• v 2008-09 1. PREDNÁŠKA MOL. BIOL. Nucleic acids Historical view Emil Paleček Institute of Biohysics, Acad. Sei. CR v.v.i., 612 65 Brno Czech Republic The Road to DNA started in Brno G.J. Mendel 1866 « Back to previous results list «.. D - Paleček Emil Citation KepOľt Author (Paleček E) Timespan=AII Years. Databases=SCl-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, IC, CCR-EXPANDED [back to 1340] This report reflects citations to source items indexed within Web of Sciertce. Perform a Cited Reference Search to include citations to items not indexed within Web of Science. Chemická reaktivita a struktura nukleových kyselin. Lokální struktury DNA stabilizované superhelikálním vinutím; Interakce DNA a bílkovin s povrchy; Interakce ĎNA-protein; Published Items in Each Year 16 14 i: 10 í e 4 j 0 Ct> íTi ťŕl ťT. O O Ol O O *=> -Z> CT, Cr, CT, O". T« T". CT« ffi O". O CFp .3 O O O, O, O O, O O rt-.rt ««^^.^-i^-iPirlfiřKlCiririri rears The latest 20 years are displayed View a graph with all years. SŮ0 500 400 300 JdC i 100 0 Citations in Each Year iiiin.il ffi o- H^ri^i/níh » CT, o —i r j rvi Tfl- u-L irp r--, to «HTiďiUiaifflCmj^mffiůŮOOlíOOOO U'ffiíilJVJiClClfllJl^lTiOOOOOOOOO --i --i --i --i «-i-i^-t-i«rjrjrjr,|NMrMí\]ru Years The latest 20 years are displayed. View a graph with all years. Results found: 246 Sum of the Times Cited [?] ; 7,524 View Citing Articles View without self-citations 248 7 524 Average Citations per Item [?] : h-index [?] : 30.34 50 50 Elektrochemie nukleových kyselin a bílkovin; Nádorové supresory, zejména protein p53; Agregace bílkovin v neurodegenerativních chorobách (zejména agregace a-synucleinu v Parkinsonově chorobě) Results 248 Page 1 of 25 C'O ► H Sort by: Times Cited Use the checkboxes to remove individual items from this Citation Report or restrict to items processed between 1945-1954 J_ and 2008 T' Go Title: Peptide nucleic acid probes for sequence-specific DNA biosensors Author(s): Wang J, Paleček E, Nielsen PE, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 116 issue: 33 Pages: 7667-7670 Published: AUG 21 1996 Titas: From polarography of DMA to microanalysis with nucleic acid-modified electrodes Author(s): Paleček E Source: ELECTROANALYSIS Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 7-14 Published: JAN 1996 Title: Detecting DNA hybridization and damage Author(s): Paleček E, Fojta M Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 73 Issue: 3 Pages: 74A-83A Published: FEB 1 2001 Title: LOCAL SUPERCOIL-STABILIZED DNA STRUCTURES 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Average A Citations per Year 531 325 IB 21 33 14 13 428 11 447 582 7,524 28 11 26 209 16 206 20 190 147.53 16.08 15.85 23.75 Aulhorts): PALECEKE Court»: CRITICAL REVIEWS I« BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Volume.26 Issue: 2 Pages- 1S1-SZE Published: 1991 Titte: DNA electrochemical hiosensors for environment monitoring A review AuMionsj Wana J Rnbb G. Ca X, e: al Sni« ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: MT rau: 1-S Page». 1 -G P jb iah od J U L 10 19 9 7 Title: Electrochemical biosensors tuf DNA hybrirJizatiun and DNA carnage Authors). Paleček E. Fojta M. Tomsohík M. er al Source BIOSENSORS A BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 13 I «u* S Pages: 621-62! Published. SEP 15 1991 TrrJe: ťlfc SUPERCOIL -STABILIZED CRUCIFORM OF COLE1 IS HYPER-REACTIVE TO OSMIUM-TETROXIDE Authors). LILLEY DMJ. PALEČEK E Source EMBO JOURNAL Volume: 3 Issue: G Pages: 11S7.1192 ■LS 5-0= 19M Tl»ľ SUPERHELICAL TORSION IM CELLULAR DMA RESPONDS DIRECTLY TO ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC. FACTORS Autt»r{s}. MCCLELLAN JA, BQUBLIKQVA P, PALECÉKE. e< SI. Source PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF 5CIE NC E 5 OF T H E UNIT ED STATE 8 OF A M ERICA Volume- Í7 Issue. 31 Pages Í373-B377 Published- NOV 1990 Tilt*: Past present and future of nucleic acids electrochemistry Author* sr Palace K E Source: TALANTA Volume. GÍ Issue. G Paces' 109-119 Published. APR t 2002 Title: OSCILLOGRAPHIC POLAROGRAPHY OF HIGHLY POLYMERIZED DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID Author(a)- PAL EC Eh E Source: NATURE Volume: 1« Issue: 4TG1 Pages an-es? Put* shed. I960 esjns 24Ä Page 1 Sort by: Times Cked t 88 Chemical nature and spatial organization STRUCTURE F. MIESCHER, TÜBINGEN 1871 \CIDS Biological function G. J. MENDEL, BRNO 1866 Timeline of DNA 1865: Gregor Mendel discovers through breeding experiments with peas that traits are inherited based on specific laws (later to be termed "Mendel's laws"). By mentioning Elements of Heredity he predicts DNA and genes (published 1866) 1866: Ernst Haeckel proposes that the nucleus contains the factors responsible for the transmission of hereditary traits. 1869: Friedrich Miescher isolates DNA/NUCLEIN for the first time. 1871: The first publications describing DNA (nuclein) by F Miescher, Felix Hoppe-Seyler, and P. Plosz are printed. 1882: Walther Flemming describes chromosomes and examines their behavior during cell division. 1884-1885: Oscar Hertwig, Albrecht von Kölliker, Eduard Strasburger, and August Weismann independently provide evidence that the cell's nucleus contains the basis for inheritance. 1889: Richard Altmann renames nuclein to nucleic acid. 1900: Carl Correns, Hugo de Vries, and Erich von Tschermak rediscover Mendel's Laws. 1902: T Boveri and W Sutton postulate that the heredity units (called genes as of 1909) are located on chromosomes. 1902-1909: A Garrod proposes that genetic defects result in the loss of enzymes and hereditary metabolic diseases. 1909: Wilhelm Johannsen uses the word gene to describe units of heredity. 1910: T H Morgan uses fruit flies (Drosophila) as a model to study heredity and finds the first mutant with white eyes. 1913: Alfred Sturtevant and Thomas Hunt Morgan produce the first genetic linkage map (for the fruit fly Drosophila). 1928: Frederick Griffith postulates that a transforming principle permits properties from one type of bacteria (heat-inactivated virulent Streptococcus pneumoniae) to be transferred to another (live nonvirulent Streptococcus pneumoniae). 1929: P Levene identifies the building blocks of DNA, incl. four bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T). 1941: George Beadle and Edward Tatum demonstrate that every gene is responsible for the production of an enzyme. 1944: Oswald T. Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty demonstrate that Griffith's transforming principle is not a protein, but rather DNA, suggesting that DNA may function as the genetic material 1949: Colette and Roger Vendrely and A Boivin discover that the nuclei of germ cells contain half the amount of DNA that is found in somatic cells. This parallels the reduction in the number of chromosomes during gametogenesis and provides further evidence for the fact that DNA is the genetic material. 1949-1950: Erwin Chargaff finds that the DNA base composition varies between species but determines that the bases in DNA are always present in fixed ratios: the same number of A's as T's and the same number of C's as G's. 1952: Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase use viruses (bacteriophage T2) to confirm DNA as the genetic material by demonstrating that during infection viral DNA enters the bacteria while the viral proteins do not and that this DNA can be found in progeny virus particles. 1953: Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins use X-ray analyses to demonstrate that DNA has a regularly repeating helical structure. 1953: James Watson and Francis Crick discover the molecular structure of DNA: a double helix in which A always pairs with T, and C always with G. 1956: Arthur Kornberg discovers DNA polymerase, an enzyme that replicates DNA. 1957: Francis Crick proposes the central dogma (information in the DNA is translated into proteins through RNA) 1958: Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl describe how DNA replicates (semiconservative replication). 1960-63: Julius Marmur and Paul Doty show separation of DNA strands and reformation of DNA double-helical structure - DNA renaturation/hybridization 1961-1966: Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind Khorana, Heinrich Matthaei, Marshall W. Nirenberg, and colleagues crack the genetic code. 1968-1970: Werner Arber, Hamilton Smith, and Daniel Nathans use restriction enzymes to cut DNA in specific places for the first time. 1972: Paul Berg uses restriction enzymes to create the first piece of recombinant DNA. 1977: Frederick Sanger, Allan Maxam, and Walter Gilbert develop methods to sequence DNA. 1982: The first drug (human insulin), based on recombinant DNA, on the market. 1983: Kary Mullis invents PCR as a method for amplifying DNA in vitro. 1990: Sequencing of the human genome begins. 1995: First complete sequence of the genome of a free-living organism (the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae) is published. 1996: The complete genome sequence of the first eukaryotic organism—the yeast S. cerevisiae—is published. 1998: Complete genome sequence of the first multicellular organism—the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans—is published. 1999: Sequence of the first human chromosome (22) is published. 2000: The complete sequences of the genomes of the fruit fly Drosophila and the first plant—Arabidopsis—are published. 2001: The complete sequence of the human genome is published. 