Can genetically-modified mosquitoes wipe out malaria? 1. Scan the text and match the headings with the parts of the text Idea of using GM mosquitoes to eradicate malaria Hopkins team – new findings of the fitness of GMmosquitoes Current prevention methods for malaria Gene manipulation Experiment with GM and ´wild´ mosquitoes 2. Check the pronunciation vaccine /væk‘sin or; especially Brit. ‘væk sin, -sɪn/ theory /‘θi ə ri; ‘θɪər i/ vaccinate /‘væk sə,neɪt/ theoretical /,θi ə‘rɛt ɪ kəl/ method /‘mɛθ əd/ procedure /prə‘si dʒər/ protein /‘proʊ tin; -ti ɪn/ parasite /‘pær ə,saɪt/ gene /dʒin/ malaria /mə‘lɛər i ə/ malarial /mə‘lɛər i əl/ 3. Complete the table noun verb adjective prevent xxx vaccinate treatment implement xxx transfer spread xxx infect theory xxx release xxx activate immune lose research xxx identify modification develop find xxx survive transmission concern about xxx implication eradicate different from 4. Describe the gene manipulation 5. Describe the experiment with GM an wild mosquitoes 6. What are the concerns about GM mosquitoes?