You observe a population decrease in a duck species. You perform a life-history study with post-breeding census and find that duck has birth-pulse breeding. You obtain the following data: Make simple population projections in POPULUS. Create transition matrix in R and find stable class distribution and reproductive values. Perform sensitivity analysis to identify important processes. Suggest a conservation plan. x lx mx mortality 0 1 0 racoons 1 0.2 2 foxes 2 0.1 3 paras ite 3 0.03 5 virus 4 0.002 1 old age 5 0 A<-matrix(c(0.4,1.5,1.5,0.07,0, 0.2,0,0,0,0, 0,0.5,0,0,0, 0,0,0.3,0,0, 0,0,0,0.07,0),nrow=5,byrow=T);A L<-eigen(A) L1<-max(Re(L$values)) w<-Re(L$vectors[,1]);w scd<-w/sum(w);scd M<-eigen(t(A));M v<-Re(M$vectors[,1]);v RV<-v/v[1];RV s<-v%*%t(w) ss<-s/as.numeric(v%*%w);ss e<-ss*(A/L1);e A mouse species has spread dramatically. You perform a lifehistory study and find that it breeds continuously. So you distinguish age classes based upon 3-months intervals. You obtain the following data: Estimate R0 and T. Predict how the population size would change in another 10 years using initial population structure (2, 30, 10, 5) using transition matrix from POPULUS. How will r change if you subsequently halve each age-specific survival? Suggest a management plan to control mouse population. x lx mx 0 1 0 1 0.8 5 2 0.5 12 3 0.3 4 x<-c(0,1,2,3) lx<-c(1,0.8,0.5,0.3) mx<-c(0,5,12,4) R0<-sum(lx*mx);R0 T<-sum(x*lx*mx)/R0;T A<-matrix(c(6.15,6.51,1.8,0, 0.72,0,0,0, 0,0.62,0,0, 0,0,0.37,0),nrow=4,byrow=T);A L<-eigen(A); r<-log(max(Re(L$values))); r N0<-c(2,30,10,5) N1<-A%*%N0;N1 years<-10 Nt<-matrix(0,nrow=nrow(A),ncol=years+1) Nt[,1]<-N0 for(i in 1:years) Nt[,i+1]<-A%*%Nt[,i] matplot(0:years,t(Nt),type="l") legend(2,4e+9,c(1:4),lty=1:4,col=1:4) A1<-replace(A,c(1,2),c(3.07,0.36)) L1<-eigen(A1); log(max(Re(L1$values))) A2<-replace(A,c(5,7),c(3.25,0.31)) L2<-eigen(A2); log(max(Re(L2$values))) A3<-replace(A,c(9,12),c(0.9,0.18)) L3<-eigen(A3); log(max(Re(L3$values))) Stano Pekár,,Populační ekologie živočichů" dN = Nr dt model is based on the assumption that development rate is a linear function of temperature valid for the region of moderate temperatures (15-25°) at low temperatures organisms die due to coldness, and at high temperatures organisms die due to overheating T .. development time (days) v .. rate of development = 1/ T tmin .. lower temperature limit .. temperature at which development rate = 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature Developmentrate ET.. effective temperature .. developmental temperature = t - tmin S .. degree-days .. number of days required to complete development .. do not depend on temperature = T*ET tmin and S can be estimated from the regression line of v = a + b tmin : S : b a t -=min +=-= b a tTttTS )( min btav T + == 11 bta b at S + + = b S 1 = 0min =+ bta accumulated degree-days (S) are equal to area under temperature curve restricted to the interval between current temperature and tmin for temperatures between tmin and tmax (upper threshold) several different non-linear models (Briere, Lactin, etc.) allow to estimate topt (optimum temperature) easy to interpret for experiments with constant temperature instead of using average temperature, use actual temperature because below and above ET model is non-linear Briere et al. (1999) v .. rate of development (=1/T) t .. experimental temperature tmin .. low temperature threshold tmax .. upper temperature threshold Optimum temperature: parameters are estimated using non-linear regression tttttav -×-××= maxmin )( 10 1691634 maxmin 2 min 2 maxminmax tttttt topt -+++ = Lactin et al. (1995) v .. rate of development t .. experimental temperature tm, , , .. constants tmax and tmin can be estimated from the formula: topt can be estimated from the first derivative: +-= - )( tt t t m m eev +-= - )( 0 tt t t m m ee )(1 0 - - × × +-= TT T T m m ee In the laboratory the development of Diprion pini was studied. Seven temperatures were used. For each temperature the development time (T) of the complete development were recorded: Estimate the minimum development temperature (tmin) and the degreedays (S) using the linear model. t (°C) T 5 - 10 200 15 100 20 60 25 40 30 30 35 35 t<-c(5,10,15,20,25,30,35) T<-c(0,200,100,60,40,30,35) v<-1/T m<-lm(v~t,subset=2:6) m abline(m) 0.010667/0.001433 1/0.001433 A study on aphids, Myzus persicae, revealed that tmin = 10 and S = 100. The aphids just laid eggs. Average day temperatures during the following two weeks were as follows: 15, 18, 25, 23, 24, 18, 17, 15, 18, 15, 22, 25, 26, 21. Estimate on which day the development of aphids was complete? t<-c(15, 18, 25, 23, 24, 18, 17, 15, 18, 15, 22, 25, 26, 21) ET<-t-10 sum(ET) sum(ET[1:10]) sum(ET[1:11]) Effect of temperature on the development of Nephus includens was studied in the laboratory using a range of temperatures. Use Briere`s and Lactin`s model to find models of development against temperature and to estimate optimum temperature. Plot the estimated models to the data. t T 18 23.5 20 18.5 22 13 25 7.3 28 5.5 30 5 32 10.9 t<-c(18,20,22,25,28,30,32) T<-c(23.5,18.5,13,7.3,5.5,5,10.9) v<-1/T m1<-nls(v~exp(rho*t)-exp(rho*Tm-(Tm-t)/delta)+lambda, start=c(rho=0,Tm=30,delta=1,lambda=0)) summary(m1) library(rootSolve) topt1<-uniroot(function(x) 0.01*exp(0.01*x)(0.01+1/0.7)*exp(0.01*33.7-(33.7-x)/0.7),lower=0,upper=40); topt1 x<-seq(15,40,0.1) plot(t,v,xlim=c(10,35),ylim=c(0,0.25)) lines(x,predict(m1,list(t=x))) m2<-nls(v~a*t*(t-tmin)*sqrt(tmax-t), start=c(a=0.1,tmin=10,tmax=35)) summary(m2) topt2<-(4*32.6+3*17+sqrt(16*32.6^2+9*17^2-16*32.6*17))/10; topt2 lines(x,predict(m2,list(t=x)),lty=2)