Radiation damage in diopside and calcite crystals from uranothorianite inclusions Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume a, , Jean-Marc Montel a , Richard Wirth b , Bernard Moine a a LMTG, CNRS, Université de Toulouse, IRD, OMP, 14 avenue Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France b GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam-Division 4, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Accepted 12 April 2008 Keywords: Pleochroic halo Radiation damage Uranothorianite Calcite Diopside FIB/TEM Alteration Combining observation and simulation, radiohalos formed around uranothorianite (UTh) from the Tranomaro granulitic skarns (SE-Madagascar) were studied. These structures consist of UTh grains surrounded by both aluminous diopside (Cpx) and calcite (Cc1) crystals. Optical microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images revealed (1) the presence of radiating cracks around the UTh probably due to swelling of the metamict UTh, (2) a diffuse optical halo at the Cc1/UTh interface, and (3) a wide "reaction zone" at the Cpx/UTh interface, composed of "secondary calcite" (Cc2) with low temperature sheet silicate from the smectite () group. Samples prepared across various interfaces using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) were investigated by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). In contrast to SEM observations, there is no direct contact between Cc1 and UTh. From Cc1 to UTh, we found: (1) a large (~200­300 nm) amorphous zone (A), enriched in U, Th and Ca, but without Si; (2) a chain (B) of very small (~20 nm) ThO2 crystals; (3) another amorphous zone (C), which, in contrast to zone A is enriched in Si; and (4) another zone (D) made of small amorphous Si-rich "bubbles". The organization is similar for the UTh­Cc2 interface. The presence of hydrous minerals (smectite) and carbonate (calcite) in reaction zone and in cracks, the presence of Pb-rich inclusions in secondary calcite, the abundance of fluid inclusions in the porous layer in calcite, the dissociation of U and Th in the calcite­uranothorianite layer, and the ThO2 chains along interfaces, are strong indications that lowtemperature crystallization was promoted by a fluid phase. SRIM simulation was used to calculate the effect of and recoil particles of the three decay chains, in Cpx, Cc and UTh. The thickness of the damaged area calculated for in Cpx and Cc are similar to the widths of the recrystallized areas observed in thin section (~30 m). Corrected with the "wandering recoil effect", the size of the damaged area calculated for recoil nuclei in Cc (~50­60 nm) is ~multiplied by 3 and is in rather good agreement with the thickness of the totally amorphous layer at the Cc­UTh interface (~200 nm). Finally, it is emphasized that radiohalos are a point of chemical and physical weakness in a rock and probably a starting point for alteration. 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction During geological time, U- and Th-rich minerals accumulate radiation damage, mainly from decay. Such damage destroys to a variable extent the host crystal network, leading to an amorphous structure, called metamict state (summary in Ewing, 1994). Damage is caused by three types of particles. First, particles, which are energetic (4­8 MeV), penetrative, (10­20 m), but not very destructive (about 100 displacement/particle); second, recoil nuclei (daughter nuclei), which are less energetic (100­400 keV), less penetrative (20­ 50 nm), but more destructive (800­2000 displacement/particle); finally, fission nuclei, which are very energetic (150­200 MeV), very destructive (fission tracks are 10­20 m long and 5­10 nm diameter, and made of several ten thousands displacements), but very rare (0.0005% of 238 U decays). Submitted to natural radiation damages, i.e. accumulated over a long time, minerals react differently: many minerals, like zircon (review in Ewing et al., 2003) or allanite (Headley et al., 1981; Janeczek and Eby, 1993), become amorphous (metamict), whereas some remain crystalline such as monazite (Meldrum et al., 1998; Ewing and Wang, 2002; Seydoux-Guillaume et al., 2002; 2004; reviews in Ewing et al., 2003) or apatite (Linberg and Ingram, 1964; review in Ewing and Wang, 2002). Radiation damage in radioactive minerals has been studied in the geosciences for two main reasons. First, U­Th-rich minerals are used for U­Th­Pb dating, and it is essential to understand the effects of radiation damages on lead retentivity (Lumpkin et al., 1986a; Davis and Krogh, 2000; Romer, 2003). Second, the effect of long-term accumulation of radiation damage is a key parameter for assessing the durability of ceramics that could be used as nuclear-waste forms (Ewing, 1975; Ewing et al., 1988; Ewing et al., 1995; Weber et al., 1998). Four strategies are used to study radioactive damage in minerals (see review in Ewing et al., 2000): (1) external irradiation by ion beams (e.g. Wang and Ewing,1992; Meldrum et al.,1998); (2) atomistic simulations (e.g. Crocombette and Ghaleb, 2001; Trachenko et al., 2001); (3) synthesis of doped-crystal with short-lived isotopes (e.g. Begg et al., Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 5 61 33 25 97. E-mail address: seydoux@lmtg.obs-mip.fr (A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume). 0009-2541/$ ­ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.04.013 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Chemical Geology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/chemgeo 2000; Burakov et al., 2002); (4) study of old naturally radioactive minerals in various geological contexts by using various analytical methods like IR (Zhang and Salje, 2001), EXAFS (Farges and Calas,1991; Harfouche et al., 2005), Raman (Nasdala et al.,1995), RMN (Farnan et al., 2003), RPE (Balan et al., 2005), and TEM (Black et al., 1984; Lumpkin et al.,1986a; Murakami et al.,1991; Weber et al.,1994). The most studied minerals are those that are either used for U­Th­Pb geochronology or expected to be good candidate for nuclear-waste storage, and many papers have been published on zircon (review in Ewing et al., 2003), monazite (review in Ewing and Wang, 2002; Seydoux-Guillaume et al., 2004), titanite (Vance and Metson, 1985; Hawthorne et al., 1991; Lumpkin et al., 1991; Farges, 1997, Zhang et al., 2002), pyrochlore and zirconolite (Lumpkin et al., 1986b; Lumpkin and Ewing, 1988; Farges et al., 1993; Farges, 1997), apatite (Ouchani et al. 1997), and thorite-group (Lumpkin and Chakoumakos, 1988; Farges and Calas, 1991). However, radioactive minerals not only irradiate themselves, but