Stano Pekár"Populační ekologie živočichů" dN = Nr dt + + .. mutualism (plants and pollinators) 0 + .. commensalism (saprophytism, parasitism, phoresis) - + .. predation (herbivory, parasitism), Batesian mimicry - 0 .. amensalism (allelopathy) - - .. competition Increase Neutral Decrease Increase + + Neutral 0 + 0 0 Decrease + - - 0 - Effect of species 1 on fitness of species 2 Effectofspecies2on fitnessofspecies1 based on the logistic model of Lotka (1925) and Volterra (1926) species 1: N1, K1, r1 species 2: N2, K2, r2 + -= 1 21 11 1 1 K NN rN dt dN + -= 2 21 22 2 1 K NN rN dt dN -= K N Nr dt dN 1 assumptions: - all parameters are constant - individuals of the same species are identical - environment is homogenous, differentiation of niches is not possible - only exact compensation is present total competitive effect (intra + inter-specific) (N1+ N2) where .. coefficient of competition = 0 .. no interspecific competition < 1 .. species 2 has lower effect on species 1 than species 1 on itself = 0.5 .. one individual of species 1 is equivalent to 0.5 individuals of species 2) = 1 .. both species has equal effect on the other one > 1 .. species 2 has greater effect on species 1 than species 1 on itself species 1: species 2: if competing species use the same resource then interspecific competition is equal to intraspecific + -= 2 2121 22 2 1 K NN rN dt dN + -= 1 2121 11 1 1 K NN rN dt dN examination of the model behaviour on a phase plane used to describe change in any two variables in coupled differential equations by projecting orthogonal vectors identification of isoclines: a set of abundances for which the growth rate is 0 N1 N2 K1 0= dt dN N1 N2 K2 species 1 species 2 0< dt dN 0< dt dN 0> dt dN 0> dt dN species 1 r1N1 (1 - [N1 + 12N2] / K1) = 0 r1N1 ([K1 - N1 - 12N2] / K1) = 0 if r1, N1 , K1 = 0 and if K1 - N1 - 12N2 = 0 then N1 = K1 - 12N2 if N1 = 0 then N2 = K1/12 if N2 = 0 then N1 = K1 species 2 r2N2 (1 - [N2 + 21 N1] / K2) = 0 N2 = K2 - 21N1 if N2 = 0 then N1 = K2/21 if N1 = 0 then N2 = K2 above isocline i1 and below i2 competition is weak in-between i1 and i2 competition is strong N1 N2 K2 K1 21 2 K 12 1 K 1. Species 2 drives species 1 to extinction K and determine the model behaviour disregarding initial densities species 2 (stronger competitor) will outcompete species 1 (weaker competitor) K1 = K2 12 > 2112 1 2 K K > 21 2 1 K K < N1 N2 K2 K1 12 1 K 21 2 K time 0 species 2 species 1 N K r1 = r2 N01 = N02 2. Species 1 drives species 2 to extinction species 1 (stronger competitor) will outcompete species 2 (weaker competitor) 12 1 2 K K < 21 2 1 K K > N1 N2 K2 K1 12 1 K 21 2 K K1 = K2 12 < 21 r1 = r2 N01 = N02 time 0 species 1 species 2 N K 3. Stable coexistence of species disregarding initial densities both species will coexist at stable equilibrium (where isoclines cross) at at equilibrium population density of both species is reduced both species are weak competitors K1 = K2 12, 21 < 1 N1 N2 K2 K1 12 1 K 21 2 K stable equilibrium 0 species 1 species 2 time N K 12 1 2 K K < 21 2 1 K K < r1 < r2 N01 = N02 one species will drive other to extinction depending on the initial conditions coexistence for a short time