Dear students,

Welcome to the course English for Earth Science for geologists (JAP01/G) and geographers (JAP01/Z). I am Věra Hranáčová and I am currently teaching English to Earth Science students, but I also taught math and medical students at Masaryk University.

Course Objectives
In this course you will develop your academic English language and study vocabulary of Earth Science. Apart from your future life situations, you will need to use your knowledge in your first exam in English JA001

Course Pre-requisites (Entrance level)
Lower intermediate level required. Use Pre-entrance Test in Grammar . Remember to add 2 points for each correct question and 1 point for all the other items to reach the minimum level with 30 points. With lower level you will hardly be able to participate and work reasonably well.

Credit Requirements

80% face to face lessons  - active presence
One credit test
(in Week 13), two credit talks ( all in week 6, geologists - minerals in week 10, geographers - travels in weeks 10-12), 5 e-learning home tests. Only one make up date in the last week of this course.

Technology Requirements
You can download free Real Player and free Windows Media Player.

Contact: hranacov@rect.muni.cz No need to send an apology for your absence, unless you have a credit task or another special task.

  • Write your letters in English, please. Subject: JAP01- the day (and time) of your seminar group, your name plus your problem. I will appreciate your corrections of possible mistakes in my texts and all good suggestions (subject: Syllabus JAP01).