Srovnávací fyziologie bezobratlých Podpořeno FRVS 1555/2009 Proč bezobratlých? Poněkud umělá skupina Význam - vědecký, praktický Nesmírně početní a heterogenní Mimořádné postavení hmyzu ™ EjjrOpnd FIGURE 1-2 Number M specie* of animal groups showing Ihc Ereal predominance of ibt invertebrate* {%,$% of tľi-e tola]) acid, uspvewily, of ihc arthropack {SrWG ňf The ro(al). The iitim-bťri rcpreíenl thousand* oí species Srovnávací fyziologie bezobratlých (Fyziologie hmyzu) httD:// httD:// htto://nelson, httD:// Systém bezobratlých, M. Horsák, 30.1. 2009 htto:// Srovnávací fyziologie bezobratlých (Fyziologie hmyzu) * Skelet, tělní pokryv, růst těla, metamorfóza * Hormony * Požadavky na potravu, trávení, resorbce * Metabolismus * Dýchání * Oběhový systém * Exkrece * Svalový systém, pohyb * Nervová soustava * Smvslv * Chování, komunikace Taxonomické zařazení nemusí určovat funkce. O způsobu vylučování amonných meta bol itů rozhoduje dostupnost vody |S Cíuanirte Ammonia Am mouk Mctajwan Ancestor Tělesné proporce a nelineární - allometrické vztahy. Velký živočich nemůže bvt zvětšen inou malého. metrické trojúhelníky A2 ft C2 = Ar T *'- 1 -\ ■ ÍP u **- i 1 ^3 lT*, -li 1 1 ■ M « 1 fl^fl ; ' 1 ■ f , NEW LINE UM MA ■ . W ^-■1 i c4 Povrch versus objem SA vs. volume (slope = 0.67) < (0 3 O (0 0) Q) O <£ CO 10 h SA/V ratio vs. volume (slope = -0.33) 1.0 Volume of cube (V) 10 1 mg 10 mg 100 mg Body mass 1 g 10g T T 100 g -----1— 1 kg Terrestrial vertebrate ectotherms Terrestrial vertebrate endotherrns T Terrestrial invertebrate ectotherms _________J____—_____—----------------------- Heterothermic species may occur 'Conformeľ, but some regulation at extreme low E 'Regulator', but less efficient at extremes Typical 'partial' regulator, conforming in relatively normal conditions but regulating as conditions get more difficult Essentiaily a conformer (parallel to E = I line), but internal environment has constant excess of measured variable Regulator but unable to survive too much change (starts to conform and then dies) Mixed conformer/regulator: regulates (approximately) above some species-specific level External environment (E) Základni tel ni piany ČÉRVI ČLENOVCI OBRATLOVCI eucqelohAtni pbeudocoelcmAtíjI ACOELOMŮ-hi DiLArrr5ri.Ni TflUBICE V TRUBICI' PLOSTENCI I HAOIÁLNI LAC K OVCI 7™ \ SLEPÝ VAK ŽIVOČIŠNÉ HOUBY I tófiijGůyAPfl MříOHD3Uh£Ěthl /ED+JOBUNĚCnÍ MEZODERM 1 '■ ■ ' ENDODERM EKTOPErlM ^Z^Xh Livir>gsrono Ľ BIQDIDftC % Proaresivní znakv: •Mnohobuněčnost •Pravé tkáně •Bilaterální symetrie •Třetí tělní vrstva - mezoderm •Dva tělní otvory •Coelomová (druhotná) dutina Segmentace Figuře 3: The m orp h o evolution in protostomian invertebrates RECOGNITION, PHAGOCYTOSIS, NON-ANTICIPATORY CONSTITUTIVE IMMUNITY BLIKD SAC A TUBE -WITKEN-A TUBE hemocoi eucoelom metamery protocoelom Vascular system protest omy mesoderm True tissues, organs Cell aggregates Figure 4: The m orp h o evolution in d outer o st om es RECOGNITION, PHAGOCYTOSIS, ANTICIPATORY ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY A TUBE -WITHIN-A TUBE INVERTEBRATES , instar o a < 3rd « instar >, o CL < 4th instar Pupa ■a Adult >* instar o CL < FIGURE 2,4 The molting period is pun etna De d by two events a poly sis and ecdysis, that define insect development. Apolysis, the separation of the epidermal cells from the cuticle, marks the beginning of the molt and the next in star. The insect h in a pharate stage until ecdysis otxurstthii casting off öf thť old cuticle. Ecdysis marks the beginning of the next stadium. At the apolysis following the second instar, the imecc enters the third instar, but ti still in the second stadium until after ocdysis. svlékání (molting) instar farátní 0 imago ekdyse ekdyse eklose Vrstvy kuti kuly BM Epikutikula Exokutikula Endokutikula Epidermis Bazálni membrána Oenocyty Trichogenní buňky Dermální žlázky Hoemocyty Vrstvy kuti kuly Sacharidová a bílkovinná složka Cement Vosk Kutikulin ^^^^^^^^^^^ - VEP EDI - preekdys ED2 - postekdys. EM BM '///y/&/ť/Jwi??&sr////>^^^ cement Wax .............,,,^/^Oüterepicuticte AJ j- inner epicuticle Exocuticle " ".-ř\- Endocutide JLiJlJLlJlJL^JtJLlJ-Epidermal cells Exuvial space J? Apolysis EEBHiBQQ í it Pore canals Moltin9 flüi(J digests endocuticle Outer epicuticle "f^f \ T TT Procuticfe Dermal g fand Growth FJGURH 2,1 8 Steps in che molting process, (A) The integument before the molt. (33) Apolysis, separating the cuticle Rom the epidermis and creating an exuviaj spate. (C) Secretion of the molting inac-dus moptling gel into the exuvial space. (D) The digestion of the old endocuticle and the secretion of nc;w procuticle. (E) Continued growth of the procuticle and epicuticle. (F) Ecdysish the shedding of the old a]ricle. Díky kanálkům se na povrch dostanou„vytvrzovacľ a ochranné komponenty. Cement — Wax Outer epicirtícfe Wax filament Inner epicuticle Pore canal Procuticle ľl G URE 2.6 The layers of the ep i cuticle, lying abow [tie procuticle. degrees FIGURE 2.14 The hdicoidal arrangement of the chithi layers as they are rotated by a constant angle during their synthesis. The bar shows the rotation of layers through 1B0Ů, From Neville (1984). Re pri need with permission. b e ta-protein chitin 1.032 nm Fig. 2. Suggested bonding between u üilk Like protein and chit in. CH„CM HNCCCH^ f—O Sklerotizace-Zesíťování proteinů H*ococKt CHpH |cHn\M \ Pieris brassicae larva co o j™ CO Tenebrio molitor pupa / J 20 50 40 Temperature (°C) FIGURE 2.7 The relative water loss in two insects as a function of temperature. Above a critical temperature, the wax layer becomes disorienced and water loss increases substantially. From I3eament (1959), Reprinted with permission. Ky3ozikT\ JO' CH, CK COOM ^1 «H^ **>^oloK\fltAÍÍ^ WD^^^ -^ IL 1 ^Ht Isä\ .^ ^ AcfcVťL toOPAVrio/ MMŮDCU O O ok ©H /"">*•+ HA+Erft — nhMK DOPA melanin Dopamine melanin A t Ph9nol oxidases rJ-acetyldoparnine (NADA) OH OH .OH Dopa decarboxylase N-acetyl transferase OH DOPA CH£ I " H—C—NH2 I H Dopamine FIGURE 2.19. The steps In the synthesis of cuticular tanning precursors. OH Protein OH Protein I COOH Quinone sclerotization Protein _c_ Protein H-C-NH2 COOH ß-scleratjzation