2002: The complete genome sequence of the first mammalian model organism—the mouse—is published. •9 75 1950 T 925 1000 1875 :ßSO -ess ■- 1700 — íeoo — Perulz determmes structure first protein by sc-ray dillraction Sanger and Tuapy eteiermine Ihe firsl protein primary sequence Avery. MacLeod, and McCarty sJiow DNA io be ihe ageni ol genelic Lrsnsfarinaiion Krebs elucidates the etile acid cycle ■ Sved berg develops the ullracentrifuga — Embden and Meyerhoi describe — the giycoiylic oairiway Sumner crystallizes urease - Buchnsr öemortSlrates —. fermentation wflti i ceil extracts m MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Davflopmsnt ol DNA cloning GeneliC code Walson and CricJi propose double helix icn DMA Heishey and Chase establish DNA as me genetic material Claude isolates first mitochondrial tractions MIESCHER? Pasleur links -Iwing organisms to specific a'cc esse5 Wohles synthesizes -urea i*i me laboratory inverHion of the — microtome Development ol — dyes and stains Vtrchow every cell — Comes from a ceil SchleirJen and Schwann — formulate cell theory Brown describes ■ nuclei BIOCHEMISTRY van LeeLíWBíihosk -improves lenses HoOke describes -cellular' invention c-1 electron microscope -Levene postulates DNA as a repealing, tetranbcleatide structure t-—Morgan and colleagues devetop genetics ol Dfosopfňů Sutton formulates! chromosomal theory of heredity Rediscovery ot Mendel's laws by Correns, von Tschermak, and de Vries RoiiK and weissman ctirorriosomos carry genetic information ------------1------------------ Flemming identifies chromosomes GENETICS Miesctier discovers DNA Mendel discovers firs fundamental laws ol geneiics MENDEL CELL BIOLOGV r /Jll-L 1.2 Interweaving of the historical tradition of biochemistry, cell biology, and genetici. These three disciplines, which originally were considered tu be quite separate, have become intertwined tn yield a true molecular biology, the subject matter of present-day biochemistry. C K MATHEWS , K E van HOLDE, BIOCHEMISTRY, 1990 Darwin C. 1858*. Book - On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Mendel G. 1866 Miescher F. 1871 papers Charles Darwin - Important claims: A. Universal Common Descent - Tree of Life - the first one-celled organism, representing the root or trunk of the Tree, gradually developed and changed over many generations into new and more complex forms, representing the branches B. Natural Selection as a mechanism responsible for the branching pattern Variations in living forms arise at random Nature selects the adaptive ones Adaptive organism survive and reproduce Inherited adaptations may cause population changes Darwin understand neither how genetic traits were passed to the progeny nor how the variations arose. He is a founder of Evolution Biology At present: - Natural Selection as a mechanism for relatively simple processes is fully confirmed - Universal Common Descent - Tree of Life and the role of natural selection in the origin of species are questioned On the evolution of celts Ort A. Wo*»* lJitur^ltUtl-JW noM n hinri on ih» (4*u HrWOnttfi tt^WWl ltl*T sh* 4f AM4 *T h4r44HVÜ 0#a# LumwIw (Htf) n p*4m*»lly 4r1*™-'*»4 by ÜH *q*ň.(*i-5'i of lb« ™;>h ip« Abp^AH uÉ 4+boiH » l*M« Hú tM n-*ip4* wi4 y»«*]f «^nnd «nwf)i l*M Ml (•«ulV (OaipOM^vrtin ba Miľtd n4 h-dhi frü **i ■**« E*V ■ ■*«"■*.■■' H-CiiU rn* ~|>*f*1ra*rt Fw-nhaM-- frw lhi i ■**.! M f/i in TbtrroJrllM l*l FWricrPfrQ» n..ur.iiftr-11-lhr ŕľV.*l iľh«ÍVr.l>r-| ľi la Drťwúi * dar ihr ^i+4rm Ofrkf bwtftj h" ti^pwJ Fw IWtcfe «f Ifcr L»« íCnrtyrT ■■ »u -MUliHf la MT* CM. lb* pKMcalqrtiutwlUi jKí*íb iB mht iMifUiíríliit-—*b»?ít bcCHt* M n * bw4u«K-«t men ■ (üi)cfanMnl priMr*. M ™ rlfccibvfj iliWKPii 5cé««>Uk- lakrrol la uiHalii- en"".Pd*J Dmii*ai4^k «*Oť. jftJ ibŕ bVbL M JJ*1 hu hevn iJnuW f lUMHL M mrw, ň {fc-jf-ibc jppejl ul ib£ ■■JjiiiibTiIbé finrcpi Hf^jBwri"itiÄyirifMr>^liH«»t»LíBi»4idř(k*!!*»«*C (éw i-fllul-í hmnal mif>H (m I he fiA-umo: «fcliu), hkI mn Ih ÜK «AtifT cuk u yntoľ ľ-rB 11 -1^). ľhOŕ ťtnuc-ri rcpuiiuĽLin hr i im er i^urxlcnritt* tfv> {0 n«ii ttlh iLm «ic h^nlh 5* rti*ťd. 111 ť*vhí 4bc flWPti^ ™v-ív.nif «Jl »ťl jfrr ,n ^Ľtuŕdi *nJ hu-icii«! ciniarerpini fi* hM J*jw b^a ti «o bp3hJ m ibc hm '»i>t»r«nr l, uhI éu| fcpa -m r^Lpr^vtW ŕŕllalit MlUEiihA. Mta'h rfnpkA thiL 1hc omIuIh iftt gf lbe~fiu4u(yťM;-nUlvpn. ihr ^nhK^F *0(vkpcnil, jtt j'l ■ Jjffwtf Ľiiarjcar-—«inijw-J. *öJ. it *t*íM »fill*. h=M mií*jt»: Lnc, Wr iľauAul ŕl^fl to CiplMQ f b*í*tc" (lt| A ŕrtfar^ Uiŕr ihr jn«^f«i pvúúiki JU |Wfťii*h; lhjt iStd irfM ihr ÍUlbn^ ľ'PJÍ úťp ■t" un .í* »I I , J I tM: f.řr Jl Í vn jiiin*."' «tu iVie ufif k -ŕOfVf' 1 J h pK'f*aír*l vufiiltjň f"-"**Jhr,ic wn^erMl twT»T*t o*i"»«i ■m-«ii^ #w» ■ hMtn^iaU I ^ •* •*-'? I »I OmJ •« LiH ViPnt Uh>it«T. í ;j^ ul f>* f n ťrlh Hutlhii ÉMHpfilflStl vmíjTN *Vi«piirjftl tw jabber ftu* tu ■*■!!■ Ľ-nicm *wr luifta-h 1 Tu I Ihr ^(dfifiA tTAf ««ŕlhHil tN 1ÍK nx* iM UK WmTnAJ Irr* •» nfl*J«»:iiä ri^t J»i*fiJlt -rtd inir4-n*H4it»Lfili*fMbK«nro«wfnf t« *«wíc*fl **■■»* «*l n( ihá mdHtt rúca«, ffoei Ihr Uhct sm «rtHiu mtutisiŔiio in in Mil. qrutoL Tn-tkUtum n* hifhf« Jrtfhqird k>i ibii «jjt iPN\*,íKS\i Mfelthc ľljj|(rNcU'n^ľP-,i ľ»L.-fi.**iiŕ !-■ iíwii m» hdUL-jITv m w nmlnii h^rn. hrivV. Ibciä «Annul dotrA^iHMn- A|rai*yi Jl trf Ihf I K% A iti*tpbf •M.lŕďn »it* u iHWdHmleirnmwrlIJľl (Im »hirr-uhrrupfih LJr#».^Tiii pn^rt« m- kjoATntJ -P JpinKriaL«. a hibihIM lií larn ■ m* A rrtaiAťtt lamí -nrirf u *pKi&: lo ihc htevna. i *«jb»»**uí Urpcŕ Hl ťurti/fW* lákl ŕUCJkafd MI DC fetťtwc* HhJ niarjftrtC*. ml j Ir« uCbm iiŕ uAMjnŕty ŕ«trf*UI*r Aku>ri all 4 lbe BAIWrUl If ifiilhTtf Hf piMilM í H «rf « Ibow h ■■ u*raplH*l Utovj «hu ■ orilni dm rumnáfW ptw««. U« Ibc akuiuI HtJ wdkvjl wutt* id ihr dahmb ur iMMÉ JifMŕrJ kam ■" JM>^t*r. -1 Hat M lV»l tth«d »W Ol -■HR'41 llí- f-WTp* kv thr ■muKunl i ANA UhltM Ibc rwipyifMllBi PttlQiiilf nf hnu m íBindh jll »f úm TchjMl ttfi t LIX Ww» nm íle» p«(lŕrnnbykB j da^ ufWMrrrd ifMalp« I H Ia *f +»*í*i| H wwvwU fc«ra Thttl ini-wlilm*- iM«>«fli IbMbvr Jt%ctnpcd M ihf iKViullbc uftftHulliT*. tftutiyih uDJrr-rnl »thMixrMk m>3*Pi4 .irhii» ia f ih 'H «hí iVíV n^n r^H I^Tin. TľÉntai^^hfi wTini K>a>«rbcnr«ibri k»oinr^nn3 •■ Ihr iih-l--l"*ir iirn-ifř-LJlrTC Y*X c*" IíPrC« i i^í -T** A'»: foJ-uaih pí ibeDKA-JrpíAurai RKA (K»Kmťi a>ť. J 4*1 ď u tacicrôl OMlŕaClltMTT, MT WuirnjJ Jt ialtibBlK«. Bm thr H11«líli|: hwlrruJ iMbWiil I -t O- fmK funulh ua HWlr/iil * «*«■» M >*-u Ľ4>pt» i* llH hfrZkful p»*raťi«í U« ílíh-rW Mif"^ piHiBUriHŕl ťcmfmMs ™t' Jl^Kni pajiiafiaA. ť-*rh prcKirt «k hnilr t«p U lie «LPUSí and IpWl^w of| r^h ifu*i3( bofDotofv iii jwnc«h^i Jiltti-cľni pmin^h .ií h*wrui « <é4 kwY im* 111) A -tfnKti#r J liainťmr n4 lau njfBillMJt «u KprCM« M L74MI umf Eurk^hm^ JuJiwInv Tbt J.-h* í*s« **eni Wki^kiwulmlr«! •■<> ■dul ume «I -birti MV h»»] vi KWfii Nm JI.jí «Wr>.,.\*i ia nJuHnvnic» MU (A* i* dv enc «rf iraauVi« ibx MIm-hj «tkjryatk irrŤiiiir.tfrii i^iréi mmmíbh>< ruLM^i-fcfĺpcrJÉf ■ul wMMi! Bmtktím tnvmriM *i*iM.|rt jua n« k -^^^.•«'»'.'IMU»« Horizontal gene transfer - cell conglomerate instead of single cell ancestor REVISED *TRE£" OF [ JFF Jíťj_r:f j 0ÉkI ^jmííu.'í ac oVl Mf n? É1 ■:uL^->n^ ^v ■AKPhuhL All ■ mihMmatalilHTtMMii of MaCnaiH iHHWIOl W"*»Io-*A Tbowr Ibbd u ■* Bern ykirnca iqbivwbbI randoatr)1 n> tTrjBwfcPT Dbr emji^mmc npir* •J [tFK truttfer oftta^t « itwIti(4* «.mti Jmhji aJttj^ HXCMf<ŕd t^r^Wri i»rijai; Cfif Lhfif m4|Cr Jf-m j. n of life probo^ .v o IH1 Ľ^iviiML Titi.W Fotd Powlinfc n Srmu. vot. wt, mm ím-iiiitHra, twn DCV ■ fnénMlf £3/ tu^tmalrf juj jhukc- ■hl häkv 11 DiIuh Uhwiw) a Kift-bm Kxu 9DXM, ad dmluf ci n* Pki^am lUrir hr .Uwd hand tumjm*«Dt!bi iggi I U Biology's next revolution ThecTWfUna ?ln.ie ff ricrrimn jgeiG-s'-w spina. tilecívK dmiarsa b rwliloi of lütt coneiimar ricnliTi, Bptd»crd»nlbdsn RiiH. CtlXtl ■ r-,'11 ľ »' tri**" NiviOalMWiidGariffiräK (k« uTua naá fuaanarlil aaJm ■( MFJnilladha*Br>-h Ihvmáiliun h Ůr\;4i ti,: law, latÉiiMiinabi lliufirfMlqur.žkita BHanlnarif ■raitikr rinnw^iTrvi r i.. J titňt L kifTi ifiŕ-s «í i ü i f * i i." nÉbnbf iif prockik* hAirí *:» ŕ Éiwii Audm^WtM^I JI. ■nlhUrtapadhiHiMifiťu.i.JTV hu -t*—T1" -J —±ji— ruarlnaMHmMün, aal why w b*w 1». LaaajHarJalaaanlkaFjaihial rad^k* ur ix.lrilrlir \íi waJ. J.. UAiartriWlhaallaviut trilka iiy ibaurar* mé ilaaa* TI* hanaa Fj.krFjaajIfc^ap^auja.iirt.sa Fa tfcki HriMt I A« jii*_»*j.hiuKf T.PtaJnl r» täifnvwiuJ lilhaam 11.. i J« JMflMiif fe rilná ikri ;i7, křikl, k- ifrfn.i intaiJMi to i» iň^jivJťaMaBtaaaaBL lamriÜMi arita? u iMaum itawjpaaa^lai br rfJnmaai- Mhrinwabf liui^JtaňuuÉabinHiMJJc ".m.;, rii..;ttlii. rixut-ita^.i-JiJJt» ,j*;^!^iu iUTIiHi^daiibaihiywki*riir tmpijJuiiMhfÜATbciiubilfel- nqoJiarťHíciiltari Inderin Ja,ftu juji ikaujih aat «bii.! Ji) iHMUFJ ■mhu íl.ř J.i ■* folii JMl'd briLih.ttH» nlw4ft i M r h pruh h Mij^» wM ■laad^PkibMliiliiufllitoilaiBi ihaaraNai i«|iajménbalHlbf UibriJudiaa- biimuíM nL~.T.'~j.>. 11, h.. 'Jali l^jTl.lV. Ulf irii ai J iftmrd aan ■ ihmIbL b ibwwm II IM ■rkVHNlL UitiÜuJiatt piHta. aiaai iMauuna^fBMai HťwCflJir. di.-di driMkťi m Ük *T J1L7 ■'■' Píiuih^f ■','.-■ ifikat1 1 Jai T*L W,l I ŕilh L JiF M l*f i. I -a ,r« krMřjr-JMifWfíhrtinwib üumfr.r*h-h.^no|Hiur/ii b hMih H (hiHim numiuJ Ihai NJdnJ 1M «jafaahf JbbI ailhn lir aaiaVUa ifJUiliklf haaa Fťrnái|iÉipmhi KaMoCiBki^rHiiiri ni rutina MHtlIp Hujif iinU^H ■ um laJbMtH Ihn iJi.iK..ujir«iiHnMáaHhÉiau-HBMMfhibulhh iffaMdaaiMJaiiauuarlLVfcujua p 111■»!■ iwpi iku hitlautb» FjJarlMnaf H h ihraiH^ÜBHihnv ni ili h hr» . 1 jhTi'ĽTi h» hr fc fI1 ynr;q .«-i.kri-.i^vr fJť-.T jin«, i^Mrlhn un :íp f i^i.rJ/ih ti .z. ... ir^hiVia.ahijnJfln!^ iJYi n I^n iňíTT ja hnpaf im ■ Lnnubuni Aui i^ ja HkaiM i Jyi; bm'.n 1 nft U— Wurf ■Amititaalhf ■um ■■u hr ilkwihn iirimÉ aft n "if In worthy dan alFjiwrilkii a «ukMd ad i^aaLTla ,1.1a-a nil ufwiulMa«. nanHllaJ li jvlkiJw hj- '.*. .fiiť.Ä u«4 ŕ an» 1 ,i Jh J«hx jJuHJKlcf-i^Lnl;.^ iruHIUBkbBBBBljElhlBVftTIir* Ufa B^ihilkfiliUihaHM«kllwi ikil jjfr^-nUBaVhnwaílKrT. / llaTaairtlfci^jhlh nrrni t ■«i/pnamujHnam»«uilhHlifci- ■ nťpiaiaMalituJ [jglgjjj ľ ÜanUfllar mim i nml inUdinriillkni '[hh,ma|iiáaii Uimli láBBII .AAňWH ■bahbalua/irilliih hlh-> rifr;!.F«9irdhiaila»Naa rfPíí^ FfiA irikř bprwc'uil alli i|ianľn 'Jwillnii parr ^ da IPHik inm^ liúiMMMi iii ■nniimhiiBahii laMakahaial juAjMVupatwauUunwtiMahJ MMklhal mJBEfl nu dpautcil ■/!' laaFJlhan JnUaa,UBHinail htumé i«;>«ffe*:iHiMlaiwl*i qlyubr ■FF«; iitw ajalF^iHipauaia« laF^HitnaiulUa, nvnaHitn ■-----------^ ^'-f1]--------1------ r«F?Jxat luBjajaaBFjnM^aaHaa 11 Éa a—ilnai ihJan ihillaai iťlhi TSŠ"in*IT«íllWl l^flnaMhj iki imhaakahuJ aaarkWhlHaH mm ijwť«iaa lal lagiwtfw " llltlrflaaMlaari jfaiiiihffBbHhM AijvIa jrrier vtJi'Mhiii hJctJL ■■faviJaiaFrihřAi IAĽ ■diBCjn «ejh baJioland.bapin uflBMvIlaM BBPMliilhrhiFjiap-iii ATHibw «Iéé hanaiH Laa^u ■ HlMIIlMBBlJlJlj? I ■W OiaBnaP ahUJa thartn^it Htlřai i«l BriÉMi a-ffaarl-. ütei UF/wthTTfl iJiál>iwOqiJr, lWIHaaHnilaafcUwMFa, "vt^ iWn.UM.Ca1 Vaaatoaia 3aaa aref ť-jfj. iéb »aaii rfliai "r CarTa bmtfl arJh Cnéia Am» Urar» aWk * ». LVb ■k iiitAr. u*r\ VirrwÁ -J-^ii, Hum- •**• 'l IIP J ■■!' >lll 4l l^^lfl ■•* 11" »tIp^Ji 4* ilJITI ■kif p.F* .'