Flower SEXUAL REPRODUCTION APOMIXIS Anther Diploid Ovule Pollen Mother Cell Megaspore Mother Cell Meiosis Meiosis Haploid Microspore Haploid Megaspore Pollen Grain Haploid Embryo sac Diploid Embryo sac Haploid Sperm Cells Haploid Egg Diploid Cen. Cell Double Fertilization Zygote (2n) Primary Endosperm Nucleus (3n) Embryo Endosperm Plant DIPLOSPORY Failure of Reduction APOSPORY Somatic Cell Acts as a Spore Diploid Egg Parthenogenesis ADVENTITIUOS EMBRYONY Somatic Cells Form Embryo Directly Diploid Megaspore SPOROPHYTIC APOMIXIS GAMETOPHYTIC APOMIXIS Figure 3. Comparison of Angiosperm Sexual Life Cycle with Apomictic Mechanisms