WHERE ARE CARTOGRAPHICAL EDUCATIONAL CENTERS IN BULGARIA? • University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia • Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski” • National Military University “V. Levski”, V. Tarnovo • Southwest University, Blagoevgrad • University of Forestry, Sofia WHERE ARE CARTOGRAPHICAL EDUCATIONAL CENTERS IN BULGARIA? University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Faculty of Geodesy, Department of Photogrammetry and cartography has the following subjects in educational process: - Topographic cartography 1/ 2; - Cartography 1 (map projection); - Cartography 2; - Visualization of Geo-data; - Project in cartography; - Map production; - Thematic cartography; - Virtual cartographic modeling - Navigation mapping; - Cartographic standards; - Automatic mapping. CARTOGRAPHY IN THE SCOOLS We are living in a time of rich information society in a global world with many communication possibilities. Cartography is developing incredibly in the technology aspect. Old paper version products started to be not enough attractive to students, especially in high education. The tasks of cartographers should be to find closer way of communication with students in geographical lessons and this could be achieved by quality information representation and attractiveness of cartographic products. CARTOGRAPHY IN THE SCOOLS How can we start? • Are there any reasons to change the exciting old Atlas? • Who are our users? • Do we have enough data base? • Do we have a team of experts? • Do we have an idea and program? • Do we have a technology for realization of our project? • How to get to our users? Situation in Bulgaria 7-8 years ago • not satisfying - old contents and design • school curriculum was changed some times during the last 15 years • cartographic firms have not been able to give what was necessary for the educational process • still nowadays many schools have old wall maps with old contents, cartographic information and design; other ones do not have maps for every continent Example – why do we need а new Atlas for 7 grade • Bulgaria in European Union • the examinations in Geography • the complicated school curriculum approved by Ministry of Education • The outline maps are used very successfully for assimilation of knowledge Levels of geography education Sources for Atlas creation • Curriculum in Geography • Min 3-4 text books in geography • Existing maps and atlases for these ages • GIS vector data for the territory • Statistical data, raster data (photos, pictures), etc. Who participates in the process • Cartographers – authors and mapmakers • Specialists in GIS • Geographers, expert’s advice • Schoolteachers - ideas and efforts • University professors as reviewers • Professional artists • Designers • Ministry of Education Students’ help in maps and Atlases designing • The purpose - find a way for the best communication with students • Children’s knowledge and information - use in the process of maps and atlases designing • “The cartographer must learn how the non cartographer draws a map, what they want to communicate, what symbolism they use and what is their logic” Morita, T.1997 Experimental work with children in maps making for their education • 80 (first and second school year) pupils in Sofia • Children are not acquainted with the use and reading of maps • Children show great interest for the experiments and have a desire and possibility to use maps Research on students’ knowledge of main cartographic topics - 194 students 1. What is the scale of the map? • 2. How many km is the real distance which correspond to 2 cm of a map on scale of 1:1 000 000? • 3. What kind of scale do you know? • 4. How do you understand the concept “map projection”? • ……………………… • The students are asked to do a short description of a map from their atlas and to write what they dislike on that map. Research into students’ knowledge of main cartographic topics - 194 students • The questionnaire was made for students within a large age range of 11-18. • 29 students from grade 5, • 34 – from grade 6, • 12 - from grade 7, • 23 – from grade 8, • 35 – from grade 9, • 53 – from grade 10 and • 8 – from grade 11 took part in the research. Results from the questionnaire • 1) What is the scale of the map? • 2) How many km is the real distance which correspond to • 2 cm of a map on a scale of • 1:1 000 000? • gender differentiations - the girls are better in definitions and the boys - in calculations; • teachers have not attracted the necessary attention of students to the practical use of the map scale; • all students in grade 11 gave a correct response. Results from the questionnaire 3) What kinds of scale do you know? - text scale, numerical and linear • most students – numerical and linear; • other responses – horizontal and vertical; large, medial and small scale; • girls have managed better with the theoretical part and the boys – with the practical one; • difference between the percentage of correct and incorrect answers of girls and boys decreases in grades 10 and 11 . Results from the questionnaire 4) How do you understand the concept “map projection”? 5) How can we present the ellipsoid Earth on the map plane? • 37% of the girls and 33% of the boys gave the right response - grade 8 • 8% of the girls and 9% of the boys gave the right response - grade 9 • 8% of the girls and 22% of the boys gave the right response - grade 10 icosiedar – student’s helper Results from the questionnaire 6) What is the shape of the Earth? 