1 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 1 C7895 Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules Jan Preisler Analytical chemistry division, Chemistry dept. A14-312, tel.: 549496629 preisler@chemi.muni.cz The course is focused on mass spectrometry of biomolecules, i.e. ionization techniques MALDI and ESI, modern mass analyzers, such as time-of-flight MS or ion traps and bioanalytical applications. However, the course covers much broader area, including inorganic ionization techniques, virtually all types of mass analyzers and hardware in mass spectrometry. Schedule of lectures for 2010 The lectures will take place in A14-207 every Wednesday 14:00 – 15:50. The changes will be announced in advance. Consultations Please contact me in advance to make an appointment. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 2 Content I. Introduction II. Ionization methods and sample introduction III. Mass analyzers IV. Biological applications of MS V. Example problems Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 3 Preliminary Schedule of the Lectures for 2004 I. 22. 9. A Brief Historical Perspective: Overview of Techniques and Technology. Basic Concepts of MS (resolution, sensitivity). Isotope patterns of organic molecules. Ionization techniques and sample introduction. Electron impact ionization (EI). II. 29. 9. Chemical Ionization (CI). Glow Discharge. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP). Field Ionization/Desorption. Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB). Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). Photoionization (PI). Plasma Desorption (PD) III. 6. 10. Laser Desorption (LD). Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization (MALDI). IV. 13. 10. Thermospray (TSI). Ionspray (IS). Electrospray (ESI). Mass Spectrometers: Ion Optics. Wein Filter. Energy Analyzer (E). V. 20. 10. Magnetic Sector (B). Quadrupole Filter (Q). Ion Trap (IT). VI. 27. 10. Linear Trap (LT). Ion Cyclotron Resonance Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (FT-ICR-MS). Orbitrap. Electrostatic Trap. Simulation of Ion Movement (Simion), examples. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 4 VII. 3. 11. Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (TOFMS). Techniques for Enhanced Resolution in TOF MS (Reflector, Delayed Extraction and Orthogonal Extraction). VIII. 10. 11. Ion Dissociation (CID, SID, ECD, ETD, IRMPD). Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS). In-Source Decay (ISD), Post-Source Decay (PSD). New Techniques (TOF-TOF, LIFT). Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). IX. 17. 11. Vacuum: Principles & Techniques. Detectors. Data Acquisition. Coupling of Separation and MS (on-line, off-line, chips) X. 24. 11. Applications: Proteins and Peptides. Protein Identification: Peptide Mapping, Sequence Tag, Accurate Mass Tag. XI. 3. 12. Proteins and peptides. Isotope Labelling. ICAT. Sequence Determination. Post-translational Modification. XII. 10. 12. Disulfide Bridge Analysis. Proteins. MS databases. DNA, Saccharides, Synthetic Polymers. XIII. 17.12. Christmas consultation session Preliminary Schedule of the Lectures for 2004 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 5 Introduction to Mass spectrometry. Brief History of MS. A Survey of Methods and Instrumentation. Basic Concepts in MS: Resolution, Sensitivity. Isotope patterns of organic molecules. Ionization Techniques and Sample Introductin. Electron Impact Ionization (EI) 1 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 6 I. Introduction • Information sources about mass spectrometry • Brief history of mass spectrometry, a survey of methods and instrumentation • Basic concepts of mass spectrometry • Isotope patterns of organic molecules. 2 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 7 Study Material Lecture notes Advice: please take notes, but do not copy the slides; the English slides will be provided at the end of the semester. The Czech slides can be found on the internet: http:\\bart.chemi.muni.cz Additional literature • Robert J. Cotter: Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry - Instrumentation and Applications in Biological Research, American Chemical Society, 1997. • Richard B. Cole et al.: Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Fundamentals, Instrumentation & Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 8 Additional Sources of Information Internet Textbook http://www.ms-textbook.com/ Comprehensive information source www.spectroscopynow.com Laboratories, e.g. www.mpi-muelheim.mpg.de/stoecki/mass_server.html Protein Prospector prospector.ucsf.edu Proteometrics - PROWL www.proteometrics.com Etc etc. Specialized journals International Journal of Mass Spectrometry Journal of Mass Spectrometry Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Mass Spectrometry Reviews Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 9 Ionization Techniques and Sample Introduction Glow discharge (GD) Electron impact ionization (EI) Chemical ionization (CI) Field ionization (FI) Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) Fast atom bombardment (FAB) Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) Thermospray (TSI) Ionspray (IS) Elektrospray (ESI) Plasma Desorption (PD) Laser Desorption (LD) Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) Coupling of separation and mass spectrometry (on-line, off-line, microdevices) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 10 Mass Spectrometers Ion optics. Simulation of ion movement, Simion Energy analyzers Magnetic sectors Quadrupole filter Ion cyclotron with Fourier transformation (ICR-FT-MS) Ion trap (IT), linear trap (LT) Time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) New mass spectrometers: Orbitrap, TOF-TOF, LIFT-TOF Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS, MSn) Collision induced dissociation (CID) Surface induced dissociation (SID) In source and post source fragmentation (ISF and PSD) Principles of vacuum instrumentation Detectors a detection electronics Chromatography - MS (on-line, off-line, in-line, microdevices) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 11 MS Applications Analysis of biological compounds: • Proteins, peptide mapping, protein databases, new methods (ICAT) • Peptide analysis (disulfide bonds, post-translational modifications) • Nucleic acids • Saccharides Analysis of synthetic polymers and more… Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 12 Brief History of Mass Spectrometry 1803 Dalton atomic theory ―mass consists of atoms; all atoms of a kind have the same mass‖ … not really: isotopes… Proof of existence of isotopes: - optical spectroscopy: a slight shift of spectral lines ... requires a very high quality instrument - MS: easy determination 3 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 13 Glow Discharge Ionization 1880’s Crookes: glow discharge H2 + H2 +  (H2 +)* + H2 (H2)*  H2 + 4 hn vrstva iontu ------ ++ ++++p ~ 0.2 Pa viditelný negativní výboj+ U ~ 700 V DC I ~ 1 mA o glow discharge visible discharge Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 14 The First Mass Spectrometer 1911 J. J. Thompson: Parabola MS (Phil Mag. 1911, 21, 225) ―Rays of positive electricity‖ 1913 Glow discharge in Ne at 1 Torr, hollow cathode, magnet + Ne dutákatoda fotografickádeska magnet selektrodami - vakuová pumpa doutnavý výboj v Ne, 1 Torr - + vacuum pump Ne 1 Torr glow discharge magnet electrodes hollow cathode photographicplate Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 15 Photographic plate as a detector: 20Ne and 22Ne lines The First Mass Spectrometer 20Ne+22Ne+ Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 16 Magnetic Sector with Energy Analyzer 1919 F. W. Aston: Mass Spectrograph (Phil. Mag. 1919, 38, 209) Magnetic sector with electrostatic energy analyzer Abundance of most natural isotopes determined by 1930 In Nobel prize ceremony lecture, 1934: ―MS is dead, everything's done …‖ (+) (+) (-) extrakce a fokusace (-) + + + + + + + + + B r = f(m/z) selekce kinetické energie štèrbina analýza hmotnosti zdroj detekce kinetic energy analysis mass analysis ion source extraction, focusing slit detection Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 17 But the History of MS Goes on ... 1940 C. Berry: Electron impact ionization (EI) for ionization of organic compounds 1950-70 MS applied mostly in structural analysis of organic compounds 1980+ Analysis of heavy molecules due to new ionization techniques: FAB, PD, ESI a MALDI 2006 MS for qualitative,structural and quantitative analysis Wide scale of commercial mass spectrometers available MS necessary for analysis of organic and biological molecules Biospectrometry Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 18 Basic Concepts of Mass Spectrometry Mass spectrometer instrument, in which ions are formed from analytes and their mass-tocharge ratio is analyzed Components of mass spectrometer 1. Ion source chamber (contains device for sample introduction, ion optics) 2. Mass analyzer (ion optics, electrodes, magnets, detector) 3. Vacuum pumps (rough, high and ultrahigh vacuum) 4. Control and data processing unit, software 4 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 19 Mass Spectrum Ion signal vs. m/z Ion signal charge, current, often converted to voltage, arbitrary units signal normalization: intensity of the dominant peak = 100% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %Int. 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Mass/Charge normalization of ion signal Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 20 Mass Spectrum Mass, m a.m.u., u, Da (Dalton), molecular weight number of atom mass units numerically equivalent to molar weight m/z ... mass-to-charge ratio, Th (Thomson) Number of charges, z: number of elemental charges of an ion usually ±1 exceptions, e.g. electrospray-generated ions: |z| >> 1 Pozitivní and negative ions, not cations and anions. Mass spectrometry, not spectroscopy. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 21 Selected Powers in Mass Spectrometry Mass resolution A measure of separation of two adjacent peaks. Two definitions: 1. FWHM (full width at half maximum), R = m/m 2. Max. mass (m/z), at which two adjacent peaks with a unit mass difference may be resolved. Ion energy, W Instead of Joule (J) use electronVolts (eV) and atoms or ions rather than moles 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J simplicity: acceleration voltage = 100 V, charge = 1 ... W = 100 eV can be easily compared with ionization energy, bond energy, photon energy... Pressure, p 1 atm = 760 Torr = 101 325 Pa = 1.01325 bar = 14.70 PSI Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 22 Abbreviations m mass of ion, atom, molecule (u, a.m.u., Da) z number of charges; (-) m/z mass-to-charge ratio (Th, Thomson) e elemental charge (1.6x10-19C) U voltage (V) E intensity of electric field (V/m, N/C) W energy, labor (eV, J) v ion velocity (m/s) r curvature radius (m) L path (m) l mean free path of a molecule t time (s) s collision diameter (m) s2 collision cross-section (m2) m reduced mass (a.m.u., Da, kg) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 23 Abbreviations n numerical concentration (m-3) I current (A), flux (m-2), intensity (-) T absolute temperature (K) p pressure (Pa, Torr) R resolution (-) f frequency (Hz) w angular frequency (rad/s, s-1) a direct proportion LD detection limit, also LOD, limit of detection (mol, g, M) S/N signal-to-noise ratio RSD relative standard deviation Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 24 Isotope Patterns of Organic Molecules Carbon isotopes: 99% 12C, 1% 13C Pattern as a function of number of carbon atoms in the molecule: C: 99% 12C 1% 13C C2: 98% 12C12C 2% 12C13C 0.01% 13C13C C3: 97% 12C12C12C 3% 12C12C13C 0.04% 12C13C13C 10-4 % 13C13C13C Binomic formula Relative abundance of the light isotope, a Relative abundance of the heavy isotope, b Number of atoms, n E.g. for n = 2: (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 Monoisotopic molecule contains given atoms in form of a single isotope. In the case of biomolecules usually carbon atoms in the form of 12C. 5 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 25 Isotope Patterns of Organic Molecules Relative abundance of molecules (%): C60: 12C60 100 12C59 13C 66 12C58 13C2 21 12C57 13C3 4.6 C100: 12C100 100 12C99 13C 110 12C98 13C2 60 12C97 13C3 22 (normalized with respect to the monoisotopic molecule /only 12C/ = 100 %) With increasing number of carbon atoms, n, the relative intensity of the monoisotopic form decreases, the monoisotopic peak is not dominant any more and intensities of other isotopic forms are comparable (wide envelope) ... see examples below. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 26 Practical Impact of Isotope Abundance - Decrease of sensitivity - High resolution R necessary at high m/z for correct determination of m/z + Use of isotopic internal standards. The best internal standards. Example: 5 peptides/proteins with relative abundance of elements C : H : N : O : S = 30 : 45 : 6 : 6 : 1 R = 20 000 C30H45N6O6S C60H90N12O12S2 C90H135N18O18S3 C180H270N36O36S6 (also shown for more R) C270H405N54O54S9 C360H540N272 O272S12 C900H1350N180O180S30 C1800H2700N360O360S60 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 27 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C30H45N6O6S Resolution: 20000 at 50% 617.3 618.3 619.3 620.3 621.3 622.3 623.3 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 28 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 1234 1236 1238 1240 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C60H90N12O12S2 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 1234.6 1235.6 1236.6 1237.6 1239.6 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 29 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 1852 1854 1856 1858 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C90H135N18O18S3 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 1852.9 1851.9 1853.9 1854.9 1855.9 1857.9 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 30 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 3704 3706 3708 3710 3712 3714 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C180H270N36O36S6 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 3705.9 3704.9 3707.9 3708.9 3703.9 3709.9 3710.9 3712.9 6 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 31 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 5555 5560 5565 5570 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C270H405N54O54S9 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 5559.8 5560.8 5557.8 5561.8 5562.85556.8 5563.8 5564.85555.8 5566.8 5569.8 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 32 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 13405 13410 13415 13420 13425 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C360H540N272O272S12 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 13414.4 13412.4 13416.4 13411.3 13417.4 13410.3 13418.4 13419.4 13409.3 13420.4 13408.3 13422.4 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 33 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 18520 18530 18540 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C900H1350N180O180S30 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 18533.4 18535.418530.4 18536.4 18529.4 18537.5 18528.3 18538.5 18527.3 18539.5 18526.3 18541.5 18524.2 18544.6 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 34 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 37050 37060 37070 37080 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C1800H2700N360O360S60 Resolution: 20000 at 50% 37066.0 m/z ~ 12 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 35 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 3695 3700 3705 3710 3715 3720 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C180H270N36O36S6 Resolution: 500 at 50% 3706.6 m/z ~ 9 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 36 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 3695 3700 3705 3710 3715 3720 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C180H270N36O36S6 Resolution: 2500 at 50% 3706.2 m/z ~ 4.5 7 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 37 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 3695 3700 3705 3710 3715 3720 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C180H270N36O36S6 Resolution: 5000 at 50% 3705.9 3704.8 3707.9 3708.9 3703.8 3709.9 3711.0 3714.0 3718.0 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 38 0 20 40 60 80 100 %Int. 3695 3700 3705 3710 3715 3720 Mass/Charge Molecular formula: C180H270N36O36S6 Resolution: 10000 at 50% 3705.9 3704.9 3707.9 3708.9 3703.9 3709.9 3710.9 3713.9 3717.9 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 39 Multiply-charged ions • Typical example: