Stano Pekár"Populační ekologie živočichů" dN = Nr dt Spatial ecology - describes changes in spatial pattern over time processes - colonisation / immigration and local extinction / emigration local populations are subject to continuous colonisation and extinction wildlife populations are fragmented Two approaches: landscape ecology - focus on communities at large geographic scale metapopulation ecology - focus on metapopulations Metapopulation - a population consisting of many local populations (sub-populations) connected by migrating individuals with discrete breeding opportunities (not patchy populations) population density changes also in space for migratory animals (salmon) seasonal movement is the dominant cause of population change movement of individuals between patches can be density-dependent distribution of individuals have three basic models: most populations in nature are aggregated (clumped) Regular distribution regular distribution is described by hypothetical uniform distribution n .. is number of samples x .. is category of counts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) all samples have similar probability mean: variance: for regular distribution: n xP 1 )( = )1( 2 1 += n )1( 12 1 22 -= n 2 > random distribution is described by hypothetical Poisson distribution .. is expected value of individuals x .. is category of counts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) probability of x individuals at a given area usually decreases with x observed and expected frequencies are compared using 2 statistics for random distribution: ! )( x e xP x - = Random distribution 2 = aggregated distribution is described by hypothetical negative binomial distribution .. is expected value of individuals x .. is category of counts (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) k .. degree of clumping, the smaller k (0) the greater degree of clumping approximate value of k: exact value is estimated iteratively for aggregated: Coefficient of dispersion (CD) CD < 1 ... uniform distribution CD = 1 ... random distribution CD > 1 ... aggregated distribution xk kkx xk k xP +- -+ -= - )!1(! )!1( 1)( - 2 2 k Aggregated distribution x s CD 2 = 2 < first model developed by MacArthur and Wilson (1967) the theory: - does not predict stable populations - there is ongoing colonisation and stochastic extinction - species composition is continually changing but the total number of species is constant - colonisation-extinction equilibrium - mainland serves as continuous source of migrants mainland larger islands/areas support more species Darlington's rule = tenfold increase in area result in double increase of species S .. number of species A .. island area c, z .. constants larger area contain more habitat types larger habitats support larger populations (lower probability of extinction) 1 ln(area[ha]) ln(speciesnumber) 10 10000 Specie-area relationship for breeding land-birds of the West Indies Gotelli & Abele (1982) y = 0.94 + 0.11x Species-area relationship )ln()ln()ln( AzcS += z cAS = slope of the regression line for islands ranges between 0.24-0.34 for ants, birds, plants, etc. species diversity is a function of sampled size and habitat diversity slope of linear regression ranges for inland between 0.12-0.17 there is exchange of organisms with surrounding areas, not isolated as islands Number of plant species found in sampled areas of England 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 sample area no.ofspecies Number of amphibians & reptiles on West Indies islands MacArthur & Wilson (1967) Levins (1969) distinguished between dynamics of a single population and a set of local populations which interact via individuals moving among populations Hanski (1997) developed the theory the degree of isolation may vary depending on the distance among patches unlike growth models that focus on population size, metapopulation models concern persistence of a population - ignore fate of a single subpopulation and focus on fraction of sub-population sites occupied assumptions - sub-populations are identical in size, distance, resources, etc. - extinction and colonisation are independent of p - many patches are available equilibrium is found for dp/dt = 0 - sub-populations will persist only if colonisation is larger than extinction - all patches can not be occupied eppmp dt dp --= )1( m e m em p -= = 1* Levins model p .. proportion of patches occupied m .. colonisation rate e .. extinction rate Time p 0.5 0.1 )1()1( peppcp dt dp ---= )1()(0 ppec --= Hanski model - ,,core-satellite" p .. proportion of patches occupied c .. external colonisation rate e .. extinction rate e decreases with increasing p .. ep(1-p) - rescue effect - re-colonisation of sites on verge of extinction equilibrium is found for dp/dt = 0 - if c > e .. all sites will be occupied - stable equilibrium - if c < e .. extinction - stable equilibrium - if c = e .. stable equilibrium Time p 1 0 In a field the abundance of spiders was studied by means of 20 pitfall traps. The following counts were recorded: 0, 0, 1, 5, 7, 0, 1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 1, 8, 1, 1 1. Is the distribution of spiders in the field random or aggregated? 2. If aggregated, what is the coefficient of dispersion (CD) and the degree of aggregation (k)? = - = I i i x xx 1 2 2 )( ab<-c(0, 0, 1, 5, 7, 0, 1, 1, 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 1, 8, 1, 1) table(ab) hist(ab) mean(ab) chi<-sum((ab-1.8)^2/1.8);chi 1-pchisq(60.67,19) chisq.test(ab) var(ab) CD<-var(ab)/mean(ab); CD k<-mean(ab)^2/(var(ab)-mean(ab)); k library(MASS) fitdistr(ab,"negative binomial") A new protected area, 48 700 ha large, is going to be established. You need to know expected number of mammal species that occur in this new area before species inventory will be performed. 1. Use information from surrounding areas to estimate the expected species richness. 2. The minimum number of species that a protected area must have is 90. How large you expect the new protected area must be? Area [ha] Species 224 24 740 39 1720 45 4304 56 10806 71 34931 80 area<-c(224, 740, 1720, 4304, 10806, 34931) spec<-c(24, 39, 45, 56, 71, 80) plot(area,spec) plot(log(area),log(spec)) lm(log(spec)~log(area)) exp(2.0211+0.2352*log(48700)) There are two sub-populations of deer. One has 100 and the other 5 individuals. The first one has exploited its resources so their finite rate of population increase (1) is 0.8. The other has a lot of resources, therefore their 2 = 1.2. There is a possible rate of exchange (d) between sub-populations. 1. Use discrete density-independent models to simulate fate of populations that are not connected, i.e. d = 0. 2. Simulate the dynamics of the two sub-populations for 20 years with various levels of exchange, d = 0.1 to 1. ttt dNdNN ,2,111,1 )1( +-=+ ttt dNdNN ,1,221,2 )1( +-=+ N12<-data.frame(N1<-numeric(1:20),N2<-numeric(1:20)) N12[,1]<-100 N12[,2]<-5 d=0 for(t in 1:20) N12[t+1,]<-{ N1<-0.8*((1-d)*N12[t,1]+d*N12[t,2]) N2<-1.2*((1-d)*N12[t,2]+d*N12[t,1]) c(N1,N2)} matplot(N12, type="l",lty=1:2) d=0.2 for(t in 1:20) N12[t+1,]<-{ N1<-0.8*((1-d)*N12[t,1]+d*N12[t,2]) N2<-1.2*((1-d)*N12[t,2]+d*N12[t,1]) c(N1,N2)} matplot(N12, type="l",lty=1:2) d=0.8 for(t in 1:20) N12[t+1,]<-{ N1<-0.8*((1-d)*N12[t,1]+d*N12[t,2]) N2<-1.2*((1-d)*N12[t,2]+d*N12[t,1]) c(N1,N2)} matplot(N12, type="l",lty=1:2)