type of bacteria (pl) type of bacteria (sg) shape examples of bacteria disease cocci coccus spherical staphylococcus pneumococcus gonococcus boils (hnisavý vřed – pus-hnis) pneumonia gonorhea (kapavka) bacilli bacillus rod-shaped E-coli typhoid spirilli spirillum spiral triponema pallidum syphilis type of bacteria (pl) type of bacteria (sg) shape examples of bacteria disease cocci infections characterized by boils (vředy) pneumococcus gonorhea (kapavka) bacilli bacillus E-coli spirillum triponema pallidum mycoplasma twisted into fantastic shapes Another way of distinguishing bacteria is a staining technique that divides bacteria into two major groups based on chemical differences in their cell walls gram-positive bacteria retain the dark violet colour of the stain after the decolorizing treatement while lose the stain. Podtitulek u videa There are many different species of bacteria. Scientists often classify bacteria on the basis of shape, size, and other morphological characteristics, as well as the genetic material that each type of bacteria contains. The Gram stain is one important tool that scientists use to identify and characterize bacteria. Despite their simple structure bhave developed most b have a very distinctive shape (architectural) cocci – spherical cells (staphylococci, pneumococci - pneumonia, gonococci gonorrhea= sexually transmitted disease) bacilli – rod-shaped (e-colli, typhoid fever– intestinal tracts) spirilli – spiral (syphilis) mycoplasma – lack a cell wall – becomes twisted in the fantastic shapes, have as much DNA as the other bacteriathese are microbesrepresent the smallest known form of the cellular life another way of distinguishing bacteria is the staining technique – that devides bacteria into two major groups, based on chem diff in their cell walls – gram positive b retain the dark violet colour of the stain after the decolorizing treatement gram negative cell lose their stain X wiki strain – a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups · taining+technique+bacteria&hl=cs&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=cz&lr=lang_en%7Clang_cs%7Clang_fr%7Clang_sk&client =firefox-a Medical science depends on the staining of cells in tissues to make accurate diagnoses of a wide range of diseases from cholera to sexually transmitted diseases, to parasitic diseases and skin infections. Staining techniques performed routinely in microbiological laboratories include gram's stain, acid-fast stains, acridine orange, calcofluor white, toluidine blue, methylene blue, silver stains, and fluorescent stains. Stains are classified broadly as basic, acidic, or neutral stains. The chemical nature of the cells under examination determines which stain is selected for use. Cell staining is important in the diagnosis of microorganisms because bacteria can be identified by the color differentiation of stains (dyes). Microscopic examination of stained cell samples allows examination of the size, shape, and arrangement of organelles, as well as external appendages such as the whip-like flagella, which are the cell's organs of motion. When sample cells are stained to show their chemical composition it is called differential staining. · http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramnegativn%C3%AD_bakterie Gramnegativní bakteriemají buněčnou stěnu tvořenou převážně liposacharidy a svrchu překrytou druhou membránou. Následkem toho vycházejí tyto bakterie z Gramova barvení zbarvené růžově, na rozdíl od grampozitivních bakterií, které se jeví jako modrofialové. Gramnegativní bakterie obsahují v buněčné stěně 17 aminokyselin včetně aromatických aminokyselin. Netvoří spory, množí se příčným dělením. Některé druhy tvoří pouzdra či pochvy. Pohybují se pomocí bičíků nebo plazivě po substrátu. Mnozí zástupci gramnegativních bakterií jsou patogeny, obecně se považují za nebezpečnější než zástupci skupiny grampozitivních bakterií. Důvod je zpravidla spatřován v některých komponentech jejich buněčné stěny, zejména pak v liposacharidové vrstvě.