1989), Hindfik (1990), Round et aL (1990), Amertano & Kuvacik (1994), Eltl & Gunner (1995), I^khorst (19%), Andreyevs (1998), Komárek & An;i£nostidis (199X), Rifon-Lastra & Nogucrol-Seoane (2O01). John (2002) and Whitlon (2002). Abbreviations foT authorities follow Brummitt & Powell (J 992). KESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ff&risiic üLdmnl Overall, 47 epilithie and chasmoendolilhic taxa were identified: 22 cyanobacteria (48%), 4 heterokontophytes (9%) and 20 chlorophytes (43%) (Tab, 3). Epilľthic and chasmoendolithic phyccfíora of monuments and buildings 279 Table 2, Mated algal and cyanophytc strains. L'vdi c/rt* I MljLl.'MA 5 MLÍĽ2/QIA 3 MUL2/U1B 1 MUĽJ/D1D :'■ MUL.™ A ■'■■ MULM) IB 7 MUĽľOlC -. MULM] ID <) FABíWlA 10 FAR 1/02 A M FAlifAßB LJ HU31A12C 13 FABÍ.Í12D 14 FABIAEE 1- FABĽ03A !'■ FAB1/03B 17 FABMHC 1- FABMQ3D J9 FAR1/03E :. FAB1UIA :i TAB2XSB 32 FABJfllA 23 BES5Í0JA 24 BESMEA 2J BESMHB M EESľJŕTCJA "7 BESSftja 28 ĽESÍWC 24 EESMfflSA .^i BE51IÍCHA 31 BESI2AQ2C ■e BESIUIA 3} LPTUfllC W LPTlME ;.- LPTlrtHC 5Í LPBrtHA .V LFr3Jtt1 O >: LPT102A }■• LFTMĽB i.l LfTMGC n LITMĽT> 4Z UFT*ulA 43 LPT 4M B 44 LPHJDIC 45 LPTWllD 46 LPTIjTOA -- l.PTSWIA -.< UfTStllB 44 LPTSrtlLC 50 LPT5AEA ■>■ LPTSrtGB H L PITKU A * LPTKAJIA 54 ĽPTSfflSA 3S ĽRTO01A 56 LPTLÜrUlA 57 lpíimua 56 ĽFTIW2A lina Chlorella kes&tcri Kotr Jt NoväliĽivä t'jWi>wfttŕ»ŕiŕí ít. attnlfvle Croovíŕ ä Bold Chlúrŕllu íŕli Isri FóTÍ fi: NWÄuťí Chlorella vulgar!-* BrijcTinct. Chlorella sp. Chtortitv vujparii Esijíiificti Chlortita ip. Eetiysiíhitanjs rjMit/iH/ G.S. Wet[ IHadt!\iílix ľ|". cci.Treirfů (CiTLintw) I > W M:..:i- ouťríľíi flywimririňi W. i U.S. We st sensu ftcmAroinv Chlorella kealeri Fúr it řtavákovfl Ooťfjrís asjnunt'ítŕ(iftflťvan sp. iypé 1 Syir?chotrystis sp. rypc- 2 Apliattvütpya imiitiwii! dimoaicíltliftjiíh kw.l\tjil Nyríla hatsni PsiíJrfJíjfíwrjnťíifi sp, ŕjcpitiWfiffiya sp. ] LtfXOtytgFt)-ä íy. 2 Ij.jxaiyaffiyii sp. í !ji'itotyngfrya nnstaconim Lqstotyngbjv sp. 4 Lcp!i?!yn$bya sp. 5 l*pM{yn$bya f-p. fi &ftŕ;ruA;úr frn:xä f'fwnnitlnmi autumttatc MknKíflčits vfiuSnatns Hcvitmeniii juiiunum Tbhpothrii byijoidet? Cticttirix Míco vsi. tnsso Nompc tpttůĚUOfm RiílfXilUrfi^ix Sp. ŕ/rtm? r/r rix sp. tttferoprfM (ľ. prtipía íli>iiT?.sefiia ňifípfiiň.B°^íp8 ä;«^ TO Figs 1-5.1. Pstudoatpsa dubin: a iniúaJ stagtü b ceil division in two plants, ř cell division in three and more ptanci radially orientedL á subcoionies of celKt cůloav, 2. CVŕídľíÍjflrJťrdií/T: Lrd>iunijjr: asditaTy cells, h ceil division. í, Syneehacyíiií sp.l: d cell division, b compact iMlcnv. c dispersed colony. 4, ^.pňaTiflCíip.Tŕľ íWťjrŕcoJiŤ ci initial cells with ftrc muciäagc f) cell division, c muctlüiii-nouí colonies, S, CrifCJíAWíťícírííríií kashttii: a initial cndolilhic í-tadia. /? cell division, c initial cpilithiť stages. J endolithic cell colonies, e. f epiiithic cell colonies. Epilithic and chasmoendolíthic phycoflora of monuments and buildings 283 described for materia] occurring on calcareous rocks in Puerlo Rico (Komárek &. Anagnoslidis. 1598). This species has been recorded by Kapusta & Kováčik (2000} on monuments in Bratislava (Slovakia), The material from Murcia. however, cannot be referred with certainty to this species because of different cell shape (variable, not perfectly globular) and absence of a mucilaginous envelope, which was detected in only a few cella. Aphanocapsa musticuln (Mfcnegli.) Wille (Fig, 4) This species was identified ai the site 9. Species of Aphnnocapsa are known from lilhic monument habitats (Mannino. 1991; Tomaselli et CiL, 2000), Typical subacrial species, on wet rocks, wood and soil; widespread in temperate zones (Komárek &. Anagnoslidis, 199S). A, muscicola was reported for caves and aquatic habitats from Southeastern Spain (Aboül, 19&3: Asencio & AboaL 2000), Chroococcidiop&is küshaü Friedmans (Fig. 5) This species was identified! at the sites 1.2,,8,9, 10,11,12,13,14 and 16. It was described by Fried m aim (1961) from caves in Israel. Ii is a very common species in the Region of Murcia. It was cultivated in subcultures, but we did not succeed in isolation i r to unialga) strains- In subcultures it produced smaller colonies than in natural conditions, only 8-10(15) um díam.; granules were present in the ceils and the colour was olive-areen (not bluc-grccn). Species of the genu* Chroococcidiopsis are important bibdeteriogens of monuments. Agendo & Aboal (2000) recorded C doonerisis R.B.Singh and C. kashaii. C köahüii was also investigated by Abdelahad (1985) from underground in Italy. The species also grows cpilithically, producing larger colonics and bigger cells (6-7 u.m diam.) than in the case of the chasmoendolíthic forms (3-5 urn diam.). The same situation is observed in culture, where the cells become smaller (2,5-3 urn diam,), IlyeUa baiani Lehmann (Fig. fi) This is a marine species, growing on limestone coasts mainly in Mediterranean Sea (Komárek & Anagnosridis, 1998). It was sampled from limestone in the cavity of a salt chalk spring, the site 15 (conductivity of the salt water C = 20500 uS cm'1, t = 24.,S°C.). In cpllilhic microbiot CpCii Lhc alga prod Lice s smaller cells (2-4 um diam.