Nervový system (a) Sea an enom e (b) Sea star (c) Fl at worm Radial ^J\\^__ nerve / \ ^šp rine [// \\ ^ Brain ring Transverse nerve Cnidarianshave radial symmetry and diffuse nervous systems based on nerve nets. EchinodeiTTi nervous systems are simple, perhaps because of their radial symmetry. (d) Squid Nerve trunk Flatworms (platyhelminths) have bilateral symmetry and show both centralization with a ladderlike central nervous system and cephalization with a brain at the anterior end. Funkční diferenciace uvnitř buněk Shlukování, ganglia, neuropile Centralizace, hierarchizace Cefalizace (ä) Squid Optical ganglion (e) Earthworm (f) Human Brain Segmental ganglion Ventral nerve cord Molluscan nervous systems vary between groups, but squids and octopuses (like vertebrates) have well-centralized nervous systems dominated by a íarge brain, Annelid nervous systems consist of a small brain and ventral nerve cord, with each segmental ganglion largely responsible for sensory ar\ä motor functions within the segment. Brain and spinal cord are the central nervous sytam Nerves of peripheral nervous svtem Figure 10.4 Nervous systems of different phyla (a}Jhe sea anemone (phylum Cnidaria) has a nerve net. (b) The nervous system of a sea star (phylum Echinodermata) is radially symmetrical(c-f) FSatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) (c),squids {phylum Mollusca) {d)tearthworms (phylum Annelida) remand humans {phylum Chordata) Wall display central nervous systems that feature brains. concentration and ganglia fusion hypothelicai (a) Dorsal view of the central nervous system (b) Cross section of a ganglion ,/Tract Brain Circum esophageal connective Connectives Nerves Commissure Neuropils Neuron cell bodies CraniaK nerves Spinal -í nerves Oddělení těl a spojů Brain Figure 10,6 Tf system (a) A shown in dors; cells and axon: histological di\ gray matter an Spinal cord (b) Cross section of the spinal cord ^Segmented nerves Dorsal root^ The gray matter consists of cell bodies, synapses, and unmyelinated neural processes. The white matter consists of tracts of myelinated axons. Segmental ner\ system conned dorsal roots ant arthropod frend rites Soma AkOii vertebrate mterneurons arthropod vertebrate motor neurons Neurilema Perineurium ^_ \ Nervosvalové spojení Neuropile bezobratlých - krevně mozková bariéra 200 mys Types of neurons sensory (afferents) interneurons local projection motor (efferents) neurosecretory eurosekrece Neurotransmittery (Ach, dopamin, histamín. GABi^ Neuromodulátory (proctolin, octopamin) ^■jfilb uHoh Himnrli Viscerální, sympatický NS hmyzu Stomatogastrický Nepárové mediální ventrál nervy Kaudální symp. sst Ucelárni výběžky Neurosekretoric neurony Oko NADJÍCNOVĚ GANGLlUIvl Tykadlově nervy Stomatogastrický system Hou bové těleso ra cardiaca allata PUDJICNOVE GANGLlUM Mozek hmyzu Autonomie vs. centrální řízení (inhibice) Ucelární výběžky T Neurosekretoric neurony NADJÍCNOVÉ GANGLlUIvl Tykadlově nervy Stomatogastrický system Oko Hou bové těleso Corpora cardiaca allata PODJICNUVE GANGLlUIvl Schistocerca gregaria i) íl\ :C Manduca sexta PB CBUCBL ,YL LAL Fig. 1: Neuropil structures in the insect brain. A. Frontal diagram of the brain of the locust Schistocerca gregaria. B. Horizontal view of the brain of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. In both figures the left optic lobe has been omitted. The optic lobe consists of the lamina (La), the medulla (Me), and the lobula complex (Lo). In the moth, the lobula plate (LP) can be distinguished from the lobula proper. Subdivisions of the mushroom body are the calyx (Ca), the pedunculus (P), and the a- and ß-lobe (aL, bL). In the locust mushroom body, an accessory calyx (ACa) and, in the moth, a secondary pedunculus (SP), a ^lobe (gL), and a Y-lobe (YL) are present. The central complex consists of the upper and lower division of the central body (CBU, CBL) and the protocerebral bridge (PB). In A, the antennal, the ocellar and the labro-frontal nerves (AN, ON, LFN) are shown. Other brain areas: AL, antennal lobe; AOTu, anterior optic tubercle; LAL, lateral accessory lobe; LH, lateral horn of the protocerebrum; TC, tri-tocerebrum. Scale bar: 200 u.m. 130 um Where is memory located in the honey bee brain? Drosophila br< L W ■ •#■' * í ^»řw (e 12000 ain anatom mushroom bodies —- A*»* i 0 2001Z1S