Stano Pekár"Populační ekologie živočichů" dN = Nr dt instead of concentration on profitable patches perspective predators and prey may play " hide-and-seek" Huffaker (1958): Typhlodromus fed upon Eotetranychus that fed upon oranges - Eotetranychus maintained fluctuating density - addition of Typhlodromus led to extinction of both Experimental setup Eotetranychus population dynamic Predator-prey dynamic making environment patchy - by placing Vaseline barriers - facilitating dispersal by adding sticks each patch was unstable but whole cosmos was stable - patch with prey only rapid increase of prey - patches with predators only rapid death of predator - patches with both predator consumed prey Sustained oscillations of the predator-prey systemAltered experimental setup microparasites undergo population growth within host epidemiology - predicts rates of disease spread - predicts expected level of infection used to simulate spread of a disease (viruses, bacteria) and parasites in the human population or in the biological control model suggested by Kermack & McKendrick (1927), later developed by Anderson & May (1980, 1981) 3-component system: susceptible (S), infected (I) and recovered/immune (R) individuals systems may include vectors (V) and pathogens (P) - malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, hosts become infected only when they have contact with the vector - the number of vectors carrying the pathogens is important - such system is further composed of uninfected and infected vectors recovered hosts may have long-life immunity transmission might be vertical, horizontal or both Susceptible S Infected I Recovered R death death death d d+d birth b bb loss of immunity recoverytransmission RISN ++= N .. total population of host RSIdSbN dt dS +--= IdSI dt dI )( ++-= RdI dt dR )( +-= dt dR dt dI dt dS dt dN ++= IrN dt dN -= b .. host birth rate =1/host life-span d .. host mortality due to other causes .. disease-induced mortality .. transmission rate .. rate of loosing immunity = 1/disease duration .. recovery rate of infected hosts S.. density-dependent transmission function R = dead + resistant individuals prevalence =1/N SIR model where dbr -= outbreak (epidemics) will occur if i.e. when density is high - making the population size small will halt the spread - vaccination of S will stop disease spread if fast biocontrol effect is achieved only with viruses with high low host population is achieved with pathogens with lower S 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 mothdensity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 %infected moth infected Population dynamic of a moth and the associated granulosis virus. Disease outbreaks Develop an optimal foraging model for a predator (shrew) that minimises time for prey capture - it attempts to acquire most food (worms or beetles) in the shortest time. Find under which conditions his foraging strategy is optimal if you know that handling time of a worm is 10 s, handling time of a beetle is 90 s, abundance of worms is 0.005- 0.03 per sec and abundance of beetles is 0.0025-0.06 per sec. aw .. abundance of worms per second ab .. abundance of beetles per second Ts .. searching time Th .. handling time p .. probability of being a prey tw .. handling time of a single worm = 10 ta .. handling time of a single beetle = 90 Shrew moves through a habitat with both worms and beetles. The total foraging time (T) = searching + handling time Searching time: the more prey, the shorter time to find it: The probability that shrew encounters a worm is Handling time for worms is and for beetles The average time to find and capture a prey is bw w w aa a p + = w bw w h t aa a T × + = bw s aa T + = 1 b bw b w bw w bw t aa a t aa a aa T × + +× + + + = 1 b bw b h t aa a T × + = hs TTT += aw<-seq(0.005,0.03,0.001) ab<-aw t1<-1/(aw+ab)+10*aw/(aw+ab)+90*ab/(aw+ab) plot(aw,t1) ab<-0.5*aw t2<-1/(aw+ab)+10*aw/(aw+ab)+90*ab/(aw+ab) lines(aw,t2) ab<-2*aw t3<-1/(aw+ab)+10*aw/(aw+ab)+90*ab/(aw+ab) lines(aw,t3,lty=2) Three diseases has occurred in a population: measles, cholera and mononucleosis. You know values of the following parameters: Use the SIR model with 999 susceptible and 1 infected individual at the start and determine: 1. Which disease results in epidemics (more than 50% infected)? 2. Will any of the diseases persist in a population? 3. If so what proportion of population will be infected? 4. When the epidemics will reoccur? Use POPULUS Infectious microparasitic disease model with densitydependent transmission. b d alpha beta gamma v measles 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.75 cholera 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.8 mononucleosis 0.01 0.01 0.25 0.05 0.01 0.2