}, as gloeocapsoid forms, than in chasmoendoliihic conditions (6-tf urn diam.). In the genus Myelin. //. fontána was reported as a biodeterio^en by Giaccone er ni (1976) from monuments of Italy, by Mannino (1991) from monuments of Mediterranean Europe and by Orte°a-Calvo el al (1993) from the Casa degli Aurighi and Oslia Scaviin Italy, Pseudunňbňŕnň Sp. (Fig. 7) Thallus dark green to black- formed by filaments joined in small colonics, sometimes fragmented into solitary cells; ceils cylindrical, 2 (2-S)-times longer than wide, with a clearly observable dense zone of thylakoids (darker strips by the cell wall) in chromoplasma, constricted at cross walls. 3-7,5 x3-3,5 jam. Trichomes are simple, without branching, enclosed in a very ttiin sheath; apical cells without calyptra, conical with rounded apex. This taxon was recorded at the sites 9 and 16. It was found in association with Leplolyngbyu sp. 5, Close in size and habit to other genera (e.g. Phorniitfiuai and Leplolyngbya), but the characters of the trichomc arc typical of species of 284 B. Uher. M. Aboal & L. Kdviťik Figa fJ-lU. 6. tfyeíiu bahni: a irulípl cells, b cndatithJc cobnies, ľ baeůL7LesL 7. Pseadanahaena sp_: tí cell fraeraeutatíon of trichome, ŕ rilamen it S. Lčpiolyng&yá sp. 1: if granula! cd liormogonia, ŕ> filaments. 9. teptoiytigbya sj\ 2:ít hcnnugonifi, fr filaments. 10. ieptolyngbya so. j: ď hormogo-Tiijm. granul a Ltd hy cmwivťails, b filaments. PwitcltirtttbiH'Mt (Anagnostldis Si Komárek, l9tiÖ)L ft cuuld nul be identified with certainty because width of trichomes is not in agreement with any species of ľtŕutlurtňbirErtei. Leptolyngbya sp. 1 (Fig. 8) Thillluü blue-green lo dark screen; tricliomes slfiiighl, simple, densely parallel, nexüuüi with a very thin sheath; cells isodiíimĽiriĽ, mostly granulated in the centre, sometimes near the cross wails, slightly constricted at the cross walls; cells 2-3 um diam.: apical cells without calyptra, widely conical, with rounded ape*. Epilňtiie a Lid chaürtirteridoliUik phycoflora of monuments and buildings 285 This taxon was recorded at the sites 11 and 16. It is similar to /_. pcrforans (Erceg.) Anagn. el Komárek, but could not be attributed with certainty to this species because of different cel] size and presence of central granules. Leptolyngbyii sp. 1 forms chasmoendolilhic associating with Chrooc&čcidiopnis kosími and Hanlzschia omphioxys. L. petforans has been recorded by Asencio & Aboal (2000) for caves in the north of Mureia: it was also reported by Odder (1932) as endoiithic or in soils, Slarmach (1966) mentioned this organism [us SchizothrLx perforans) as a specie* with broad distribution, occurring in springs, lakes, on sandy substrates, stones, calcareous soils and shells. Pentecost (1992) mentioned it for calcareous springs, Lepiolyngbya sp. 2 (Fig. 9) Thallus olive-green to brownish £reen: trichomes simple,slightly flexuous, straight, erected, enclosed in a thin sheath; cells isodiametric or wider than longer, (1)1.5-2x2 urn. devoid of granulations, slightly constricted at the cross walls. Apical cells without calyptra, widely conical Reproduction takes place bv few-celled hormogonia. It was found at the site 5. This cyanophyte produced chasmoendolithic associations with Cliroocoidiliopsis kashuii. The morphological features were close Lo the characters of L. fovtolaritttt (Rabcnhorst ex Gomont) Anagn, ti Komárek. II could not be identified with certainty because of different autccology and different characters, such as widely conicai apical cells. L- fove&íůrum was reported grooving on soils and rocks in shallow streams {Desikachary, 1Q5ě>. as Phormiithtm faveolarutti (Mont,) Gomont). Anagnosíidis et est. (1992) mentioned it as a biodeteriogen of the marbles of the Parthenon and Propylaca (Acropolis, Athens). Lepiotytigbya «j p. í (Fig. 10) Thaüus blue-green, mucilaginous; trichomas simple, flexuous, without branching, with a very thin shea I h frequently fragmented; cells isodiametric, granulated and slightly constricted at the cross walls, 1.5-2 um diam.: apical ceils Without calyptra. widely rounded. Iltis cyan »bacterium was recorded at iht sile 9. In cell size it is similar to L. fragilis (Menegh.) Anagn. er Komárek, but for the presence of sheath and cell size the morphology of this organism also overlaps with !„ imiptivaginalů (Van Goor) Anagn. et Komárek and L, fbvťolamm (see Albertano & Kováčik. 