Using Sea Water for Agriculture

   Aim: marking a text structure, using graphics in note-taking.

   1.      Pre-reading:

   Discussion on water supplies, fresh and sea water, arid areas in the world.

   2.      Scan the text 'Using Sea Water for agriculture' and label the margin brackets with the
   expressions at the bottom.

   3. Compare your margin notes with 'simple graphics'

   4. Read the article step by step:

   Paragraph 1,2 (focus on vocabulary)

   Match the given expressions with their definitions

   In the text, find the words that have the same meaning as the expressions on the handout

   Paragraph 3:

   Label the diagram 'Cheapest method of evaporation' and describe it to your neighbour.


   . "

   Paragraph 4:

   'Arizona method' - flowchart

   To show how the process continues, use the arrows .


   5. Complete the spidergram with the key points

   6. Recapitulation: types of note-taking


   English for Biologists, MU

   Based on: Study Reading, Glendinning, E.H, Holmstrom, B, CUP, 1997

   Hana Němcova

   Unit 6 The physical world

   Control of evaporation. and particularly of transpiration of water through plants, is
   obviously of crucial importance in all regions of the world where water is scarce. It is being
   investigated most thoroughly in connection with the use of sea water for agriculture. Sea
   water can actually be used as such for watering

                           certain plants, on certain soils.^2() But it seems unlikely that it
   can be at all widely            5

   used for growing plants useful for food. and it is not at all certain how long it can be
   carried on before the accumulation of salt in the lower parts of the soil makes it unusable.

   Most attempts to use sea water for agriculture depend on first removing the            10 
   excess salt. There are two basic methods of desalination. One depends on using           

   a membrane which will allow the water to pass, but will hold back the salts (reversed
   osmosis). The other is distillation. that is to say water vapour or steam is produced and
   this. which does not contain salts. forms fresh water when it is condensed. The production of
   steam can be done by actually boiling the sea

                           water or. more gently, by encouraging evaporation from the surface of
   sea water        15

   which is warmed but not raised to boiling point. Both the membrane-filtering techniques and
   the boiling technique require large amounts of concentrated energy. They are essentially
   industrial processes of a very energy-consuming kind. The evaporation methods are much less
   demanding. and I will discuss

                           them first.

   The cheapest way of evaporating sea water is to use the heat of the sun. The sea water is run
   into shallow tanks of concrete or plastic. preferably with a black bottom which absorbs the
   sun's heat. The tanks. which are usually built long and narrow. are covered with a transparent
   roof with curved or sloping sides. The

                           water in the tanks is warmed, evaporates, and the water vapour
   condenses again         25

   on the cooler glass roof and runs down the sides to be collected in a trough at the bottom.
   Installations of this kind are already in use in many arid regions near the sea, from the
   coasts of Chile to the Aegean islands. It is a very satisfactory process provided one does not
   want too much water. It has mostly been used to

                           provide drinking water. The quantities required for agricultural
   irrigation would           30

   require enormous areas of tanks.

   A much more sophisticated low temperature evaporation scheme is being developed in Arizona.^21
   The scheme involves using cold sea water which is pumped into the installation to aid the
   condensation of the water vapour which

                           has been produced by hot sea water. Originally solar energy was used
   to heat the         35

   sea water. but since any place that wanted to run such a scheme would certainly be generating
   its own electricity. probably with a diesel engine. use was later made of the 'waste heat' in
   the cooling water of the engine.

   They also introduced another improvement which is of very general

                           application. The fresh water was used on plants grown in plastic
   greenhouses. A         40

   large sheet of plastic is attached to a low brick or stone wall. and a small pump keeps the
   air pressure inside the plastic at about half a pound per square foot. above the air pressure
   outside. so the plastic is inflated, in the form of a long low sausage. The plastic is
   transparent to the sunlight which the plants need. while

                           the water, led to the plant roots and transpired through their leaves.
   is trapped             45

   inside and not allowed to escape back into the general atmosphere; it can be used again and
   again. Experimental plants of this kind are working in Arizona and Mexico. and a quite big
   one, planned to provide food for a sizeable population, is being built in the oil-rich Persian
   Gulf state of Abu Dhabi. There

                           are quite a large number of areas in the world in which arid deserts
   come near             50

   enough to the sea coast for developments of this kind to make important contributions to the
   world's food supply.


   Created by DPE, Copyright IRIS 2005Created by DPE, Copyright IRIS 2005




   ad paragraphs 1 and 2

   Match the given expressions with their definitions:



   reverse osmosis







   the separation of a liquid from a solid or another liquid by vaporization followed by

   a change of state from liquid to vapour which can occur at any temperature up to the boiling

   the evaporation of water vapour from plant leaves via tiny pores

   gradual increase in amount until there is a large quantity in one place

   a larger amount of something than is allowed or needed

   the salt removed from sea water so that it can be used in homes and factories

   separation of solute from a solution by causing the solvent to flow through a membrane at
   pressures higher than the normal osmotic pressure

   an (official) attempt to find out the reasons for something such as a scientific problem


   In the text find the words that have the same meaning as the expressions below:

   extremely important

   there is not enough of it available

   the top layer of the earth in which plants grow

   continue doing something

   have something inside or have something as a part

   takes a lot of energy

   needing a lot of ability, effort or skill