«■■ "i !«■-»■■ \ŕiwir*ľ «.■■Maii^ir^ín-TPi Z O f- o Thus we regard as regrettable the conventional concatenation of Darwin's name with evolution, because other modalities must also be considered 11 JOHANN 6RE60R MENDEL * 1822 in Hynčice (Moravia, Austro-Hungarian Empire) + 1884 in Brno (buried at Central Cemetery in Brno) discovered through breeding experiments with peas that traits are inherited based on specific laws (later to be termed "Mendel's laws"). By mentioning Elements of Heredity he predicted DNA and genes (published 1866, lecture in Brno 1965) In the 1950's Mendelism declared to be a reactionary teaching (LYSENKO, LEPESHINSKAYA) Mendel statue removed and its destruction ordered Brno geneticist J. Kříženecký jailed His pupil V. Orel forced to work manually in industry 1964 attempts to rehabilitate Mendel Academicians B. Němec (biologist) and F. SORM (biochemist, President of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) backed by Soviet Academicians. Dealing between N. Khrushtchov, A. Novotný (President of Czechoslovakia), F. Sorm and biologist J. Pospíšil (later the Party Secretary) resulted in the decision to organize an international conference in 1968 (100 anniversary of publication of Mendeľ s paper) in Brno (F. Sorm warned by Novotný that his attempts may result in the end of his career if the action will get out of control). Beginning of Mendeľs Museum in Brno A milestone not only in the approach of Party and State to Mendel but also a beginning of rehabilitation of SCIENCE against the COMMUNIST IDEOLOGY Brno Augustinians 1860-62 Abbot C. Napp Mendel's Medal, Moravian Museum, Brno Abbot G. Mendel & J MENDEL, priest, teacher, scientist and abbot in BRNO Teachers of Brno gymnasium (High School) THE STATUE STORY In 1906 Dr. Hugo litis, the gymnasium professor in Brno organized an international collection to build the Mendel's Statue in Brno. Created by a French sculpturer T. Charlemont the Statue was errected at the Mendel Square in 1910 In 1956 Mendel's Statue was ordered by the Regional Authorities to be destroyed. The workers who were supposed to the job decided not to do it because they believed that the statue was nice. Moreover it would be difficult to destroy it. After February 1948 Soviet „Lysenkism" (T. D. Lysenko 1896-1974) strongly affected biology in Czechoslovakia. After Stalin death (1953) attempts were made by soviet scientists (particularly by physists and chemists) to substitute Lysenko's „materialistic biology" for normal science and by the end of 1950's plans were made to organize in Brno International Mendel Memorial Symposium. In 1962 Lysenko's work was criticized by the Soviet Academy but still in September 1964 N.S. Khrushtchov raised objections against the Mendel Symposium in 1965 in Brno. During his visit in Prague he dealt with the President A. Novotný who finally agreed with the meeting organization after the President of the Academy F. Sorm personally guaranteed that the Symposium will not be politically misused. (F. Sorm was well informed about the activities of the influential Soviet scientist to rehabilitate fully the genetics - Soon after his visit of this country N.S. Khrushtchov was removed from his position). n * • *- Ä? J?»"** Before the Smposium the Director of the Institute of Biophysics prof. F. Hercik was entrusted by the Academy to help with the organization of the Mendel International Meeting in Brno. To fulfill his duties he turned to the City Authorities asking to move the Mendel's Statue to the Abbey garden. As his request was ignored he asked his graduate students J. Koudelka and B. Janík to move the Statue from the Abbey yard to the garden. Both fellows were quite strong young men but they found the marble Statue too heavy. 1844 -1895 Friedrich MIESCHER 1. sdělení v r. 1871 Žák Hoppe-Seylera v Tübingen se zabýval izolací jaderných komponent (z hnisajících buněk, které získával z tamnější chirurgie). Buňky hydrolyzoval pepsinen>HCI a po třepáni s éterem izoloval jádra jako separovanou vrstvu na dně nádoby. Z tohoto materiálu „nukíeín" - řp3 rTfu/ü I LrwCala n/rhia c?a m?nAi ičtal \/j3 -rra.r\ IruiHu o nhcahAwal wůrLtís množství P. Vysoký obsah P byl považován za velmi pozoruhodný - jediná tehdy známá organická látka obsažená v tkáni - lecitin. Když F.M. předložil práci k pubL shledá! ji H.S. tak překvapující, že ji odmítl uveřejnit dokud ji sám neprověřil. . i V r. OU L>ui\ viulii vju uuuviUi r \ ii> v,, t iuiV-1 ¥ iiwiiivjvi iiiuibi iu i n iĺuiuui nukleinu v i n5 víCKciCi i SpGľiuii i0S0S3 - Z niCii mUKi6ím O Vy 5 OK 8 r u.V. a zásadiiý materiál bílkovinné povahy, který nazval protamin; obsah P vnukieinu 9,59%. Purinovébase (A,G) objevili Piccard a Kossel (1874-85) U 1885, Altman nazva! nukiein poprvé nukleová kyselina, NK (nukteinsäure) (1889); koncem 19. století identifikován T a vzápětí C Kolem roku 1930 již známy DNA (thymus) a RNA (kvasnice) i jejich základní složení. Ve čtyřicátých letech - DNA v jádře, RNA v cytoplazmě a jádře. Fig. 1. Friedrich Miescher and his mentors. (A) Friedrich Miescher (1844-1895) as a young man. (B) Wilhelm His (1831-1904), Miescher's uncle. His still is famous for his work on the fate of cells and tissues during embryonic development and for his insights into neuroembryology. He, for example, discovered neuroblasts and coined the term bdendriteQ (Finger, 1994; Shepherd, 1991). (C) Felix Hoppe-Seyler (1825-1895), one of the pioneers of physiological chemistry (now biochemistry). Hoppe-Seyler performed seminal work on the properties of proteins, most notably hemoglobin (which he named), introduced the term bproteidQ (which later became bproteinQ), and worked extensively on fermentation and oxidation processes as well as lipid metabolism (Perutz, 1995). He was instrumental in founding Germany's first independent institute for physiological chemistry (in 1884) and in 1877 founded and edited the first journal of biochemistry, the Zeitschrift fu--r Physiologische Chemie, which still exists today as Biological Chemistry. (Ď) Adolf Strecker (1822-1871), a leading figure in chemistry in the mid-19th century and professor at the University of Tubingen from 1860 to 1870. Among other achievements, he was the first to synthesize aamino acid (alanine from acetaldehyde via its condensation product with ammonia and hydrogen cyanide) in a reaction known today as Strecker synthesis (Strecker, 1850). (E) Carl Ludwig (1816-1895), a protagonist in the field of physiology in the second half of the 19th century. His focus was the physiology of the nervous system and its sensory organs. In 1869, he founded Leipzig's Physiological Institute. Hoppe-Seyler's laboratory around 1879 t-'Jg. Z. rkrtojintf orŕillítilrŤPC ľifilrŕii Irtanftiy w?u± ÜW.PrwifVibrcrami: 'JkciKm,-.;,. l±NLttiy aľ L'ümhzcü Uronuy il Lfttt. Ali nm w* HUriuga «tic i Jmmflry- Hex. Etowc-hoflcr hid dbíc arttiLL-brcak-M ducoraic* jmsrdhtn dB prowL» or tcmnáobir. "Jh* ubcrancti vu s ■tair.flcut itsp hr Ism invcw jptuiu into tbc irntmlEi ud ťjraimiä -r. iľ.> »ni tfder priKou» Fhntwaphy try Ľfeíl Kiccu; TütiLgai. F. Miescher's laboratory 1 if. 4.1ha Idncibcy n ůk krme Lfrüzii uff it anih t TDHrijpii h r ra t: ťí*. í: «i i. ún* :vľi ihr MjhrHie- Pud tf aítoraí i:03A 13 >an iirux TP it HTihcjoir ľ'J :\*f rŕ. im-zMe u fetiaüor u Qk ihn: wauä ivu mn no lirriK. uKh n kus dtf illi.i;«i vocnfiu t. ', jz ft ivrjjLT fiI" Uie iwt/. ',o -jfwliu.1 •ifeiili.'ü wfcj nJ MM^d grille u.ijik «l+i i> cto* iIehihl^ ud c ilftt dňlilkufcc. »tonn in Üie skL :kki1 EjElajnnhy \y \d phoaplistos near tho axis will wpel pach other. (Í) Rome of tho van dor Waals ilistaneey apfMtar to be tot» umalí. Anolher throo chain structure has also' boon sug- lil by Frasor (in the proas). In In« model the phosphates are on the outside and I hi Xniclure n» described is rather ill-derlnWlj The novel feature of tho structure is the manner in which the two chains are held together by th« purine and pjTimidine hasea. The planes of the bases are perpendicular to r,hu fibre axis. They are joined togsllier in pairs, a single bow from one chain being hydrogeň-bondod to a «ingle base from the other ohain, so that the two lie side by side with identical i-oo-orttinatos. Ona of the pair must be a purine and the other a pyr.midino for bonding to occur. The hydrogen bond« are made a« follows ■ purine position 1 to pyrimidine position I ; purine position Ů to pyrimidine position 8. If it is assumed that the bases only ooour^ structure in the most plausible tautomeric (that is. with the keto rather thf figurations) it is found thai onlySspňcjJu^JLirf of bases can bond together. Thoe*TS*ife are : adenine {purine) with thymine (torirrMrJejT and guanine (purine) with oytosine iawanidine). In other words, i^CUp forms uno member of a pair, on e:tlie£fma\^fnnn on these assumptions the other m*mť\ rVm. bo thymine : aimilarly for guanine mdL-yJiHírno. The sequence of banc* on a singlu, oliyjn^iTnin mit tijjiKxir to b« owrictod in any HowTWer,irVjftj- specific pairs of base« can U-, it follndg Ithat if tho sequence of bases on ii'lM? W™. rhftrL the sequence on the other |Hj ihvlultfmatioally determined. liases on ' '■*v' iiwul... linked together h\ liydmiri'i] bond», \' V-1 ' ed is rather ill-defuTed,/7nW\í5r t hi« reason we ah, IUA Wnml JÄT*^™" fotmd exper.meritAlly.. that the ratio an jt x/^iX.^^ |t *pj V«* «mount« or adenine to thymine, and tho ratio We wttu£« \j/forward ■nrjf.*!?