1994). The untypical combination of cell size and presence of sheath did not allow unambiguous identification, Lfiagilrs was recorded by Kapusta & Kováčik (2000) from monuments of Bratislava (Slovakia), by Leitao et at (1996) from aeroplsnkton of Coimbra (Portugal) and by Orlega-Calvo ei nl (1üt)3) as Phormidium fragile (Menegh.) Gomont from Italian and Spanish monuments. L fragilis is a contm-versial taxon, retarded as a cosmopolitan and salinity-indicatini: species. Leptolyngbya nostöCürum (Burnet ex Gamou t) Anagn. et komárek (Flg. 11) This species was recorded at the site 16. Endogloeic species, occuning in the mucilage of colonies of Tetracystis and Mtcrocoleus vaginatux. This species was mentioned as biodcteriogen by Kapusta &. Kováčik (200(1) on monuments in Bratislava and by7 Mannino (I9líl) on monuments in Italy.The populations of this species reproduce by fragmentation of Irichome by numerous necridic cells, which has not been yet reported. IP K.? C =■" 3 Íl V- a ' É* í- i4^ ■'; s fs S Br r» íl* 3.3 I If á Q.Í. ji ■a «S- Sfiä If OS J a K =. í 3 3 - |3 s 3* ■n =■ 04' c ŕ" g. g 3I 3 lr, íSf ■". ft ír r v (3- t ro a ft "• 5ľ E b -. t lei1 o g a si« »Si Si r- i '-T 5 i S E' rcrcam) :cnŕX3ííaxD tmiGíD 03101331021^^ ■JiíJľTTT cijaDiniimzuim> r I Epilithic and diíismuciidolitliic phycofíora of monument and buildings 25J7 Leptolyiigbya sp, 4 [Hg. 12) Thallus dark green: trichomes simple, nextious, straight, devoid of sheath; cells mostly shorter than broad or isodiametrie, 2-4x(3) 3.5-4 um.nongranulated, constricted at the cross walls; apical cells sharply conical, without calyptra. Fragmentation by necridic cell*. This species formed mucilaginous brownish-green carbonated patinas in association with Chhrosarcinopsis and Micwcoleusiit was recorded at the site 13, a concrete building, The morphological features are in agreement with the characteristics of L. boiyana (Gomont) Anagn, ei Komárek (Albertano & Kovacik. 1994), hut ei sure identification was not possible because of the lack of sheath, fragmentation by necridic cells and conical apical ceils, Lepiolyngbya sp. 5 (Fig 33) Thallus hrowrtish-grecn to brown; trie-homes in colonies, dense, fragile, branched, with sheath; cells slightly constricted at the cross walls, (2)2.5-3 um diam.. isodiametrie in the apical parts of the trichomas, shorter than broad and wider in the middle of the trichomes. (1)1.5-2x3 urn. Apical ceils rounded, usually smaller than the vegetative cells of trichome, without calyptra. Reproduction by hormogonia. This species formed mucilaginous green growths with species of Pseudanabfiem and Tgtracystis and with Chroococcidiopsis kashaii: it was recorded at the sites 9 and 16, L. borytma (Gomoni) Anagn. eí Komárek is similar to this species (Koussomoustakaki, 1983), but other features of the thallus (composition of trichomes, branching) are duser to Piectonema purpureum Gomont. which has cells 1-2.5x3 um (Gciiler, 1932). L. boryana is known as a biodeleriogen from monuments of Athens (Anagnostidis c( al.. 1992), from monuments of Italy (Ortega-Caho et al, 1991) and from the cathedrals of Salamanca and Toledo, Spain (Ortcga-Calvo el al, 1993). Leptolyngbya sjj. 6 (Fig, 14) Thallus mucilaginous, d ark-green; trichomes in elliptic compressed colonies, with very ihin sheath, frequently fragmented; cells granulated, slightly constricted at cross walk, isodiametric. 1.5-1.6 urn diam. Apical cell widely rounded, without calyptra. This cyanobacterium was recorded al the site 15, It is similar to L, frag-iiis in size and to L tenuis (Menegh.) Anagn, ei Komárek in the organization of the trichomes (apical cell, sheats) and in ecological features. This taxon could not be identified with certainty because of Ihe untypical combination of habit of thallus and cell ska Ortega-Calvo ei at (1991. 1993) reported L. tenuis (as Phormiduim lernte (Menegh.) Gomoni) ou marble, granite and sandstone of Spanish monuments. Rindi &. Guiry (2003) recorded R cf. lénne from sübaerial habitats of Galway City (Ireland) and Darienko & Hoffmann (2003) recorded L. tenuis from monuments of Olivia City (L'krainc). Schizoihrix frlesii (C- Agyrdh) Gomont (Fig. 13) This cyanobacteiium was identified a I the site 1. It formed associations with Nostoc, MUcrocQÍeiís, CSiroococtitiiopxLi and Stichococcia, It is a widely known biodeteriogen of monuments, reported from subaerial habitats (Wee &. Lee, 198Q; Wee, 19K2: Aboal, 19SS; Lee & Egglcston, 1989; Asencio & Aboal. 2000), Frcmy (1929), Geitler (1932) and Starmach (1966) reported this species from rocks, bark of tree near the ground and mosses. 288 R Uher. M. Aboal & 1- Kovarik Phormitfiunt úuiuttitiale GoHiont (Fig. 16) Tili s taxon was identified at the sites 12 and 13, It is a very common cosmopolitan species of terrestial habitats. This species is morphological y very similar tcj P. uncincsiitm (C. Agardb) G inn tin i. P. tiitinmiuile was mentioned by Kapusta & Kovaeik (2000) from monuments in Bratislava (Slovakia), by Ortega-Gafvo et al. (iyyin 1993) from biodcterioratcd buildings in Spain, by Wasser ei al. (S988) fTom biodeterio rated buildings in Russia, by Daricnko & Hoffmann (2003) for bricks of monuments in Kyi v (Ukraine) and by Rindi & Guiry (2003) tot bases of urban walls in Galway City (Ireland). Aboal (19K8) reported it as a common species in southeastern Spain. MicrOLoleus vagmaius (Vaiicher) Gomont (Fig. 17) This icvanobactcftum was identified at tine sites 1 and 12. Tt is known mainly from soils (G c i tier, 1932; Desikachary, 1959)- It was reported also