multiply-charged ions [M+zH]z+ by electrospray Bell-shaped envelope • The gaps between peaks are not equidistant (contrary to isotope pattern). Example: A small protein with M.W. = 10 000 Da z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m/z 2501 2001 1668 1429 1251 1112 1001 m/z S Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 40 What Can Be Said about This Spectrum? Note: This is a portion of mass spectrum of a single organic compound. m/z values were determined with accuracy ~ 0.1. m/z S 1000.0 1000.3 1000.7 1001.0 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 41 II. Ionization Techniques and Sample Introduction sample (atm. pressure) → sample (vacuum) Unwanted phenomena • pressure increase in the ion source • cooling and freezing of solvent due to solvent evaporation • adsorption of compound (e.g. water) on the walls of the ion source chamber Classification of samples acc. to the state • Fluid samples gaseous liquid (liquid analyte, dissolved analyte) • Solid samples volatile (usually light compounds) nonvolatile (polar, heavy, polymer compounds) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 42 probe vent vent atmospheric pressure ion source (vacuum) sample seal to pump c o probe vent vent atmospheric pressure ion source (vacuum) sample seal to pump c o Off-line On-line Number of introduced samples • 1 sample • more samples • in a queue, sample series (discrete samples or continual flow) • in paralel probe vent vent atmospheric pressure ion source (vacuum) sample seal to pump o probe vent vent atmospheric pressure ion source (vacuum) sample seal to pump c c Sample Introduction 8 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 43 Electron Impact Ionization, EI Classical ionization technique. Electrons emitted from a heated filament are accelerated using a medium voltage. Electron energy, W(e-) = acceleration potential x charge (1). Typical energy: 70 eV. +15 V -55 V e- ABC+ chamber heated filament × inlet of gaseous sample ABC orthogonally oriented to the electron beam (×) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 44 Mechanism of EI Interaction of electron with analyte molecule ABC: e- (fast) + ABC  ABC+ + 2 e- (slow) Total equation, ABC  ABC+ + eis characterized by ionization energy ABC, H(ABC). Ions ABC+ with energy excess can undergo fragmentation: (ABC+)*  AB+ + C, A + CB+ etc Fragmentation extent depends on electron energy, E(e-) and on the analyte structure: a) W(e-) ~ ionization potential  production of molecular ions. Ionization potential of simple organic molecules ~10 – 12 eV. b) W(e-) >> ionization potential  fragmentation. Type of fragmentation depends on analyte structure; compounds of similar structure have similar fragmentation spectra. Interpretation of spectra. Spectral libraries (> 100 000 spekter). Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 45 Mechanism of EI Appearance energy (AE), at which the fragments AB+ appears, does not have to be higher than H(ABC)! ABC  ABC+ + e- Ionization energy ABC, H(ABC) ABC  AB+ + C + e- Threshold energy AB+, AE(AB+) AE(AB+) = H(ABC) + D(ABC+) Dissociation energy ABC+, D(ABC+) Absorption of electron during travel through the analyte Reduction of electron flux, dI during the travel through infinitesimally thin analyte layer: dI = -acIdx, after integration: I = Io e-acx. I electron flux (A) c concentration of ABC, (cm-3) (c = p/RT) x layer thickness (cm) a cross-section (cm2) … analogy of e coefficient in the Lambert-Beerově law Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 46 Chemical Ionization (CI). Glow Discharge. InductivelyCoupled Plasma (ICP). Field Ionization/Desorption. Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB). Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS). Photoionization (PI). Plasma Desorption (PD) 2 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 47 Chemical Ionization (CI) 20th of the 20th century A. J. Dempster The same source as in the case of the EI plus an inlet for reagent gas Reagent gas (RH) CH4, butane, H2, NH3 etc. p(ABC) < 10-4 Pa p(R) ~ 0.1 Pa (l ~ 0.05 mm, many collisions in the source) Mechanism of ion formation 1) production of RH+ e- (fast) + RH  RH+ + 2 e- (slow) 2a) charge transfer RH+ + ABC  RH + ABC+ Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 48 Mechanism of Ion Formation at CI (cont.) 2b) proton transfer (more common) RH+  R + H+ PA(R) proton affinity ABC + H+  ABCH+ - PA(ABC) RH+ + ABC  R + ABCH+ E = PA(R) - PA(ABC) E < 0: exothermic, preferred reaction E << 0: energy excess at ABCH+  fragmentation of ABCH+ structural analysis E < 0, E  0  ABC+ a ABCH+ dominate + quantitative analysis + determination of molecular weight of ABC + high ionization efficiency (ABC) - no structural information 9 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 49 Collisions during CI Mean free path Mean path, which a particle travels between 2 collisions l = (2ps2n )-1 l(cm) = 0.66/p(Pa) (only the 1st approximation) Number of collisions z = ps2(8kT/(pm))1/2 m reduced mass, m = (m1 -1 + m2 -1)-1 s collision diameter s2 collision cross-section CI: 1015-16 collisions  high ionization efficiency (ABC) Comparison of CI vs. EI + stronger signal - higher noise + overall S/N higher (LOD of organic compounds ~ pg) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 50 Negative Chemical Ionization The same ion source as in the case of EI plus an inlet for reagent gas Mechanism 1. Production of thermal (slow) electrons e- (fast) + RH  RH+ + 2 e- (slow) W(slow e-) ~ 3/2 kT T ~ 400 K  E ~ 0.1 eV 2. Electron capture ABC + e-  ABCPreferred by compounds with electronegative groups (PCB, NO3 - etc.) LD ~ pg Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 51 Sample Introduction for EI/CI 1. Gas/volatile liquid Residual gas analysis open ion source in chamber with analyzed gas: p(chamber) = p(gas) Eluent from a separation column (GC-MS) Problem: High flow rate of the carrier gas from classical GC columns a) fraction collection or split flow (splitter may mean reduction of sensitivity) b) continual interface (working without interruption) i) particle beam separator for analyte (ABC) enrichment in the carrier gas requires M(ABC) >> M(carrier) ... use He as the carrier gas column MS vacuum pump Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 52 Sample Introduction for EI/CI (cont.) ii) membrane interface - sample introduction through a membrane, separation of the carrier gas using a gas-permeable membrane c) direct introduction from a capillary GC column lower gas load; lower flow rate of the carrier gas (He) 2. Volatile, thermally stable solid sample Direct sample introduction on a probe (glass, ceramics, steel). After introduction of the probe, the sample begins to evaporate and undergoes ionization in the gaseous state. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 53 Sample Introduction for EI/CI (cont.) 3. Nonvolatile compounds - Large molecules - Molecules with many polar groups … many interesting compounds (proteins, DNA, saccharides) a) Generation of volatile derivates and consecutive standard ionization (EI, CI). Useful for molecules with M < 1000 Da. Example: esterification, RCOOH + CH3OH  RCOOCH3 b) Application of classical ionization in desorption arrangement. Sample deposited on a probe is inserted into an ion source, in which electrons interact directly with the sample in condensed state. c) Other ionization techniques ―Soft‖ ionization: production of molecular ions without their thermal decomposition: FAB, electrospray, laser desorption techniques Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 54 Inorganic Ion Sources Glow discharge Thermal ionization Inductively coupled plasma Other techniques, e.g. laser desorption – also for organics, discussed later 10 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 55 Glow Discharge The first ion source (J. J. Thompson) Analysis of solid samples, usually conductive. Precise and relatively sensitive analysis: RSD ~1%, LOD ~1 ppb. Discharge in Ar (p ~100 Pa): Ar+ ions sputter metal atoms (M) from a sample plate and ionize them later ... M+ ions are formed. (+) anode (-) cathode, sample plate (-) entrance of a mass analyzer Ar 100 Pa do MS, 0.1 Pa Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 56 Thermal Ionization (TI) Sample deposited on a filament; the filament is resistively heated. Evaporation, atomization and ionization: MX (s)  MX (g)  M (g) + X (g) M (g)  M+ (g) + e- (filament) to MS (+) (-) heated filament 0.1 Pa Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 57 Thermal Ionization Saha-Langmuir equation n(M+)/n(M)  exp[(W - IE)/(kT)] Working function of metal (filament), W ~ 4 eV Metal K Ca Fe Zn IE (eV) 4.6 6.0 7.8 9.4 (W – IE) (eV) -0.5 -1.5 -3.9 -5.4 efficient weak  Three filaments (with different temperature): Substitution of a single filament, which evaporates and ionizes sample too fast. - Generation of more stable ion flow (RSD only ~ 0.1 % !) - Useful for determination of isotopic abundance. filament e- M(g) M+(g) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 58 Inductively Coupled Plasma, ICP MS 1. Desolvation of MX (aq, aerosol) 2. Evaporation of MX (s) 3. Atomization of MX (g): dissociation to M(g) and X (g) 4. Ionization to M+ (g) sample aerosol Ar, 1L/min radial flow, Ar, 10 L/min plasma torch coil ions atoms 101 kPa 100 Pa 0.1 Pa series of apertures (differential pumping) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 59 ICP • Usually 3 vacuum stages (differential pumping). • Very efficient ionization, n(M+)/n(Mtotal) = 90 – 100%. • Ions with a single charge prevails. • Non-equilibrium system. + + + + + + + ++ ++ +++++ ++ 101 kPa 100 Pa Plasma Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 60 Differential Pumping 101 kPa 1k Pa 100 Pa 1 Pa pump 1 pump 2 pump 3 ion source MS - frequently used concept in mass spectrometry - used for atmospheric ionization methods 11 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 61 ICP Supersonic jet Hot plasma (5000 K) streams via an aperture (slit) into a chamber and expands at supersonic velocity. Random movement of atoms at the atmospheric side is characterized by wide kinetic energy distribution (5000 K) and relatively low translational velocity. The atoms move at supersonic velocity with a very narrow kinetic energy dispersion … supersonic cooling (~300 K). Distribution is later ruined by collisions with molecules of background gas (barrel shock, Mach disc). Efficient ionization 90 - 100 % elements are ionized (very uniform ionization). Applicable for determination of isotopic abundance (low systematic deviation), elemental composition. Disadvantages • not useful for structural characterization of analytes • interferences Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 62 ICP Detection limits 1 ppt (quadrupole) 10 ppq (magnetic sector) for comparison: LD of ICP-AES and AAS ~ ppm - ppb ppm ppb ppt ppq million 106 billion 109 trillion 1012 quadrillion 1015 Interferences 1. Non-spectral Shifts of ionization equlibria as a result of suppression by matrix, acids or easily ionizable elements etc. 2. Spectral Isotopic ions Izobaric molecular ions Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 63 Spectral Interferences in ICP Formation of molecular ions in ICP 1. Plasma gas and reaction products (Ar+, Ar2+, ArH+, ArO+, ArC+, ArN+ etc.) 2. Sample or solvent (hydride ions, OH+, ClO+, NO+, CaO+, LaO+ etc.) 3. Chemical ionization of background gas (H2O+, H3O+, CxHy + etc.) Elimination of spectral interference 1. Mathematic corrections (e.g. using isotope distribution) 2. Desolvation of aerosol (e.g. by freezing in liquid N2) 3. Cold plasma (relative shifts of ionization degree) 4. Collision cell (thermalization of ions, shifts of reaction equillibria) 5. Mass spectrometer with high resolution Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 64 Spectral Interference in ICP Examples of isobaric ions and required resolution Isotope Interfering ion Resolution 39K 38Ar1H+ 5690 40Ca 40Ar+ 71700 41K 40Ar1H+ 4890 44Ca 14N14N16O+ 970 12C16O16O+ 1280 52Cr 40Ar12C+ 2380 56Fe 40Ar16O+ 2500 75As 40Ar35Cl+ 7770 80Se 40Ar40Ar+ 9690 Note: higher resolution often means lower sensitivity. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 65 Field Ionization, FI Very high electric field intensity between sharp spires, E > 109 V/m Electron removal due to inner tunnel effect. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 66 Desorption Ionization Techniques LDI Laser Desorption/Ionization 1963 R. Honig FD Field Desorption 1969 H. D. Beckey PD Plasma Desorption 1974 R. D. MacFarlane FAB Fast Atom Bombradment 1981 M. Barber SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 1976 A. Benninghoven MALDI Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization 1988 M. Karas & F. Hillenkamp, K. Tanaka 12 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 67 Field Desorption, FD H. D. Beckey, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 1969, 2, 500-503 Sample is blown (g) or deposited (l, g) on an emitter, a heated metal filament with a specially modified surface Analytes are formed in very high electric field between sharp spires, E > 109 V/m; electrons are removed by inner tunnel effect. Often more ionization mechanisms: - thermal ionization - electrospray ... during deposition of liquid samples Applicable to analysis of organic analytes with M.W. < 2 kDa Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 68 Field Ionization. Field Desorption Source: Bernhard Linden probe for liquid injection, FD surface of emitter Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 69 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS (Fast Ion Bombardment, FIB) … Ionization by ions • Primary ion beam may be scanned; the result is MS image of elements/compounds, analyte topography. Imaging resolution is higher than in the case of optical microscopy since the primary ion beam can be focused tighter, ~nm). • Products … mostly atoms and neutral molecules, also ions. Postionization helpful, e.g. photoionization using a laser. • Inorganic and organic analysis, also lighter biopolymers at the presence of matrix ‖matrix-assisted SIMS‖. probe with a sample, +3 kV to MS analyzer primary ion beam W ~ 6 keV Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 70 Fast Atom Bombardment, FAB Ionization similar to CI (organic molecules, small peptides …). Setup: off-line and on-line (flow probe; continuous flow FAB, CF-FAB). Max. m/z ~ 10 000 Da. LOD ~ 10 pmol or even ~ 1 pmol (CF-FAB) Usually z =  1. Formed ions: ABCH+, [ABC+K]+, [ABC+H]-, [ABC+N2]+, fragments. Fast Xe atoms W ~ 5 keV (+) (-) Probe with a layer of viscous solvent and analyte (glycerol + ABC) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 71 Generation of Fast Xe atoms for FAB 1. Generation of fast Xe+ ions 2. Conversion of Xe+ to Xe: Xe+ (fast) + Xe (slow)  Xe (fast) + Xe+ (slow) 3. Elimination (deflection) of Xe+ Xe source 5 kV Xe source Xe+ fast Xe, Xe+ (+) (-)Xe+ fast Xe Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 72 HK FABMSofapeptideinnormalandCFmode 13 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 73 CF-FAB MS/MS of Human Hemoglobin, chain A HK Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 74 Photoionization, PI M + n hn  M+ + eNecessary condition: nhn > IE(M) Photoionization types 1. Single photon ionization, SPI; n = 1 2. Multiple photon ionization, MPI; n > 1 • non-selective analysis useful for inorganic analytes 3. Resonance multiphoton ionization (REMPI) n > 1 • if hn = W (energy of electron transfer of M) • very selective and very sensitive determination • aromatic molecules, dyes, drugs Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 75 Photoionization Schemes hn hn hn hn hn e- e- eSPI MPI REMPI IE(M) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 76 Photoionization Example of arrangement: LD-PI PI as a postionization for pro laser desorption 1. Desorption laser pulse 2. Desorption of plume (mostly neutrals) 3. Ionization laser pulse 4. Ion extraction + - + + - + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 77 Plasma Desorption (PD) 1974 R. D. Macfarlane (R. D. Macfarlane, R. P. Skowronski, D. F. Torgerson, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1974, 60, 616.; R. D. Macfarlane, D. F. Torgerson Science 1976, 191, 920.) The first technique capable of ionization of heavy compounds (e.g. proteins). Radioactive californium 252Cf source. Energy of fission fragments ~MeV. Impact of a fission fragment from the radioactive source on sample deposited on polyester foil may ionize analyte molecule. Other fragment from decay of the same 252Cf flies in the opposite direction and triggers signal recording device. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 78 Experimental Setup of Plasma Desorption (R. D. Macfarlane, R. P. Skowronski, D. F. Torgerson, "New approach to the mass spectrometry of nonvolatile compounds", Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1974, 60, 616-621.) 14 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 79 Example of Plasma Desorption Positive PD mass spectrum of ribonuclease A from bovine pancreas (D. M. Bunk, R. D. Macfarlane Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1992, 89, 6215-6219) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 80 Plasma Desorption Characteristics Ionization of relatively large organic molecules (~ thousands Da , e.g. insulin, 5 735 Da). Formation of molecular ions, ion clusters and multiply-charged ions. Disadvanatges - radioactive source. - time-consuming signal accumulation. MALDI and ESI preferred for ionization of heavy analytes nowadays. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 81 Laser Desorption (LD) Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization, (MALDI)3 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 82 Laser Desorption/Ionization, LDI After laser discovery in 6th decade of 20th century Initially for solid samples: R. Honig, Appl. Phys. Lett. 1963, 2, 138-139. Later for Organic compounds: M. A. Posthumus, P. G. Kistemaker, H. L. C. Meuzelaar, M. C. ten Neuver de Brauw, Anal. Chem 1978, 50, 985. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization, MALDI Karas, M; Bachmann, D.; Bahr, U.; Hillenkamp, F. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 1987, 78, 53-68. Tanaka, K.; Waki, H.; Ido, Y; Akita, S.; Yoshida, Y.; Yoshida, T. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1988, 2, 151. Laser Desorption Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 83 Source: www.nobel.se October 9, 2002 ESI MALDI Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 84 1987 Karas & Hillenkamp melitin nicotinic acid m/z = 2845 1988 Tanaka lysozyme Co/glycerol m/z = 100 872 (heptamer) 15 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 85 MALDI Schematic (detail) MALDI Laser pulse Matrix Analyte Sample layer Gaseous phase Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 86 MALDI Schematic laser pulse U1 U2 (U1 > U2 > 0) for + target with a thin layer of sample MS, usually TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 87 Principle of MALDI 1. Very short laser pulse, typical t ~ ns, max. ms. Molecules vaporize before they decompose. Collisional cooling: conversion of Evib to Etrans . 2. Energy is absorbed mostly by matrix (M), not by analyte. e (matrix) >> e (analyte), c(matrix) >> c(analyte) Matrix  MH+, M+, M*, fragments, fragment ions. Analyte, originally ―dissolved‖ in matrix, vaporizes together with matrix. 3. Matrix actively participates on analyte (ABC) ionization. Matrix is excited after absorption of one or more photons. Dominant ionization mechanism is proton transfer: MH+ + ABC  M + ABCH+. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 88 Requirements on Matrix (MALDI) 1. Absorbtion at the wavelength of the used laser (UV, IR). 2. Formation of proper crystals with analyte (empiric rule). 3. Usually acid (efficient proton transfer to ionize na analyte). 4. Stability. Low volatility. Inert (no reaction with analyte). Types of matrix aromatic acids (Karas & Hillenkamp) glycerol with addition of ultra fine cobalt powder (Tanaka) modified surface, e.g. Si - DIOS (Siuzdak), SELDI Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 89 Common Matrices for MALDI sinapinic acid (SA) gentisic acid (DHB) (3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxycinnamic acid) (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid) a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (HPA) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 90 Common Matrices for MALDI ferulic acid dithranol (DIT) (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) 2',4',6'-trihydroxyacetophenone 2'-6'-dihydroxyacetophenone (THAP) 16 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 91 Common Matrices for MALDI nicotinic acid-N-oxide 2,-(4-hydroxy-phenlyazo)-benzoic acid (HABA) trans-3-indoleacrylic acid picolinic acid (PA) (2-pyridine carboxylic acid) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 92 Matrices - Applications peptides < 10 000 CHCA, DHB peptides, proteins > 10 000 SA, DHB oligonucleotides < 3 kDa THAP nucleic acids > 3 kDa HPA synthetic polymers DHB, DIT, IAA carbohydrates DHB, CHCA, THAP Addition of ―comatrices‖ (e.g. monosaccharides) may lead to improvements in crystallization, sample homogeneity, mass resolution, suppression of fragmentation etc. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 93 Properties of Matrices CHCA: „hot― matrix for peptides with M < 10 000 Da useful for PSD (structure analysis) DHB: „cold― matrix universal use Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 94 Lasers in MALDI UV-MALDI 337 nm nitrogen laser (inexpensive and the most common) 355 nm Nd:YAG (3xf) yttrium-aluminum garnet 266 nm Nd:YAG (4xf) 193 nm ArF ... fragmentation! Note: YAG lasers are more expensive, but their life expectancy is much higher. The repetition rate of YAG lasers can reach kHz vs. Hz in the case of the nitrogen lasers. IR MALDI 2.94 mm Er:YAG laser 10.6 mm CO2 laser Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 95 Influence of Laser Energy Significant dependence of the quality of MALDI mass spectra on laser energy, more exactly on power density, PD (power per area). Ion signal (ABCH+) PD 0 PDT working region resolution decreases fragmentation Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 96 Influence of Laser Energy Threshold power density, PDT … minimum value of laser power per area, at which analyte peaks begin to appear in mass spectrum. For PD > PDT : signal (ABCH+) = k.PDn, kde n = 4 – 6. Small variation of power leads to a large variation in ion signal of ABCH+. In practice, operator usually slowly increases energy during MALDI experiment, simultaneously moves target with sample and observes mass spectra from single laser shots. After the threshold power is established, the power is set approximately 10–30% above it and spectra are accumulated for 10-1000 laser pulses while the target is slowly being moved. 17 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 97 Accumulation of Spectra Usually average of 10 – 1000 desorptions is recorded to increase signalto-noise ratio and reproducibility signal, S  n noise, N  √n signal/noise, S/N  √n Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 98 MALDI Mass Spectrum Model spectrum of 2 peptides, Pep1 a Pep2 with matrix M [ABC+H]+, [ABC+2H]2+, dimer [(ABC)2+H]+ adducts with alkaline metals and matrix [ABC-Na]+, [ABC+K]+, [ABC+MH]+ fragment ions of matrix a analyte, cluster ions, e.g. [M2+Na]+ Matrix suppression – ideally only the peaks of analytes. Ion signal 0 500 1000 1500 m/z Na+ K+ matrix ions, fragments of matrix and analytes, adducts cluster ions Pep1H+ Pep2H+ Pep2Na + Pep1Na + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 99 MALDI Sample Preparation MALDI sample = analyte + matrix c(analyte) = 0.1-10 mM c(matrix) = 1-100 mM target: steel, Al, synthetic polymers detail MALDI vzorku www.srsmaldi.com Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 100 MALDI: Sample Preparation Rules Recrystallization of matrix. Fresh matrix solution. Selection of proper solvent (ACN, EtOH, MetOH, acetone, water). pH(matrix) < 4 (adjustment with e.g. 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid, TFA). Analyte has to be dissolved. Purification of analyte prior to MALDI analysis. Unknown analyte – preparation of a series of solutions with concentration of analyte in wide range. Deposited samples are usually stable and can be stored (archived) Thoroughful cleaning of the target Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 101 MALDI Sample Preparation Techniques dry droplet – deposit of mixed solution, dry at room temperature quick & dirty – mix solutions on target, dry at room temperature vacuum drying – speed up drying using reduced pressure fast evaporation – first deposit matrix layer in a volatile solvent overlayer – matrix layer, then layer of analyte with matrix sandwich – layers: matrix, analyte, matrix crushed crystals – matrix crystals crushed and new sample sol’n deposited acetone redeposition – dissolve dried sample in acetone droplet and dry spin coating – deposition on rotating target slow crystallization – slow growth of crystals electrospray deposition – electrospray aerosol sprayed on target modified targets – for concentration and more reproducible crystallization often using hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 102 Influence of Salt Content MALDI MS of a peptide sample in the presence of Na and K salts Sample desalting necessary (not a rule, sometimes ionization based on cationization with Na+, K+, Ag+ ...) Presence of salts  adduct formation , sensitivity  0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Signal m/z PepH+ PepNa+ PepK+ 18 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 103 Reduction of the influence of salts • segregation on target ... selection of proper crystal for desorption • addition of acid (TFA, HCOOH, HCl), NH4 salts • target washing (salts are more soluble in water) • catex on target • desalting prior to deposition: separation, dialysis, ZipTip (C18) desalting Na+ (waste) sample solution: peptide, Na+ H2O peptide (MALDI target) 50% ACN1. 2. 3. ZipTip Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 104 MALDI Characteristics + one of the most ionization techniques applied in mass spectrometry of biopolymers (together with ESI) + soft ionization + simple spectra, usually z = +1 or z = -1 (for analytes with electronegative groups) + pulse ionization (predestined for coupling with TOF mass analyzers) + detection limits ~ amol (for small peptides - best case) + fast sample preparation and analysis Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 105 MALDI Characteristics - uneasy quantitative analysis (inner standard needed) - search for the right spot on the target - not useful for low-mass analytes due to intensive background in the region of low m/z (matrix, fragments and matrix clusters) - mutual ion signal suppression Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 106 MALDI Perspective MS analysis of large series of biological samples • peptide mapping for identification of proteins (MALDI MS of products enzymatic protein digests) • peptides, proteins, oligonucleotides, saccharides Micro methods Coupling with separation techniques • advantage of sample archiving on MALDI target • recent availability of MS/MS spectrometers for MALDI • complementar to ESI (various ionization efficiency for various analytes) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 107 MALDI MS of Numerous Sample Series 1, 10, 96, 100, 384, 1536 ... samples/target 384 samples/target Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 108 Analyte: 1 pmol of tryptic digest BSA, desalted using ZipTipC18 Matrix: 10 mg/ml aCHCA in ACN/0.1% TFA : 70/30 Sample preparation: dried-droplet. MS: Voyager DE-STR m/z 500.0 1200.0 1900.0 2600.0 3300.0 4000.0 0 2.2E+4 0 20 40 60 80 100 Signal 1439.47 1639.51 1178.32 927.34 1193.37 1867.50 550.60 1567.36 1750.52 1249.36764.33555.31 2854.351419.39 2612.34 1682.50 3815.521905.46 2358.28 MALDI MS of a Digest: Identification of BSA 19 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 109 Micro Methods - microtargets, piezoelectric pipetors, deposition from a capillary outlet - size of laser focus  size of sample  maximum sensitivity high sample density on target sample: 1 mm laser: 50 mm %25.0 1000 50 2 2  sample laser S S Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 110 Micro Methods (Ekstrom, S., Onnerfjord, P., Nilsson, J., Bengtsson, M., Laurell, T., MarkoVarga, G. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 286-93) (A) sample processing and injection (B) reactor with immobilized enzyme (C) micropipetor (D) nanovials (300 x 300 x 20 mm) on MALDI target (E) automated MALDI-TOF MS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 111 Comparison of LDI and MALDI LDI MALDI Ionization relatively hard soft Sample only analyte analyte in excess of matrix Max. m (Da) <10 000 106 Typical analyte small organic molecules, small peptides, synthetic polymers peptides, proteins, DNA, saccharides, synthetic polymers Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 112 Thermospray (TS). Ion Spray (IS). Electrospray (ES). Isotopic Patterns of Organic Molecules4 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 113 On-Line Ionization Techniques Atmospheric Pressure Ionization (also spray ionization techniques) Common attributes • Analyte: polar, often ionized and dissolved in solution. • Heated capillaries and other elements of ion source (hundreds ºC) • Additional elements to increase ionization efficiency (electron beam, electric arc) • Differential pumping • Often after separation  2D separation (MS as the second dimension). • Ionization process stages: 1) formation of aerosol droplets 2) solvent vaporization 3) ion analysis Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 114 Thermospray, TS • Solution boils in the capillary tip, droplets are generated, then dry aerosol and finally MH+ ions. Spectra similar as in the case of CI, molecular ions prevail. Electrodes may be inserted into the source to further increase ionization efficiency. • Electronegative compounds may form negative ions. (An electron source can be inserted into the chamber to promote formation of negative ions M-.) • Use of volatile compounds, such as NH4Ac, to prevent capillary tip clogging. heated metal capillary (~ 200 ºC) spray of droplets (-) eluent from LC or CE column to MS to mechanical pump (100 Pa) 20 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 115 Particle Beam, PB Typical PB setup for GC and LC. (www.micromass.co.uk ) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 116 Particle Beam Principle • Derived from the generator of monodisperse aerosol (R. C. Willoughby, R. F. Browner, Anal. Chem., 56, 1984, 2626-2631). • Similar to TSI and heated nebulizer. Additional beam of particles, usually He. Separator of He atoms from ions. • Additional EI source may be used to increase ion production. Results are EI spectra (with higher noise due to presence of ions and molecules of solvent). Characteristics • Spectra similar as in the case of TS. More fragments. • Less sensitive than TS and ESI. • Useful for thermally stable, nonionic compounds with medium mass. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 117 Heated Nebulizer • Spectra similar to CI spectra, usually capture of 1 proton ([M+H]+). • Low fragmentation (soft ionization). • Suitable for molecules with medium masses (~2000 Da). • Structure? ... Additional collision cell needed (MS/MS). heated element ions extracted through apertures into mass analyzer gas gas LC, CE discharge N2 (drying gas) atmospheric pressure Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 118 Ion Spray, IS • Only positive ions penetrate through electrodes, negative are removed. • Formation of multiply charged ions [M+H]+, [M+2H]2+, [M+3H]3+, [M+4H]4+... • Packed LC columns with a splitter, micro columns, capillary columns. ions extracted through apertures into mass analyzer gas gas LC, CE heated element N2 (drying gas) atmospheric pressure (-)(+) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 119 Electrospray (ESI)*, Nanospray+ * Yamashita, M; Fenn, J. B. J. Phys. Chem. 1984, 88, 4451. * Yamashita, M; Fenn, J. B. J. Phys. Chem. 1984, 88, 4671. + Wilm, M. S.; Mann, M. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 1994, 136, 167. Schematics 1–5 kV infusion, mLC, CE tip (quartz, metallic, quartz, metal) sheath liquid (optional) atmospheric pressure vacuum counter electrode with an aperture, "nozzle" (0 V) heated capillary additional gas – optional k MS "skimmer" 100 Pa Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 120 ESI Principle + - + + + - - - + + ++ + + +++ +++ + + + ++ +++ + + + + + - -- - + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - 21 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 121 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 122 ESI Principle • Formation of Taylor cone in electric field. Concentration of positive charge in the cone, destabilization of the meniscus and emission of droplets with excess of positive charge. • Volume reduction and increase of surface charge density of the droplets due to solvent evaporation. • Unsymmetrical fission of charged droplets (Rayleigh stability limit); original droplet loses ~15% of charge, but only 2% of volume. • Droplet size: mm  nm. Number of charges in a droplet: 105  10. (Note: Size of a macromolecule ~ nanometers.) • Formation of secondary ions in gaseous phase, secondary reactions in gaseous phase. • Ion transfer into the mass spectrometer. • No discharge; discharge is not desirable. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 123 ESI Arrangement • Additional (curtain) gas – N2 stream, heated capillary behind the entrance aperture: better desolvation, reduction of cluster formation. • Optional coaxial stream of liquid through an additional capillary. • Needle: i.d. < 100 mm, o.d. 100 mm – 1 mm, tip < 100 mm. • Distance tip – counter electrode: 1 – 3 cm. Flow rate < 10 mL/min. • Nanospray: smaller dimensions,without additional coax. liquid and forced flow, flow rate < 100 nL/min. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 124 ESI Arrangement • Arrangement of needle and aperture (nozzle) ... separation of ions from ballast - on-axis - off-axis - diagonal (tilted) and orthogonal - Z-spray • Voltage connection - through additional liquid (sheath flow) - liquid junction - metallic or metallized needle tip (sheathless interface) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 125 ESI Characteristics • Very soft ionization suitable for biomolecules. • Very high mass limit, M.W. ~ 106 (m/z much lower). Ionization of heavy polymers (also virus particle). • Generation of multiply charged ions Bell-shaped envelope. Typical for ion spray and electrospray. The gaps between adjacent peaks are not equidistant (in contrast to isotope pattern). Example: M.W. = 10 000 Da z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m/z 2501 2001 1668 1429 1251 1112 1001 m/z S Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 126 Generation of Multiply Charged Ions + Higher z reduces m/z  mass analyzer with lower m/z limit can be used for ions with very high M.W. + Two adjacent [M+nH]n+ peaks sufficient for determination of m and z: (m/z)n = (m+n)/n (m/z)n+1 = (m+n+1)/(n+1) + Alteration of number of charges, z ? • pH (solution): pH  z pH  z or even negative charge promoted • b- emitter or other e- source (electron capture  z ) - MS of mixture more complex (but can be evaluated). Single compounds are present in several forms and give several peaks in the spectrum ... complex spectra, reduced sensitivity. - Satellite peaks, e.g adducts [M+Na]+, [M+K]+ etc. 22 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 127 ESI • Application of electric field (nozzle-skimmer)  fragmentation in source. • For structure analysis – additional chamber for collision dissociation after the first mass analyzer. • ESI signal dependent on analyte concentration, c(analyte); at very low concentrations dependent on the amount of analyte (nanospray). • Signal α c(analyte) (10-7 – 10-3 M), it reaches plateau at higher c(analyte). • ESI closely related to other API: e.g. APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization) (solvent acts as a reagent gas ... ionization similar to CI) - heated needle - zero voltage on needle - additional elements: - electrode for discharge in front of the entrance nozzle - piezoelectric element for better nebulization - nebulizer (ion spray sometimes called pneumatic ESI) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 128 Factors Influencing ESI • Type of analyte • Needle, spray tip (dimensions, arrangement) • Voltage between needle and counter electrode • Solution composition (solvents, additives, salts, ion-pair reagents) • Flow rates of sample, sheath liquid and drying (curtain) gas • Temperature of the entrance capillary Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 129 ESI – Some Rules • Use volatile buffers: - CH3COOH - HCOOH - TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) - NH4 + salts of volatile acids • Keep salt concentration < 20 mM • Avoid use of sulfates, phosphates etc. • Orthogonal or Z spray may partially help in the cases the rules mentioned above cannot be applied. • For positive ionization, pKa (electrolyte) < pKa (analyte) – 2 • For negative ionization, pKb (electrolyte) < pKb (analyte) – 2 • Proper sample preparation = easier analysis desalting, removal of surfactant and other contaminants Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 130 Mass Analyzers. Mass Spectrometers: Ion Optics. Wein Filter. Simulation of Ion Movement (Simion). Energy Analyzers (E). Magnetic Sector (B). Quadrupole Filter (Q). 5 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 131 III. Mass Analyzers • Ion optics basics. Simulation of ion movement • Energy analyzer • Mass analyzers • Detection of ions and data acquisition • Vacuum techniques • Coupling of separation to MS. Microfabricated devices • New techniques/instrumentation Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 132 Ion Optics Analogy with light optics slit slit lens lens prism, grating Wkin: energy analyzer, deflector m/z: mass analyzer mirror ion mirror optical fiber ion guide Differences from light optics wavelength, l kinetic energy, Wkin mass/charge, m/z refraction index (const.) electric or magnetic fields (tunable, can be altered even during experiment) Intensity-independent space charge effects – mutual ion repulsion 23 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 133 Lorentz and Coulomb Forces Lorentz force at magnetic induction B: Fmag. = ze ( v x B ) Coulomb force at el. field intensity E: Fel. = zeE Total: F = ze (E + v x B ) For simplicity only: Fel. = zeE Fmagn. = zevB v B F Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 134 Elements of ion optics Slit  restriction of ion beam  restriction vs. transmission Deflector  deflection of ions  2 deflectors for x, y scans + + +V -V Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 135 Ion Lens (Electrostatic, Einzel Lens) • analogy of classical lens • focal length may be changed by variation of the voltage V • higher transmission compared to slit • focal length is not a function of m/z (for ions accelerated in the same ion source). The lens is ideal only for ions with the same kinetic energy and at reasonable numbers (no space-charge effect) • the schematic above shows only one of the possible arrangements +V + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 136 Ion Mirror (reflector, reflectron) Kinetic energy vs. potential energy in electric field: 1) ion mirror: ion returns with the same velocity as the velocity, at which the ion entered the mirror 2) energy filter: ions with sufficient velocity (energy) penetrate through the second grid … mirror with a partial transmission Ion mirror: with grids or gridless, with one or two stages, nonlinear fields. Use: e.g. for correction of initial energy dispersion in TOF MS. + +U0 vx two grids zeU 2 mvx  2 zeU 2 mvx  2 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 137 grids: definition of equipotential planes rings: shielding of the ground potential (vacuum apparatus walls) potential at the rings defined using a series of resistors and U3 U1 ... acceleration voltage U3>U1(U2) R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 Construction of Dual Stage Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 138 Ion Characteristics Characteristics of a single ion m/z mass/charge v velocity (kinetic energy, W = mv2/2) t time x, y, z coordinates a angle (... direction) t0 time of ion formation (index0 … ion formation) Characteristics of ion groups (usually for the ions of the same type, i.e. the same m/z) … described by dispersions of v (W), x, y, z, t0, a 24 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 139 Ion Properties Example: Initial velocity dispersion at MALDI (Pv … fraction of ions moving at velocity interval ) Pv 0 1000 2000 v0 (m/s) protein matrix Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 140 Simulation of Ion Movement • Exact calculation of ion movement complex even for relatively simple electric and magnetic fields. • Simulation of ion movement: program Simion Development of ion optics using the program Simion: 1.Input of geometry (schematics of electrodes). 2.Input electrode potential, define magnetic field. 3.Definition of ions (number n, v0 , x0, y0, z0, a0, f0 ). 4.Movement simulation  result (graphical representation, text). Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 141 Simion Example: Simulation of electrostatic lens using program Simion. Lens: 3 segments diameter, d = 36 mm length of segments, y1 = 28 mm, y2 = 26 mm, y3 = 32 mm gaps between segments, l = 2 mm ion origin in xyz [0, 0, 0] mm potentials, U1 = 0; U2 = tunable; U3 = 0 Ions: number, n = 5 mass, m = 100 kinetic energy, W0 = 100 eV coordinates xyz [0, -30, 0] mm a0(i) = (-4 + 2i )o , where i = 0 … n – 1 Aim: Verify function of the lens for voltage of the middle ring, U2 = 0, 85, 100, 120 a 133 V. Solution: Presented in the lecture Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 142 Wein Velocity Filter • Transverse electric field between two flat electrodes • Transverse magnetic field • Electric intensity field vector E is perpendicular to the vector of magnetic induction B • Ions are drawn by electric and magnetic forces with opposite direction + v + B +V/2 -V/2 L detector Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 143 Wein Velocity Filter For ion flying on axis of the filter: zeE = zevB ( ) ... only ions with specific speed pass through the filter. In case all ions were accelerated by voltage U: … Wein filter can be used for mass analysis (m/z). B E v  zeU mv  2 2 U E eB z m 22 2  L V E  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 144 Energy Analyzer; Electrostatic Analyzer (ESA, E) -V +V r +U + ion source ESA entrance slit exit slit L 25 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 145 Energy Analyzer Acceleration: , where . Energy: Radius of curvature: • Radius of curvature is directly proportional to ion kinetic energy. • Not a function of m/z. • Even thick ion beam (parallel ion trajectories) are focused. • Using electrodes curved also axially, ions can be focused in two dimensions. • Sector – shape of a slice, a portion of a circle zeE r mv2  L V E 2  zeU 2 mv2  E U2 r  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 146 Mass Analyzers Magnetic sector (MAG, B) Quadrupole analyzer (Q, q) Ion cyclotron (ICR-FT-MS) Ion trap (IT), Linear trap (LT) Time-of-flight (TOF) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 147 Magnetic Sector (MAG, B) + + + + + + r (+) + ion source B entrance slit detector magnetic sector m2 m1 m1/z1 > m2/z2 Vector of magnetic induction B is perpendicular to the velocity vector of ions streaming from the ion source into the sector. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 148 Principle of Magnetic Sector 1.) Lorentz force = centrifugal force: 2.) Kinetic energy = acceleration energy: r mv Bzev 2  v eBr z m  zeU mv  2 2 U reB z m 2 22  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 149 Principle of Magnetic Sector Scan types: • Scan U, const. B. Problems with low extraction efficiency at low values of U. • Scan B, const. U. Difficult originally, prevailing nowadays. • Move the exit slit, r. Const. U, B. Usually not used. Peak switching Stepwise change of one of the variables (B, U). Suitable for monitoring of limited number of ion types. U reB z m 2 22  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 150 Tandem Electrostatic Analyzer – Magnetic Sector Double focusing mass spectrometer Forward-geometry, ESA-MAG, EB 1. energy analyzer: selections of ions with a certain kinetic energy 2. magnetic sector: mass analysis B MAG -V +V ESA +U . . . . . . ion source detector + 26 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 151 Tandem EB (ESA-MAG) • Dispersion of ion characteristics (v, x, a) and instability of fields (B, U) reduce quality of spectra. • Placing ESA prior to MAG solves problem with velocity (kinetic energy, Wkin) dispersion of ions entering into mass sector. Practical EB geometries: 1. Nier-Johnson 90o ESA + 60o MAG exit focused for given radius, r suitable for scanning spectrometers 2. Mattauch-Herzog 31.8o ESA + 90o MAG single focal plane for ions with different m/z suitable for planar detectors (photographic plate, array) 3. Matsuda suitable for compact instruments Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 152 Mattauch-Herzog Geometry Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 153 Nier-Johnson Geometry Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 154 Other Combinations of E and B Reverse-geometry, BE 1. magnetic sector: mass filter 2. energy analyzer: sorting of ions according to kinetic energy MIKES (Mass-Analyzed Ion Kinetic Energy Spectrometry) the first MS/MS technique, tandem mass spectrometry (1973) 1. Magnetic sector allows passing of only ions with certain m/z. 2. Metastable ions may undergo decay in the region between magnetic and energy analyzer. 3. Daughter ions from the decay are sorted according to kinetic energy in the energy analyzer. A variety of hybrid instruments based on E and B: EBE, BEB, EBEB, BEBE ... Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 155 Quadrupole Filter (Q, q) 4 rods with hyperbolic (also round, square or other) cross-section U ... DC voltage component V ... AC (RF) voltage component w … angular frequency, w = 2pf, f = 1 - 3 MHz, phase shift 180o U+Vcos(wt) -U-Vcos(wt) + r y z x Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 156 Quadrupole Filter xz plane: heavy ions pass yz plane: light ions pass ... only ions with a specific m/z will pass through the quadrupole filter, all other ions are deflected. Note: important exception is m/z-unselective RF quadrupole 27 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 157 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 158 Ion Trajectories in Quadrupole Filter xz xz yz yz Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 159 Ion Trajectories in Quadrupole Filter xz xz yz yz Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 160 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 161 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 162 28 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 163 Stability Diagram ... graphic representation of the solution of the Mathieu equations, which describe trajectories of ions in the quadrupole filters. ( ) 22 8 r z m eU a w  ( ) 22 4 r z m eV q w  const. a/q (const. U/V) a q m m-1m+1 transmission region Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 164 Resolution … is determined by the value (a/q) of the slope of the scan line Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 165 Properties of Quadrupole Filter MS scan r a f usually const.; U a V scanned simultaneously at const. U/V. Upper m/z limit: 2 000 - 4 000. [V, cm, MHz] To increase the upper m/z limit: V, r, f. ( ) 22 0.316 max fr V ~ z m Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 166 Properties of Quadrupole Filter To increase resolution: (Resolution, R < 10 000, usually R < 2 000.) • For acceleration voltage, Uacc (towards the quadrupole): For given quadrupole length, l, the voltage Uacc must be low enough to enable sufficient number of ion oscillations, tens to hundreds at the given frequency, w, during the time of flight, t, through the filter. • Better manufacturing, very low mechanical tolerances. 2 2 z v eUm acc  t l v  acceU z m l t 2 2  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 167 Quadrupole Filter - Notes External source • fringe field, especially at the entrance - responsible for unstable trajectories; significant fraction of ions does not get inside - mass discrimination of heavy ions, which spend longer period in the fringe field, are more influenced • solution - entrance electrostatic lens - entrance RF quadrupole (q, RF only), hexapole or octopole ... only RF component: a = 0, U = 0  unselective filter, through which ions of all m/z can pass Triple quadrupole (QqQ) • popular tandem mass spectrometer for collisional dissociation • middle quadrupole (q, RF only) serves as a collision chamber Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 168 Ion Trap (IT). Linear Trap (LT). Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron (FT-ICR-MS). Orbitrap. Electrostatic Trap. Simion: Examples 6 29 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 169 Quadrupole Ion Trap (Ion trap, IT) 1953 Wolfgang Paul (Paul trap) – almost unnoticed 1983 Finnigan – commercial instrument (one of best selling MS’s) Schematics of ion trap DC: constant voltage or ground Bruker, Model ESQUIRE-LC AC: constant + alternate (RF) component, U + Vcos(wt) DC DCAC incoming ions detector ring lids z r Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 170 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 171 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 172 Stability Diagram (Ion Trap) ( ) 22 16 r z m Ue az w  ( ) 22 8 r z m Ve qz w  m3 > m2 > m1 (z = 1) qz  V/(m/z) for movement along z axis (a = 0, U = 0) Scan: by increasing V. First lighter, then heavier ions are expelled from the trap. (Also resonant ejection helps to improve resolution.) stability region: ions oscillates inside trap, they are trapped (storage mode) instability region: ions leave trap through apertures in lids az qz m3 m2 m1 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 173 Ion Trap • Experiment stages: ionization, accumulation, scan a detection. • Accumulation: ions are being trapped even during ionization pulse – the result is very low detection limits. The total time of experiment depends on following requirements: Sensitivity ... Longer accumulation means higher sensitivity. Scan time ... Wider m/z range, higher m means longer scan (see next page). Resolution ... Longer scan means slower (and longer) scan. • Resonance ejection of ions of specific m/z by application of RF voltage on trap lids. A hole in the stability diagram is created. It is used to increase resolution even in regular scan mode. (1983, G. Stafford: ―mass selective instability mode―) • Buffer gas (low mass gas: He, 1 mTorr) Much better results than with analyte itself. Collisions of analyte with buffer gas molecules lead to better distribution of energy among analyte ions and keeps ions in the center of the trap. Advantageous in GC-MS. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 174 30 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 175 Ion Trap • MS/MS – trap can replace tandem of two mass spectrometers CID, CAD: collision-induced (activated) dissociation • High R … < 10 000, usually ~ 5 000 • Upper mass limit, m/zmax ~ 70 000 (resonance ejection) • Miniaturization: ion micro trap, trap on a chip (also quadrupole filter) + total size only 1 cm + useful in space exploration - much lower mechanical tolerances, demanding manufacturing - low parameters (R, m/zmax ) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 176 Ion Trap • Ion transmission only half ions may be detected • Physical restrictions dimensions, voltage and frequency limited. • Maximum dynamic range (106 for single ion type) limited: - minimum by sensitivity (usually 10; even 1 ion may be detected) - maximum by space charge effect: for number of trapped ions higher than 106 the trap does not function properly – due to mutual ion repulsion. Note that the charge limit involves sum of charges of all ion types! Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 177 Linear Trap Linear trap or ―2D trap‖ is based on quadrupole ion filter/ion guide. The previously described ion trap is sometimes called ―3D trap‖. Ions are injected into the quadrupole and trapped by elevating potential on lids. (Ions oscillate in a potential well of RF-only quadrupole.) Later the ions can be gradually ejected and detected through the rods or lids. Two approaches of ion ejection from LT: A. Schwartz, J.C., Senko, M.W., Syka, J.E.P., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 13 , 2002, 659. B. Hager, J.W., Rapid Comm. Mass Spec. 16, 2000, 512. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 178 Linear Trap with Radial Ejection detector I + detector II + Ions are ejected from LT in radial direction. (From: Schwartz, J.C., Senko, M.W., Syka, J.E.P., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 13 , 2002, 659.) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 179 Linear Trap with Axial Ejection Ions are ejected from the LT (Q3) along quadrupole axis. (From: J. C. Y. Le Blanc et al. Proteomics 3, 2004, 859-869.) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 180 Advantages of 2D Ion Traps Capture Efficiency: 50-75% (3-D: 5 % - 20%, and depends on mass) Extraction Efficiency: 25-50% (3-D : 20%) Sensitivity increased by a factor of 5-10 Ion Capacity: 20 - 30 times larger than 3-D Linear range increased more than 2 orders, up to 106 Resolution: ~10 000 at scan rate 300 a.m.u./sec Wider variety of ion handling (accumulation, scans...) 31 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 181 Differences b/w Quadrupole Filter and Traps Quadrupole filter - no ion storage - only ion with certain m/z can pass through a filter at a time ... scanning instrument, loss of ions and hence lower sensitivity (except in single ion monitoring) ... no space charge effects, hence higher dynamic range Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 182 Comparison of Quadrupole Analyzers QIT QQQ LQIT Sensitivity ++ - ++ Dynamic range - ++ + Mass range - + + MS3 ++ - ++ Neutral loss scan/Precursor scan - + + m/z accuracy + - + Resolution + - + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 183 Ion Cyclotron (FT-ICR-MS) (Fourier Transform - Ion Cyclotron Resonance - Mass Spectrometer) …another type of ion trap Cubic trap consisting of two pairs of electrodes and two lids excitation detection x z y B Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 184 FT-ICR-MS Ion movement in magnetic field: Angular (cyclotron) frequency: r mv Bzev 2  ( )z m Be r v w + + + + + + + + + + + + + B r v + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 185 FT-ICR-MS Characteristics - (superconducting) magnet with very high magnetic induction B ~ 10 Tesla - very low pressure, p < 10-7 Pa (UHV, ultra high vacuum) ... high cost ~ $700 000 - limited dynamic range ~ 103, 100 – 105 ions + very high precision and accuracy, m/z, ~ ppm + very high resolution, R ~ 106 + multiplex (Fellgett) advantage of FT … ion signal is acquired for all m/z during entire acquisition period  improvement of S/N 103x, reduction of acquisition period ~106x (FT-ICR vs. ICR) + suitable for MSn (CID), commonly n = 2 – 3, even n = 10 demonstrated Other geometries of cell: cylindric, hyperbolic (Penning) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 186 Fourier Transform ... transformation of signal from time domain to frequency (m/z) domain Ideal signal of ions with single m/z Real FT-ICR-MS signal • Collisions with background molecules and inhomogeneity of magnetic field result in signal decrease. Higher p  more collisions  lower R. • Lorentz peak shape. t St m/z S FT t m/z S FT St 32 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 187 FT-ICR-MS Principle Ionization for FT MS 1. internal: analyzer = source (e.g. EI, LDI) 2. external: ionization in an external source and introduction to the cell - ion guides, quadrupoles, electrostatic lens - differentially pumped chambers (ions are formed at the first cell at higher pressure and then introduced into analyzer cell through an aperture along z-axis) Excitation 1. Pulse ... high amplitude, extremely short duration 2. Chirp ... fast scan through frequencies in required interval 3. SWIFT ... Stored Waveform Inverse Fourier Transform profile of the excitation waveform generated by iFT of required m/z profile (iFT = inverse FT, transformation from frequency (m/z) to time domain Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 188 FT-ICR-MS Principle Detection 1.nondestructive (inductive) – ions attract electrons in the detection plates during passage nearby: non-destructive detection (FT-ICR) 2.destructive – ions strike the detection plates (ICR) Data acquisition • Higher sampling frequency  higher upper m/z limit. Nyqist criterion: the highest achievable frequency = sampling frequency/2 • Longer acquisition period, t  higher resolution and lower m/z limit. • Result ... necessity of storage of many data points - heterodyne frequency mixer (shift of signal frequency down allows to use lower sampling frequency) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 189 FT-ICR-MS Principle Z-trapping • DC voltage ~1-5 V on the lids to keep ions inside (and not to leave in z-axis direction. • Presence of an additional electric field causes magnetron oscillations (~10 Hz) of ions in addition to cyclotron oscillation (~ MHz). The result of combined movement are more complex calibration, peak shift and higher loss of heavy ions. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 190 FT-ICR-MS Resolution Upper m/z limit. From the mean quadratic speed of thermal movement, , which is responsible for pre-excitation of ions, it can be expressed: . In a trap characterized by B and r, m of ions that can be stored is lower than . z m Bt m m a  zeB mkT zeB mv r 2  m kT v 2  kT )zeBr( m 2 2  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 191 New Mass Spectrometers Mass spectrometer of future? ... not a single solution Trends: • Withdrawal of magnetic sector instruments. • Hybrid spectrometers Modern spectrometers and their hybrids gain popularity (ion traps, orthogonal TOF analyzers). • New spectrometers? Linear quadrupole traps (discussed earlier) Electrostatic trap ‖Orbitrap― Linear electrostatic trap Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 192 A. Makarov, HD Technologies Ltd., USA, ASMS Conference 1999 rings (+) electrode (-) Principle • Ions are injected into axially symmetric electric field and circulate around the middle electrode. • Ion oscillations along the electrode axis are inductively detected, mass spectra are obtained after Fourier transform, f = f(m/z). Electrostatic Trap ”Orbitrap“ + - + ion injection ring (+) electrode (-) detection + ++ 33 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 193 Orbitrap Properties + Very high resolution – close to FT-ICR-MS (R = 50 000). + Very high precision and accuracy of m/z… close to FT-ICR-MS. + No magnet necessary. + No RF generators necessary. - Ultrahigh vacuum needed as in the case of FT-ICR-MS. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 194 Linear Electrostatic Trap Detected frequency = f(m/z) (Benner, Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 4162-4168) Trap electrodes (ion mirrors) Detection tube in potential well electrons are attracted and repelled, AC current is produced Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 195 Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (TOFMS). Techniques for Enhanced Resolution in TOFMS (Reflector, Delayed Extraction and Orthogonal Extraction). 7 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 196 TOFMS History TOF = Time-of-flight m/z calculated from the time of ion travel 1946 TOF Principle (W. E. Stephens, Phys. Rev., 1946, 69, 691) 1948 First instrument, „Ion Velocitron“ (A. E. Cameron, D. F. Eggers, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1948, 19, 605) 1955 Ion source with 2 stages, time-lag focusing (Wiley, W. C.; McLaren, I. H.; Rev. Sci. Instrum., 1955, 26, 1150) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 197 TOFMS History 1973 Ion mirror (B. A. Mamyrin, V. I. Karataev, D. V. Schmikk, and V. A. Zagulin, Sov. Phys. JETP 1973, 37, 45) 1995 Delayed (pulse) extraction (Whittal, R. M.; Li, L., Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 1950-1954; Brown, R. S.; Lennon, J. J., Anal Chem. 1995, 67, 1998-2003; Vestal, M. L.; Juhasz, P.; Martin, S. A, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1995, 9,1044-1050) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 198 TOFMS Principle 1. Pulse formation of ions 2. Acceleration of ions The same acceleration energy, W(el.) for ions with the same z. Transformation W(el.) = W(kin.) 3. Drift (flight) of ions: Separation of ions according to m/z; W(kin.) = mv2/2 4. Impact of ions on detector Acquisition of signal in time, I(t) 5. Determination of m/z from the time of flight Transformation I(t)  I(m/z) 34 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 199 (+) ionization beam: e.g. pulse e- beam repeller, ~20 kV drift zone, E = 0 detector entrance and exit grids TOFMS Geometry Linear geometry ... the simplest arrangement ... ions are not focused optimally on the detector Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 200 detector exit grid, 0 V (+) ionization beam: e.g. laser pulse repeller, ~20 kV drift zone, E = 0 acceleration grid, 0 V extraction grid, ~17 kV (+) TOFMS Geometry Wiley-McLaren linear geometry (1955) ... adjustment of the extraction electric field does not depend on the value of the total acceleration voltage ... allows focusing of ions on the detector at the end of the flight tube Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 201 (+) ionization beam: e.g. pulse e- beam or laser pulse repeller, ~20 kV drift zone (E = 0) source grids grids and electrodes of reflector ion deflector and gate ion mirror, >20 kV (+) (-) (+) detector TOFMS Geometry TOF MS with ion mirror (reflector) ... for higher resolution ... for structural analysis (PSD) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 202 flight tube detector ion source laser diffusion pump mechanical pump digital oscilloscope delay generator control unit vacuum controller high voltage source MALDI TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 203 Ion Source (detail) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 204 1. Pulse ionization (pulse width ~ ns): fast generation of ion plume (LDI, MALDI, PD, EI …) 2. Extraction and acceleration of ions in electric field 3. Separation of ions in drift zone at E = 0 (field-free region, flight tube) 4. Detection of ions, signal acquisition and transformation to m/z domain acceleration energy: kinetic energy length of drift zone flight time 2 mv Uez 2  t L v  2 2 L t U z m e2 TOF S (m/z)1<(m/z)2 TOFMS Principle 35 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 205 Exact relation includes also the time spent in in the ion source and the detector regions: voltage: Us 0 0 Ud distances: tTOF = ts + tL + td Note: 1) ts, tL, td and hence tTOF are proportional to (m/z)1/2 2) for rough estimate tTOF: tTOF ~ tL (L >> s, d) s L d s s zeU ms t 2 2  )UUU( ze m U d t dss d d 4 2  s L zeU mL t 2 2  TOFMS Principle Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 206 m/z=(2eU/L2)t2  m/z=k1(t-t0)2  t=c0+c1(m/z)1/2 t=c0+c1(m/z)1/2+c2(m/z) t=c0+ c-1(m/z)-1/2 +c1(m/z)1/2+c2(m/z) correction of data acquisition trigger correction of the original ion velocity before extraction pulse correction of non-ideal extraction pulse shape TOFMS Calibration Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 207 Principal Advantages of TOFMS No theoretical upper m/z limit Ideal for pulse ionization Fellgett advantage: for each of pulses, entire spectrum recorded, no need for scanning Very short duration of acquisition of a spectrum (~10-4 s) High ion transmission ... a prerequisite of high sensitivity Simplicity Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 208 1. Ion source for gaseous samples 2. Ion source for condensed samples (desorption) (+) (-) + e-, ions, laser … (+) (-) laser, ions, atoms … Ion Sources for TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 209 y z x+ source detector Ideal Ion Source for TOFMS All ions are created: • in time t0 (with period of formation, t = 0) • at distance x0 (x … flight axis of TOFMS) (preferably in a single point [x0, y0, z0]) • with the same velocity vx0 (, which does not have to be zero,) along x- axis. (preferably vy0 = 0 a vz0 = 0) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 210 Real Ion Source for TOFMS Ions are characterized by initial dispersions of time (time of creation t0), space (position of creation x0, y0, z0), velocity v0 (energy Wkin0) and angle a (deviation of the flight x-axis). Result: drop of resolution, R Wiley-McLaren ion source for gaseous samples: Adjustment of voltage on the first grid allows to find a compromise between contribution of v0 a x0 dispersions to reach optimal resolution (ion focusing into detector plane) 36 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 211 Pv 0 1000 2000 v0 (m/s) analyte matrix laser Ion Properties Example: Dispersion of initial ion velocity in MALDI (Pv … probability of occurrence of molecules with velocity in ) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 212 Pulse Generation of Ions 1. Extraction using constant electric field (DC) pulse ionization beam + constant extraction field 2a. Pulsed extraction, PE (delayed extraction, DE) pulse ionization beam + pulse extraction field 2b. Orthogonal extraction continuous generation (introduction) of ions + pulse extraction field Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 213 Enhancement of Resolution in TOFMS 1. High acceleration voltage 2. Ion mirror. 