James Watson said he was „inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa“ because „all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours . whereas all the testing says not really“. True or false in your opinion? A. Listen to the reactions to Watson’s comments. B. Read the article from the Telegraph.co.uk and compare with what you have listened to. Then listen again. C. Listen and complete the information on the following items. Francis Galton Charles Davenport H.H.Goddard IQ tests Eugenics record office Race Betterment Association Immigration Act Compulsary sterilisastion laws genetic determinism why now again? D. Read the text and answer the questions 1. Who was Franz Boas and why is his discovery important? 2. Was Frederick Jackson Turner in favor of immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe? Why not? 3. What did eugenicists like Charles Davenport think would happen because of immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe? 4. Who was Franz Boas? What is Boas affectionately known as? What did Boas study? What did he discover? 5. What were the 3 categories of mental defectives? 6. Who was given the Alpha and Beta tests? What was the difference between the Alpha and Beta tests? Were the questions on the tests appropriate measures of intelligence? Why not?