7) What does it connect map language with? Point out the right answer: a/ land and seas, b/ symbols, c/ colors on the map, d/ map projection. • The percent of the right response is the highest in grade 8 F – M 100% - 75% The boys gave more true answers in the all steps of the education. The most probably fact is their understanding for objects’ design on the maps as symbols’ presentations. Results from the questionnaire • 8) What objects would you present on the transport map of Bulgaria? • 9) In what way would you present the relief on the map of Bulgaria? • 10) What purpose do you use maps for? • 11) What map would you like to make up? • 12) Have you seen 3D maps? Where? Results from the questionnaire • - generally the boys are better at answers in older groups; • - the boys are peculiarly original in their ideas of what map would they be make up; • - the girls are better in definitions; color and symbol system, object representation. Conclusions • The experiment gives a clear concept about the students’ knowledge about the maps and their skills to extract information from them. • The following conclusions could be made on the basis of the results from the research: Barbara Petchenik Competition in National level Bulgaria in ICA • primary schools cartographic products are often designed by children’s drawing from local entries to the Barbara Petchenik map competition • Example: Atlas for 3-4 grade – themes of geography and history National Competition "Map of Bulgaria" • above 700 drawings • from 50 settlements in Bulgaria • It shows children's love to learned national geography and history as well their ability to use cartographic visualisation methods Atlas 'The Person and the Society' - school years 3-4 • first introduction to the world of maps • scales, symbols, selection of geographical and historical maps • It is a “handbook” which is both fun to use and easy to understand. • blank maps help students to understand the geographical features • the design - combines children’s drawings, photos, and artists’ illustrations Usage of children's drawings in atlas designing Atlas on Geography - school year 5 5 chapters: • Cartography; • The Earth - a planet in the Solar system; • Nature of the world; • World population; • Economy. Atlas on Geography - school year 6 • Thematic maps on nature, climate, hydrography and soils, plants and animals, population and races of all continents excluding Europe • Realistic pictures represent people, plants and animals Blank Maps - school year 6 • intended for homework • 4 types of map - Nature, Climate, Countries and Photos show Africa, South America, North America Asia and Australia. • The tasks are clearly indicated with easy instructions. Atlas on Geography – school year 7 Methodology of Atlas creation • Idea; • School curriculum and its analyses; • Atlas and outline (blank) maps’ contents; • Currently statistical and text data and GIS cartographic vector data base; • Draft representation of the contents; • Test analyses on the base of student reaction and information extraction; • Atlas and blank maps compiling; • Modern design; • Editor process and process of Approving by Ministry of Education; • Pre-publishing and Publishing processes. Map compiling… • Data base for geographical elements… • Thematic data for specific contents of any map • Appropriate map projection, scale and symbol system • Map design The map should be a part of a common issue under a common idea, content, design, … Cartographic Companies, firms and organizations • Agency of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre – Bulgaria • DataMap-Europe Ltd. • Kartografia Ltd. • Military Topographic Service • GIS Sofia Ltd. • International Trade and Cultural Center “Geopan” • DavGeo Ltd. New cartographic fields – 3D maps and animation • Users of 3D maps • “From Paper to Virtual Map” – а cheap technology for easy creation of 3D maps • 3D cartographic symbol system • Animation of 3D maps 3D maps – USERS • City planning and architecture 3D maps – created for different usage • Education in schools and universities 3D maps – created for different usage • Land use 3D maps – created for different usage • Land management and cadastre 3D maps – created for different usage • Telecommunications • Design and advertisement 3D maps – created for different usage • Tourist offices • Archives of City Architecture 3D maps – created for different usage • Transport services 3D maps – created for different usage • Crises management 3D maps – created for different usage • Police • Military • fire management 3D maps – created for different usage • Meteorology 3D maps – created for different usage • Environment pollution • Water resources • Flood mapping • Crises management • Risks Prevention Plans • Long-term Monitoring • Flood early warning Contents of 3D maps • Main content • Secondary content • Additional content Main content * large topographic or landscape objects – relief bodies Secondary content * traffic signs * facilities * transport elements Additional content • quality and quantity information about objects – fence, roof, street, parcel • created as a textural database Sources for 3D map • paper topographic or cadastral maps • photogrammetric or surveying data • digital 2D map • topographic information, measurements, architecture drawings etc. • digital or paper photos • 3D symbol system Generalization Accuracy in objects representation Photo-texturing Photo-texturing Texturing A technology for designing of 3D maps A technology for designing of 3D maps Steps for symbol creation (1^st developed theory of 3D cartographic symbol system in the world - 1996) Levels of Details