^!a?ff^B_*!L*ř'^* *** °l0*t *° ""^ radii" " w f*jllY"Vi\i'>'»' K1nii;iiVeM\>r l«Vt ^ariEiixyTnti^LWujcleio VJ™Sl strtuMwr has two 'liains each, coiled round In same axis [afta diagram). We have made tho usual chemical assumptions, tiAmely. that oaoh chain consists of phosphate dieter group« joining ß-u-donxy-ríboŕnranose residues with }',5' linkages. The two chains ibut mil their bases) aru related by a dyad [xrpendioular to tho fibre axis. Both nlinint follow righi-haniled* helices, hut owing to il„. .[\,i.| Id.. H-qii,.)!...« ..f H,,. atoms in tho two chair» run ill opposite directions. Each chain loosely resembles Fur-het^'fl" model No. 1 ; that is, 1 ho bases are on t lie inside of the helix and the phosphates on the outside. The configuration of the sugar and the atoms near it is close to Furberg's 'standard configuration*, the sugar being roughly perpendicular to the ftttach.id buxe. There i liil tlmiFL- \i i.Lin- li- iuKriEiiii.nl iľ. Tat i vij : bboiH H>iiLbuLize ll|9 1 r$ phcwphkte—MIRM llftllU, dh-L l].|. hi i .-r | - omul ntů* the pal« ůf 'UMllulillUttlif rliilii, ■ Ktclh«. Trit VcrtLc»! 1 ní iDSTkj, ll.r flLhr« n)d« in a roaidue on each chain every J-4 A. in the i-direc-tian. We have asaumed an angle of 36" belweei adjacent residues in the same chain, so that the Itructure repeats after 10 residues on each chain, that is. after 34 A. The diatftnee of a phosphorus atom from the fibre axis is 10 A. Aa the phosphates are oil the outside, cations have easy access to thorn. The structure is an open one, and it« water content il rather high. At lower water contents we would expect the bases to tilt so that the structure could become more compact. for dooxyriboae nucleic acid. It ia probably impossible to build thin atruoture with ft riboae sugar in plane of tho deoiyribose, as the extra oxygen atom would mako too close a van der Waala contact. The previously published X-ray data»-" on deoxy-ribose nucleic acid are insufficient for a rigorous test of our otructura. So far aa we can tell, it is roughly compatible with the experimental data, but it must lie regarded as unproved until it has boen checked against more exact results. Some of those are given iti the following communications. Wo were not aware of Ihe details of the nosulta presented there when we devised our structure, which rest* mainly though not entirely on published experimental data and stereochemical argumenta, It has not oscapod our notice that the specific [iniring wo have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the gontitio material. Full details of the atruoture. including the conditions iiH-uimed in building jt, together with a set of co-ordinates for the atoms, will bo published elsewtiero. We are much indebted to Dr. Jeny Donnhue for constant advice and criticism, especially on interatomic distances. We liftvo also been stimulated bv a knowledge of Ihr genunil nature of the impuhliuheď iixporimental results and ideas of Ľr. M, H. F, Wilkin«. Dr. U. E. Franklin and their co-workers at. Klug« ('ollere. Lumbal, i )m> uf u« t.j. 11. \\ i imn in,.. aided liv a li-llownlii]i limn llio \aiii.iuil Kiniiiiiaiion ľoľ [iiliintilľ J "iir.ilvM'.. J. 1). Watson F. H. C. (.RICK Medicol líemjarrli Coiincil Unit for the Htudy of the Molecular Stmotun "ľ Iliologioat Sy-:-i-in-, t'avendish laboratory, Cambridge. April 2. 28 1953 A paragraph dealing with nucleic acids from a text book of Organic Chemistry (in Czech) is shown. Briefly, it says nucleic acids (NA's) form complexes with proteins which are the building blocks of plant and animal viruses and of cell nucleus. Total hydrolysis of NA's proceeds according to the following scheme: alkaline hydrolysis enzym, digestion Polynucleotide ^mononucleotide ^uracil or purine bases lyto ltjr*o!.iny J new lÄtfty'HloiitfpT^SOiCiJBfilekül**- ■ ní, Jot va apojntit "o toll*vrlnou tTtíi M* ETBňť nuKlíoprotPÍ-iy rl^jaa^Ť" >*°ajM fMBlljmŕoh i tlvůBJ.iii*gh tIt* « put-na8n*n& j*dra^_ 7nt(iy*T»ií « í .tt*flBJ.e»klíHJců ť&QítÍnníútiŤB brBlüu, srí1-fcraatu,» *tfaioti »jHíroťUnHJÍ ,m »vol* a' tc n »ŕÄBe-bonín ****?" wA a -rejtulkovoho aeaano • eí vaklíSíiirřW hraůtců, St4>í DO go_ljniamdr n» fcjaaliml rosfírsÍTKrti a^ laukloliiů * Ja-iJ' je taAy BlOuSantnoů alilaafijioi »e a oďkru ^aitaldim «b« Borlntt*Trto.i*ucl*oalŮř obn-huji BrartS š Osobní rifraro imTjP ťlbediaoHA p ú^etoj» Ailíaw tíl ä» ' PlMal^r, «nUtft Jí OÍ i"J (L típnul mJtlítiHjyí Hjiflllny t Twaiinio o ťťbaaanpaiar , . ""**»•' ■ R*^!ie-ľiÍBft«*lÍ o L J Www hyujgj.ľŕľ. ::>;" \ 1A7HQ11 r>o%a mri:»T^ sAosaj lutnu. :T lOCO ««r ___j tra* 5-MtČ («St Dnunulc le o ti äj 2* Pol^iutleůtliy BRSANÍCWÍCHF|l!|; Pťf Dodnfi porno putl*infvá 3cyes ü f^ a /j lí 1 s Uta íít"". eukru' na-r "' ■ Considering that uracil and adenine were discovered in 1885 and G in 1844 while C in 1894 and T in 1900, our lectures on NA's were up-todate in 1885 but not in 1894 In courses of Marxism-Leninism (obligatory to all students) we were tought that G. Mendel was a burgeous reactionary pseudoscientist. Interestingly there was not a single chemist among us who believed it. To my surprise there were some biologists who took this nonsenses seriously Chargaffs Rules Tetranucleotide hypothesis originated in 1906: DNA is a "statistical tetranucleotide". During the 1950's E. Chargaff showed a number of ĎNAs, which differ in their base content. Chargaffs rules: 1. 6-amino residues = 6-keto-residues; in another expression A+C - G+T; . py = pu; C+T = G+A 3. A/T = G/C - 1 (consequence of combining equations 1 and 2) Watson and Crick (1953) proposed their famous double-helical structure of B-form of DNA on the ground of Chargaff' s rules X-ray diffraction of DNA fibers obtained by Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin Construction of molecular models This structure consists of two antiparallel helical strands. One turn contains 10 residues in every strand, the distance between bases is 3.4 A, the bases are almost perpendicular to the axis, the phosphate group is 9 A from the axis. Bases are specifically paired through hydrogen bonds - AT and GC. The strands are complementary - hydrogen bonds between two strands, the bases are inside the structure. Difference from a-helix in polypeptides. Further forms A and C (besides B): dependence on humidity. The differences are principally in the tilt of bases and in the number of residues per turn, strands are commonly antiparallel, bases are stacked and base pairs located in one plane. It seems that the B-form is the prevalent one in solution as well as in cells and viral particles. Crick, Watson and Wilkins: Nobel Prize 1962 "The structure is produced like a rabbit out of a hat, with no indication as to how we arrived at it" F. Crick, NATURE 248(1974) 766- on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the discovery (commenting their first paper in NATURE). What experimental evidence was available to W+C in 1953? X-ßAV FIBER ANALYSIS OF DNA represented the main evidence for the Watson-Crick double helix model This method enabled analysis of high-molecular OUA, but orovided onív few basic oarameters of the helix such as distance between base pairs number of base residues per turn Further data were derived from model building considering the laws of structural chemistry Base pairing from physical-chemical measurements Text Sugar configuration (PUCKER) \ Angles of the glycosidic bonds were fixed within certain limits Handedness of the helix The direction of rotation was guessed and then subjected to testing 6. .jto tí :« 'Ol a.+ rrn W ^nar u>oov Nitrogenous Bases RNA Ribonucleic acid fClCytw I ..... ■"v L N' O I H m Canine H /yV" yvVH H H | A | f"i A'Vtí. Sťi. USA V.iĽ*. pp. 4í9fi-4-MH. April IWÍ IMtKhŕnwiry Prebiotic cytosine synthesis: A critical analysis and implications for the origin of life Runt- k t Shapiro* Dtp-rime m uf (Twmmrir, Sam Y*h1l Uarwuty, J«) W«»hiiijfon S*nuie Ecu. Ne* Twrh. NY MAM Owwmufiiiriir«/ 6y *.«*«■ i>S*t J*# &» InttituU for Bioioffral Studio. Jton /Wrgui Q«. /flnmťy 331 1999 (n ABSTRACT A Dumber of theories propos« ihm RNA, or an KNA-llkc snbitnnc*, played a rak In «he origin of life. Usually, smh hvpmhcMs prtiunt lhal lbe Watson-Crick hiisťs were readily available an prtrblotlc t-.arth. for spon In-Drous Incorporation Into a replicator, tľy Losině, homrvtr, hu> mil bi-cn reported In analyse* of mil mr ito n»r is it among tbe products or electric spark dl-wharfr; experiments. The reported prebiotic syntheses of cytosine involve [be reaction of cyanoacclyltnc . *llh cyanale, cyanogen, or ar*u- these substance* undergo side reactions with common nucleophllrs that appear 10 proceed more rapidly than cytosine formation. To favor cyloslne formation, reactani concent rations are required that ore Implausible In a natural setting, Hirlhcrmore, c> losine is consumed by deaminalion (lb* bulMifc far dramlnoltou at 25"t b -J40 yr) and olher reactions No reactions have been described thus far thai would produce cytosine, even in a specialized local Ntfjng, at a rate sufficient to compensate Tor its decomposition. On the basis oí this evidence, it appears quite unlikely that cytosine played a role In the origin of lift-. Theories that involve replicators that function without lbe Watson-Crkk pair», or no replicator at all, remain as viable ■ He mat Ives. Cytosine synthesis would not be possible even strongly in reducing prebiotic atmosphere. Similar problems arise with the abiotic m synthesis of nucleotides Abiotic synthesis of a complicated molecule such as RNA is highly improbabli BREAKING NETWORK LOGJAMS ■ TRULY 3-D IMAGES SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN , . E 270? WWW.SCIAM.CI3M \ Bring ' Back \ America's Prehistoric Beasts h?