Spatial conflicts Pre Congestion - the crowding of features Coalescence - features are indistinguishable Self-coalescence ­ spikes or similar Conflict - feature symbology overlaps Imperceptibility ­ feature or its part is too small at given scale Post Complication ­ topological inconsistency Inconsistency - features are wrongly transformed differently under similar cartographic conditions Identification of Spatial conflicts Congestion ­ graphic fill measurement Coalescence ­ hausdorffian distances Conflict ­ buffers and overlays Imperceptibility ­ SVO theory Complication ­ shape validation, relationships validation Inconsistency ­ shape measrement Graphical filling Max. 30 mm2/100 mm2 of map face Active parts of symbols GF = (qi x ri x i)/106 x S S is scale denominator Qi is density of i-type features on 100m2 Number or total length Ri is area per unit in map in mm2 i coefficient of selection max=1 Hausdorffian distances Separability of two features For points identical with Euclidean distance Basic form is max from min distances Extended form includes Descriptive statistics of distances Identification of closest parts Often used also for text placement SVO parameters 0.02 ­ 0.08 mm black lines 0.1 mm colour lines 0.2 mm area distance 0.4 - 0.7 mm min. side of rectangular shape 0.2 mm min. side of inner area 0.4 ­ 0.7 mm min. bend base 0.4 mm min. bend height Conflict solution Complex issue But first steps are Selection Omition Resymbolization Two questions How many ­ Topfer law What ­ not so easy Extended Topfer law Nf = Na * Cb * Cz * sqrt(ma/mf) Na ­ source feature number Cb - significance of feature class Cz ­ ratio between symbols Ma - source scale denominator Mf - outcome scale denominator Extended Topfer law Cz = Sa/Sf * sqrt(Ma/Mf) where Sa ­ source width Sf ­ final width Cz is equal 1 if ratio of symbols is proportional to scale change Cb is equal to 1 for normal significance sqrt(Mf/Ma) for important feature class sqrt(Ma/Mf) for less important class What select or omit Always combination of parameters Geometric ­ various descriptive statistics, structure identification Semantic ­ importance of feature and preserving character of AoI Developed areas Settlement ­ theories of influence Roads ­ shortest path combinations Rivers ­ stream orders Terrain skeleton - geomorfometry Iterative generalisation Preprocessing Feature hierarchy Incremental modules Price of operation Generalization scheme Hardcode of generalization preprocessing results No simulation of man-made generalization Hierarchy of constraints Preprocessing & Feature hierarchy TVM To remove redundant vertices To distinguish artificial and natural features To unify vertices order Cluster features Topography Terrain Thematics according purpose Usually 3 levels of importancy Incremental modules Landscape skeleton Terrain lines Important rivers Important communications Administrative division Keep crossing of Important rivers Important communications Urban blocks Road network