Smysly Mechanorecepce - Rheoreceptory ploštěnců - Statocysta měkkýšů k) Statocyst of a scallop (Pecten) (b) Statocyst of a crab Receptár cells Horizontal canal Statolith Vertical canal hřebenatka Mechanorecepce hmyzu hmatová brva chordotonální vlákenko Tři typy mechanoreceptorů. Hmatová brva je kloubem spojena s povrchem kutikuly a její pohyb citlivě vnímá smyslová buňka (s. b.). Zvonečková sensila se napětím kutikuly deformuje, a to je rovněž vnímáno smyslovou buňkou. Součástí chordotonálního vlákénka je opět smyslová buňka citlivě reagující na napětí. zvonečková sensila Outer segment ^— Mechanoreceptor Cv tide Bristle Cuticle Outer segment Mechan oreceptor M ec hanoreceptor outer segment Cuticle Ciliary dilation Ciliary rootlet Mechano receptor Thecogen cell Basement membrane Figure 5.n Anatomy of insect mechanoreceptive organs Schematic drawings of major morphological classes of touch sensilla. (A) Hair plate (bristle) sensiUurn. (B) Magnified view of hair plate sensillum. (C) Campaniform sensillum. (D) Scolopidial organ. The thecogen cell is a type of supporting cell, (After T.hurm, 1964; Bullock and Horridge, 1965; Keil, 1997.] Drosophila - model pro molekulární podstatu mechanorecepce ngure J urosopnas on sne- receptor mooei. a, Lateral view of D. melanogastershewing the hundreds of bristles that cover the fly's cuticle. The expanded view of a single bristle indicates the locations of the stereotypical set of cells and structures associated with each mechanosensory organ. Movement of the bristle towards the cuticle of the fly (arrow) displaces the dendrite and elicits an excitatory response in the mechanosensory neuron, b, Transmission electron micrograph of an insect mechanosensory bristle showing the insertion of the dendrite at the base of the bristle. The bristle contacts the dendrite (arrowhead) so that movement of the shaft of the bristle wi II be detected by the neuron, c, Proposed molecular model of transduction for ciliated insect mechanoreceptors, with the locations of NompC and NompA indicated. Endolymph Neuron Extracellular anchor (NompA) =i-------a—■—h—b=nnn= =»-------tf—■—1=1—i=nnn= =i-----tí—í—ti-n=ttm= ran ran =rar rC^DO> Non-adapting 3 transduction channel p mm üil Intracellular link Extracellular link Adapting transduction channel (NompC) Adaptation machinery Chordotonální sensilv tvorí: A) subgenuální orgán C) tympanální orgán chordotonální vlákenko Iq oqjq QQ Tři typy mechanoreceptorü* Hmatová brva je kloubem spojena s povrchem kutikuly a její pohyb citlivě vnímá smyslová buňka (s. b.)* Zvonečková sensila se napětím kutikuly deformuje, a to je rovněž vnímáno smyslovou buňkou. Součástí chordotonálního vlákénka je opět smyslová buňka citlivě reagující na napětí. Joint membrane Outer dendrite Dendrite sheath Inner dendrite Tubular body Propriorecepce suspension fibers! |tubular body dtjiídľiíu cellbdüy tor lymph .cavity l\ Figure 6.3 (a) The figure shows the brush work of sensNIa at the articulation of the second leg of the cockroach, Periptaneta amßficana. The thick cuticfe of the pjeuron (pi) thins to a delicate articular membrane and then thickens again to form the cuticle surrounding the coxa (ex), the first segment of the leg. The brush of sensilia forms a hairplate KÍHo|ir*nH.