/ f/fri A m ¥ # Did thi is moiecu e FORGET DNA AND RNA, MAYBE IT ALL BEGAN WITH SOMETHING MUCH SIMPLER BY ROBERT SHAPIRO The sudden appearance of a large self-copying molecule such as RNA was exceedingly improbable. Energy-driven networks of small molecules afford better odds as the initiators of life NOBEL lareate Christian de Ďuve has called for "a rejection of improbablities so incomensurably high that they only can be called miracles, phenomena that fall outside the scope of scientific inquiry". DNA, RNA and PROTEINS must then be set aside as participants in the origin of life. f n ir\ ŕ\ f I viwvv/i^fiuiff Lil i_/Yr? ■ Theories of how iife first originated from nonliving matter fall into two broad Classes^replicatorfirst, in which a large molecule capable of replicating (such as RNA] formed by chance, and metabolism first, in which small molecules formed an evolving network of reactions driven by an energy source. ■ Replicator-first theorists must explain how such a complicated molecule could have formed before the process of evolution was underway. m Metabolism-first proponents must show that reaction networks capable of growing and evolving could have formed when the earth was young. REPLICATOR VS. METABOLISM Scientific theories of the origin of life largely fall into two rival camps: replicators and metabo ,sm first. Both models must štart from molecules formed bu nonbiólogi-cal chemical processes, represented here by balls labeled with symbols [í] In the rephcator-first model, some of these compounds join together in a chain S Srvľrm'n,8 3 m0,ec,Jle-PerhaPS seme kind of RNA-capable of reproducing itself [2] The molecule makes many copies of itself [3], sometimes forming mutant versions that are also capable of replicating [4). Mutant replicators that are better adaptedtothecondrtionss.pplantearlierversionslSJ.Eventuallythis evolutionary process mustlead to the development of compartments (like cells] and metabolism m which smallermolecules use energy to perform useful processes [S] Metabolism first starts.offwith the spontaneous formation of compartments \?\ Some compartments contain mixtures of the starting compounds that undergo cycles of reactions (S], which overtime become more complicated (9] Finally the system must make the leap to storing information in polymers [JO] REPLICATOR FIRST Replicator molecule ť^SUii- 2 Chance / METABOLISM FIRST Compartments r Chance « I 3 Replication 4 Mutation I Reaction cycles 8 Selection 1 V,-. 5 Selection 9 More complex b Compartments Form, and metabolism develops N 10 Information is stored ^------in polymers Metabolism FIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR METABOLISM FIRST At least five processes must occurforsmall molecules« achieve a kind of life—here defined asthe creation of greater order in localized regions by chemical cycles driven by an energy flow. First, something must create a boundary to separate the living region from the nonliving environment [1). A source of energy must be available, here depicted as a mineral [blue] undergoing a heat-producing reaction [2], The released energy must drive a chemical reaction [3].A network of chemical reactions must form and increase in complexity to permit adaptation and evolution (4j. Finally, the network of reactions must draw material into itself fasterthan it loses material, and the compartments must reproduce [5]. Wo information-storing molecule [such as RNAor DN A] is required; heredity is stored in the identity and concentration of the compounds in the network. '•-•> • • 42 What Readers Want to Know In Scientific American's Hog, Robert Shapiro answered questions raised by readers of the Web version of this article. An edited selection follows. Does the metabolism-first hypothesis point to a single origin or multiple independent origins of life?-jr A: Multiple origins seem more viable with the metabolism-first scenario Gerald Feinbergand I discussedthe possibility of alien life (life notbased on RNA DNAand other biochemistry familiar to us} in our 1980 book, Life beyond Earth. Researchers at a conference hosted by Paul Davies at Arizona State University in December 20Q6 concluded that alien life may even exist, undetected, on this planet. The great majority of microorganisms that can be observed under a microscope cannot be grown in conventional culture media and remain uncharacterized. Alien microbes may also exist in habitats on the earth that are too extreme for even the hardiest forms of our familiar fife. Why do we have to demonstrate metabolism first in a reaction vessel? Can't we simulate it in software ? -Dave Evanoff A: Stuart Kauffman, Doron Lancet and others have used computersimulations to illustrate the feasibility of self-sustainingreaction cycles. Such simulations have not specified the exact chemical mixtures and reaction conditions needed to establish self-sustaining chemical networks. We do not yet knowall the reaction pathways open to mixtures of simple organic compounds, let alonetheir thermodynamic constants. Ever, if such data were available, most chemists would not be convinced bu a computer simulation but would demand an experimental demonstration. The fact that all biological molecules are of one handedness needs some explanation. -John Holt A: If the m íneraí transformation that powered the reaction cycle I discuss in my article were selective foronly one mirror-image form of chemical A, then the product B and other members of the cycle might also occur in only one mirror-image form Control of handedness, orchirality, becomes crucial when small chiral molecules are linked togetherto form larger ones. A modern enzyme may contain 100 linked amino acids, all of the same handedness (so-called L-amino acids), if a D-amino acid were substituted for its mirror-image L-form at a sensitive site within the enzyme then the enzyme's shape would change and its function might be lost. An RNA-First Researcher Replies Steven A. Benner of the Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in Gainesville, Fla., argues thüt RNA-first models are alive and well. Even as some declare that the RNA-first model of life's origin is dead because RNA arising spontaneously is fantastically improbable, research is lendingsupport to the model. Let me first acknowledge that most organic molecules when hit with energy (such as lightning or heat from volcanoes) become something resembling asphalt, more suitable for paving roads than sparking life. But metabolism-first models, to the extentthatthey have been supported with arty real chemicals, must also deal with this paradox: molecules reactive enough to participate in metabolism are also reactive enough to decompose. There are no easy solutions. Like many others, my research group has returned to the scientific imperative; actually do laboratory research to learn about how RNAmight have arisen on the earth. The sugar ribose, the "R" in RNA, provides an object lesson in how a problem declared "unsolvabie" may instead merely be"not yet solved." Ribose long remained "impossible" to make by prebiotic synthesis (reactions among mixtures of molecules that could plausibly have existed ona prebiotic earth) because it contains a carbonyl group—a carbon atom twice bonded to an oxygen atom. The carbonyl group confers both good reactivity (the ability to participate in metabolism] and bad reactivity [the ability to form asphalt). AdecadeagoStanley L. Millerconciudedthatthe instability of ribose stemming from its carbony] group "preclude(s) the use of ribose and other sugars as prebiotic reagents.,.. It follows that ribose and other sugars were not components of the first genetic material." But prebiotic soups need soup bowls made of appropriate minerals, not Pyrex beakers. One attractive "bowl" is found today in Death Valley. In a primordial Death Valley, the environment was alternately wet and dry, rich in organic molecules from planetary accretion and (most important) full of minerals containing boron. Why care about boron? Because boron stabilizes carbohydrates such as ribose. Further, if borate (an oxide of boron) and organic compounds abundant in meteorites are mixed and hit with lightning, good quantities of ribose are formed from formaldehyde and the ribose does not decompose. The fact that such a simple solution can be found for a problem declared"unsolv-able" does not mean that the first form of life definitely used RNA to do genetics. Sut it should give us pause when advised to discard avenues of research simply because some of their problematic pieces have not yet been solved. EVOLUTION OFCHEMICAL NETWORKS The metabolism-first hypothesis requires the formation of a network of chemical reactions that increases in complexity and adapts to changes in the environment. CYCLE FORMATION: An energy source (heretheso-called redox reaction converting mineral X to mineral Y] couplesto a reaction that convertsthe organic molecule Ato molecule B. FurtherreactionsfBtoC, Cto D....)form a cycle back to A. Reactions involving molecular species outside the cycle (E) will tend to draw more material intothe cycle. INCREASING COMPLEXITY: If a change in conditions inhibits a reaction in the cycle (for example, C to D], then other pathscan be explored. Herea bypass has been found by which C is converted to Othrough intermediates F, G and H. Anothersolution would be the incorporation into the reaction network of a catalyst [I) whose action [dot ted tine] unblocks the C to 0 transformation. Tosurvive,the evolvingnetworkmustdrawin carbon-containing materials from the environment more rapidly than it loses them by diffusion and side reactions.such as the formation of tars that settle out ofthe solution. CYCLE FORMATION INCREASING COMPLEXITY Redox reaction Driver reaction Redox ^ .*_/ reaction JĚ "^Hea t ;>^ Driver (7) reaction ^ Catalyst !"■-•. action Mineral Organic molecule Chemical Carbon supply in thfi fWrrWimff PVarnnlŕl their -arr" r-ŕin- rrpotp in nninfitv Tňi» i-pirt-zír umní Or did life come from another world? The hypothesis of F. Crick is discussed in November issue of Scientific American 2005. It is concluded that microorganism could have survived a journey from Mars to Earth 44 DNA ĎENATURATION and RENATURATION/HYBRIĎIZATION Native DNA AR melti A260 D r f premelting / -A-------------B-------- ^ quick cooling melted DNA D melti % slow cooling renaturation quick cooling denatured DNA RENATURED DNA Temperature STRAND SEPARATION AND SPECIFIC RECOMBINATION IN DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS: BIOLOGICAL STUDIES By J. Marmur and D. Lane CONANT LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT C1F CHEMISTRY, HARVARD INIVERSITY Communicated by Paul Doty, February 8$, 1960 It is clear that the correlation between the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and its function as a genetic determinant could be greatly increased if a means could be found of separating and reforming the two complementary strand«. In this and the succeeding paper1 some success along these lines is reported. This paper will deal with the evidence provided by employing the transforming activity of DNA from Diplococcus pneumoniae while the succeeding paper1 will summarize physical chemical evidence for strand separation and reunion. 