also the surrounding non-radioactive minerals. This produces concentric structures called "pleochroic halos" or "radiohalos", very familiar to petrologists, who use them to identify radioactive minerals in metamorphic or plutonic rocks. In contrast to the numerous studies dealing with radiation effects in radioactive minerals themselves, the effect of radiation damages in host minerals are rare. The first time that such halo around mineral inclusions was interpreted as being due to the radioactivity of these inclusions was 100 years ago (Mügge, 1907; Joly, 1907). After that, studies on radiohalos were published between the seventies and the nineties (e.g. Gentry, 1973, 1974; Owen, 1988; Odom and Rink,1989; Meunier et al.,1990). Recently, only two papers deal with radiohalos: in biotite (Nasdala et al., 2001) and in chlorite and cordierite (Nasdala et al., 2006). These latter studies demonstrated that radiohalos are created by particles and correspond only to modification of optical characteristics of the host mineral, the various energies of the particles explaining the difference in size of the halos. Furthermore, those authors found intensive damage (i.e. amorphous domains visible via TEM) only in cordierite up to a few tens of nanometers away from radioactive inclusions. They interpreted these damaged zones to recoil nuclei. Such amorphous zones at the vicinity of a radioactive mineral has already been observed by using Focused Ion Beam­Transmission Electron Microcopy (FIB­TEM) across monazite­quartz boundaries by SeydouxGuillaume et al. (2003); in this case, the zone was ~150 nm wide. However, other consequences of radiation damage have not been evaluated.Inrocks,poorlycrystallizedareas,suchasthemetamictgrainsbut also the damaged zone around them, are actually zones, which can be used bygeologicalfluidstoinitiatealteration.Anotherimportanteffectisswelling produced by radiation damage, which can induce cracks around the enclosing minerals, forming pathways for fluids to penetrate into the rock. The aim of this study is to investigate, by various electron microscopy techniques, the effect of irradiation in a radioactive mineral (uranothorianite) and in the surrounding minerals (calcite and diopside). The geological consequences of radioactive damage for the non-radioactive host minerals and for the whole-rock itself will be discussed. 2. Sample description The studied sample (SB540) is a diopside-bearing marble within skarns from the Tranomaro area (Andranomitrohyopenpit at 46°33.15 E, 24°19.97 S) in South-East Madagascar, metamorphosed under granulitic Fig. 1. Optical microscope images showing 3 uranothorianite (UTh) grains included in diopside (Cpx)+calcite (Cc) under crossed polar light. Note the associated structures due to irradiation from decay of U and Th: (1) cracks, visible only in diopside, radiating from uranothorianite; (2) a diffuse optical halo at calcite­uranothorianite interface; and (3) a wide (~20­30 m) "reaction zone" along diopside­uranothorianite interface. Table 1 Compositions (in wt.%) of uranothorianite (UTh), diopside (Cpx), calcite (Cc) and sheet silicate () from Fig. 2A obtained by EMP. # (Fig. 2A) Uranothorianite (UTh) Sheet silicate () Diopside (Cpx) Calcite (Cc) 1 2 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Na2O 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.22 0.21 0.29 0.00 MgO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 10.56 14.02 15.50 13.75 13.79 13.72 14.05 13.99 0.66 Al2O3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.05 18.42 18.75 19.06 8.22 8.19 8.38 8.35 0.00 SiO2 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.01 0.00 43.58 39.52 33.68 43.81 48.73 48.70 49.27 48.67 0.04 K2O 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.21 0.10 0.03 0.20 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 CaO 0.19 0.25 0.16 0.11 0.16 2.26 1.87 1.94 2.34 25.03 25.38 25.00 25.07 55.95 TiO2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.18 0.09 0.24 0.74 0.72 0.83 0.68 0.00 Cr2O3 0.04 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 MnO 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.13 0.01 0.23 0.10 0.11 0.05 0.00 0.04 0.02 FeO 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 6.28 7.55 14.45 7.25 2.36 2.26 2.23 2.50 0.19 PbO 3.77 3.74 4.10 4.33 3.92 0.06 0.17 0.14 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.18 ThO2 66.37 64.80 66.33 66.12 66.99 0.04 0.68 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.08 0.00 UO2 29.24 28.50 30.27 29.76 28.92 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.00 Total 99.83 97.78 101.14 100.44 100.15 82.57 82.56 84.93 86.75 99.38 99.31 100.03 99.75 57.06 EMP operating at 15 kV, 20 nA. Standards are: albite (NaK), periclase (MgK), corundum (AlK), wollastonite (Si and CaK), sanidine (KK), perovskite (Ti and MnK), Cr2O3 (CrK), hematite (FeK), synthetic Pb-glass (PbM), synthetic ThO2-ceramic (ThM) and synthetic UO2-ceramic (UM). 319A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 conditions (4­5 kbar, 800­850 °C; Rakotondrazafy,1995; Rakotondrazafy et al.,1996) during the Pan-African orogeny (565­580 Ma, Paquette et al., 1994). In this region, at the western border of the Anosyan Belt, uranothorianite mineralization is common (Moine et al., 1985; Boulvais et al.,1998; Ramambazafy,1998; Ramambazafyet al.,1998; Boulvais et al., 2000). They occur in skarns formed by metasomatic alteration of calcitic marbles (Moine et al., 1985). Fluid inclusions study shows that fluids are CO2-rich (XCO2 0.8) and in equilibrium with mineral assemblages (Ramambazafy et al., 1998). The hydrothermal/metasomatic mobility of Th can be explained by transport in F-rich fluids as shown by the widespread occurrence of fluor-phlogopite and fluor-pargasite (Moine et al., 1998; Ramambazafy, 1998). Minerals are essentially aluminous diopside (Cpx) and calcite (Cc1) sometimes containing uranothorianite inclusions; but spinel, pargasite, plagioclase, phlogopite and zirconolite may also be present. Optical microscope pictures (Fig. 1) show examples of 3 uranothorianite grains included in diopside+calcite. The uranothorianite grains are systematically associated with structures suggesting that radioactivity significantly modified the host non-radioactive minerals. These include: (1) cracks, visible only in diopside, radiating from uranothorianite; (2) a Fig. 2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images inSecondaryElectron (SE) modefrom UTh+Cc1 +Cpx shown inFig.1 (leftone). A.Note theassociatedstructuresdueto irradiation from decay of U and Th: (1) cracks, visible only in diopside, radiating from uranothorianite; (2) a diffuse optical halo at calcite­uranothorianite interface; and (3) a wide (~20­30 m) "reaction zone" along the diopside­uranothorianite interface. Within this reaction zone, 2 other phases were observed: a secondary calcite (Cc2) and a clay mineral (). 