9. týden 12. 11. 2007

Practice test on Using Earth Materials - active knowledge of the definitions.

Academic English: Describing. classifying, comparing and contrasting.


Geologists: Minerals physical properties (luster, heft, hardness, streak, cleavage, fracture, color), crystalline systems, crystals. AW Chpt.2, Section 1. Terms and definitions.

Hometasks: 1. Prepare the comparison of 2 minerals and bring the samples next week. It is your oral credit task.

2. E-learning home test

Geographers: Measuring the Earth - AW Chpt.1 Section 2.

Mapping - AW Chpt.1 Section 3. Terms and definitions.

Latitude and longitude - Map projections - Colors and symbols on map - A scale of distances - Topographic maps (copies in the class) - Different ways to find North.

Hometasks: 1. E-learning test

2. Prepare your presentation "Sharing My Travel Experience"

Pictures can help you to make your story more attractive, e.g. hiking, cycling, mountain biking, people, local food, or form a pleasant background - views