(U;loíu hmJ K™yraT»|ilw«)ornhe vibrational »ngs-or.V vírbítiíu. ��8230693797736776455445731379 Tympanální orgán Cvrček - holeň Saranče, motvl - zadeček Trachea f i í------Attachment V cell -------Sensory dendrite ------Scolopale cell ÍŠ) ~~~— Sheath cell •J- ^—Schwann cell Scolopidium sensory cell Sk. Sensory axon FIGURE 7-22 (A) A scolopidium of the locust auditory organ shows the complex structure of the sensory cells, their dendrite, and accessory scolopale and cap cells- (B) The tympanal organ of a bush cricket consists of a trachea and a complex group of sensory organs: the tympanal organ, the subgenual organ, and the in-lermetfiate organ. The crista acouslica of Ihc tympanal organ con-ps numerous scolopidia. (C) The scolopidial receptors of the crisfii acoustica of the bush cricket respond preferentially to specific frequencies. (D) There is a tonotopic organization of the sensory receptive areas for audition in the nervous system (anterior ring tract) of the bush cricket, {Modified from Otdfietd 1985; Lakes MMikmki 1990; Römer 1985.) {crista acoustical Tympanum Proximal Distal Crista Acoustica Tympanum Dendrite Epidermal cells Cap cell Scolopale Scolopale celf Sensory neuron Axons of auditory nerve jditory Ganglion Sen si I la Drum of tympanum Zvuková komunikace Důležitý je rytmus část křídla s pilníčkem rychlý záznam Osciloskopický záznam odhalil, jak vzniká nejlahodnější hmyzí zpěv, cvrkání cvrčka. Jednotlivé slabiky se skládají z několika pulsů čistého tónu, vzniklého zadrháváním řady zoubků pilníčku jednoho křídla o lištu druhého křídla. Wing fanning i Ultrasound production i Copulation attempt i Copulation Slit sensilla in spiders: positional and vibrational sensors Dendritic endings Female spiders must distinguish j to respond a WATER SURFACE CúCfclůflCtl -TflO?». Wind © W"H _■' '.'I.t many different vibrational signals tppropriately *—Male courtship signal Prey signal Wind (background) Prey signal (fly) Predator signal (fish) Scorpion prey detection using waves in sand W- mm pi^ LÍA V; ^ 4 l i— ~~i i fPpPPPwWWW re J--------1_____1 Ä" 1 1 rrffiTinniT rMr h i .IMHfaiÉ i____i ^^-^^ i Smite Vibrational wave transmission in sani Sotrrt» Jl - SflilfJ Surface waves f>70?ij 45-50 300400 -10l5an-L/r 0.300.40 < 40> - - l/f Batfy Maws (<3(Ei} Conpiessionaf fťp 140190 < 2000 <120 7-15an - l/ŕ < 1 - 2/ŕ Chemorecepce Pores Sensíllar sinus Dendrites Cuticle Tor möge n cell Nerve ceils Trichogen cell The cog e n celí äVCä>N*ÍS»NS\ N»Mxwv nosní dutina vzduch /WUWA/vu ^ tAA/tfiOAAA smyslová buňka ..- obratlovec čichová Diagramatické znázornění čichové sensily obratlovce a hmyzu představuje analogické struktury obou smyslových orgánů Pore at tip , Receptor lymph cavity Tormogen cell Trichogen cell Thecogen cell Dendrite Cuticle - Sensory neuron Axons Ante n na I morphology diversity fl. Ä "^M Ufc^^-- - y■ ^^^Éb*^vM Anatomy of an antennal sensilla Stimulus motecufe j Cuticle BP Sensilfurn lymph Receptor Pore tubule -^ r Esterase ^ inactive ^metabolite E BP oxidized BP oxidized Dendrite membrane Excitation of dendrite Cuticle Receptor potential Receptor Membrane of dendrite Specialist receptor Behavioral response Generalist Generalist receptor receptor _ K """"X \ Generalist Generalist \ \ receptor receptor Behavioral response Generalist receptor Generalist receptor olfactory receptor eurons terminate in antennal lobe from antenna smtennai honeybee mRfiii|!a lomeruli esDonses )dor ants' tructural »roperties chain length. 