7 FIB holes and Electron Microprobe analyses (see numbers) were also done. B. FIB hole across UTh­Cc1 boundary (# 750). Note the porosity within Cc1 and possible remnant of cracks (see arrow). C. Enlargement within the"reaction zone" showing mixture of a secondarycalcite (Cc2) anda low-Tclay mineral (), and FIBholesdoneacross UTh- (#752)and-Cpx(# 753) boundaries. D.Enlargement within the "reaction zone" showing fractures within diopside, with some extended into the reaction zone (arrow), and FIB hole cut across one crack (# 1092). E. Enlargement within the "reaction zone" showing high porosity within Cc2. 320 A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 diffuse optical halo at the calcite­uranothorianite interface; and (3), a wide (~20­30 m) "reaction zone" along the diopside­uranothorianite interface. Only diopside in contact with uranothorianite show these corona; other diopside crystals are pristine indicating these features are due to irradiation coming from decay of U and Th. 3. Analytical methods 3.1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Electron Microprobe (EMP) SEM images and EDX mapping were performed using the JEOL 6360 equipped with a Sahara detector from PGT at the LMTG-Toulouse. Quantitative EMP analyses were obtained using the Cameca SX50 at the LMTG-Toulouse operating at 15 kV and 20 nA (Table 1). 3.2. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) coupled with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technique Since the aim of this study is to investigate the interfaces between grains in thin section, a site-specific preparation method for TEM analysis is needed. This method is called Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and allows cutting site-specific TEM foils, ~15­20 m by 10­15 m, and ~100 nm thick (for technical details, see, Overwijk et al., 1993; Young, 1997; Roberts et al, 2001 and Wirth, 2004). TEM samples were milled Fig. 3. SEM chemical maps of PbM, SiK, ThL, AlK, CaK, MgK and FeK of the zone observed in the Back Scattered Electron (BSE) image on the left. Acquisition time was 12.4 sec/image for a total of 140 images and a size of maps of 256×192×16 bits. Note of the high quantity of PbS inclusions within UTh. 321A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 by using gallium ions accelerated to 30 keV. The TEM foil is cut perpendicular to the surface of the sample (Fig. 2), providing information with respect to the depth of the specimen. The sitespecific specimens were prepared with the FEI FIB200 instrument at the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)-Potsdam. TEM studies were carried out with the Philips CM200 TEM, operating at 200 keV, equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX) with an ultra-thin window, and a LaB6 filament as electron source, and the FEI TecnaiTMG2 F20 X-Twin, operating at 200 kV, equipped with a FEG electron source, a high angle annular dark field (HAADF) detector, and an EDAX energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer system; both instruments are installed at the GFZ-Potsdam. Additional selected area diffraction (SAED) patterns were also performed at the TEMSCAN-Toulouse with a Jeol 2010 (200 keV, LaB6) microscope. 4. Results 4.1. Microscopic study In agreement with previous studies (Rakotondratsima, 1983; Ramambazafy, 1998), EMP analyses showed that uranothorianite is a solid-solution made of about two-thirds thorianite and third uraninite. The lead content is about 3­4 wt.% PbO. The SEM­EDX map (Fig. 3) shows that uranothorianite contains many Pb-rich inclusions, demonstrated by EMP and TEM to be galena PbS. The chemical ages calculated from U, Th, and Pb content range from 544 to 578 Ma, for four analyses, in agreement with the accepted ages for those rocks, but one analysis gives 931 Ma, due to high Pb content. We think that this analysis was contaminated by a galena inclusion, giving an apparently high Pb content, and then an apparently old age. Clinopyroxene is an Al-rich diopside (Xmg =0.92, and 8.3 wt.% Al2O3). The "reaction zone" at diopside­uranothorianite interface (Fig. 2C) consists of a mixture of calcite (secondary calcite, Cc2), with an AlMg­Fe­silicate fibrous phase () (Fig. 2C, D and E). EMP coupled with TEM results (Table 1) demonstrated that it is a low-T phyllosilicate from the smectite group. Secondary calcite is usually located at the inner part of the reaction zone, along uranothorianite, and is always porous, whereas smectite () is located in the outer part along diopside. The diopside-reaction zone grain boundary is locally indented (Fig. 2A, C and D), along the main cleavage direction. The primary calcite­uranothorianite interface is sharp, but calcite in contact with uranothorianite is more or less porous on a ~20 m layer (Fig. 2B and E), as is secondary calcite in the reaction zone (Fig. 2E). SEM confirms the presence of cracks radiating around the uranothorianite within clinopyroxene (Fig. 2A and D). Possible remnants of cracks were observed within Cc1 (arrow Fig. 2B). Some fractures extend into the reaction zone (Fig. 2A and D). 4.2. Nanometric study (FIB/TEM) TEM samples were prepared using the FIB milling technique across the uranothorianite­primary calcite (#750; Fig. 2B), uranothorianitesecondary calcite (#752) and diopside-reaction zone (#753) interfaces (Fig. 2C); one foil was also cut across a fracture (#1092, Fig. 2D). From selected area diffraction (SAD) patterns (Fig. 4B and C), we can conclude that both primary calcite and uranothorianite are crystalline. The only indication of structural modification in those phases, is mottled diffraction contrast in bright field and dark field images, observed mostly in uranothorianite. In this mineral, diffraction spots are split (Fig. 4C), probably because of PbS inclusions (Fig. 3--PbM map). Uranothorianite­primary calcite interface (Figs. 4 and 5): in contrast to what was observed with SEM, there is no direct contact between primary calcite and uranothorianite. Four different zones (A, B, C and D) were identified (Fig. 5). From calcite to uranothorianite, we found: (1) a large (~200­300 nm) amorphous zone (A), enriched in U and Th, but without Si (see U­Th­Si maps in Fig. 5) and enriched in Ca (see EDX spectrum Fig. 5); (2) a chain (B) of very small (~20 nm) ThO2 crystals free of U (Figs. 4 and 5); (3) another amorphous zone (C), which, in contrast to zone A is enriched in Si; and (4) another zone (D) made of small amorphous Si-rich "bubbles". Many fluid inclusions were observed in the calcite, some of them displaying a "negative crystal" shape (arrow Fig. 4A). Diopside-reaction zone interface (Fig. 6): the FIB cut foil shows preferential dissolution of Cpx along cleavages, giving this particular triangular-shaped boundary (Fig. 6A). Within the Fig. 4. TEM foil # 750. A. Energy Filtered Transmission Electron Microscope (EFTEM) -- Bright Field (BF) image showing presence of an amorphous zone (A) between primary calcite (Cc1) and UTh. Zone (B) correspond toThO2 grains and zone (C) to another amorphous zone (see Fig. 5). Many fluid inclusions were observed in the calcite, some of them displaying a "negative crystal" shape (see arrow). B and C. Selected area diffraction (SAD) patterns in respectively primary calcite and UTh showing that both phases are crystalline. In UTh diffraction spots are split probably because of the presence of PbS inclusions within UTh (arrows in Fig. 3). 322 A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 reaction zone an unoriented clay mineral (smectite) was observed, with its typical layer-form (Fig. 6B and C). Many inclusions are present in this zone (arrows on Fig. 6): Pb-rich inclusions as well as and U+Th-rich inclusions. Uranothorianite­secondary calcite interface (Fig. 7): the organization is similar, but opposite to the uranothorianite­primary calcite interface. An amorphous zone (A) enriched in U, Th and Ca and a chain of ThO2 crystals (B) parallel to the interface was observed. However the ThO2 layer is mostly along calcite, and not along uranothorianite, and no Si-rich zone was observed. Secondary calcite contains many fluid inclusions (see arrows in Fig. 7A and C) and U+Th+Pb-rich inclusions (large inclusion Fig. 7A). Within one crack (Fig. 8): the fracture (~2 m wide) is filled with a mixture of clay mineral and calcite similar to the reaction zone. It contains also ZrTiCaTh-amorphous phase (Zr), presumably metamict zirconolite, already described in those rocks (Rakotondrazafy et al., 1996). Nano-channels are visible at the interface between diopside and the crack border; the channel is larger (~70 nm compared to ~40 nm) on the upper side (Fig. 8A and B). Bright field (BF) image of the upper channel (Fig. 8B) shows that it is filled with nano-bubbles, i.e. fluid inclusions. 4.3. Summary of petrographic features The aureole along the diopside­uranothorianite interface is not a pleochroic halo such as described by Nasdala et al. (2001) in biotite or Nasdala et al. (2006) in cordierite. It is a totally transformed zone, filled with material that we could expect to form during low-temperature retrogression of diopside. The transformed zone is rather constant in thickness: 20 to 38 m, with an average at 27 m. The transition to pristine diopside is very sharp, but sometime indented. The transformations in primary calcite are less visible but there is actually a porous calcite layer, again 20 to 30 m thick, although it is there more difficult to estimate. At the nano-scale, the uranothorianite­calcite interfaces are quite complex, with several layers, of various chemical compositions and structural states. Those observations suggest that primary calcite and diopside located close to uranothorianite has been crystallized at low temperature, as a secondary porous calcite for calcite, and as a mixture of secondary calcite and clay mineral for diopside. The presence of hydrous minerals (smectite) and carbonate (calcite) in reaction zone and in cracks, the presence of Pbrich inclusions in secondary calcite, the abundance of fluid inclusions in the porous layer in primary calcite, the dissociation of U and Th in the calcite­uranothorianite layer, and the ThO2 chains along interfaces, are all strong indications that low-temperature crystallization was promoted by a fluid phase. Surprisingly, truly metamict material is very rare, limited to a narrow (200­300 nm) amorphous layer, along the calcite­uranothorianite interface. However all structures described above are strictly limited to the interface between uranothorianite and other minerals, so must be more or less related to the effect of irradiation. In order to evaluate how irradiation by U and Th could affect the minerals studied above, we carried out a detailed study of irradiation damages using the SRIM/TRIM software. 5. Modeling with SRIM/TRIM Damage was modeled by using the SRIM/TRIM software package (Ziegler, 2006) which allows simulating the effect a particle in a target, knowing what kind of particle it is, its energy, and the density and chemical compositions of the target. It is based on full-quantum calculations of individual interactions of incident particles with the atoms of the target. For our purpose the interesting outputs are the particle path (in three dimensions), and the vacancies created in the Fig. 5. TEM foil # 750. EFTEM-BF image (on the top on the left), and U, Th, Si-jump ratio maps of the same zone showing from calcite to uranothorianite: (1) a large (~200­300 nm) amorphous zone (A), enriched in U and Th, but without Si (see U, Th and Si maps) and enriched in Ca (see EDX spectrum on the right); (2) a chain (B) of very small (~20 nm) ThO2 crystals free of U; (3) another amorphous zone (C), which, in contrast to zone A is enriched in Si (see EDX spectrum on the right and Si-map); and (4) another zone (D) made of small amorphous Si-rich "bubbles". 323A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 target. SRIM/TRIM always assumes that the target is amorphous and isotropic. 