Animal cell Plant cell cell membrane /’mɛm breɪn/ cell wall lysosome /’laɪ sə,soʊm/ nucleus /’nu kli əs, ‘nyu-/ nucleolus /nu’kli ə ləs, nyu-/ nuclear membrane /’nu kli ər, ‘nyu-/ centrosome /’sɛn trə,soʊm/ cytoplasm /’saɪ tə,plæz əm/ rough ER (endoplasmic reticulum) /rɪ’tɪk yə ləm/ chloroplast /’klɔr ə,plæst, ’kloʊr-/ smooth ER /rɪ’tɪk yə ləm/ ribosomes /’raɪ bə,soʊm/ vacuole /’væk yu,oʊl/ mitochondrion, pl.mitochondria /,maɪ tə’kɒn dri ən/, pl./-dri ə/ amyloplast /’æm ə loʊˌplæst/ Golgi apparatus /’gɔl dʒi/ /,æp ə’ræt əs, -’reɪ təs/ CELLS 1. Study the table and tick off what applies to each cell (animal and plant). 2. Label the parts of each cell (see the pictures). 3. Be ready to explain what the function of each part is (see the glossary). 4. Study the comparing-contrasting markers and be ready to compare both cells, both pictures.