DESCRIBING A PROCESS Tea preparation 1. Put the jumbled steps of tea preparation in order and describe the whole process by using the time connectors. first, next, then, at this stage, meanwhile, finally, eventually Pour some hot water into the empty teapot, then pour it down. After a few seconds, remove the lid to smell the aroma of the leaves. Pour the tea into cups and serve. Add the dry tea leaves and put the lid on the pot. Fill the pot completely with water. Let the tea steep for up to 3 minutes. Pour the tea into a serving vessel. Enjoy your tea. 2. Life cycle of a plant Now put the stages in the life cycle of a plant in order and this time use some of the sentence connectors (p.3). the plant starts flowering the seed is watered the seed swells the stigma receives pollen the seeds fall the plant dies the flower is fertilized the fruit is formed the plant decomposes roots and leaves develop buds form the seed is sown SENTENCE CONNECTORS Here are the sentence connectors used to indicate the stages or steps in a sequence. A description of a process would generally have some of these. Sometimes, the sequence is obvious from the order of sentences, but these sentence connectors help to clarify the sequence. Note the comma following them. They may also come later in the sentence, after subject or auxiliary verb or, less commonly, after the sentence if it is short. words which mark the opening, or initial stage implying a long sequence more formal first first of all initially words which mark the last, or ultimate stage finally, lastly words which mark next or following stages next, then expressions which mark events occurring some time later, not neccessarily next step subsequently later afterwards Expressions which mark simultaneous events if simultaneous event is brief event coincides with the one mentioned unspecified time within a longer period at this stage meanwhile, at the same time, simultaneously during this process One word which marks an event occurring after a long process (very long laps of time) eventually immediately after (often urgency) as soon as similar to as soon as, less urgent (e.g. once the bubbles burst) just after a short while/time after soon after some time after a long time after as soon as possible as soon as possible after once NOMINALIZATION 3. Transform the sentences (work out verbal nouns from verbs), eg: As the plant germinates, the seed swells ® During germination the seed swells. Preceding action: Before the plant germinates, it is watered. ® Before...................................... ® Prior to...................................... Following actions: After the plant germinates, the roots and leaves develop. ® After................... Simultaneous actions: As the plant germinates, the seed swells. ® During................ NOMINALIZATION the use of noun phrases in place of sentences or clauses: the germination of the seed instead of the seed germinates. Notice that the subject of the verb follows the verbal noun and ´of´. Often this nominalized sentence is further compressed into a compound noun, with the subject noun preceding the verb noun – seed germination. But the same thing happens to the object in a nominalized sentence (we sow the seed – the sowing of the seed – seed sowing). In description of process, instead of saying, for example, the plant dies, we often say death of the plant occurs or takes place. 4. Work in pairs. Describe the flowchart of a plant life-cycle. Ask and answer the questions using the following words. germination, growth, flowering, pollination (pollen transfer), seeds fall, decay, happen, occur, take place prior to, during, before, after, as Example. What happens prior to germination? Prior to germination, the seed is watered /the seed swells. PLANTS 5. Structure of plant body The basic plant body consists of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. The vegetative plant, before it produces flowers and fruits, consists of three organs. Complete them....................................... Label the diagram. You will find some words in the glossary below. The Parts of a Plant Sources: BATES, Martin, DUDLEY-EVANS, Tony. Nucleus - General Science : Teacher\'s Manual. Longman, 1981. 315 s. Nucleus. English for Science and Technology. Macmillan Vocabulary Practice Series – Science CD-ROM English pronunciation Czech vegetative /’vɛdʒ ɪ,teɪ tɪv/ to sow to plant seed for growth especially by scattering sít to germinate /’dʒɜr mə,neɪt/ to begin to grow klíčit seed the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing semeno bud a small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a plant that may develop into a flower, leaf, or shoot pupen pollinate ‘/’pɒl ə,neɪt/ opylovat pollen /’pɒl ən/ a mass of microspores in a seed plant appearing usually as a fine dust pyl fertilize /’fɜr tl,aɪz/ to make fertile : as a : to apply a fertilizer to b : to cause the fertilization of oplodnit decay /dɪ’keɪ/ v. to undergo decomposition, n.decomposition rozkládat se, rozklad to decompose /,di kəm’poʊz/ to break up into constituent parts by or as if by a chemical process to swell to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or original limit b : to become distended or puffed up c : to form a bulge or rounded elevation nabobtnat, zvětšit se stigma /’stɪg mə/ the usually apical part of the pistil of a flower which receives the pollen grains and on which they germinate blizna fruit /frut/ plod ammoniac ə’moʊ ni,æk/ čpavek stomata /’stoʊ mə tə, ‘stɒm ə-, stoʊ’mɑ tə/ průduchy PLANT shoot system is above ground and includes the organs such as leaves, buds, stems, flowers (if the plant has any), and fruits (if the plant has any). shoot a sending out of new growth or the growth sent out: as a : a stem or branch with its leaves and appendages especially when not yet mature výhonek blade the flat expanded part of a leaf as distinguished from the petiole čepel listu jednotl.stéblo trávy petiole /’pɛt i,oʊl/ the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf řapík stem stem a : the main trunk of a plant; specifically : a primary plant axis that develops buds and shoots instead of roots b : a plant part (as a branch, petiole, or stipe) that supports another (as a leaf or fruit) stonek, stvol, lodyha internode /’ɪn tər,noʊd/ internodium node ‘nOd a point on a stem at which a leaf or leaves are inserted uzlina(kolínko trávy), nodus internode internodium FLOWER stamen /’steɪ mən/ a microsporophyll of a seed plant; specifically : the pollen-producing male organ of a flower that consists of an anther and a filament tyčinka pistil /’pɪs tl/ a single carpel or group of fused carpels usually differentiated into an ovary, style, and stigma pestík ovule /’ɒv yul, ‘oʊ vyul/ an outgrowth of the ovary of a seed plant that is a megasporangium and encloses an embryo sac within a nucellus vajíčko ovary /’oʊ və ri/ vaječník receptacle /rɪ’sɛp tə kəl/ lůžko anther /’æn θər/ the part of a stamen that produces and contains pollen and is usually borne on a stalk prašník petal /’pɛt l/ one of the modified often brightly colored leaves of the corolla of a flower plátek (korunní) sepal /’si pəl/ one of the modified leaves comprising a calyx kališní lístek calyx /’keɪ lɪks, ‘kæl ɪks/ plural ca·li·ces the outermost group of floral parts kalich style /staɪl/ the filiform usually elongated part of the pistil bearing a stigma at its apex čnělka corolla /kə’rɒl ə/ ə the inner envelope of floral leaves of a flower, usually of delicate texture and of some color other than green; the petals considered collectively. okvětí whorl /ʰwɜrl, ʰwɔrl, wɜrl, wɔrl/ an arrangement of similar anatomical parts (as leaves) in a circle around a point on an axis, přeslen 6. Work in groups. Each group will have one topic. Prepare a lecture for your colleagues from the other groups so that they can label the diagram and answer the questions you will prepare for them. Don’t forget to provide useful vocabulary. a. Flower parts b. Plant tissues c. Reproduction d. Photosynthesis