5.1. Irradiation by U and Th chains Irradiation by U and Th is done by all the radioelements of the 235 U, 238 U, and 232 Th decay chains which combine and decays to reach the final stable nuclei: 207 Pb, 206 Pb and 208 Pb respectively. We will neglect the decay which produces no major damage, and we will neglect also decays of minor branched radioactivity. During decay, two particles are created: the particle itself, which is a 4 He nucleus, and the recoil nucleus, which is actually the nucleus of the daughter element, belonging to elements from U to Tl. The total energy involved during an decay is few MeV, distributed unevenly between the two particles (about 100 keV for the recoil, and the rest for the ). Then each decay produces a slow, heavy nucleus (recoil), and a light, fast particle (). Another source of damage in radioactive minerals is the spontaneous fission of 238 U. It is a rare event (0.00005% of the 238 U decay) but the energy involved is about 200 MeV, and it produces two fissions nuclei with atomic number around 100 and 140 respectively. The energies of the particles of the three decay chains are summarized in Table 2. For particles, it ranges from 4 to 8.8 MeV and for recoil for from 70 to 170 keV. Using SRIM we calculated the effect of and recoil particles of the three decay chains, in diopside, calcite and uranothorianite, as well as the effect of two typical fission products 90 Y and 140 Ce. Usually 1000 particles are calculated to obtain good statistics. Two key outputs are presented in Table 2: the average distance reached by the particle, and the number of vacancies created. To illustrate the effect of and recoil particles in minerals, the vacancy distributions for the 214 Po210 Pb decay in diopside (:7.69 MeV; recoil:146 keV), are presented in Fig. 9. For other decays or other minerals, the amount of vacancies and the distances are different, but the shapes are similar. The effects of particles and recoil nuclei are fundamentally different. The particles are penetratives (12­38 m in diopside, 14 to 45 m in calcite) and produce 220 to 270 vacancies in diopside and 170­200 vacancies in calcite. The recoil nuclei are 1000 times less penetrative (27­45 nm in diopside, 32­55 nm in calcite) but 10 times more destructive (1200­ 2500 vacancies in diopside, 940­2030 vacancies in calcite). The fast particle produces vacancies only at the end of its displacement, when it has been slowed down enough by ionization to interact with target nuclei. The slow recoil nucleus creates vacancies all along its trajectory. In three dimensions, the trajectory of a series of particles has the shape of a cone, while it is pear-shaped for the recoils. The maximum distance reached by an particle is very close to the average distance, whereas it is about twice as long for recoil nuclei. Fundamentally the length of the trajectory increases with increasing energy, and decreases with increasing density of the target. In uranothorianite the length of the trajectories are about 9 to 30 m for particles, so only the outer part of the uranothorianite irradiates the surrounding minerals. Fig. 6. TEM foil # 753. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope Bright Field (STEM-BF) image (A) and EFTEM-BF images (B and C) showing preferential dissolution of diopside (Cpx) along cleavages, giving this particular triangular-shaped boundary, an unoriented clay mineral (-smectite), with its typical layer-form (B and C), and many Pb-rich as well as U+Th-rich inclusions (arrows in A and C). 324 A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 5.2. Geometry SRIM/TRIM simulates only the effect of a particle thrown into a target along a single direction. In the present study we are studying the effect of a layer of radioactive material (the outer part of the uranothorianite grain) into a non-radioactive material (diopside and calcite). The vacancy distribution calculated by SRIM/TRIM must then be corrected. First, because radioactive decay emits particles in random directions and not along a single path, and second, because the emitting volume is a layer and not a point. The main output of SRIM/TRIM is the linear density Fig. 7. TEM foil # 752. STEM-BF image (A) and EFTEM-BF images (B and C) showing a similar organization but reversed from the uranothorianite­Cc1 interface: an amorphous zone (A) enriched in U, Th and Ca and a chain of ThO2 crystals (B) parallel to the interface (see also image B). Secondary calcite (Cc2) contains many fluid inclusions (see arrows in A and C) and U+Th+Pb-rich inclusions (large inclusion on the right). Fig. 8. TEMfoil#1092. STEM--Dark Field(DF)image (A)donewith highangleannulardarkfield (HAADF)detectorandTEM-BFimages(Band C)showingTEMfoilcut acrossone fracturewithin Cpx (see Fig. 2D). The fracture (~2 mwide) is filled with a mixture of clay mineral (), calcite (Cc), and a ZrTiCaTh-amorphous phase (Zr), presumably metamict zirconolite (A). Nano-channels, filled with nano-bubbles (fluid inclusions) are visible at the interface between Cpx and the crack border (B); the channel is larger (~70 nm compared to ~40 nm) on the upper side (A and B). 325A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 of vacancies created by a particle, expressed in vacancy/ion/, hereafter named VAC r linear with r being the distance (radius). A series of N particles, along a small distance dr situated at a distance r of the emitting volume creates a number of vacancies N Á VAC r linearÁdr. In three dimensions, because of the random direction of the emission, the same amount of vacancies is diluted in a fraction of sphere 4r2 Á dr. Therefore the vacancy density per ion around an emitting center is: VAC r sphere = VAC r linear 4r2 1 This expression is fundamentally the same as in Nasdala et al. (2001), but calculated by differentiation. As shown in the first part of this paper the thickness of the damaged area (20­30 m) is small compared to the length of the uranothorianite­diopside/calcite interface (few hundreds of m). Therefore we will consider the irradiation geometry to be a plane separating a radioactive domain from a non-radioactive domain. Each volume of the irradiated medium situated at a distance L from the interface will receive VAC r sphere damages from all the particles emitted from the radioactive medium and situated at a distance r. The volume of radioactive medium situated at a distance r is: Vrad = X Á r 2 Á dr 2 with the solid angle of the cone defined by r and L, which is given by X = 2 1 - L r : 3 Combining Eqs. (1)­(3) and summing over the whole radioactive volume, we obtain the density of vacancies created at a distance L of the radioactive half-space: VAC r plane = Z L 1 2 Á VAC r linearÁ 1 - L r Á dr: 4 Since we do not have an analytical expression for VAC r linear, this can only by estimated numerically from the output of SRIM/TRIM. The calculation of the exact expression would require calculating each VAC r linear function for all L and all particles. In order to maintain the calculation time reasonable we decided, for each particle and each target, to use only the VAC r linear function calculated for the target mineral. The consequences of this approximation will be discussed later. 