as biode-teriogen by Mannino (1991) from the Mediterranean area, by Ortega-Calvo et aL (1991,1993) from monuments of Spain and Italy, by Schlichling (1975) from monuments of Ireland, and by Aboal (1988) from subaerial habitats in South-Eastern Spain, Scytonema juliůitititt (Kürz.) Menegfa. (Fig. 18) This species was identified at the site 2. It has often been placed in synonymy with Scytonema hofmaisni Bomet m Ha hau 11 Geitler, however. (1932) recognised the distinctness of S- juUamtm. Sandstone is Lh c typical substratum of this species, which is mentioned as biodcteriogen by Andreyevs. (1998) from buildings in Russia, hy Ariiio e? al (1997) from roman tombs in Spain and by Mannino (1991) From biodeterioratĽd buildings in Italy. Reported also from caves of SE Spain by Aboal tr al (1994). Tohpolhrix bfssoldea (Ilassall) Kirchner {Fíg, 19) This species was identified at the site 7,11 is known from tree trunks and moist soil (Dcsikachaiv 1959). but also as biodeteriogen of buildings (Grant, 1982; Mannino. 1991; Ortega-Calvo et at, 1991.1993: Rindi & Guiry, 2003), Tl was found in association with the moss Tonula mttralh )■ Hedwig. Caiothrix fusca vor. cras&a Rao (Fig. 20) This cyanophyte was identified at the site 13, It was originally described from a pond in rhe city of Dharbhanga. in Bihar province. India (Desikachary. 1959). Our material differs from the original description in the number of hetero-cytcs. and in rhe constrictions at the cross-walls. It is also similar to Catothrix pari' e'tiiut Thuret ex Bornct a Flahaull. which has intercalary neurocytes, single or adjacent, G patitiinů occurs on surfaces of submerged plants and nicks (Desikacbarv. 1959; Geltler, 1932) and is the most common species of Caiothrix on monuments."recorded by Gtacconc et al. (1976). Ij;c & Eggleston (1969), Ortcga-Calvo a at (1991), Turian (1979), Wee (J9S2), Wee & Lee (1980) and Rindi & Guiry (2UÜ3J. C. fit sea was mentioned as bitKleteriogen of buildings by Mannino (1991) and Ortega-Calvo ft a!. (1991). .Víisíflc sphaericum Vaucher ex Bomet et Flahault (Fig. 21) This cyanobacterium was identified at the sites 1,7,11 and 16. It bas been reported from moist soil and rocks in Bombay, Calcutta and Courtallum (Desikachary, 1959), in symbiosis with homworrs and liverworts (Geitler, J 932) Epilithic and diasnwendolilhic phycnľluru of monuments and buiidings 28$ Fig* 16-19. 16, Phortnidiam aitiumnalr. u hormoeonium. b-f irichomcs. g fragmentation bv neeridic od k IT. Mteroeoium vvgpwtux- a-h apikal pans oí colonic*, c colony of Trichomes in common sheaths. IK. Styi&tttrtü fuUBnurrť. a ľalnc branching, ň fragmeíitaiion by nccrídic cells. c bormogoniuni.. d lila-mcnt with hcterocyte. lí>. Tttlyptufirix hyssoitfw. n hormogoniuTii, b tila-HHJT1L with basal lieteiocylc c colony of filaments. 290 B. Uher, M. Aboal & L. Kováčik and as biodeteriogen by Aboal (1988), Asencio & Aboal (2000), Marínino (1991), Schlichting (1975) and Rindi & Guiry (2003). It grows both epilithieally and chas-moendolíthically and frequently shows a larger cells size (5-8 Jim diam.). thicker sheat and smaller colonies in the chasmoendolithic form (2.5-5 pm diam.). XANTHOPHYCEAE Boirydiopsis sp. (Fig- 22) Cells single, spherical, 8-16 (20) urn diam.; mature cells with thick cell wall, with well observable double-layers. Chloroplasts numerous, first polygonal, then oval, rounded or spindle-shaped, parietal, with no clear pyrenoid. Reproduction by autospores produced at the periphery of the sporangium, 4-8 urn diam,; sporangium 16-35 urn diam. This alga was recorded at the sites 5, 12 and 16. The specimens were similar to Boirydiopsis arhiza Borzi in size, but could not be identified with certainty because of lack of zoospores. Species of Boirydiopsis are known mostly from soil and subaerial habitats (Ettl, 1978). The strains isolated grew very well in BBM. Xanthonema sp, (Fig- 23) Thalius with very high morphological variability; cells cither solitary, in 4-celled filaments or up to 24-78 hi one trichome (in culture, BBM medium). Cells cylindrical, subsphcrical, rarely spherical, 8-10x10-20(35) urn, with one or two parietal chloroplasts; filaments very fragile, very well visible heterogenous structure of cell-walls (mostly in old cells). Spores (akinetes) in groups, sometimes very long, 10x20(35) urn, with X rounded chloroplasts This taxon was recorded at the sile 13. It could not be identified with certainty for the lack of zoospores and because of ambiguity in the combination of several characters, such as habit of trichomes. shape of chloroplast and production of untypical akinetes. It formed associations with Chlorosarcinopsis, Chlorella, Klebsormidium, Phormidium and Stichococcus on the concrete wall (site 13). X. idolrichoides (Pascher) P.C. Silva was mentioned as biodeteriogen of monuments by Ortcga-Calvo (1991) and by Schlichting (1975). X. exile (Klebs) P.C. SUva was reported by Asencio & Aboal (2000) ľor cave environments in the region of Murcia and by Daricnko & Hoffmann (2003) from monuments of Ukraine, where