158 results found (Set #1} Records 1 -- 10 show ío wont J_' Go to Page: i of 16 so [ J I 2 13 I á I 5 I & I Z lfl I S I 111]^ ►► ► Lise the checkboxes to select records for output. See the stdebar for options n i MARMURJ PROCEDURE FOR ISOLATION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLFIC ACID FROM MICRO-ORGANISMS JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 3 (2): 208& 1961 Times Cited: q?34 2. MARMURJ, DOTY P DETERMINATION OF BASE COMPOSITION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID FROM [TS THERMAL DENATURATIQN TEMPERATURE JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 5 fl): 109& 1962 Times Cited: 3210 Q 3, SCHILDKRAUT CL, DOTY P, MARMUR J DETĚRMINATION OF BASE COMPOSITION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID FROM ITS BUOYANT DFNSÍTY IN CSCl JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 4 (5): 430& 1962 Times Cited: 1619 _ 4. MARMUR J, DOTY P HFTFROGFNF1TY IN DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID?; .1 DEPENDENCE ON COMPOSITION OF THE CONFIGURATIONAL STABILITY OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS NATURE 183 {4673); 1427-1429 1959 Times Cited: 4J>Z WÍW Hill TFřT 9. MARMURJ, LANE D STRAND SEPARATION AND SPECIFIC RECOMBINATION IN DEOXYRIB-QNUClFrC ACIDS - BIOLOGICAL STUDIES PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 46 (4): 453-461 1960 Times Cited: 246 , , r -, .-...JdniluWltÍLilJT'. lulu, |fUI III.lvliW?)ltKM*nV»l Will —IHMtt Sort by: 1 imri Cited 50HT ■ Analyze Results: = ANALYZE ,s of the authors, journals, etc. for these rect Citation Report: JU ;ITATK)H RÍPCITT Vrew detailed citation CC- and Erte ti-inde* value for tne -e-s^cir. Output Records; • Selected records an page Q *M records on paqc i.j Records K» BiblioqTjptiir Fifldl 1 & PRINT H J MAU Q Í*Vt ĹXPÚRT 10 REfERÍNCL SOFTWARE. iAvt to Mľ E ndN nt P: Web i, I Sinn m tú ar.r.fiss FndNote Webl Or add them to che Marked List for later output and mgre potions. ADD TO M AS It f Dl IM [0 articles marked] Pifl* 1 of 2 Microbiologist, biochemist and molecular biologist Julius Marmur- discovered renaturation of DNA 22 March, 1926 Bialystok (Poland) - 20 May, 1996 New York, NY Oswald Avery 1944 - DNA is a genetic material (Rockefeller Institute, New York, NY) Rollin Ď. Hotchkiss Julius Marmur 1993 The double helix: a personal view Francis Crick Medical IWarrh Counril Laboratory for Molecular Biology. Hula Rond, Cambridge, UK Nothing was said about the possibility that the two chains might be melted apart and then annealed together again, correctly lined up. The discovery of this by Marmur and Doty has provided one of the essential tools of molecular biology. I can still remember the excitement I felt when Paul Doty told me about it at breakfast one day in New York in a hotel overlooking Central Park. ^^£ÉĎ^^9 DNA electrochemistry DNA and RNA are Electroactive Species producing faradaic and other signals on interaction with electrodes Cytosine (C) Adenine (A) A, C, & are reduced at MERCURY electrodes Guanine {&) reduction product of guanine is oxidized back to & All bases {A, C, G, T, U) yield sparingly soluble compounds with the mercury and can be determined at concentration down to 10_11M. Solid amalgam electrodes can be used instead of the mercury drop electrodes. A and G as well as C and T are oxidized at CARBON electrodes PEPTIDE NUCLEIC ACID (PNA) BEHAVES SIMILARLY TO DNA AND RNA Microliter volumes of the analyte are sufficient for analysis Electroactive Labels can be Introduced in DNA Progress in genomics affects electroanalysis Many areas of science are influenced by the fast development of the genomics and by the success of the Human Genome Project. Classical sequencing of individual human genomes with 3xl09 base pairs is too difficult. Sequencing by DNA hybridization is gaining importance Relatively expensive DNA hybridization ARRAYS with optical detection are currently applied in research-krbs It is believed that electrochemistry can complement the optical detection providing new LESS EXPENSIVE hybridization detection for decentralized DNA analysis in many areas of practical life LOW DENSITY CHIPS DNA isolation PCR electrochemical detection LAB-ON-A-CHIP 600 i 50 years of nucleic acid electrochemistry 5twiiHir>HirK At;* ~ 1958: Nucleic acid bases, DNA and RNA are electroactive 500- Mr« ...part of the guanine ring important for the anodic signal is near to the surface whereas the the analogous part of cytosine is hidden inside the DNA double helix nnrtirinntinn in thť». hvrlrnnp.n hnnrlinri (showing a Cathodic Signal in SSĎNA m c o s 400- i um "" ' ■ ■ !l ■ . I iliifm I-4JJ Ihre "ľ ......I" !'■■ - II MUM. J17.*, *J* 11-M II ,„,l X gvn-huNh*! i r,,[,(,.(, i, | r, Mtl. ■Í *fff*rllÍFFUPTm| fir.....I ■klliulji.....trhmrJll i I,. ""■«r II Wh I.,i...... - wUmJKlin, i-.l ....„..., -, Kbm ScfUan ..n.lk-.lnh Wb I...!, J*U m.ni ^||t r|1|,r |Umi]i JHTlllnjv.LtHL^ifJtlKd Jlirľl ľ™ ^""1. W*«J Bl^r, VVI IVI VU^ I I IV I I IV Ml IMIVSy4VSU*J LSMI I VS I WT I [participating in the hydrogen bonding. %but not in dsDNA) E. Paleček, Nature 188 (1960) 656-657 300- 0) E 200- 100- «■i™,,, ,]..„vi.y,i,],li,. ,„.„] ,.....llf] hi „. ,|lrl|(.,:u|i. is inactive. TliiH phonumrnon. nmv tjo perhaps interpreted in the following mannen one part nf the £»«""■'■'"■.....ring, which isofgr.......nportanoe fbi t Me l,.rinnt um nf the anodic indentation (apparently an .immo.Srci„p ,„ position 1 ie involved'), is found m the molecule neur thf> surf«», tt]„,reas the „naJoc-oua pari »f the pyrimidine rint; of cviosino í «»par-anthr the O.am,no-gro.,|.>) is hidden inside the iiinlcCTlL. where it participate» in the Formation of "»hyfogen bond, l„ aparmic „,id. where the i nuble.fiehcaJ etructurc is vomplelelv destroyed, (leoxycytulyJie acid ú not blocked itericallj in «re way so [hut its oacfflc-polsrnfcrnphi^ activity irm-v muoift-r .t,.,.!!. F».....leonyadenylic acid and deoxy. "'■..... ■■......."' '"'> ""I »how the ehimicterinli,. Mentation in ammonium formate as medium, and conseniif-nl ly no indentations due to these nucleotides »n be -,|,„-,„] if [lK.y ,in, ,,„,„„, ;„ |hr. |n„| , ol deoxynln)iiiii'lL-k- ncid. t hav,, aba -r,r.....ti deoxyribonucleic acid and Si!"""','........l -M Slldi,,m chloride aa medium roth suhetanoa. yMJd oscillogram* that differ only -li^hi K. In 1 .1/ iodiam hydroxide, tl.....«rill.....ami or deoxynbonuoleio ncid differ eonaiderably from Uu» ol apurmic acid. |" '■"''"li nti.i nirtiri wiluti,,,«', proteine aive an »dentation even at .1 vory low concentration'. Since tne deoxyribonucleic „cid indentation is produced this medium nt a different potent isj, 1 vra, abk to use (he oseillopoliiroin-nphic reaction For iMectin« 'itswyribrnnielei.: aeid and proteins in the presence ľf I ™n other. In this manner, protein« can be detected J»«n fa the presenoe of an abundance ofdeoxvribo nucleic acid (Fip, 4). Emu. Pasbokx .1— J in—r~if—tr—ip-^r^i^-in 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 year E. Paleček, Fifty years of nucleic acid electrochemistry, Electroanalysis 2009, in press The results of the DNA electrochemistry studies and development of the electrochemical DNA hybridization sensors in the last decade suggest that these sensors can complement DNA sensors with optical detection How and when the DNA electrochemistry begun? OSCILLOGRAPHIC POLAROGRAPHY At controlled alternating current (constant current chronopotentiometry) dE/dt dsDNA ssDNA cathodic CA paringly soluble :ompounds with Hg anodic H-E LITERATURE in 1958: Adenine is polarographically reducible at strongly acid pH while other NA bases as well as DNA are inactive J.N.Davidson and E.Chargraff: The Nucleic Acids, Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York 1955 Paleček E.: Oszillographiche Polarographie der Nucleinsauren und ihrer Bestandteile; Naturwiss. 45 (1958), 186 Paleček E.: Oscillographic polarography of highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid; Nature 188 (1960), 656 Firsts in Electrochemistry of Nucleic Acids during the initial three decades 1958 DNA and RNA and all free bases are electrotractive 1960-61 assignment of DNA electrochemical signals to bases, relation between the DNA structure and electrochemical responses 1961 adsorption (ac impedance) studies of ĎNA (IR Miller, Rehovot) 1962-66 DNA premelting, denaturation, renaturation/hybridization detected electrochemically, traces of single stranded DNA determined in native dsĎNA. Nucleotide sequence affects dsĎNA responses 1965 Association of bases at the electrode surface (V. Vetterl) 1966 application of pulse polarography to DNA studies 1967 detection of DNA damage 1967-68 Weak interactions of low m.w. compounds with DNA (P.J. Hilsson, M.J. Simons, Harrow, UK and H. Berg, Jena) 1974 DNA is unwound at the electrode surface under certain conditions (EP and H.W. Nürnberg, Jülich, independently) 1976 Evidence for polymorphy of the DNA double-helical structure For two decades only mercury electrodes were used in NA electrochemistry 1978 Solid (carbon) electrodes introduced in nucleic acid research (V. Brabec and G. Ďryhurst, Norman) 1980 Determination of bases at nanomolar concentrations by cathodic stripping 1981-83 Electroactive markers covalently bound to DNA 1986-88 ĎNA-modif ied electrodes Results obtained at: IBP, Brno or elsewhere (author's name is given); the results which have been utilized in the DNA sensor development are in blue Electrochemical sensors/detectors for DNA hybridization Single-Surface Technologies: PROBE CCTTATCCTCCAAT TARGET : CC.AaTACCACCTTA (COM PLE M E ISTÁ R Y) CCTTATCCTCCAAT CCTTATCCTCCAAT DUPLEX FORMATION PROBE : TARGET ■*■ NO DUPLEX {HYBRID NÍXT FORMED} ACAATACCATTCC { NON-COM PLE M E NT A R Y > DNA IIVBRIDIZATION AS DELECTRDľllĽMItľAL DETECTTOrt ATTHE SAME SIRTACĽ ľ i; ■ K ttfget DNA REDCX INDICATCR COVALENTLY BOUND LABEL ENZYME, etc. LUIIIKIM HkCJl't.kJ'lt.SUl l>YV Ifl I'l.lAhv SlSiil.K M'kAMl Au J K Barton =1 Surface-attached molecular beacons liluim- 0|HkiJ H- AiJ______j .i í \ -.