5.3. The time scale The petrological study showed that the altered aureole was formed by recrystallization of the target minerals, calcite or diopside. To estimate the amount of damage that the target had experienced when recrystallization occurred, we should know the time at which damage started, assumed to be the age of the rock formation (550 Ma), and the time at which alteration and recrystallization occurred, which is unknown. This initial damage at recrystallization is not zero because some lead, presumably radiogenic has been found in the altered aureole, but it can be from few millions to few hundredths of millions years. This is a major uncertainty, which affect the amount of damage and the relative proportion of damages due to the 235 U, 238 U and 232 Th chains. However neither the size of the damaged area, which depends only on the nature of the target and the particles energy, nor the shape of the vacancy distribution, which depends mainly on the shape of Table 2 Summary of the results of TRIM/SRIM calculations. E (MeV) Alpha particles E (keV) Recoil nuclei Diopside Calcite Uranothorianite Diopside Calcite Uranothorianite dist dam dist dam dist dam dist dam dist dam dist dam 238 U 238 U234 U 4.20 12.3 228 14.6 172 9.7 184 71 27 1231 33 983 16 971 234 U230 Th 4.78 14.8 225 17.5 186 11.5 190 83 29 1414 36 1129 16 1124 230 Th226 Ra 4.69 14.4 221 17.1 178 11.2 198 83 29 1381 36 1117 17 1113 226 Ra222 Rn 4.79 14.7 224 17.5 179 11.5 190 86 29 1447 36 1145 18 1141 222 Rn218 Po 5.49 18.0 238 21.4 184 14.0 203 90 31 1485 41 1315 19 1312 218 Po214 Pb 6.00 20.5 236 24.4 193 15.9 206 112 35 1826 43 1456 22 1467 214 Po210 Pb 7.69 30.0 251 35.7 197 22.9 224 146 42 2300 53 1830 24 1836 210 Po206 Pb 5.31 17.1 236 20.4 185 17.1 209 103 34 1694 42 1357 20 1341 232 Th 232 Th228 Ra 4.01 11.8 219 14.0 173 9.0 136 69 27 1191 32 937 15 927 228 Th224 Ra 5.42 18.1 232 21.4 186 13.7 194 95 31 1577 38 1247 19 1224 224 Ra220 Rn 5.69 19.4 231 23.0 177 14.6 210 102 32 1647 40 1329 19 1310 220 Rn216 Po 6.29 22.5 233 26.7 189 16.9 203 114 35 1848 43 1459 21 1443 216 Po212 Pb 6.78 25.2 252 29.9 193 18.8 213 126 38 2032 46 1607 23 1595 212 Bi208 Tl (36%) 6.09 21.5 231 25.5 194 16.1 203 115 34 1863 43 1470 21 1450 212 Po208 Pb (64%) 8.79 37.8 268 44.7 201 27.7 225 166 45 2592 55 2029 44 2038 235 U 235 U231 Th 4.69 14.3 221 17.1 178 10.9 192 81 29 1386 35 1095 16 1057 231 Pa227 Ac 5.06 16.0 231 19.0 181 12.1 192 89 30 1497 36 1194 18 1179 227 Th223 Ra 6.04 20.8 239 24.7 190 15.6 206 108 34 1754 42 1406 21 1382 223 Ra219 Rn 5.87 19.9 235 23.7 180 15.0 199 107 35 1742 42 1400 21 1376 219 Rn215 Po 6.82 24.9 243 29.6 191 18.6 214 127 37 2035 47 1623 24 1597 215 Po211 Pb 7.39 28.2 245 33.5 197 21.0 204 140 41 2244 50 1785 26 1750 211 Bi207 Tl 6.62 23.8 241 28.3 185 17.8 207 128 38 2055 47 1634 26 1604 Fission 90 Y (100 MeV) 15.8 m 39000 vacancies/ion 9.10 m 43500 vacancies/ion 140 Ce (100 MeV) 17.5 m 81000 vacancies/ion 8.50 m 95700 vacancies/ion E: energy of the particle, in MeV (alpha) or in keV (recoil); dist: average distance done by the particle in m (alpha) or in nm (recoil); dam: damage in vacancies/ion. 326 A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 individual particle damaging and of the geometrical corrections, are affected. All the calculations have been carried out assuming 550 Ma as the irradiation time. As a result of this major uncertainty, we made no attempt to estimate dpa (displacements per atom) from the number of vacancies in target minerals. 5.4. Results Uranothorianite has been auto-irradiated since its formation. It is possible to calculate the number of vacancies directly from the average damage in Table 2, integrated over 550 Ma, and converted it in dpa (displacement per atom). The calculated average of 240 dpa over 550 Ma, when compared to the dose necessary to completely amorphized thorite (ThSiO4), ~0.20 dpa at room temperature (Meldrum et al., 1999), suggests that the uranothorianite should be completely amorphous. However, because electron diffraction patterns (SAD-- Fig. 4) demonstrate that it is crystalline, uranothorianite must selfanneal by some processes. As a comparison, amorphization of UO2 seems impossible, because of the highly rapid recombination of the bonding; for an irradiation dose equivalent to 25 dpa at ~170 °C, UO2 is still crystalline (Matzke and Turos, 1992; Matzke and Wang, 1996). Results for diopside and calcite are presented in Figs. 10 and 11. Spontaneous fission of 238 U is such rare event that it can be neglected. The shapes of the curves, representing the damage due to particles as a function of distance from uranothorianite are similar. Most damage is accumulated at short distances (about 15 m in diopside and 17 m in calcite). The more distant part corresponds to the area damaged only by the more energetic particles emitted close to the uranothorianite surface. The total damaged area is then about 35 m wide in calcite and 30 m in diopside. Recoils nuclei create 1000 times more damage than particles, with a very steep decrease for a damaged zone of 60 nm in calcite and 50 nm in diopside. Fig. 9. Projection of the vacancy distribution created by a 7.69 MeV particle (A) and the corresponding recoil (B) nuclei (210 Pb at 146 keV) in diopside. The fast particle produces vacancies only at the end of its displacement, when it has been slowed down enough by ionization to interact with target nuclei. The slow recoil nucleus creates vacancies all along its trajectory. Note that vertical and horizontal scales are very different in the two figures. 327A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 The thickness of the damaged area calculated for in diopside is similar to the width of the recrystallized area observed in thin section. The thickness of the porous calcite layer around along the primary calcite­thorianite interface is more difficult to estimate but is also similar to the size of the area damaged by as calculated above. However the characteristic distances calculated for the damage of recoil nuclei (50 to 60 nm) are far away from the size of the totally amorphous layer seen at the calcite­uranothorianite interface (150­250 nm). 