Global analysis. Exercises 9 1) Find the metric on the sphere S2 R3 using the following coordinates: * the coordinates x, y obtained using the stereographic projection; * the spherical coordinates , (for A S2 , is the angle between OA and Oz and is the angle between OA and Ox, where A is the projection of A to the plane Oxy). 2) Find the Christoffel symbols for the metric on the sphere S2 R in the coordinates of Exercise 1. 3) Let g be the metric on R2 obtained from the metric on the sphere using the stereographic projection. With respect to the metric g find: * the middle of the segment AB with A = (0.5; 0.5) and B = (0.9; 0.3); * the length of the circle (x + 1)2 + (y - 5)2 = 1. 1