Metabolismus a tráveni Odkud brát energii? Slunce, geotermální energie - závislost živočichů na producentech Mnohobuněčnost znamená větší povrch těla a vyšší metabolismus. log M [02/hod] 11 + 1ml| 1ul 1 1nl | 1pl i 1fl I + Endotermní Ektotermní 1 buněční 1pg 1ng 1ug 1mg 1g 1kg 1Gg log m Aerobní a anaerobní způsob získávání energie. Oxidatívni způsob převažuje. 0) o .2 co Ol CO Proteins I Amino acids = CoA U) CC —J co Fats I Fatty acids and glycerol Carbohydrates i Monosaccharides \s- Acetyl CoA ADP ATP Oxidative phosphorylation Oxygen Water Carbon dioxide FIGURE 6.19. Stages in the oxidation of food. In stage ]> proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are broken down into their constituents, [n stage 11 h these building blocks are reduced to two carbon molecules tor entry in the citric acid cycle. In stage [][, the two carbon molecules enter the citric acid cycle, with carbon dioxide and water produced along with the bulk of the energy transfer to ATP. Metabolický aktivní tkáně hmyzu Metabolismus sacharidů Glycogen PfX AIP© Cv,4o&<£ I u »,WcU<3vJtť\e^ OHft? # 6-^P *>.H. i cS*® AU^k' p.cAU. ta«tJ 4>A QtafeaWi v A°*© Glucose ADP-^I G lucose-6-phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate adpVt Fructose-1,6-diphosphate o ■R O £= O T? O € Lactate Pyruvate *- NADHj NAD Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glycerol-*" 3-phosphate 1,3-diphospho-glycerate ATP ADP Giycorof-3-pft osphatQ shuttle Mitochondrial membrane Citric acid cycle Di hydroxy acetone^ phosphate Glycerol-3-phosphate FADHj FAD i To cytochromes FIGURE 6.25. The glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle that operates in insect flight muscles. CC. Knewsi 4«eWÁ2c^ 5jp«íleli/ U4- TOVCOVíi 1&-E&0 <.€T*C.l AVAL- Metabolismus proteinů Moucha Tse-tse P vři iu ntp * A1 nni nr _j i jřl UVClItZ? ^ r i \HAl III |^ ■^ t l Oxaloacetate \ t N 1 NH, (i-ketoglutarate ř í-...........""" Glutamate t r roil n e < j Flight muscles FIGURE 6.29. Lipid reserves Glucose ^ Fatty acids »-Alanine—-—* Pyruvate +* j I Acetyl CoA / Oxaloacetate Citrate ct-ketoglutarate Glutamate i — Proline / : ; NhL Hemolymph Fat body Utilization of fat body proline for flight. Metabolismus lioidů Fat body ATP cAMP 3 """"V enzyme satiation Diacylglyceral Corpus cardiacum Flight muscle Muscle contraction Energy release Hemolymph _^ Free fatty acids '■-.. \ Flight muscle lipase l LeU.GA &V^\ 1 Glycerol Fatty acid carnitine Carnitine « Fatty acid CoA A Fatty acid H Diacylglycerol Fatty acid carnitine me^-j-Carnitine t Fatty acid CoA ß-oxidation K NADH FADHo Acetyl CoA To citric acid cycle 8 The entry of fatty acids into the mitochondrion, using carnitine for transport. x ^ i -i \3ôo'í J ^ 3og i- I J; \ ADO <5 4 <3* 3 AKH Trehalagoji Diglyceridc <: ty ---------------------™-^------------------ I Trehalagon AC / Ca*H AU* cAMP Glycogen ppK (active) Pha «---------Phb PPK (inactive) G-1-P i M'G O-ŕvP ^ -v ) T-6-P —^ Tře ha low - Fat body cell UDP h- Trehalose ■■■■"■ i Herno lymph FIGURE 11-25 Possible scheme for mode of action of adipokinetic hormone (AKH) in stimu-lating diglyccride production, and trehalagon in stimulating trehalose release from fat body cells. Abbreviations are as follows: AC, adenyl cyclase; TG, triglyceride; DG, diglyceride; PK, protein kinase; PPK, Phosphorylase kinase; Ph, Phosphorylase; G-l-P. glucose- 1-phos-phate; G-6-P, glucose-6-phosphate; UDPG, uridine diphosphophosphate: UDP, uridine diphosphate; T-6-P, trehalose-6-phosphate. (Modified from Steele 1985 J Metabolismus během diapauzy a quiescence Abso Mouth radu la rpti. Digestive Mucus Style Style Intestine gland cord sac (b) Crustacean In crustaceans, the cuticle of the anterior stomach chamber sometimes bears ridges or teeth; used in the gastric mill _y S-Foregut The cuticle of the posterior stomach chamber bears fine cuticular bristles (setae) that strain materials on their way to the midgut. , ^Midgut > Hin d gut -V------------------ti -----------------------------------------------------------------------------^ The tan-colored lining in theforegut and hindgut symbolizes 1 that those parts of the digestive system are lined with cuticle {continuous with the integumentary cuticle). they constitute lum of animals! of arthropods (including crabf t ion in insects lar. Another si| groups^ food \A muscular con tri Morphology or crustacean hindgut, althoil homology or q parts of vertebrates. The: parts of the digestive frac| lined with a thin chit i m foregut and hm d g ill ha v J synthesize chitinous exosl ťrf-sm insŕrl r>ľ rriKtnrŕrin Gastric shield ; , Extracellular digestion style enzymes Stomach Crystalline style Style sac with cilia driving turning of style Figure 4.17 The st In bivalve molluscs, si stomach and associa diverticula are the m of the digestive systq species,digestion oc epithelial cells of the| ticulaXertaincifiary particles to those ep the stomach; other c waste particles from thestomach.Thedic the clam is presentee] lyxnot realistically, Epithelium of digestive diverticulum J Lumen of digestive diverticulum Digestive diverticula v. Certain ciliary tracts bring food particles into each digestive diverticulum, whereas other ciliary tracts carry waste particles out of the diverticulum. KEY —¥ Motion driven by cilia A Food particle • Waste particle Intracellular digestion in an epithelial cell of a digestive diverticulum ... and the waste particles are returned totheiumen of the diverticulum for ultimate defecation. After food is digested within a cell, the useful digestion products enter the blood.,. stomach. Food particles from the midgut also end creasT and much extracellular digestion and absorl in the hepatopancreas- In addition, the cells of thl play important storage and sequestration roles- lii are stored in the hep a to pancreas* and toxins may [ hepatopancreas cells. Current evidence indies patopancreas is both the principal source of digj crustaceans and the principal site of nutrient abst THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM OF BIVALVE MOLLUSCS The bl which include clams, mussels, oysters, and seal! outstanding examole of how verv different, from Figure 4.12 The reef-building corals of warm waters need light because they are symbiotic with algae Reef-building corals (a) are colonies of polyps (b) that secrete skeletal material.The polyps of warm-water species maintain a symbiosis with dinoflagellate algae (zooxanthetlae). In addition to gaining nutrition from afgal photosynthesis, polyps have stinging cells with nematocysts and use them to capture small animals, which are taken into the gas-trovascular cavity for absorption and digestion. (*) Tentacle Mouth About a dozen polyps Epidermis Gastrovascular cavity Gastrodermis with algal cella The algal populations live in the gastrodermis. P ho to synthetic products from the algae pass directly to the animal celts in each polyp. A single polyp in cross section exemplified by the giant clams, the young start without symbionts and become "infected" with them during ear]y development. All animals that depend on algal symbionts for nutrition must ensure that their symbionts receive adequate light for photosynthe- S042 rs reduced to 5r by complex reactions under heat and pressure. Heated water containing H2S rises to be spewed out in plumes. Blood circulates between the gills and the trophosome, carrying 02 and H2S from seawater to the bacterial symbionts, and carrying oxidized sulfur products (such as S042"] from the symbionts back to the gilis for loss into the seawater. H.5 Blood vessels Tube Bacteria En the trophosome obtain energy for the synthesis of organic compounds by oxidizing the reduced sulfur in H3Stoform compounds such as SO42 .Organic compounds made by the bacteria pass to the animal ceils of the worm, Foregut Midgut Hindgut Esophagus Proven triculus Crop \ Mjd9ut Ileum Rectum Pharynx Salivary Pre-oral cavity gland Gastric caecum „ . Malpighian Pentrophic tuKb^ matrix ^Labium Hypopharynx uU*ä.» - v)^v)c