£* ™% i \ J V \ JjF A Heeger In the last decade nucleic acid electrochemistry was oriented predominantly to DNA sensors for (a) DNA hybridization and (b) DNA damage. This trend has been accompanied not only by interesting discoveries but also by a number of poor papers lacking the necessary control experiments,claiming sequence detection without PCR amplification but using synthetic oligos as target DNA, etc. Electrochemical sensors for DNA hybridization At present both single- and double-surface techniques can be used for DNA sequencing of longer oligonucleotides and PCR products. Electrochemical detection of point mutations is also possible. Optimization of the procedures are now necessary to develop commercially successful devices. Challenges: 1) Sequencing eukaryotic DNA without amplification (by PCR). Great sensitivity and specificity of the analysis is required 2) Development of electrochemical sensors for DNA-protein protein-protein interactions for proteomics and biomedicine Science in Czechoslovakia after the Und World War After February 1948 life in Czechoslovakia was increasingly affected by the Stalinist ideology and heavily controlled by the Party and Government. Many scientists and scholars were fired from Universities but some of them got employment in the Institutes of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences established in 1952. This was possible particularly at the Institutes whose Directors were influential Party members but serious scientists. PRAHA/PRAGUE institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry/ Director: F. Sorm Chemistry and Biochemistry of Proteins and Nucleic Acids B. Keil, B. Meloun, O. Mikes, J. Doskočil, D. Grunberger, A. Holy, I. Rychlík, J. Riman, J. Sponar, V. Paces, Z. Sormová, S. Zadrazil For many years Czech scientists were efficiently isolated from the West In this respect the situation in Brno was much worse than in Prague Institute of Biophysics, Brno Director: F. Hercik Founded in 1955 for radiobiological research it gradually turned into an institute devoted mainly to DNA For a long time we received 50 -100 US $ for materials/chemicals per year and Department. The orders of materials from the West had to be planned 1-2 years ahead Taking part in meetings in western countries was difficult not only because of currency problems OSCILLOGRAPHIC POLAROGRAPHY At controlled alternating current (constant current chronopotentiometry) dE/dt dsDNA ssDNA cathodic CA paringly soluble :ompounds with Hg anodic H-E LITERATURE in 1958: Adenine is polarographically reducible at strongly acid pH while other NA bases as well as DNA are inactive J.N.Davidson and E.Chargraff: The Nucleic Acids, Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York 1955 Paleček E.: Oszillographiche Polarographie der Nucleinsauren und ihrer Bestandteile; Naturwiss. 45 (1958), 186 Paleček E.: Oscillographic polarography of highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid; Nature 188 (1960), 656 J. Heyrovsky invented POLAROGRAPHY in 1922. After 37 years he was awarded a Nobel Prize J Heyrovsky S Ochoa A Kornberg In difference to most of the electrochemists I met in the 1960's and 1970's, J Heyrovsky was interested in nucleic acids and he greatly stimulated my Polarographie studies of DNA res 1959 - . i— • ■ -. -u----------------- "vr" ■ i . : ■ I - -■ 5 i ig. 1. de polarogiams of native and denatured calf thymus DNA" (a) native DNA at a concentratmn of 500 „g/ml in 0.5.1/ ammonium formate with 0.1,1/ sodium phosphate (pH 7.0)j 6) denatured DNA at a concentration of 500 «/ml in 0.5A/ ammonium formate with 0.0/ sodium phosphate CpH 7.0). DNA was denatured by heat at the Tn nlrl™ °Lf6 "g/ml ÍU ()M7M NaCI with °-7 mM citrftte. Both curves start at U.U V, 100 mV/scale umt, capillary I, saturated calomel electrode. DNA molecules A. GENOMIC (chromosomal) molecularis pglyjiisnerse. nucleotide sequence unknown B. PLASMID OR VIRAL monodisperse, nucleotide seauencft known ret sc oc Nn ds ss 0 t usually 3-4 kb mw ca2xi06 * PCR VRo^i/cTs C. BIOSYNTHETIC POLYNUCLEOTIDES polydisperse, simple repeated sequence motifs or homopolymers ATATATATATATATATATATAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dS TATATATATATATATATATATA I I I I H I I H M I ITTIII I I I Ml ss CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC average mw 10 5 10 6 D. SYNTHETIC OLIGONUCLEOTIDES monodisperse, programmed nucleotide sequence chemically modified bases and back bona possible GCGCATTTCCGG ss CGCGATATCGCG CGCGTATAGCGC and ds usual lengths 10-20 nucleotides In 1960 when I published my NATURE paper on electrochemistry of DNA I obtained invitations from 3 emminent US scientists: J. Marmur - Harvard Univ. L. Grossman - Brandeis Univ. J. Fresco - Princeton Univ. To work in their laboratories as a postdoc In 1960 new techniques were sought to study DNA Denaturation and Renaturation. To those working with DNA Oscillographic Polarography (OP) appeared as a very attractive tool. Invented by J. Heyrovsky, it was fast and simple, showing large differences between the signals of native and denatured DNA. The instrument for OP was produced only in Czechoslovakia. I accepted the invitation by Julius Marmur but for more than two years I was not allowed to leave Czechoslovakia. In the meantime JM moved from Harvard to Brandeis Univ. By the end of November 1962 I finally got my exit visa and with Heyrovsky Letter of Reccommendation in my pocket I went to the plane just 24 hours before expiration of my US visa. Before my departure I sent my OP instrument by air to Boston. It arrived after 9 months completely broken. I nstead of OP I had to use ultracentrifuges and microbiological methods. Julius Marmur discovered DNA Renaturation/Hybridization and proposed (in JMB) a new method of DNA isolation which was widely applied. His paper was quoted > 9000x. J M at the 40th Anniversary of the Discovery of the DNA Double Helix Rrprinlrii Trom Caiv rtrmrfn Hjiuoit Sr**wcA un QrA^nTATTVi BioLoor Vokna XXVIII. IMS /Vim«* im VJIJt. Specificity of the Complementary RIVA Formed by Bacillus sub t His Infected with Bacteriophage SP8 At the end of my stay at Brandeis I did some OP experiments which I finished in Brno nd published in J. Mol. Biol, in 1965 and 1966. J. Mabklr", C. If. GASCxarAN, E. Paucckk, F. M, Kahaj*+h J. LfcYisB. ind M. Hammel* On+lwtt fbp>trtmr*t vf fíiurhpm.i*ryt Bmwt*Í* Ľiifrrrntf, IVnttiuim. Wt*~ŕŕÁu*ŕíl* INCREASING peak II CI-2, ÍNCREASINÔ\ peak II and III CI-2 . only peak III CI-2 peak II no CI-2 Native DNA A, B C melted DNA D H melti r^ quick cooling quick cooling slow cooling renaturation denatured DNA RENATURED DNA Temperature peak II no CI-2 only peak III CI-2 peak II no CI-2 DNA Premelting and Polymorphy of the DNA Double Helix Li Í976 Reprinted trom; FTOCtESS I« hUCUlC ACID HfiEAJKH ■*?-G «OLÍCULAI B.C!.:: jv v'J: 1| ■*ŕ IÍÍ4 *OÚÉMJC F««, |Mf Before my departure to the US I observed Changes in the Polarographie behavior of DNA far below the denaturation temperature. These changes were later called DNA Premelting J. Mol. Biol. 20 (1966) 263-281 ľ. ľli.Kl Y Y, B. siiblilis and B. brevis DNAs have the same G+C content and different nucleotide sequence B. subtilis Premefring Changes in DNA C. F íí-í j>íiLáhix.'opri, dropping mercury aloclroa poliriied with repute] cj-tL** at A.C. Th* n'.«uu»m«il4 «rcn r-nri^l i^iii i= rl:> Ln!^.it*rorj'ůf Prof. J. Slirrňiir, D*p*rtriLtr.i t-ľ läiucliMüijiry. rEHt.dŕii Vniwríily. TCilÜism, J]*«., V.S.A. POLAROGRAPHIC BEHAVIOR OF dsDNA At roomand premeltig temperaturse depended on DNA nucleotide SEQUENCE A 6. PoLVMDBi'iEY of DNA Seco.sdahy Structufe On the basis of the preceding discussion, a schematic picture of the structure of natural linear D\A in solution under physiological conditions (e.gr, ní 36 ZC. moderate ionic strength* and n H 7) can be down. We cm assume that the double-helical structure of the very long f A + T)-rich regions differs; from the structure- of thr mftjor part at the molecute and ťhat some of the (A -f-T)-rich segments are open (Fig. 20). An open ds-structure con be assumed in the region ní chain termini and/or in the vicinity of ss-breaks und other anomalies in the DNA primary structure. The eiract changes in the open ds-regions \vi\l depend on the nucleotide sequence as well as on ihe chemicaE nature of the atiomnlv. Most of the molecule will exhibit an "Y[j"°E Willfflirfifflli fi^J"? ""ft llfíl dťviatiúiu yivúu by UiĽ iiuckuLiuY- iuuucucfc. ETe^'atmg tiie- temperature in tlie premelting region í Fig. 20) is likelľ to lenid to the opening of other regions, and. eventualit, to expansion of the existing distorted ds-xegions and to further structural changes. Thus the course of the con^ formational changes as a function of temperature (premelting) will be determined by the distribution of the nucleotide sequences and anomalies in the primary structure, and mav have an almost continuous oh iractfir. Consequently, even if we do not consider ''breathing," not only the architecture of a DMA double-helical molecule, but also its^ mechanics or dynamics can be taken into account. To determine whether, e.g.., only the (A + T)'rich molecule ends will be open at a certain temperature Or also long A + T regions in the center of the molecule, further experimental research with better-defined samples of vinil and siynthetic nueleic aeids will be necessary. Further wort will undoubtedly provide new information on the details of the local arrangement of nucleotide residues in the double helix, as well us Qn DNA conformational motility. Thus a more accurate picture of DNA structure will emerge, whose characteristic feature will be poly-můrphy of the double helix, in contrast to the classical, highly regular DNA structure models. Meeting F. Crick in Copenhagen and Arhus, 1977 (B. Clark) December Jj 197a polydiA-'VMiA-T) What the people said Sefore 1980 No doubt that this electrochemistry must produce artifacts because we know well that the DNA double helix has i unique structure INDEPENDENT After 1980 Is not it strange that such an obscure can recognize POLYMORPHY OF THE DNA DOUBLE HELIX? technique if the nucleotide SEQUENCE Professor lU.il Paltet); InAtLtute Of biophytici CtfrchOtlOvak Acadeay of Sci*nc*f Brno It, Kralovopotska LIS iľzť-hns Lov a It la Dear Professor Patectk* I do apologise for tftkinq (0 Lonq to reply to your letter or Septtwbtr 29 and the very interesting tvViaw ycu lant with it- Mil for t und tel y I myself will not be aolt CO attvnd th* Symposiu* yon plan for September, 197 7 And my Cambridge COlLed?ua Aůťůri Klug tells; bi« that he too is unAbl* to be present. Had you COAtldtrtd th* possibility of asking or. Hank Soball.? H« has ju*t pub-:■...::■.