5.5. Effect of wandering recoils Modeling the effect of recoil nuclei by a succession of individual ions projected from uranothorianite into the target is, actually, a poor representation of the real process occurring during the radioactive decay of a chain. In decay chains the recoil nucleus is the next radioactive element. During radioactive decay, the recoil moves of few tens of nm, in a random direction. Therefore, there is a possibility, for decay occurring close to the uranothorianite surface, that after decay the recoil is indeed located out of the uranothorianite. Then next decay will occur inside the diopside (or calcite), and the new recoil will move again, in a random direction. For damages created by this effect can be neglected, because the path of is much longer than the possible displacement of the recoil, but for the recoil itself, the damaged area can be significantly enlarged by the "wandering recoil effect": a series of recoils that would move always in the same direction, although very unlikely, can ends few hundredths of nm inside diopside (or calcite). In order to quantitatively estimate this effect we simulated this effect by the following procedure: (1) for each decay, a random direction is chosen; (2) the average damage is distributed along the path, as calculated by SRIM/TRIM; (3) the recoil (daughter) nucleus is displaced in that direction, at the average distance shown in Table 2; (4) the next decay in the chain is processed from this position, as described in (1)(2)­(3). For each chain and for both diopside and calcite we simulated 1000 decay chains. At the end of the calculation, the radial distribution of the damages is calculated. Strictly, this procedure only simulates a decay chain initiated exactly at the interface. Again, because we do not know the time scale, but only the shape of the curves, only the characteristics distances have real meanings in this simulation. The results are presented in Fig. 12. The main result is that the thickness of the area damaged by the recoils is approximately multiplied by 3 because of the Fig. 10. Spatial distribution of the vacancies created in calcite by particles (A) and recoil nuclei (B) emitted by uranothorianite. The calculation includes all particles from the three decay chains, integrated for 550 Ma. It assumes that uranothorianite is a semi-infinite emitting medium irradiating a semi-infinite calcite half-space, separated by a plane. Note that vertical and horizontal scales are very different in the two figures. 328 A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 "wandering recoil effect". With this correction, the size of the area damaged by recoil nuclei in calcite is in rather good agreement with the thickness of the totally amorphous layer at the calcite­uranothorianite interface (Figs. 4 and 7). 6. Interpretation and discussion 6.1. A reasonable history of radiohalos in Tranomaro skarns From petrographical study and damage modeling, the evolution of the rock can be reconstructed as follows. The initial rock is a hightemperature marble, mainly made of aluminous diopside and primary calcite, with some large uranothorianite grains. As soon as the latter is formed, radioactive decays start, with three consequences: (1) radiogenic Pb accumulates in uranothorianite; (2) radiation damage accumulates in uranothorianite and in the contiguous minerals; and (3) the uranothorianite grains swells because of radiation damage. For uranothorianite similar to the minerals studied here, Evron et al. (1994) estimated a macroscopic volume expansion of ~1.5%. With increasing time, swelling creates radial cracks in diopside and calcite, and radiation damage accumulates and weakens calcite and diopside around uranothorianite. A heavily damaged (amorphous) thin layer is created along the interface by the recoils, and a partially or totally damaged layer, 20­40 m is created by . Since no Helium bubbles was observed within uranothorianite by TEM, it is supposed that radiogenic Helium diffused out of the crystal through the cracks. After some time, a low-temperature fluid infiltrates through the rock, using the cracks and the weak interfaces as preferential pathways. The damaged part of diopside is retrogressed as a mixture of clay and secondary calcite. The damaged part of primary calcite recrystallized as a secondary porous calcite layer. At this stage, cracks in calcite are healed, whereas, cracks in diopside are partially filled by various secondary material (Fig. 8; calcite, zirconolite, clay mineral). Uranothorianite is also affected by fluids, as shown by the presence of Pb, U, and Th in the reaction zones (Fig. 6) and in the amorphous layers A and C (Figs. 4 and 5), and the presence of ThO2 chains (Figs. 4, 5 and 7). However the fact that the chemical ages are in good agreement with the age of the rock indicates that this mineral is not deeply penetrated Fig.11. Spatial distribution of the vacancies created in diopside by particles (A) and recoil nuclei (B) emitted by uranothorianite. The calculation includes all particles from the three decay chains, integrated for 550 Ma. It assumes that uranothorianite is a semi-infinite emitting medium irradiating a semi-infinite diopside half-space, separated by a plane. Note that vertical and horizontal scales are very different in the two figures. 329A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 by fluids. During fluid infiltration, some elements are partially redistributed, including elements which are not obviously present in the thin section such as Zr. After this hydrothermal episode, the newly formed phases are again affected by radioactive damage. The exact significance of the features observed along the uranothorianite and calcite is at this stage not totally explained. However the B zone, a chain of ThO2 grains, suggest an in-situ reprecipitation of ThO2 during partial dissolution of uranothorianite, as it is commonly observed in experiments with ThO2 (SeydouxGuillaume et al., 2002; Heisbourg et al., 2003; Heisbourg et al., 2004). 6.2. Some properties of uraninite, calcite, and diopside relative to radiation damages The observations made on this sample support several hypotheses on the behavior of calcite, diopside and uranothorianite under irradiation. Uranothorianite is remarkably resistant to irradiation damage. This is not unexpected, since uraninite, which is isostructural with uranothorianite remains crystalline (Evron et al. 1994; Janeczek et al. 1996). By contrast, a thorium silicate (ThSiO4) that accumulated approximately the same dose as the uranothorianite studied here (~5×1020 /g) is completely amorphous (Seydoux-Guillaume et al., 2007). This observation is consistent with higher resistance to amorphization by radiation damage (or greater ability to self-anneal) in minerals for which the long-range ionic forces dominates over the short-range covalent forces (Trachenko, 2004), as in the case for uranothorianite when compared to thorite. Contrary to uranothorianite, diopside seems to be highly sensible to radiation damage. The average size of the retrogressed zone is 27 m. At this distance the damage is only 2% of the maximum damage created by the at the contact with uranothorianite. For 550 Ma of irradiation, this would correspond to 0.0014 dpa, so it means that the resistance of diopside relative to low-temperature fluids is modified even if about 1/1000 atoms are displaced. We should recall that Fig. 12. Spatial distribution of the vacancies created in diopside (A) and calcite (B) by wandering nuclei. The model simulates the random trajectories of recoil nuclei during the successive decays in the three decay chains, and estimates, via TRIM/SRIM simulation the vacancies created along the path. The integration time is 550 Ma. Those diagrams should be compared to Figs. 10 and 11(B). 