Create new field "size" as text with max. length = 10. Write code for calculation in ArcGIS. Your code will divide towns to 3 categories (small, regular, large), category value will be inserted to the field automatically by calculation. Division instructions: If value of field "OB91" is in interval <0;1000), insert into field "size" value "small". If value of field "OB91" is in interval <1000;2000), insert into field "size" value "regular". If value of field "OB91" is in interval <2000;infinite), insert into field "size" value "large". Create text file with your code and insert it into Study Materials (Odevzdavarna - homework1) in Last term is 15.10.2008 path: /el/1431/podzim2008/Z8154/ode/6369822/