both species are strong competitors 4. Competitive exclusion r1 = r2 K1 = K2 N1 N2 K2 K1 12 1 K 21 2 K 12 1 2 K K > 21 2 1 K K > N01 < N02 0 species 2 species 1 time N K2 12, 21 > 1 N01 > N02 0 species 1 species 2 time N K1 when Tribolium and Oryzaephilus were reared separately both species increased to 420-450 individuals (= K) when reared together Tribolium reached K1 = 360, while Oryzaephilus K2 = 150 individuals combination resulted in more efficient conversion of grain (K12 = 510 individuals) three combinations of densities converged to the same stable equilibrium prediction of Lotka-Volterra model is correct Tribolium versus Oryzaephilus N1 Tribolium N2Oryzaephilus K1 K2 0 1 2 3 1: N1 < N2 2: N1 = N2 3: N1 > N2 Crombie (1947) equilibrium - + = 1 ,212,1 1 1 ,11,1 K NN r tt tt eNN - + = 2 ,121,2 2 1 ,21,2 K NN r tt tt eNN dynamic regression analysis is used to estimate parameters from abundances tt t t cNbNa N N ,2,1 ,1 1,1 ln ++= + ar = 1 121 ,2 1 1 1,1 ,1 1,1 ln K r N K r Nr N N tt t t --= + b r K -= r Kc -= 2 212 ,1 2 2 1,2 ,2 1,2 ln K r N K r Nr N N tt t t --= + tt t t cNbNa N N ,1,2 ,2 1,2 ln ++= + solution of the differential model: Two species of Tribolium beetles were kept together in a jar with flour. Their densities were recorded once a week. The following abundances were observed: A: 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16 B: 20, 18, 16, 11, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 1. Estimate r1, r2, K1, K2, 12, 21. 2. Simulate the dynamics using estimated parameters and initial densities of 20 individuals for each species within POPULUS. 3. Find such combinations of r1, r2 and 12, 21 so that the two species would coexist. a<-c(10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16) b<-c(20, 18, 16, 11, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1) a1<-a[-1]/a[-12] b1<-b[-1]/b[-12] summary(lm(log(a1)~a[-12]+b[-12])) 0.60443/0.02992 20.20154*0.04106/0.60443 summary(lm(log(b1)~b[-12]+a[-12])) 0.399980/0.005052 79.1726*0.011438/0.399980 Two species of spiders, Pardosa and Ero, occur together and were found to feed on the following prey: 1. Estimate and plot niche breadth for each species. 2. Estimate niche overlap (a12, a21) for each species. 3. Simulate the population dynamic of the two species using estimated 12, 21 and given r1=0.7, r2=0.8, K1=300, K2=200, N01=20, N02=20. = = n k kp 1 2 1 breadth = 2 1 21 12 k kk p pp a = 2 2 21 21 k kk p pp a Araneae Collembola Isopoda Hemiptera Ensifera Pardosa 0.61 0.15 0.12 0.07 0.05 Ero 0.93 0.05 0.01 0 0.01 Par<-c(0.61,0.15,0.12,0.07,0.05) Ero<-c(0.93,0.05,0.01,0,0.01) both<-rbind(Par,Ero) barplot(both,beside=T,legend.text=c("Par","Ero")) 1/sum(Par^2) 1/sum(Ero^2) a12<-sum(Par*Ero)/sum(Par^2); a12 a21<-sum(Par*Ero)/sum(Ero^2); a21 comp<-function(t,y,param){ N1<-y[1] N2<-y[2] with(as.list(param),{ dN1.dt<-r1*N1*(1-(N1+a12*N2)/K1) dN2.dt<-r2*N2*(1-(N2+a21*N1)/K2) return(list(c(dN1.dt,dN2.dt)))})} N1<-20;N2<-20 param<-c(r1=0.7,r2=0.8,a12=1.4,a21=0.7,K1=300,K2=200) time<-seq(0,50,0.1) library(deSolve) out<-data.frame(ode(c(N1,N2),time,comp,param)) matplot(time,out[,-1],type="l",lty=1:2,col=1) legend("right",c("N1","N2"),lty=1:2)