INTRODUCTION Pavel Krejci DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY - central to all other areas of biology – unites cell biology, genetics and morphology - in last 25 years grew into the most exciting and dynamic field of biology…..due to the advances in three main traditions: the experimental embryology, developmental genetics and molecular biology. All animals develop similarly, that including the worm, fly, fish or mammal. - significant impact on society, in vitro fertilization, teratology, birth defects. - future impact: functional genomics and functional proteomics, disease therapy, prenatal screening, transplantation, embryonal stem cells, therapeutic cloning. COMMON FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT Developmental Biology: A science that explains how a structure of organism changes with time - structure or morphology or anatomy: an arrangement of parts (large/small, organs, parts of an organ, cells in a part of an organ) - many forms of development: embryonic (zygote complete organism), postembryonic (larva adult organism), regeneration (asexual reproduction through budding, replacement of lost parts) -….but same problems 1. Regional specification: pattern appearance in uniform mass of cells. 2. Cell differentiation: 200 different cell types in vertebrate body, each differ by particular proteins made through activation of particular genes. 3. Morphogenesis: cell and tissue movements creating the 3D design of organ. 4. Growth: increase in size and control of proportions among the parts. GENOMIC EQUIVALENCE, CLONING OF ANIMALS GAMETOGENESIS - male and female gametes - fertilized egg or ovum - each gamete is 1n – a haploid set of chromosomes - Zygote is 2n – a diploid set of chromosomes Gametes are formed from germ cells in the embryo Germ line: cells that can or will become the future gametes. Somatic cells: all other except the germ line. Future germ cells decide to be „germ“ early in the embryo development somethimes through inheriting a cytoplasmic element from the egg – a germ plasm (polar granules in C. elegans). During embryonic development germ cells multiplicate and migrate to find a gonad. Gonad: mesodermal by origin and composed entirely of somatic cells, when germ cells arrrive they integrate into gonad and in post-embryonal life undergo GAMETOGENESIS