other xanthophyeean species, such as X. hormidioides (Vischer) Silva and Heterococcus Pitschmann, were also found. Heteropedia cf. simplex PasL-her (Fig. 24) Thalius green to yellow-green, with pseudofilamentous and pseudo-parenehymatous habit; vegetative cells spherical, subspherical or elongated, 6-15 frm diam.. usually with one chloroplast (two chloroplasts immediately before cell division), parietal, urn-shaped; sporangia produced at the end of pseudofila-ments 10-18(22) urn diam., autospores 2.5-5 urn diam. This taxon was recorded at the site 16. It could not be identified with certainty for the lack of zoospores and production of autospores. The genus Heteropedia forms typical small pseudoparenchymous thalii with elongated, widened apical cells (Ettl & Gärtner, 1995). H. simplex Pascher and H. polychlo-ris Pascher are reported as subaerial algae (Pascher, 1939). Epilitliic and chasmoendolithic phycoflora of monuments and buildings 291 10 rim Figs 20-22. 2D. Calmhrix fusca var. crassa: a initial stages, h formation of false branches, c serial fragmentation oi lílament, d colonics of filaments. 21. Nostoc sphaeriewn: a hormogonia, /> initial stadia, e adult mucilaginous sphaerical colonies, d ruptured colony. 22. Botrydiopsis sp.: a autospores, b young cells, c adult cells, ú auLoxporangia, ť* autospores, / ruptured auiosporan-gia, Left scale is applied to Figs 20-21; right scale is applied to Fig. 22. 292 R IJher, M. Aboal & L, Kovädk Fíg93), Ascncio& Aboal (2000). Kapusta & Kováčik (20O0), Oitega-Calvo et al (1991, 1993 a), Dartenko & Hoffmann (2003) and Wasser es at. (1988). Diadesmis cf. contents (Gnmow) IXG. Mann Cells 7-15x2-3 um, with 36 striae per 10 |im. Iliis taxon was recorded at the site 16. Tt grew very well in BBM. It could not be identified with certainty because of differences in some characters, such as a narrow axial area arid unclear raphe. D. contenia is a common subaerial species and has been reported from the region of Murcia by Asencio & Aboal (2000). CHLORÖPHYTA * Naufococcus fefrtfnri\ Archibald (Fig, 25) Cells solitary ot in 4-cclled colonies, spherical, ovate, obovuLe or irregularly shaped, S-14 um diam. in young ľuIlures, up to 20 urn in older cultures: polar caps produced by the cell walls. Chloroplast massive, lobed. Reproduction by autospores. This taxon was identined at the site 16. This species was grown on BBM solid medium and fiage Elate stages were not observed. N. terrestris was origin alty isolated from soil in Fred e ricksburü, Texas (USA) and described from the culture's UTEX 1794 and CCAP 53/3 (Ettf& Gartner, 19WW). * Tetrttcystis sarcinafis Sehwar/ (Fig. 26) Cells in mucilaginous colonies, dividing to produce tetrads; the wh 11 of the original mother cell often includes cells up lo the 3rd generation. Vegetative cells (8) 10-12 u.m diam., with one parietal chloroplast, urn-shaped and perforated in old cells. Zoospores with a stigma and a parietal chloroplast, S-l0x 3-4 um. This taxon was identified at the sites 2 and 16. This species was originally described from soils of Dalmatia (Croatia). Species of Tetracystis are not frequently reported as biodeteriogen s of monuments, T. tetraspora (Arce & Bold) Brown & Bold is menlioiiĽd by Darienko & Hoffmann (2ÍH13) from monuments of Ukraine. Trebouxia arboricola De ťuymaly (Fig. 27) This species was identified at the site 13. It is an epiphytic or cpilithie species, known from monuments (Kapusta &. Kováčik, 20OO; Wasser ei (iL, 198Ü). 7ľ decoiůntfis Ahm ad ji an was reported bv Ortega-tľalvo at at. ^1991, 1993) as biodeteriogen of monuments in Spain and Italy; T. cf. arboricola was reported by RindJ &. Guiry (2M3) froin Gal way City (Ireland). T. schaumanii Ilildret et Ahmadjan was mentioned from monuments of Olivia (Ukraine) by Darienko & Hoffmann (2003). 294 B. Uher, M. Aboal & L. Kováčik TÍip25-l&25>?vaitlijí:oiTltiíerresirty ít spherical initial crLL\A íuduJl cells, c cell division, íŕ da Utľh-Ler cells coiiriecLed with .rest of the envdnpe. e aduh ľcíIk with cíip (rest of mother cell wall)./četl colonies, comiected with mother cell wall. 26. Tetracyytií Síifsmafis: a young celfcLft ad nil ceJs wish mucilaje envelope, c zoosporangia, d cell division, e zoospores./old celts, g empty zoosporanaia, fi colony. 27. Tivbouxia urborkekt. u young cd] with pnricLil chh>r<:ip]iiäLb adult «lis with axial, stellate elikwoplast, c uld «Us. 2*. Mmnecia rf. gíoŕííHr u iiuiospüres. 6 young vacuolizcd cells. l; J adult vacuolized ceils, p amospuTan^ia,/ ruptured autůsporan»ium. í old cell. Top stale is applied to Fig. 25; bottom uĽale is applied to Figs 26-28. EpiEithic and chasmocndoiithic phycoflora uf monuments and buildings 2£> Myrmecia cf, globosa Printz (Fig 28) Cells solitary ot in small groups, spherical oval or obávate, ň-ä4(18) um diam.: cell wail up tö 2 um wide, with a conical papilla at one pole of the celb chloroplast urn-shaped, covering the majority of cell wall; auiospcrres elliptic. 