-'. In iJ ::.■■-: an account of (.hu uí'híi CtaM - pi i rtd) kink and has ideas about presetting eonformationa. I have no Uu whether he vould b* able to cone but should you with to invitn hist his address Lti Depaetotnt of Ch*4niltryT Th* University of Rochtstttn ftivtŕ £tatiOnr Rochastar, Ua-j York I -; -.. J 7. Voura sincarely. f. Mr C. Cťick Pvrkauf Poundacion Visiting Professor AĎSORPTIVE STRIPPING ADSORPTIVE TRANSFER STRIPPING NA is in the electrolytic cell and accumulates NA is attached to the electrode NA is at the electrode but the at the electrode surface during waiting from a small drop of solution electrolytic cell contains only blank (3-10 fl) electrolyte In 1986 we proposed Adsorptive Transfer Stripping Voltammetry (AdTSV) based on easy preparation of DNA-modified electrodes AdTSV has many advatages over conventional voltammetry of NAs: 1) Volumes of the analyte can be reduced to few microliters 2) NAs can be immobilized at the electrode surface from media not suitable for the voltammetric analysis 3) Low m.w. compounds (interfering with conventional electrochemical analysis of NAs) can be washed away 4) Interactions of NAs immobilized at the surface with proteins and other substances in solution and influence of the surface charge on NA properties and interactions can be studied, etc. ^ oi- o__rLi/ ^ ^ H V* Bb ■1.5 -1.0 -0.5 DPP DUL SWY HMDL C.7SA 2ftnA 3 jiA G™ I ■ ň ! í 2 s/V -1.5 -1.0 1.4 -0.9 0.9 1-1J E (V) -1.5 -1.0 1.4 -0.9 E (V) 0.9 1.1 z: g 40 g 20 LU d SRNA, SSC, 55 C d&RNA, SSC, 85 ^C dsRNA, 2.SxSSC, 85"C peak MIR peak HR - T 20 —i— 40 60 80 TIME (MINUTES) 100 RENATURATION OF RNA AS DETECTED BY DPP Time dependence 120 Fig. 10, Time-course of renaturation of phage \1 dsRNA. (A) Thermally denatured ssRNA was incubated (•- *) at 85°C in 2.5 x sodium saline citrate {SSC) or (o o) at 85JC in SSC, and (x x) at 55X\ Samples were withdrawn in time intervals given in the graph and quickly cooled. DPP measurements were performed at room temperature at a RNA concentration of 3.2ug/mL in (UM ammonium formate with 0.2M sodium acetate, pH 5.6; PAR 174. (B) (o—o) peak IIR, (•—*) peak IHR. ssRNA (108 ug/mL) in 0.01 x SSC was heated for 6 min at 100~C, Then it was placed into a thcrniostated Polarographie vessel with the same volume of 0,6M ammonium formate with 0.2 M sodium phosphate, pH 7, preheated to 58ÜC. The pulse polarograms were measured at 5^C in times given in the graph. Southern-Harwell A 3100, amplifier sensitivity 1/8. Adapted from Paleček and Doskočil (1974). Copyright 1974, with permission from Academic Press, IFFY stories On this day 50 years ago, Watson and Crick published their double-helix theory. But, what if... By Steve Mirsky (2003) "I am now astonished that I began work on the triple helix structure, rather than on the double helix," wrote Linus Pauling in the April 26,1974 issue of Nature. In February 1953, Pauling proposed a triple helix structure for DNA in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNA5). He had been working with only a few blurry X-ray crystallographic images from the 1930s and one from 1947. If history's helix had turned slightly differently, however, perhaps the following timeline might be more than mere musing... August 15,1952: Linus Pauling (finally allowed to travel to England by a US State Department that thinks the words "chemist" and "communist" are too close for comfort) visits King's College London and sees Rosalind Franklin's X-ray crystallographs. He immediately rules out a triple helical structure for DNA and concentrates on determining the nature of what is undoubtedly a double helix. February 1953: Pauling and Corey describes the DNA double helix structure in PNAS..... Ä-l CIIEiíĽirStľ: FAľijyC- A AW LV&&Ľ F'EC*. N. A a rmixyShv ítuí-Ci ex k Km m k ?ti-ct^.sCACit)S U* lílM'i F.'.Ľi.C^G 4NL> Hi^ikici 11, 0>ifi:v <'..'. t err, a<-i Ü-fcm.r.j^ I.A.nriR.AT\iRniH mi CcirutrsTnv,'1 Cjtuniitľix Ljecrmrju í y TĽĽnSdľ.dliV CroiöiDni=L[cd DcKmbcríi;, líl.K liä UI&UISTRk': PA.SUKG ASW í-OREi' ľjuOC. N. A. S. VřlíLdi itc iijvůlvtd ill efltŕŕ IĹnĽi#ts. This distiMtuíiD of the úJiosphat* RTiütip ftoiti ti» fsffutir tíŕtraledral coDĚKuratiaD ia Jtot supported br direct estperiitisütal evidence; imfojtiuiatelr no precise structure djctmniimtijons have beai jiiuíů of anr phosphate di-estcra. Toe diEtoiTion, wbJŕti cor-reapojids to a larger amount of double bond cbarac-tcT for the inner oxygen atoniEttüm for the onrgic-n atoms involved in the c&tcr iuitages, is a reason- HIhii nr lliŕ .»iiitHľ-l» sŕťl Miiijŕihir, *1iß»liig sí*wrnl niiŕ-fcľiiMŕ--Tť\-iť1i»í*>j. Triple helix with bases on the outside and sugar-phosphate backbone in the interior of the molecule My IFFY story: If L. PAULINO had in his lab an oscillopolarograph in 1952 he would never proposed this structure. Polarography clearly showed that bases must be hidden in the interior of native DNA molecule and become accessible when DNA is denatured lUbCTlMX lEIlMK AL MI m H) D S RISftXiNI»! KMALLCIIANCiliSIX DXASIW I II *. AND DimWMIML TRACKS OK IMPĽUmiLH IK DNA SAMPULS *^r MERCľl'RY ELirTRODENAREPARTTfl'LARLY9HXMT1YE » /M\ ULTLHM1NA110N (>ľ TVACKK (< H41 or i llLJXA *\^IXA ťHIJLIJhb ťHIJLIJhS IX liMAKiJLMSOk- ill U*A IKTÜMALATDILH / ťOVAľ i N T MOMHIW CiRIX)VILniNDI!RS Probing of DNA structure with osmium tetroxide complexes fco. ^SSSUHB**** £>£T£tTi0M tifillTS i frfftppwc /"V fag/*»/ OsC> H g míÍh »f f U* DM rtMBhb In the beginning of the 1980's Os,L complexes were the first electroactive labels covalently bound to DNA. These complexes produced catalytic signals at Hg electrodes allowing determination of DNA at subnanomolar concentrations We developed methods of chemical probing of the DNA structure based on osmium tetroxide complexes (Os,L). Some of the Os,L complexes react with single-stranded DNA but not with the double-stranded B-DNA. Critical ftrviěvs in Eiochtmiitry andMvlecular Biology, 2ů(í):]5l—2!S (1091) Local Supercoll-Stabilized DNA Structures E Pafŕčeŕí MH-Phndi HM für Kafaiyakslsef» Chemie, GBKínflon, BHD vnt Instate o! Hopfiysia, Czechoslovak Aiadarny ol Sosnm, 6i ?65 aino, C5FH [17] Probing of DNA Structure in Cells with Osmium Tetroxide—2,2'-Bipyridine By Emil Paleček These methods yielded information about the distorted and single-stranded regions in the DNA double helix at single-nucleotide resolution. DNA probed both in vitro and directly in cells. Hľ-Tiinn^rN i;n7,vmolovy, vín 31: CcvyiVú D IW2 bf Acadenfc i*«*, lne All rif hi^ vi reiKVkliiťih*» in mnf ŕínn nc^nťJ AĎSORPTIVE STRIPPING ADSORPTIVE TRANSFER STRIPPING NA is in the electrolytic cell and accumulates NA is attached to the electrode NA is at the electrode but the at the electrode surface during waiting from a small drop of solution electrolytic cell contains only blank (3-10 fl) electrolyte In 1986 we proposed Adsorptive Transfer Stripping Voltammetry (AdTSV) based on easy preparation of DNA-modified electrodes AdTSV has many advatages over conventional voltammetry of NAs: 1) Volumes of the analyte can be reduced to few microliters 2) NAs can be immobilized at the electrode surface from media not suitable for the voltammetric analysis 3) Low m.w. compounds (interfering with conventional electrochemical analysis of NAs) can be washed away 4) Interactions of NAs immobilized at the surface with proteins and other substances in solution and influence of the surface charge on NA properties and interactions can be studied, etc. Foundations of nucleic acid electrochemistry were laid down in 1960-1980's using mercury and cmton electrodes After the discovery of ttw DM electroactMty I t was shown that: Signals of ds and £S DNA and RNA greatly differ , This mode it possible to follow the course of : DNA denaturation/melting, renaturation/hybridization to detect: traces of ssDNA in dsDNA samples, DNA damage, single-strand breaks, chem. modification, depurination... Important findings : DNA premehKng : beginning of the 3960's DNA unwinding at the electrode surface : middle of 1970's Polymorphy of the DNA double helix i middle of 1970's New approaches later utilized in DNA sensors: First oovdentřy bound deetrocetřve 3NA labels : beginning of th« 1980's First QNA-madfiec elfcttrattes ; middle oJ the 1980's Electroactivity of nucleic acids was discovered about 50 years ago Reduction of bases at Hg electrodes is particularly sensitive to changes in DNA structure. The course of DNA and RNA denaturation and renaturation can easily traced by electrochemical methods At present electrochemistry of nucleic acids is a booming field, particularly because it is expected that sensors for DNA hybridization and for DNA damage will become important tools in biomedicine and other regions of practical life in the 21st century DNA-modif ied electrodes can be easily prepared; microL volumes of DNA are sufficient of its analysis but miniaturization of electrodes decreases these volumes to nL. Sensitivity of the analysis has greatly increased in recent years. 76