330 A.-M. Seydoux-Guillaume et al. / Chemical Geology 261 (2009) 318­332 550 Ma is the maximum for the irradiation time since it assumes that retrogression occurred at the present time. The limit between pristine diopside and the retrogressed area is very sharp; there is no intermediate zone in which diopside would be partly retrogressed. This suggests that there is a threshold in the sensitivity of damaged diopside to low temperature fluid. Below a certain value of damage the diopside behaves as an undamaged diopside, and is not affected by alteration. We should recall that diopside is a common mineral in heavy minerals concentrates in river, so it is not normally destroyed by low-T fluids. In calcite the porous layer, which can be assumed to be the equivalent of the retrogressed zone in diopside, is ~10 to 15 m wide, as estimated from Fig. 2. At this distance damage is 45 to 25% of the maximum (550 Ma) damage, for 0.013 to 0.0055 dpa. Calcite seems then more resistant to irradiation damage than diopside, probably due to the type of interatomic forces in that structure (Trachenko, 2004). It is important to remember, that diopside crystals that are not in contact with uranothorianite in the rest of the rock are pristine. This demonstrates that irradiation is responsible for the destabilization of diopside by fluids. However, calcite directly in contact with uranothorianite (see presence of Ca within amorphous zone A (Figs. 4A and 5) is amorphous, showing the strong effect of "continuous irradiation by wandering recoil". It should be also noted that calcite is always crystalline, even at the contact with uranothorianite where the damage rate can be up to 0.055 dpa. Outside the modified area around uranothorianite, the rock is very fresh; the only indication of the low-T fluid infiltration is secondary material along the diopside­uranothorianite interfaces and, at nanoscale, in swelling structures, i.e. cracks (Fig. 8). This definitely shows that uranothorianite grains create weak zones in the rock, by destroying the surrounding minerals, and by creating swelling cracks. The thickness of the retrogressed area at the diopside­uranothorianite interface is approximately constant all around the thin section. It means that the effect of irradiation damage in diopside does not depend on the orientation of the diopside crystals although it is an anisotropic chain-silicate. The only visible indication of the anisotropy of diopside is the local presence of indentation at the pristine-retrogressed limit, due to limited fluid infiltration along cleavage surfaces. 6.3. Reliability of the conclusions The above conclusions are based on a detailed study of structures surrounding a single uranothorianite grain. The representativity of the studied zone can then be legitimately questioned. Many features observed around this particular grain are visible in the whole thin section, such as the radiating cracks, the presence of retrogressed zone along the diopside­uranothorianite interface, and the presence of a porous layer along the calcite­uranothorianite. Those features are also present in all studied samples of the same rock. Observations at the nano-scale by coupling FIB/TEM analyses, like the presence of a wide amorphous zone along the calcite­uranothorianite boundary, or the presence of chains of ThO2 crystals, which are time-consuming, cannot easily be multiplied all around a thin section, but are regular in shape and size, and are in agreement with damage model. Therefore we are quite confident that these are general features in this sample. Moreover, similar observations have been reported in other studies (Seydoux-Guillaume et al., 2003, 2007; Nasdala et al., 2006; SeydouxGuillaume, unpublished), suggesting that it is common in rocks containing radioactive minerals. Some observations are clearly accidental, and may not be representative, such as the presence of zirconolite grains in the fractures. 6.4. Reliability of the model In this study the SRIM/TRIM model provided several important constraints. This software has the advantage of being the most sophisticated program available for non-specialist; on the other hand it has some limitations; for example it considers all materials as isotropic, and neglects the effect of crystalline structures. However, the fact that the size of damaged area in diopside is constant whatever its orientation provides an a posteriori justification of this assumption. Diopside is a chain-based, highly anisotropic structure, and if radiation damage is sensitive to crystal anisotropy, it should be visible in this mineral. 7. Conclusions Radiohalos are complex structures, which deserve detailed study. Since radiation damage has a visible effect at the thin section scale, but also affects the structure of crystals at the atomic scale, studies must be conducted with a variety of techniques, including FIB/TEM for the nano-scale. Radiohalos are unique sources of information for understanding the behavior of minerals submitted to irradiation damages, even for non-radioactive minerals. This approach allows to study the effects of long-term irradiation and is thus very complementary to other methods that involve doping experiments with short-lived isotopes, which are far more expensive. In the present study we have demonstrated the high resistance of uranothorianite to self-irradiation damage, in agreement with previous results (Evron et al.,1994), and, by contrast, the high sensitivity of diopside to radiation damage from neighbouring uranothorianite. TRIM/SRIM simulations have been shown to be able to correctly simulate radiation damage, even in complex minerals such as diopside. Finally, we would like to emphasize that radiohalos are actually a point of chemical and mechanical weakness in a rock and probably a starting point for alteration. Acknowledgements FIB/TEM analyses have been done thanks to the financial support for travels to Potsdam from PROCOPE (2005­2006) No. 09638ZB. The authors want to thank Ph. De Parseval and T. Aigouy for their technical assistance with the Electron Microprobe and with the SEM, and L. Datas and L. Weingarten for their technical assistance with the TEM at the TEMSCAN service from UPS. Constructive comments from R.C. 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