'esidues, )olarity etc.): »dor map Apis meflifera, *■■ antenna I lobe carbon chain length C-6 ___ C-7 ___ C-fl ___ C-a ___ C-10 i ,fy "d* %j v^ O 3D 4D 60 BO HXJU-response Inlpnslty Air source Stimulus molecules contained on paper Recording electrode Insect antenna Recording electrode Amplifier o o o o Oscilloscope Olfactory receptor neurons respond to odorants bombycot stimulus electro-antennogram i ŘÍMU Ell JU i JDI I TfH II Uli lín lÍTT sensory neurons -i Mimu im nun n - #4- +•« Anlh##ui potyphfmui —r -1 Odor is discontinuously distributed in air odor plume moth flight path nerv Chuťové sensily z konce mušího sosáku jsou dlouhé brvy s otvůrkem na konci. Teprve mikroskopický rez odhalí tri smyslové buňky v základu brvy, jejichž citlivé výběžky zasahují až ke špičce. s^iiuxtiiuT ssociated with hygro-eceptors in sensilla mbedded within the cuticle sensillum styloconicurn 10 .j"" StMnBivcM lane Pore-less sensillum Cuticle Sensory dendrites ^ 100 i— •a *X3 Time (sec) FIGURE 7-18 The "cold-moist-dry" triad sensory sensillum of the cockroach contains three bipolar sensory neurons; one neuron of the hygroreceptor responds to high humidity ("moist" receptor) and one to low humidity ("dry" receptor). The receptor cavity of the poreless sensillum is filled with a dense secretion. (Modified from Yokohari and Tateda 1976; Schalter 1978.) forest fires 1 mm MesocuľicJc EndocuTicle Sensory nůurorx Fiyurc 1 a> Diagram of Afčiiinophiitl (body length 10 mm). The infrared pit organs, situated next to the coxae of the middle Jegs, are completely exposed during flight. b. An infrared sensifluiru redrawn from ret 3. |Š7jnš]~ "'VVVV—v— —^IrVlr-V—V— "(33* nis ^rW'V^V™—"— lT7mg —m Wŕr w™i*r "ŕ? mg}- r- Jf_ —\r %w^T T '30 ma Figure 2 The responses of a neuron, recorded from the pic organ» to various infrared stimuli. Each trace shows the original response lo one stimulus. Horizontal bars indicate exposure times. Each (rial was repeated three limes. The number of act ion potentials decreases with decreasing stimulus duration; 2 ms was sufficient to generate a response. If che mirror was covered, no response was recorded at any of the infrared intensities and shutter speed* tested. pass infrared filter (50% cut-on at l.S juim) and neutr a I-de n si t y filters At a radiation intensity of 24 rnW cniJ: singie neurons Warm stimuli are probably perceived by non-specialized dendrites in the body-wall of Rhodniu Stefan Trenner Warmblooded animals emit infrared radiation ('heat') photograph: reflected light' (ca. 800-1200 Thermograph 'heat' (ca. 3000 -14000 nm) (a) Retinal plate (b) Eyecup (c) Camera eye (d) Compound eye Photoreceptors ' Cornea' lLens Cornea' ^Lens CILIARY LINE Vertebra t a RHABDOMERIC LINE Arthropode Onychophora 0169 aqu; (fish; \Kp eye pBippoďVnolluscs) pit eye (planarians, annelids mo single eye with concave mirror corneal lens eye (lerrg^Jm^/^fiebfates, spiders, ■ • apposition compound eye (diujkl insects, crus/aceans) basic compound eye (or%a few bivalve molluscs) reflect! [decapOj iperposition eye iters) refracting superposition eye (dim c.ivirVimentegi moth, krill) složené oko rohovka —: čočka ., wt Složené oko ^tnicové bunky hmyzu se skládá z mnoha omatldií, oddělených od sebe pigmentem. Každé omatidium má vlastní rohovku, čočku a sítnicovou tyčinku (rabdom) tvořenou osmi sítnicovými buňkami, jež přecházejí v nerv. corneal l^nj corneegenous ceJl crystalline lens rhabdom Obr. 77 retinuta četl pigment cell corn*41 lens corneagenous cell corneal fens F:M crystalline cone v-\ primary pigment cell ^corneagenous cell