4 um diam. This, alga was recorded at the site 16 and formed brown colonies on BBM agar plates, in habit it is similar to M. ghhosa, but could not be idcntiJied wilh cer-lainty becansc oi different autecology and cell size (see Ettl & Gärtner. 1995). Three species of Myrmecia have been reported as biodeteriogens: M. biatoreiíae (Tsehermak-Wocss ei Plessl) J.B. Petersen from ihe aeroplankton of Portugal (Lcitao & til, 1996) and from monuments of Ukraine (Darienko & Hoffmann, 2003), and M- bisecia Reisigl and M. tncisa Reisig] from m on u men is OÍ Kviv and Olivia in Ukraine (Darienko & Hoffmann. 2003). Apatococais hbatus (Choda t > J.B, Petersen (Fig, 29} This taxon was identilied at the sites 2,3 and 12. li is a common subaer-ial species, ft was mentioned as biodcteriogen of monuments by Kapusta & Kováčik (2000) for Bratislava (Slovakia), by Lee & Eggleston (1989) from the aeroplankton of USA, by Onega-Calvo (1991.199?) for Ttalv and Spain and from subacrial habitats in Galway City (Ireland) by Rindi & Guiry (2003). Chtorosarcinopsis sp. (Hg 30) Sarcinoid colonies. tctrahedrically arranged, usually formed by more than 16 cells: cells oval to subglobular. 2,5-3(4/um diam.; chloroplast cup-shape d. parietal, sometimes covering the whole cell wall: pyrenoid not clear. Zoospores not observed. This taxon was recorded at the sites 9,15 and 16. It formed associations with species of Leptolyngbyů. It is similar to Chlorosarcinopsis minor (Gerneck) Herndon. which was reported from buildings in the USA by Brook (1%H). It could not be identified with certainty because of the lack of zoospores. Chlorosarcfiiopsis ci'. (trenivolQ Groover et Bold (Fig. 31) Colonies pocket-like, very dense, with sarduoid arrangement; cells globular, subglobular or irregularly shaped, 6-tf(lü) jun diam.; chloroplast cup-shaped, parietal, with pyrenoid. Zoospores ovaii, with stigma and cup-shaped chloroplast, (4)5-6 Mm diam, Tnís taxon was recorded at the sites 2,3,9,13 and I 6. It could not be identified with certainty because of differences in the morphology of the ^oospores. It is very common in stibaerial habitats of Murcia. where it wa/reportcd by Aseneio & Abnal (2000) from caves. This alga is closely similar to C variabilis Trainor ťř Hilton, which has larger zoospores. 7.5-15,8x3-4 urn (Ettl & Gartner, 1995). C- orenicola was described by Groover & Bold (1909) from sandstone soil C gelatinosa Chanranachat et Bold was mentioned by Kapusta & Kováčik (2000) for monuments of Bratislava. C. negevenm Iriedmann & Ocampo-Paus vvits mentioned for monuments of Ukraine (Darienko &- Hoffmann. 2003). * Ecdysiicktamys obliqua GS,West (Fig. 32) Cells solitary, in groups or in Knall colonies enclosed in the mother cell wall. Cells spindle-shaped, elliptical or oval, asymmetrical 6,5-10^5-10 um: chloroplast parietal, cup-shaped, with pyrenoid; cell wall thick, smooth, colourless, with 2% B. UKer. M. Aboal &. L. Kováčik Epilithic and chasmocndoliihic phycoflora of monuments and building 2ÍJ7 papillae at the poles; reproduction by (2-)4-íí autospores, 6-7,5 x4-5 um. produced with letrahedral pattern. This laxon was identified at the sjtes 13 and lŕj. The taxonomie position of This species is controversial, since it has unicellular stages similar lo speeds nf SeenĚdesmtts. This species has been reported from moist soils of tropical regions. such as Cuba and Angola (Kŕ.Htuirek & Foli, !983). * Oocystts asymmetrica W. et CS-U'est sensu Komaromy (Fig. 33) Cells solitary or in 2-4 celled colonies, oval to broadly oval, (5) 6-10 um dkm. or 6-10(12) x5-S(1fl) urn, imds rounded with a papilla: chloroplast saucer-shaped, lobed. parietal, with pyrenoid, 1-2 per cell. Autosporangia common. 4-ceHed, 10-12 urn diam. This laxyn was identified ai the site 13. Very common in irrigated places and on concrete walls near the ground (20 cm above soil surface). Komámmy (1975) described [his species from soil near a river in the Matra Mountains (Hungary). Ettl & Gut tri er (1995) mentioned i I from soil in Australia. It has never been recorded from monuments. The epilithic forms growing in the field show mostly unicellular stages, hut in liquid cultures this species forms sometimes berry-like colonics The isolated strains show extensive morfological variability in BBM medium. Marieila lerresiris J.B.Petersen (Fig. 34) lliis raxon was identified at the sites 3,13 and 16. Il is a typical soil alga. known also from monuments (Kapusla & Kovacik, 2000: Ortega-Calvo et ú/., 199L 1993), Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck (Fig. 35) This taxon was identified at the sites I. 3, 13 and 16. It forms monospecific green or yellowish green growths on subacrial substrates. This species is the most frequently cited green alga on monuments (Ortega-Ca Ho. 1993: Schlichtina. 1961; Tomaselh a aL, 2000; Grant. 1982: John, 19K8: AJbcriano et a!.. 1991; Durienko & Hoffmann, 2003; Ríndi Ä Guiry, 2003). Chlfiretta sp, (Fig. 36) Cells spherical, individual or in 2-4 ceiled groups, 4-8(10} urn diam,; young and old cells with vacuoles; chloroplast parietal, with small pyrenoid. often not clear; reproduction by autospores released by breaking of the mother cell wall. Figs 29-34. 29. Apttočoeaa fobalm: a initial cells, b cell division, c vacuoli^ed adult «11. d, e youugcDluiiitSv/.g pscudafilamenli 30.Cftltirosareinnpsixsp.:a initial cells, b odl diviüion.f four-celled colonics, tí young colonics, e adult coloay. jj_ CNarostmiHopsis ci". grenicutu; a initial cell, h ecll division, c four-celled colonics, d young colonies* < «dull colony, f, li zoosporans>ia, f řtMjsporcs. 32- Ecdysichltimyi- ubUquu; a initial cells wiiTi polar papilla, b matured cells, e two-celled aulosptiraiigia, ii peil division, e foiHxelktd aufosporangia, f ruptured sntasporangjn. 33. Oocysta tainunerritů; Figs 3K-39. Epilithic and ehasmoendulithic phycoflora of monuments and buildings 299 35 4#-^H &j ^=S 36 :o — [«".■■fetal —tcO"< '^ ^g a ° 10 um 300 8. Uher. M. Aboal & L, Kováčik trak with a plate-like chloroplast provided with a small but distinct pyrcnoid. The aperture of escape of the /oospores forms a well-visible pore in emptied cel k This taxon was identified at the sites 14 and 16. This alga has a widespread distribution in We s Lern and Central Europe, Lokhorst (iy%) studied (his species from collection*; in the Netherlands, made on piles and stones at the water surface in an alkaline late. Records of this species are available for Belgium (collected from a sheet-piling of the Scheide-Maas kanaal near Lomme I. in swamps), France {from an algal mat in the dripping-zone of a rock near Plombieres les Bains). Switzerland (from samples scraped from sheet-piling und stones bordering the Wallen Se* near Wallenstafi) and Austria (collected fmm stones in the river r^utascheT Ache near Leutasch, from soil samples from the Karwendcl Mountains and from the bank of the stream Finsterbach near the foot of the Hohe Münde) (Lokhorst. 19%}. This species has not been reported as biodeieriogen from monuments so fan Klebsormidium flaccsdum (Kütx.J Silva. Matín\ et Riadov ell (Fig. 40) This tavon was identified at the sites 9 and 13. This species appears to be widely distributed in Western Europe Lofchorsl cultured this species from material collected in Germany (from a soil sampte removed from clay soil in a fluid of beets near Niedrekriichten). in the Netherlands (an algal coat extensively covering the baue of a stem of Querem near Dwarsgrachi), in Belgium (from a soil sample taken from the slope of a brooklet near Baarle-Nassau), in France (from a fountain near Vinci and a soil sample from a forest path near Si. Cere). This species is very well known as biodeteriogen of monuments {Schlichiin^ 1975; Ortega-Calvo et a/., 1991. 199.7; Leitao f f ai. 1996í Wasser et aL 199$ Kapusta & Kováčik, 200í): Darienko Jt Hoffmann. 2003). Culture is usually needed for correct determination of species of Klebsormiditim. "Ihe majority of records of Klebsormidiuni in terrestrial habitats are referred lo K. ffaccidiim (John, 1938). However, in several sLudics no culture was used and it is therefore possible that some records of K, fiactidum arc incorrect. * Klebsormidittm cretitifututň (Küt/.) Lükhutsl {Flg. 41) Limited growth of filaments observed in liquid medium, resulting in relatively small, dense, tufts of indefinite shape, mostly 0.5-1 cm wide, bright ^rccn, composed of intimately and spirally twisted filaments (5Í1-KS cells): production of zoospores not observed. Profuse growth observed on agar, forming a green eounpad layer exhibiting rough to wrinkled surface. Old agar cultures gradually becoming a wavy accumulation, producing an amorphous algal mass with filaments becoming bent and twisied. Apical cells obtuse, especially in germinating stages originating from zoospores or aplanospores, Filaments consisting of unisc-riate cell rows, which are randomly interrupted by cell doublets produced by transversal šeptati on of the filament. In case of production of aplanosporcs, the germinating aplanospores may give rise to a pseudobiserialc configuration. In germinating stages, ceils are 9,5-10 (11) pm diam., wider than long, tn well-developed filaments. Ihe cells are 11-13{13JÍ) Um wide Chloroplast parietal, piate- 10 girdle-shaped, with one pyrcnoid. This taxon was identified at the site 16. Lokhorst studied this alga from material collected in Slovakia (from a burned pine forest near Malacky), in Austria (from a soil sample lak en from the eastern slope of the mountain Hohe Münde near Leutasch), in the Netherlands (from a soil sample collected in the vicinity of acid and oligotrophic ehe meral pools in loam-pits near Vierhouten). in EpiliLhíc and chasmoendiMkhtL; phycoňora of monuments and building 3ÜT Figi 4 colonized bv two species. Syttechocystis sp. 2 and C kcislraii. Monuments characterized by a high variability of habitats were colonized hy many species {for example the site 9). The sites 14 and 15. which represented a special type of habitat characterized by harsh conditions (chalk springs) showed a low diversity (3 ta*a). Some species were widespread and occupied a large range of habitats; these included some of the most frequent taxa. such as Chroococcidiopsis kashaii, Nosiac sphaeiicwn* Boirydiopiis sp,, Ap&ococcus lobatus, Chlorosarcinopsis cf, arcfúcola, \fnrieltti terrastrix, Chlorella vulgaris, Chifireila kesxieri and StfChocoCCHS bacilttiris. Lčpiotyttgbya was the richest genus {7 taxa). To dale, studies concerning the distribution of cyanobacteria and microalgac on monuments arc entirely descriptive. Previous studies on the European subaerial phyeonora have considered the composition of subaerial algal assemblages to be affected by environmental factors operating on both small.local scales (i.e., moisture, temperature. light irradiation» substratum) and large, [microclimatic scales (i.e., climatic /.ones). The first comprehensive studies focused on hpihihii, nm! thninn.K-TiJy]ilhiv piiycottora of monument- ;i:nl hsuiš(íiriii- 303 subaerial algal vegetation in Europe are those by Kalchbrenner (1S66)T Scberfel (1902, 1907), Nováček (1934), Jaag (1945) and Golubié (19fi7). These works concerned mostly calcareous or alkaline natural substrata and their results generally showed lhe predominance of cyanoprokatyotic elements 'n tnc subaerial vcgelation. Similar conclusions were obtained in more recent studies, such as Johansen et ai. (19*3)- Hoffmann (1989), Chang (1994), Pantazidou (1996), ßüdel (1996) and Uher & Kováčik (2002a). Epilithic and endolithic species commonly occur on most subaerial stone surfaces and colonize artificial substrata mote or less quickly, depending on environmental factors such as light irradiation, water retention and availability of organic and inorganic compounds (Kovacik. 2000), The phycoflora of monuments has been studied in Spain (Ortega-Calvo l; Brook, 19fiS), Great Britain (Ortega-Calvo éi ai, 1993), Ireland (Schlichting, 1975; Kindi &. Guiry, 2003) and Canada (Brook, 19rt8). Our investigation showed that the algal growths of more humid sampling sites were dominated by green algae. In our case, coccoid green algae were the dominant forms at those sites; this is in contrast with the situation reported for Atlantic parts of Europe, where filamentous forms, such as species of Ttemepohiia and Piasiolales are often the most common algae {eg. John, 19SS; Nogucrol-Scoane &. Rifón-Lastra, 1997; Rindi et ai, 1999: Rindi & Guiry, 2002). On the other hand, cyanobacteria dominated in semiarid conditions. Calcareous rock (limestone) is the main building material used for monuments in Murcia. Our investigation showed that the monuments investigated were mainly colonized by endolithic or chasmocndolithic cyanobacteria, which require low level of illumination and minimal fluctuations of seasonal temperature. Species of Chroococcidiopsis are important biodeteriogeos of many buildings (Ortega-Calvo & Arirto, 1994); although occasionally mentioned for monuments (Ortega-Calvo tí si. 1993). they have been most frequently reported for caves and underground sites (Palik, 1938; Friedmann. 1961; Claus, 19Ů2: Komáromv. 1975; Abdelahad, 1985; Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1985; Asencio & Aboal, 2000). Similar observations are available in the literature for limestone surfaces in similar climatic conditions, ill t ho ugh marble is the type of artificial rocky substratum that has been mostly investigated in urban areas. Information on marble surfaces is available for monuments in Italy (Giacconc er ai 1976T Danin & Caneva, 1990). Greece and Turkey (Anagnostidis et ai, J 992); since marble has been largely used for monuments in these countries, such investigations were mostly applied studies. which focused un the process of colonization and destruction of marble by cyanobacteria.The two sites characterized by marble surfaces in our study showed a low diversity, as samples collected from this substratum supported no more than 2 species. High evaporation rates or low levels of nutrk-nt supply may affect negatively species diversity on marble surfaces (Darienko & Hoffmann. 2003), but further investigations are necessary to clarify the processes responsible of this phenomenon. Acknowledgements. The study was supported by the projed PCT 95/25 of Com u n id ad Autonom a de Murcia. the projed No. 1/9114/02 (Tom the Grant Agency VEGA and the SOCRATES Programme; Higher Education (ERASMUS) Grant for student mobility for (he academic year 2002/2003. 304 B. Uher, M. Aboal & L. Kováčik REFERENCES ABDELAHAD N., 19&> — Osservazioni su akune Cianoficce cavemtcob rare c inlcrts- santi. Giomale Botanice f taliana 119: 45-4ť). ABOAL M„ 19ÍMS — Aporudón ;il conocimietno de las algas epicontineniales deí sitdesie de Es paria 111. Cianofíceas (cyauophyccae Schaffner 1909). A/utles dtrí Jariifn Botanice de Madrid 45: 2-46. ABOAL M., 1996 — Kpipelic assemblages in irrigation channels trom southeastern Spain, Algútugkat Studies K2: 117-132. AßOAL M. ASENCIO A.D. & PREFASI M., 1994 - Studies on cave cyanophytcs from HuLidniaslĽiTi Spain: Scytanema jiilianum (Mentígh. ex Fr;inck) Rich tur. Mgvlvgiaii Studies 75: 31-36. 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