3. Pulse extraction ... important decision when buying TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 214 Increase of acceleration voltage will minimize contribution of initial velocity dispersion of analyte. m zeU vv 22 0  contribution of electric field contribution of desorption zeU 2 vm 2 mv2  2 0  1. High Acceleration Voltage Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 215 Př.: MALDI TOFMS of a peptide, m = 2000 Da, z = 1, v0 = 750 m/s, v0(FWHM) = 500 m/s, L = 1 m. (2 ions: v01 = 500 m/s, v02 = 1000 m/s.) U = 1 kV: t1 = 101.673 ms, t2 = 101.284 ms R ~ 130 U = 10 kV: t1 = 32.190 ms, t2 = 32.177 ms R ~ 1300 Pv 0 500 1000 v0 (m/s) 50% 100% 500 m/s Influence of Acceleration Voltage Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 216 • Ions 1 and 2 with same m/z and velocities v1 a v2: faster ion penetrates deeper into the ion mirror and its trajectory is longer. • If adjusted properly, two ions will hit the detector II simultaneously. (B. A. Mamyrin, V. I. Karataev, D. V. Schmikk, and V. A. Zagulin, Sov. Phys. JETP 1973, 37, 45; Mamyrin, B. A.; Shmikk, D. V.; Sov. Phys. 1979, 49, 762) + U3>U1 (+) deflector (-) detector II U1 source ion mirror detector I2 1 U2 2. Ion Mirror (reflector, reflectron) 37 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 217 Construction of Ion Mirror Linear ion mirror ... E is constant along the ion mirror axis Single stage ... intensity of electric field, E is constant in the entire ion mirror (Alikhnov) Dual stage ... ion mirror is divided in two regions with different E (B. A. Mamyrin, V. I. Karataev, D. V. Schmikk, V. A. Zagulin, Sov. Phys. JETP 1973, 37, 45) Nonlinear ion mirror ... E varies along the ion mirror axis Quadratic field (D. R. Jardine, J. Morgan, D. S. Alderdice, P. J. Derrick, Org. Mass Spectrom. 1992, 27, 1077) Curved field (T. J. Cornish, R.J.Cotter, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1993, 7, 1037-1040) + additional patents (Japan, Soviet Union) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 218 grids: definition of equipotential plane rings: electric shielding of vacuum apparatus walls voltage on the rings is defined by series of resistors U3>U1(U2) R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 Construction of Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 219 Construction of Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 220 ... 2 2 2 3 1 2 8 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 00 0                    as v a a s L a s as v a a s L a s a v tt rr TOF Ur (-) detector Us s L1 (+) L2 Lm ion mirror L = L1 + L2 ... drift zone, E=0 a ... acceleration in source, a=qEs /m ar ... acceleration in mirror, a=qEr /m (Moskovets, E. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2000, 14, 150-155)        ra a s L a s t 2 2 1 2 0 tTOF = ts + tL + tr ... sum of periods ion spends in source, tube and mirror Single Stage Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 221 ... 2 2 2 3 1 2 8 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 00 0                    as v a a s L a s as v a a s L a s a v tt rr TOF Increase of R by minimization of the 3rd term: 0 2 2 1  ra a s L        ra a s L a s t 2 2 1 2 0 source drift zone mirror t0 ... tTOF ion with zero initial velocity, v0= 0 contribution of initial velocity, v0 Single Stage Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 222 Dual Stage Ion Mirror Two-stage ion mirror ... ion mirror is divided in 2 stages with different E For positive ions: • positive voltage on the middle grid, 0 > U2 > U3 - a variety of arrangements, various ratio of stage lengths, e.g. ~1:2, ~2:3 - short 1st stage with higher E allows shortening of the entire mirror length • negative voltage on the middle grid: - space focusing in the 1st stage - energy focusing in the 2nd stage 38 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 223 tTOF = f(Wkin, U2, U3) energy dispersion ... the main reason of peak broadening and low R Mamyrin: Solution and U3 + U2 Wkin 0),,( 32    UUWf W kin kin 0),,( 322 2    UUWf W kin kin Dual Stage Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 224 Dual Stage Ion Mirror + Applicable to energy dispersion below ~20%. E.g. for energy dispersion < 5% theoretical resolution ~100 000 - Only ions that penetrate deep into the ion mirror (85-100%) are focused. - Mass spectra of ions with wider energy dispersion have to be recorded at several values of the potential on the mirror. The resulting spectrum is stitched from these several segments. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 225 Aim: tTOF independent on their Wkin for ions of all m/z In quadratic field ion reflection  f(Wkin0) z ... axis of potential change a ... parabola minimum k a C ... constants f ... frequency of oscillations (A. A. Makarov, E. N. Raptakis, and P. J. Derrick, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 1995, 146/147, 165.) Caz k zU  2 )( 2 )( )(2 2 azk m q dt zd  Nonlinear Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 226 Nonlinear Ion Mirror Other practical fields: axially symmetric hyperbolic potential planar hyperbolic potential axially symmetric hyperlogarithmic potential Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 227 linear field nonlinear (curved, quadratic) field (T. J. Cornish, R. J. Cotter ―Non-linear field reflector―, US Patent 5 464 985) Nonlinear Ion Mirror Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 228 Usually quadratic field or its approximation Creation of nonlinear field using unequal resistors in series using unequal spacers between rings and/or grids + simultaneous focusing of ions with wide dispersion of Wkin , e.g. products of post-source fragmentation, for entire m/z range - more complex calibration - ideal only for ions moving on the axis of the reflector ... only limited R can be achieved in practice Nonlinear Ion Mirror 39 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 229 Extraction field is turned on after a delay: 1. Laser pulse at t = 0 2. Expansion of ions at zero extraction field for a period t (delay) 3. Extraction field is turned on at t = t, with fast rise time (Brown, R. S.; Lennon, J. J.; Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 1998) t V(repeller) V(grid) V 15 kV 0 0 t 12 kV 3. Pulsed Extraction (Delayed Extraction Time-Lag Focusing) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 230 repeller grids detectordrift zone 1. t = 0: 2. t = t : 3. t = tof: + + E = 0 E > 0 + + + + e.g. 12 kV 12 kV 0 kV Pulsed Extraction e.g. 15 kV 12 kV 0 kV Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 231 Pulse extraction for continual ion sources Analyte stream is extracted by pulse extraction field orthogonal to the entering ion beam. Usually with ion mirror for higher resolution. repeller, pulse voltage, U1 (+) analyte ion beam from a continual ion source drift zone, E = 0 detector exit grid, 0 V acceleration grid, 0 V extraction grid, U2 Orthogonal Extraction Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 232 Other Factors Influencing Resolution in TOFMS • non-ideal ion source • ion optics • tube length dilatation • properties of detector • sampling frequency of A/D converter • sample preparation • acceleration voltage fluctuations E.g. acceleration voltage fluctuations: m = const. Ut2  dt given by max. frequency of AD converter, detector speed and time dispersion of ion generation dU given by high voltage power supply (drifts and noise)        t td 2 U Ud . m md R 1 const Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 233 Strict requirement on parallel arrangement MCP with narrow channels L drift zone+ + MCP detectorion source + + 3 mm L drift zone MCP (detail) 10o ion source Importance of Alignment in TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 234 Resolution: E.g. for R = 15 000 and L = 3 m: L 100 mm Note: MCP with channel angle 10o and diameter 10 mm: L = 10 mm/tan(10o) = 57 mm m m R   m z eU t L 2 2 2 R L L  2 t t R   2 t = L/v  Importance of Alignment in TOFMS 40 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 235 Influence of Grids Grids ... electrodes transparent for ions ... in ion source, ion mirror and in front of detectors MS with grids + precise definition of potential - ion losses (impact, deflection, reaction) - secondary ion formation on grids, sputtering of grid material - field penetration Gridless MS - higher resolution without losses on grids - more complex design (extra curvature of ion trajectories, lens effect) For details, see: T. Bergmann, T. P. Martin, H. Schaber Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1989, 60, 347. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 236 TOF with grids Gridless TOF Note: grids do not have to always mean drop of resolution 1441 m/z 0 100 200 300 400 IonSignal(a.u.) 1445 1449 Influence of Grids Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 237 system geometry extraction R TOFMS linear DC 500 DE-TOFMS linear pulse 5 000 rTOFMS reflector DC 10 000 DE-rTOFMS reflector pulse 20 000 oTOFMS reflector pulse 10 000 Comparison of TOFMS Systems Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 238 ion mirror ion optics detector (+) Q1: precursor selection Q2: CID Q3: ion guide & focusing API, AP MALDI... laser (MALDI) Ion beam is wide after exit from Q3 (space dispersion - x0), but ions have negligible energy dispersion - v0 in the direction of flight Tandem Mass Spectrometer QTOF Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 239 Hybrid Ion Source for QTOF Exchangeable ion source ... continual and pulse ion techniques Example: QTOFMS: API AP MALDI Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 240 Source: Micromass/Waters Hybrid QTOF MS for API and MALDI 41 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 241 Source: Micromass/Waters Hybrid QTOF MS for API and MALDI Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 242 TOF: Other Geometries (+) + detector- detector + (-) TOF MS for simultaneous detection of positive and negative ions Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 243 360o magnetic sector - no separation in space - separation in time m1 m2 (m2>m1) + B TOF: Other Geometries Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 244 Technical Notes Target (MALDI): 384 spots on target sized as microtitration well plate, sufficient area for collection of eluent from a separation column Ion optics: with or without grids (gridless) Collision chamber in ion source: increase of fragmentation degree length of the drift zone (flight tube): typically 1-2 m, but even 10 cm or 5 m Ion guide – it may be placed in the tube to increase ion transmission (wire in the flight axis with ~ -50 V for positive ions) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 245 MALDI Target Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 246 Other Technical Notes Detectors: microchannel plate, MCP usually double MCP electron multiplier hybrid detector (scintilating layer + photomultiplier) Detection electronics: AD converter (8 bits, 0.5 - 4 GS/s) TD converter + segmented detector 42 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 247 Applera Mariner API oTOF Voyager MALDI TOF 4700 MALDI TOF/TOF QSTAR API, MALDI QoTOF Bruker Biflex, Proflex, Reflex MALDI TOF Autoflex, Omniflex, Ultraflex MALDI TOF (LIFT) JEOL AccuTOF API oTOF LECO Renaissance API (ICP) TOF Jaguar API oTOF Micromass/Waters M@LDI MALDI TOF QTOF API oTOF QTOF Ultima API, MALDI oTOF Thermo/Finnigan Tempus EI, CI oTOF Kratos/Shimadzu Kompact, Axima MALDI TOF etc. etc. Commercial TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 248 Comparison of Common Mass Spectrometers MS max. m/z R quadrupole filter 4 000 2 000 magnetic sector 20 000 50 000 ion traps 10 000 5 000 FT-ICR-MS 100 000 100 000 TOFMS 1 000 000 10 000 Note: The values in the table are approximate, as they describe average instruments, the parameters of research-grade systems might be significantly higher (differences in order of magnitudes). Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 249 TOFMS Summary • Unlimited theoretical upper m/z limit. Practical limit: ionization and detection efficiency, metastable ion decay. • Entire spectrum recorded at once. • High speed of data acquisition (1 spectrum in ~10-4 s). E.g. insulin (m/z = 5735) accelerated by 15 kV overcomes 1-m drift zone in ~ 50 ms. • High ion transmission, especially in linear mode (> 50 %). • High resolution (R > 10 000). • Simplicity and relatively low cost. • Fragmentation techniques available (ISD, PSD, TOF/TOF ... next lecture) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 250 TOFMS Perspective Advantages of TOFMS upper m/z limit, speed and high sample throughput, high sensitivity and resolution, relatively lost cost Huge spread of TOFMS in the last decade MALDI + PE TOF, rTOF MS API, AP MALDI + oTOF MS New techniques for MS/MS (TOF-TOF, LIFT, QTOF) Competition LT, FT-ICR and hybrid MS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 251 Ion Dissociation (CID, SID, ECD, ETD, IRMPD). Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS). In-Source Decay (ISD), Post-Source Decay (PSD). New Techniques (TOF-TOF, LIFT). 8 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 252 1. ionization  mixture of ions 2. first MS  selection of parent ion, precursor ion 3. fragmentation of ions (e.g. in collision cell) 4. second MS  analysis of fragmentation products, daughter ions Arrangement 1. in space – two or more discrete m/z analyzers in a series 2. in time – consecutive ionization, precursor selection, fragmentation and scan in a single m/z analyzer (ion trap) Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Tandem MS, MS/MS, MSn) ionization MS1 precursor ion MS2 daughter ionsfragmentation 43 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 253 Fragmentation Classification Dissociation ... monomolecular reaction, t(induction) << t(dissociation) Fragmentation can be induced by: 1. Collision w/ atom or molecule collision-induced dissociation, CID 2. Collision with surface surface-induced dissociation, SID 3. Photon (photodissociation, PD) e.g. infrared multiphoton dissociation, IRMPD using CO2 laser 4. Electron (electron capture dissociation, ECD) Note: It is difficult sometimes to determine the exact cause of ionization, e.g. the decay in MALDI (in- and post-source decay, ISD and PSD) may be induced by both collisions and photons. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 254 Fragmentation Induced by Collisions 1. collisions with molecules of background (collision) gas in collision cell at elevated pressure, p ~100 Pa CID, collision-induced dissociation CAD, collisionally activated dissociation 2. excessive excitation during ionization, e.g. high laser power at MALDI ISD, in-source decay ... in TOFMS PSD, post-source decay … in TOFMS 3. collisions with surface: SID, surface-induced dissociation - surface: layer of an organic compound (polymer or monolayer of small organic molecules, e.g. alkanthiols) on a suitable substrate (Au) - collisions as a result of acceleration by electric field, e.g. voltage nozzle-skimmer Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 255 Ion Stability 1. Stable: lifetime, t > 10-6 s Ion flights through entire MS without decomposition. 2. Metastable: lifetime, t ~ 10-7 - 10-6 s Ion is decays during flight in the m/z analyzer. 3. Unstable: lifetime, t < 10-7 s Ion fragments in the ion source. Note: This is historical classification according to the time ions spend in magnetic sector. Reactions: unimolecular, bimolecular Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 256 Ion Collisions Fragmentation • intended fragmentation aimed at elucidation of analyte structure • usually with atoms of rare gases Elastic collisions Kinetic energy is conserved. Inelastic collisions Part of kinetic energy is converted into inner ion energy: Ein <= E(Mt/(Mt + Mi)) t = target, i = ion Use heavy target to transfer more energy on ion. 1 eV/ion ~ 100 kJ/mol (100 kJ/5 g tatranky) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 257 Low-Energy Collisions Collision Energy: 1 – 100 eV vibrational excitation, t (ion-target interaction) ~ 10-14 s Collision efficiency usually sufficient due to many collisions in collision cell Instrumentation triple quadrupole filter, ion traps, hybrid MS The most widespread technique nowadays. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 258 High-Energy Collisions Collision energy: keV electron nature of excitation, t (ion- target interaction) ~ 10-15 s converted energy ~ 1 – 3 eV Collision efficiency He – reduces angular scatter of products (scatter has negative impact on m/z analysis) Ar, Xe – enables more efficient energy conversion Instrumentation hybrid sector instruments, TOF/TOF 44 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 259 Example: McLafferty Rearrangement Electron impact-induced breakage of carbonyl compounds with hydrogen in g position and formation of enolic fragment and olefin: F. W. McLafferty, Anal. Chem. 31, 82 (1959). D. G. I. Kingston et al., Chem. Rev. 74, 215 (1974); K. Biemann, Mass Spectrometry (New York, 1962) p 119; Djerassi et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 87, 817 (1965); 91, 2069 (1969); 94, 473 (1972) M. J. Lacey et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. 5, 1391 (1971); G. Eadon, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 94, 8938 (1972); F. Turecek, V. Hanus, Org. Mass Spectrom. 15, 8 (1980). Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 260 Mechanism of McLafferty Rearrangement Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 261 Why MS/MS? 1.Structure elucidation of organic compounds 2.Analysis of mixture of analytes as a substitute of separation – MS combination. • All ions are ionized simultaneously at MS/MS. CID and daughter-ion scan are done for selected precursors. • Attention! Mutual ion suppression in complex mixtures during ionization. 3.Improvement of S/N • Higher selectivity  reduced noise • Single ion monitoring Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 262 Mass spectrometers for MS/MS 1. Triple quadrupole filter (Triple quad, QQQ, TQ, Q3) 2. Ion traps (IT, LIT, FT-ICR) 3. BE (magnetic sector – electrostatic analyzer) with reverse geometry 4. TOF/TOF MS 5. Hybrid spectrometers, such as QTOF, IT-TOF, EBQ etc. Classification of tandem mass spectrometry 1. in space – 1, 3, 4, 5 2. in time – 2, 5 (IT-TOF) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 263 Triple quadrupole, QQQ, QqQ, Q3 Classical instrument for low-energy CID (MS/MS, MS2) Q1: MS1 q2: RF-only, collision chamber Q3: MS2 Q1 q2 Q3 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 264 Scan Types in MS/MS 1.Single Ion Monitoring Set Q1: only ABC+ pass Set Q3: only one of ABC fragments pass – e.g. AB+, A+, BC+… … very selective and sensitive proof of ABC 2.Daughter Ion Scan Set Q1: only ABC+ pass Scan Q3: spectrum of ABC+ fragments … structure elucidation 3.Parent Ion Scan, Precursor Ion Scan Scan Q1: spectrum of original ions ABC+, ABF+, DEF+ etc. Set Q3: detect only specific fragment, e.g. AB+ … for identification of a group of similar compounds (with the same functional group or structure motif) 4.Neutral Loss Scan Scan Q1 and Q3 simultaneously while keeping constant difference between the m/z of transmitted ions … loss of the same neutral (compounds with the same functional group.) 45 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 265 Other Mass Spectrometers for MS/MS Tandem magnetic and electrostatic sector with reverse geometry (BE) 1.Isolation of precursor ABC+ in B. 2.Fragmentation in collision chamber. 3.Kinetic energy analysis in E. Daughter ions are characterized with W; W = f(m/z). More sophisticated combinations: EBE, EBEB. EBqQ EB: precise precursor selection q1: RF-only (collision cell) Q2: selection/analysis of products Tandem quadrupole filter - oTOFMS (QTOFMS) TOFTOF Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 266 Other Mass Spectrometers for MS/MS Tandem IT - TOFMS (IT-TOFMS) IT: accumulation and MSn option in the 1st stage. TOF: sensitive detector with high mass resolution&accuracy as the 2nd stage. Ion traps: IT, FT-ICR-MS • MSn option • the same spectrometer as for MS, only software upgrade needed • the same price • Procedure: 1. isolation of precursor (after accumulation of all ions) 2. excitation of precursor (amplitude boost) for a longer period 3. product scan (or back to the 1st step for MSn, n >2) Tandem LT – FT-ICR-MS plenty of scan types and operational modes Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 267 ... for structural analysis and/or identification In-source decay (ISD) Post-source decay (PSD) Collision-induced dissociation (CID, TOF/TOF) TOF in Tandem MS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 268 In-Source Decay (ISD) • Also called In-Source Fragmentation (ISF) • Technique for study of molecular structure • Elevated laser power at MALDI leads to excessive ―heating" (vibrations) of molecules/ions of analyte and fragmentation of analyte in the source • Intensity of fragments << intensity of parent ion ([M+H]+) • Pulse extraction necessary to: • reach sufficient resolution and sensitivity • prolong ion stay in the ion source (more collisions) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 269 ISD Characteristics + Ion mirror not necessary. - Pulse extraction needed. - Preparation of clean analyte required (no option of precursor selection). - May require special sample preparation (e.g. higher salt concentration) Use: MALDI TOFMS of peptides, saccharides Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 270 H2N - CH- C- OR1 NH - CH- C- OR2 NH - CH- C- OR3 NH - CH- COOH R4 x3 a1 y3 b1 z3 c1 x2 a2 y2 b2 z2 c2 x1 a3 y1 b3 z1 c3 Examples of ISD Fragmentation rules … according to relative strength of bonds. Typical fragmentation products of peptides: c, y, z 46 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 271 ISD. Analyte: 20 pmol KGF analogue. Matrix: sinapinic acid. Laser: N2. (V. Katta, D. T. Chow, M. F. Rohde Anal. Chem., 70, 4410-4416, 1998.) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 272 ISD Analyte: oxidized bovine insulin, chain B Matrix: thiourine Laser: Er:YAG (l = 2936 nm) (http://medweb.uni-muenster.de/institute/impb/research/hillenkamp/publicat/abs-cm99.html) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 273 Post-Source Decay (PSD) • Ion selector (ion gate): selection of precursor (m/z interval 1 - 20 Da). • Analysis of product ions in ion mirror: - Fragment ions of analyte are formed during flight through the drift zone (as a result of excessive excitation), e.g.: - ABC+  AB+ + C - ABC+  A+ + BC etc. - Kinetic energy conservation for the first equation: - mABCv2/2 = mABv2/2 + mCv2/2. • The heavier the fragment ion is, the higher kinetic energy it has and the deeper it penetrates into the ion mirror  longer flight time. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 274 Precursor ABC+ Fragmentation 1 Fragmentation 2 ABC+ AB+ C A+ BC v v v v v 222 222 vmvmvm AABABC   Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 275 Clasical ion mirror allows focusing of only product ions with < 20 % energy dispersion and hence in < 20 % m/z interval. Total PSD spectrum has to be put together from few PSD spectrum increments obtained at different reflector potential. Quadratic ion mirror allows focusing of products ions in wide m/z interval. +U2 , (U2 > U1)0 + (+) deflector/selector (-) detector 2 +U1 source ion mirror detector 1 for neutrals (BC, C etc.) ABCH+ ABH+CH+ Ion Mirror as an Energy Analyzer in PSD TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 276 MALDI PSD of a Derivatized Peptide YLYELAR m/z 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 [Abs. Int. * 1000] a Y y R A Spectrum composed from spectral increments recorded at different ion mirror potential. Only ions that penetrate deep into the mirror were focused. Dual stage ion mirror used. (Source: Z. Zdráhal) 47 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 277 MALDI PSD of a Peptide 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 m /z 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 a .i. MALDI PSD: Dual stage ion mirror. (Source: Z. Zdráhal) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 278 MALDI PSD of a Peptide 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 20 40 60 80 B a1 b1 a2y3 b2 y4 a3 y5 b3 a4 y6 b4 b5 y7 a6 b6 y8 a7 b7 [M+H] + Intensity[%] Mass/Charge pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2 MALDI PSD, a quadratic-field reflector used. (O. Šedo et al. Anal. Chim. Acta 2004, 515, 261-269) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 279 Collision-Induced Dissociation (CID) in TOFMS Fragmentation results of collision of precursor ion with gas molecule Collision chamber - additional collision chamber in TOF ion source (negligible effect) - inserted between two TOF analyzers (TOF/TOF) - in hybrid instrument (e.g. QqTOF) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 280 TOF-based MS/MS (Medzihradszky, K. F.; Campbell, J. M.; Baldwin, M. A.; Falick, A. M.; Juhasz, P.; Vestal, M. L.; Burlingame, A. L. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 552). TOF/TOF Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 281 6 kV LIFT cell 15 kV (pulse) ion mirror 22 kV source 15 kV (pulse) LIFT cell: entrance grid exit grid tube with grids LIFT - TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 282 Vacuum Instrumentation. Detectors. Data Acquisition. Signal Converters. Coupling Separations to Mass Spectrometry (online, off-line, microdevices) 9 48 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 283 Ion Detection Faraday cup Electron multiplier Channeltron Microchannel plate, MCP ―Daly‖ detector Array detectors Photographic plate Hybrid detectors, e.g. MCP-diode array Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 284 Faraday Cup - Very small currents E.g.: 100 ions/s  current = 1.6 x 10-17 A -100 V -10 V + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 285 Electron Multiplier • Analogy of photomultiplier; conversion dynode (instead of photocathode) followed by a series of dynodes with decreasing potential and a collector. Electron multiplier is not encapsulated in a glass bulb. • Conversion of ions to electrons on the first dynode (e.g. Cu-Be alloy). Multiplications of electrons on dynodes. Electron capture on collector, generation of current. • Gain ~ 106 + etc. dynodes conversion dynode, -2 kV collector, 0 V Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 286 Channeltron • Glass tube with a layer of semiconducting PbO inside and applied voltage on the ends. Current flowing through the PbO layer forms potential gradient along the tube (rather than dynodes kept at discrete potential values). Electron multiplication similar to electron multiplier. • Conversion dynode necessary for detection of positive ions. • Gain ~ 106 -3 kV -100 V 0 V Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 287 Microchannel Plate (MCP) Dimensions of MCP • thickness ~1 mm • diameter 1 - 10 cm. Microchannels • slightly tilted, • diameter ~ 3 - 20 mm. • covered with a PbO layer, ... formation of gradient along microchannels (electron multiplication on continuous dynodes) • Chevron structure in sets of more MCP’s. Array detector with large sensitive area useful in TOFMS Gain of single MCP ~103, dual MCP ~106 or higher. + + + + + -2.2 kV -1.2 kV -200 V collector 0 V 2 MCP’s w/microchannels Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 288 “Daly” Detector Ion  electron(s)  4 photons (phosphorus) + Very low noise. + Very high gain (photomultiplier usually works in photon counting mode). - Light interferes. - Very low pressure (p < 10-5 Pa) necessary. photomultiplier + thin metal film phosphorus layer polished metal electrode, -30 kV 49 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 289 Array Multichannel Detectors … e.g. for magnetic sector Photographic plate - historical detector, time-consuming processing Combination of MCP and diode array Incorporation of optical fiber bunch for higher positional resolution. Other detectors ... combination of the detectors discussed before E.g. MCP and phosphorus scintillator … isolation of high voltage optical fiber bunch 2 MCP’s phosphorus diode array + + Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 290 Data Acquisition in MS ions electrons current voltage recording device charge, q conversion (conversion efficiency,amplification) I = q/t (t ... time) U = IR (R ... impedance) Different schematic for photographic plate and scintillating detectors Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 291 Mass Spectrum y-axis: current, voltage, charge, ions, counts??? a.u. (arbitrary units) or relative intensity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %Int. 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Mass/Charge normalization of ion signal Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 292 Mass Spectrum Acquisition I(m/z) = f(X) = f(t) Scanning instruments Scanned X Scan period MAG magnetic sector B, U ~ 1 s Q quadrupole filter U, V, f ~ 0.1 s IT, LT ion traps U, V, f ~ 0.1 s Direct signal acquisition in time: TOF ~ 100 ms FT-ICR ion cyclotron ~ 1 s Other non-scanning instruments may use array detectors. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 293 Recording Devices digital converters • A/D converter (analog to digital) • T/D converter (time to digital) photographic plate chart recorder analog oscilloscope with a camera Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 294 A/D Converter (ADC) Measurement (digitization) of voltage Basic parameters number of bits (resolution) sampling frequency, number of samples pre second [Sample/s] max. frequency (cut-off frequency) polarity: unipolar (negative), bipolar input voltage range max. input voltage number of data point (memory length, buffer size) stability etc. 50 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 295 A/D Converter Example: 2-bit converter with input voltage range 0-3V and sampling frequency 10 S/s number of levels = 22: period, T = 1/10 = 0.1 s SA (V) 3 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t (s) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 t (s) SD (#) 2 1 level high-bit low-bit 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 296 Signal Precision and Accuracy Precision and (accuracy) of measurement given by number of bits of ADC Example: for 8-bit ADC, 28 = 256 levels: deviation might be up to 1/2 of the difference between two adjacent levels min. rel. deviation > (2x(number of levels - 1))-1 = (1/2x255)-1 ~ 0.2 % number of bits 1 8 12 16 24 number of levels 2 256 4 096 65 536 16 777 216 min. rel. deviation (%) 50 0.2 0.01 8x10-4 3x10-6 dynamic range (rel. deviation < 10%) - 50 800 13 000 3 000 000 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 297 Selection of ADC Possible reasons: low signal level converter with low number of bits 100 102 104 0 2 4 6 8 10 Iontovýsignál m/z 100 101 102 103 104 105 0 50 100 150 200 250 Iontovýsignál m/z Solution: • higher detection range • converter with higher number of bits • signal accumulation (averaging) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 298 Acquisition Speed ... given by sampling frequency of ADC Factors: scan period scan range required resolution required quality of peaks (number of data points/peak) Example 1: Requirements on a Q: scan period = 0.1 s, unit resolution in m/z range = 200 – 2 000, >10 pts/peak. What is min. sampling frequency? min. sampling frequency = (2 000-200)x10/0.1 = 180 ksample/s memory length = (2 000-200)x10 = 18 000 samples … for 16-bit converter: 36 kByte (1 data point = 19 bits or 2 bytes) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 299 Example 2: How fast ADC is needed for TOFMS in order to record ion flying 20 ms with resolution 2000, provided the peak should be characterized by 10 points? t = 20 ms, R = 2 000 R = m/m = t/(2t) t = t/2R = 20 ms/4000 = 5 ns (FWHM) entire (~10 points) … 10 ns  tsample = 1 ns (1 ns/sample) sampling frequency, f = 1/ tsample = 1 Gsample/s ADC Speed Signal t 50% 100% 5 ns 20 ms t Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 300 Influence of Sampling Frequency of ADC (in TOFMS) 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Ionsignal(a.u.) Time of flight (ms) 2 Gsample/s 1 Gsample/s 500 Msample/s 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 10 ns10 ns10 ns 51 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 301 ADC: Current State of Art High number of bits: 24 bits • but only at low sampling frequency (1 kHz) High sampling frequency: 20 Gsamples/s • but only with low-bit ADCs (8 bits) High performance • data accumulation (averaging) directly in PC card • on-board compression (algorithms without and with data loss) • fast data transfer from card to PC ... PCI card in computer, direct PC memory access Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 302 Single-shot spectrum Averaged spectrum Compressed spectrum Data flow 12 Mbyte/s 7.8 Mbytes/s 0.17 Mbyte/s 5 pulses/sample 1 avg. MS/sample 1 comp. MS/sample 25 000 pts/MS 25 000 pts/MS ~700 pts/MS Application: CE–MS, simultaneous 8 CE eluents, 12 comp. MS/s/eluent  31.3 Mbyte/3-minute CE Hardware averaging and compression using multiple digital signal processors (FastFlight, EG&G). Use of Accumulation and Compression in TOFMS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 303 Available ADCs Digital oscilloscopes up to 20 Gsamples/s max. deviation of t: 1 ps bandwidth up to 8 GHz Tektronix, LeCroy, Agilent etc. PC cards (PCI) up to 5 Gsample/s, 8bit, with accumulation Aqiris, Signatec, GaGe etc. www.acqiris.com www.lecroy.com Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 304 T/D converter (TDC) Pulse counters Impact of ion on detector  pulse  amplifier  discriminator  counter TDC (time to digital converter) 1-bit A/D converter 2 levels: 0 a 1 Parameters: time resolution dead time number of channels etc. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 305 0 20 40 60 t (ms) 0 20 40 60 t (ms) Accumulation of n spectra Analog spectrum (1 pulse) Digitized spectrum (1 pulse) SA (V) 100 % 0 0 20 40 60 t (ms) SD1 (#) 0 1 SDn (#) 0 n Accumulated digitized spectrum (n pulses) threshold signal level Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 306 TDC Only one of a group of ions is used during one acquisition period (single channel TDC). Suitable for acquisition of relatively low signals with high repetition rate. Relatively low cost (compared to ADC). Applications: TOFMS with high frequency of extraction pulses (>kHz) ESI - oTOFMS AP-MALDI – oTOFMS TOFMS with low numbers of ions PD – TOFMS 52 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 307 TDC TDC with multiple channels ... to increase dynamic range ... using a multiple channel TDC in combination with a segmented detector Classical TOF detector T/D 1 bit MCP Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 308 TDC Segmented TOF detector Ions hit randomly four segments with similar probabilities ...total ion fluence might be higher Seg. MCP T/D 1 bit T/D 1 bit T/D 1 bit T/D 1 bit 4 bits Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 309 TDC Current state of the art Time resolution ~10 ps at millisecond range Montáž do stojanu nebo do PC (PCI sběrnice) Manufacturers: LeCroy, Kore Technologies etc. www.lecroy.com www.kore.co.uk Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 310 Informatics & Bioinformatics Hardware: IBM PC platform most popular Software: Windows XP Exponential growth of performance: Moore law Example: Evaluation of MS/MS spectra using SEQUEST program SCX - LC - MS/MS of Y2H yeast digest (the next slide) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 311 SCX-LC MS/MS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 312 PC Cluster for evaluation of SCX-LC-MS/MS 1x master PC (2 processors P4, 3 GHz) 8 x slave PCs (2 processors P4, 3 GHz) interconnected with 1-Gbit network 53 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 313 PC Cluster for evaluation of SCX-LC-MS/MS 5 minute search = + 5 oC temperature Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 314 Vacuum Instrumentation Background Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) Pressure unit: 1 Torr = 1 mm Hg Pressure, p p = force/area [Pa, N/m2] 1 atm = 760 Torr = 101 325 Pa = 101.325 bar = 14.70 psi 1 Torr = 133 Pa Vacuum gaseous state with p < 101325 Pa Mean free path of a molecule Mean path of a molecule (atom, ion, particle) travels between 2 collisions l = (2ps2n )-1 l(cm) = 0.66/p(Pa) ... only rough estimation for air at 25°C Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 315 Gas Flow Classification 1. Turbulent flow (p > 10 kPa) very short l many collisions between molecules 2. Viscous, continuous flow (p = 1000 - 0.1 Pa, „rough" vacuum) l = mm - cm: still much shorter compared to dimension with vacuum apparatus more collisions molecule – molecule than molecule – wall 3. Molecular flow (p < 0.01 Pa, ―high" or ―ultra high‖ vacuum, UHV) l > m: collisions of molecules with walls of vacuum apparatus prevail usual situation in mass spectrometer (exceptions: collision cells, CI, ion mobility spectrometry) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 316 Gas Flow Regimes Gas Flow Rate, Q [Q] = Pa m3/s, Pa L/s C … conductance of a tube with diameter D and length L C = f(D, L, p, gas, T), [C] = L/s At molecular flow regime, conductance is not a function of pressure p: C  D3/L (approximation) At viscous flow, conductance C depends on pressure p: C  pD4/L (approximation) Design of a vacuum apparatus  Short thick connectors  C  faster pumping.  In serial connections, the thinnest tube (bottleneck) limits pumping of the entire system: 1/Ctot = S1/Ci Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 317 Pumping Speed Pumping speed, S [S] = L/s 1/Schamber = 1/Spump + 1/Ctot Appropriate design: Ctot > Spumpa i.e., using expensive efficient pump together with long narrow tubes or hoses does not make sense Notes: • In molecular flow regime pump does not suck gas. Pump acts as a trap; molecules that come to the pump will not return to chamber. • Pumping speed varies with gas type (drops with gas M.W.). • Pressure is not constant throughout the system, positioning of pressure sensor matters. • Outgassing. Time needed for reaching sufficient vacuum is prolonged by presence of volatile compounds adsorbed (water, sample, finger prints) and absorbed in the system (gases and water in gaskets, plastics). p Q S  Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 318 Vacuum Pumps Mechanical pumps (rotary oil, membrane, roots) Diffusion pump Turbomolecular pump Cryotrap, sorption traps, chemisorptions traps 54 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 319 Rotary Oil Pump • One, two or even more stages. • Rotor immersed in oil - min. pressure limited by oil vaporization - trap for oil vapors needed (to keep apparatus clean - oil contamination!) - trap for oil mist on outlet needed (to keep operator’s lungs clean) - periodic oil changes required • Pressure > 0.1 Pa … ―rough" vacuum, pumping speed, S: 1 – 500 L/s (typical) • The most common rough pump in commercial systems. • Other mechanical pumps: membrane pump (no contamination, but higher limit p and lower pumping speed) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 320 Turbomolecular Pump • Series of turbines rotating at extremely high speed (up to 50 000 rpm). Gas molecules are reflected by turbine blades. Perimeter speed of turbine blades > speed of gas molecules. • Dependence of inlet and outlet pressure on gas molecular weight: ln (pout/pin)  m • UHV pump, limit pressure ~10-8 Pa • Pumping speeds up to ~ 3000 L/s • Commonly used UHV pump in commercial systems. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 321 Diffusion Pump • Special non-volatile oil heated with a heater at the base of the pump, heated oil vapors flow upwards through a central tube, stream as circular jets downwards on cooled walls, condense and flow down to the base. Molecules of pumped gas are drawn by oil jets. • Often used in combination with a trap cooled with water or liquid nitrogen; this may prevent oil backstreaming or increase pumping speed (solvent vapors). • UHV (ultra-high vacuum) pump, limit pressure ~10-6 Pa, pumping speed up to ~ 10 000 L/s. • Reliable, low maintenance. • Slow start, backstreaming. Cryotrap • Sorbent (e.g. charcoal) cooled down to 4 K (liquid He). • Regeneration necessary. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 322 UHV System Heating Molecules of background gas (especially water) adsorb on inner walls of mass spectrometer. Slow desorption of gas molecules continues to elevate pressure and prolongs pumping time. Pumping can be fastened by heating of the entire system (e.g. by wrapping the system using a resistively-heated tape), which shift equilibrium from adsorption to desorption. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 323 Pressure Sensors (Pressure Gauges) Hydrostatic pressure gauge • Pressure determined from difference of liquid levels. • Range down to 1 kPa, or 0.1 Pa for special constructions. Mechanical gauge • Determination of pressure from deviation of elastic membrane. • Reading of the deviation - mechanical - change of capacitance (range 105 – 10-2 Pa) Thermocouple gauge (Pirani) • Bimetallic thermocouple and resistively heated filament. • Heat transfer from filament to thermocouple dependent on pressure and type of gas. • Range p: 100 Pa - 0.1 Pa or 100 kPa - 0.1 Pa (convectron). Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 324 Pressure Gauges Ion gauge Bayard & Alpert: ion tube with heated cathode. • Three electrodes in a glass bulb: spiral (+), collecting wire (-) in the center of spiral and heated filament (-) outside the spiral (heated cathode). • The same setup as in the case of open ion source: electron from heated filament are extracted towards the spiral, ionize gas, ions and electrons are captured on the wire and current is measured. p = f(current). Note: current depends on gas composition! • Pressure range: 10-2 - 10-10 Pa (high vacuum, UHV) Penning: ion tube with cold cathode. • ions are formed in electric discharge in magnetic field. • Pressure range: 1 - 10-4 Pa, some constructions down to 10-10 Pa. Note: commercial spectrometers employ thermocouple and ion gauges. 55 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 325 Coupling Separation to Mass Spectrometry Why separation? ... analysis of very complex samples, mixtures of many analytes, e.g. common sample in proteomics contains >102 peptides Simple MS or even MS/MS is not powerful enough for several reasons: • high probability of occurrence of 2 or more analytes with the same m/z • overlap of isotopic envelopes of analytes with close m/z • mutual ion suppression • limited dynamic range of mass spectrometer • resolution of the 1st stage at MS/MS often unsatisfactory (R1 ~ 500) • removal of contaminants • source of additional information about analytes Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 326 Ion Suppression in Peptide Mixtures 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 AI AIII AG 1-14 AF 1-7 AF 3-8 AII AII (off scale) m/z IonIntensity(V) c(peptides) = 1 mM c(peptides) = 1 mM besides c(AII) = 50 mM Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 327 Classification of Interfaces Gas  vacuum • jet separator for analyte enrichment in carrier gas (particle beam) • membrane interface • capillary column or classical column + splitter Liquid  vacuum • API ionization techniques (ionization directly from liquid at atmospheric pressure) • Flow probes (FAB) • Sample deposition on a target - moving belt (deposition at atmospheric pressure – transport, differential pumping - ionization) - Fraction collection Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 328 Separation - ESI MS Most common techniques: 2D GE - MS • 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis on polyacrylamid gel • band excision and protein processing • common planar technique for protein separation RPHPLC – ESI MS • liquid chromatography on reverse phase – ESI MS • common column technique for peptide analysis Data dependent scan ... one MS scan followed by few MS/MS scans (discussed again later) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 329 Separation of biomolecules: MALDI or ESI ? ESI MS + Separation compatible + Commercially available, routinely used + ESI-MS/MS well established + High sensitivity + Easy automation - No sample archiving only on-line - Minor components not analyzed in MS-MS mode - Quantification vs. MS-MS - LC gradient often slow MALDI MS + Simpler spectra + Separation decoupled from mass spectrometry + Capability of sample archiving Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 330 MALDI Interface Common strategy: 1. Deposition of liquid sample on target 2. Sample drying 3. Target insertion into mass spectrometer and analysis Regime • On-line • Off-line • In-line Addition of MALDI matrix • Mixing with analyte solution (sheath flow, T, liquid junction) • Deposition of analyte solution on target precoated with matrix layer Collection of eluent • Discrete fractions • Continuous streak 56 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 331 MALDI Interface Off-line Targets with hydrophilic spots (anchorchip). Micromethods using piezoelectric pipetors and microtargets. Deposition using electrospray On-line Flow probe with or without frit Nebulizer for aerosol generation In-line ROBIN Interface Deposition on target at subatmospheric pressure, moving belt interface Off-line vs. on-line + Separation decoupled from mass analysis + Sample archiving Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 332 Sample Archiving (MALDI) Strategy for separation - MALDI MS and MS/MS 1. Deposition of eluent on target 2. MALDI MS analysis (<10% sample consumed) 3. Analysis of MALDI MS data 4. MALDI MS-MS selected peaks (detail analysis) (The overall procedure may be interrupted anytime after the first step.) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 333 Flow Probe (on-line) (Whittal, R. M., Russon, L. M., Li, L. J. Chromatogr. A 1998, 794, 367-375. ) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 334 (Fei, X., Wei, G., Murray, K. K. Anal. Chem. 1996, 68, 1143-1147. ) Nebulizer for Aerosol Generation (on-line) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 335 Moving Belt Interface (in-line) Interface for continuous introduction of nonvolatile sample in volatile solvent into mass spectrometer (McFadden W. H., Schwartz H. L. and Evans S. J. Chromatogr. 122, 389, 1976.) to vacuum pumps IR heating warm N2 LC eluent heated element slits moving polyimide belt ion source Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 336 Orsnes, H., Zenobi, R. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2001, 30, 104-112. ROBIN (Rotating Ball Inlet), in-line 57 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 337 source chamber (p ~ 10-6 Torr) probe with capillary interface flange source coil repeller repeller center (tape guide) deposition support propelled shaft target coil rubber wheel 2ND GENERATION VACUUM DEPOSITION INTERFACE atmospheric pressure Mylar tape Vacuum or Subatmospheric Deposition (in-line, off-line) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 338 Automated Fraction Collection (off-line) E.g. commercially available Probot (www.lcpackings.com) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 339 Microfluidic Devices and Mass Spectrometry Why connect micro and macro? ... possible advantages of mdevices: • integration of more steps, ―lab on a chip― (sample preparation, purification, injection, separation...) • paralell analysis (repeated motif on a single device) • low cost – single use mdevice (serial production) • all chemistry on the mdevice, MS as a detector Basic types: 1.2D array • affinity array: first selective preconcentration and/or capture of specific compounds, then MALDI MS directly from the mdevice • array of mvials with tips for ESI: higher reproducibility 2. Fluid mdevices (mdevices with channels) • systems for paralell analysis – for ESI, MALDI ... • systems integrating several steps Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 340 Micromethods (Laurell, T.; Nilsson, J.; Marko-Varga, G. Trends Anal. Chem. 2001, 20, 225-231. ) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 341 Example of mdevice for Paralell Analysis common liquid junction separation channels capillaries for infusion into mass spectrometer capillaries for sample injection from a microtitration well plate (Courtesy of T. Rejtar) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 342 mdevice vs. Conventional Device 58 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 343 Applications: Proteins and Peptides. Protein Identification: Peptide Mapping, Sequence Tag, Accurate Mass Tag.10 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 344 Biological Applications of MS Genome, proteome, metabolome. Small organic molecules, biomolecules, drugs, petrochemical products. Biopolymers (DNA, proteins, carbohydrates). Synthetic polymers. Proteomics Characterization of peptides and proteins – protein complement of genome. Nowadays the main and the most perspective application of mass spectrometry. Genome  proteome. Level of protein expression (gen  protein) varies. Genome is static, proteome dynamic: expression depends on type and function of protein, location in cell, state and health of cell. Function of organism is directly related to proteome. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 345 Proteomics Proteome analysis much more complex than genome analysis: - more building blocks (amino acids) - higher variability – modification of amino acids - no existing amplification method for proteins analogical to PCR - low levels of many proteins (e.g. regulatory proteins) Differential proteomics Determination of relative protein expression (presence or absence) in v influenced and healthy organism (organ, tissue, cell). Functional proteomics Determination of all interactions (protein-protein, protein-DNA, etc.) in given organism (organ, tissue, cell). Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 346 IUPAC: Amino Acids Alanine Ala A CH3-CH(NH2)-COOH Arginine Arg R H2N-C(=NH)-NH-[CH2]3-CH(NH2)-COOH Asparagine Asn N H2N-CO-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Aspartic acid Asp D HOOC-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Cysteine Cys C HS-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Glutamine Gln Q H2N-CO-[CH2]2-CH(NH2)-COOH Trivial name Symbols Formula Glutamic acid Glu E HOOC-[CH2]2-CH(NH2)-COOH Glycine Gly G CH2(NH2)-COOH Histidine His H Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 347 Isoleucine Ile I C2H5-CH(CH3)-CH(NH2)-COOH Leucine Leu L (CH3)2CH-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Lysine Lys K H2N-[CH2]4-CH(NH2)-COOH Methionine Met M CH3-S-[CH2]2-CH(NH2)-COOH Phenylalanine Phe F C6H5-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Proline Pro P Serine Ser S HO-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH Trivial name Symbols Formula IUPAC: Amino Acids Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 348 Threonine Thr T CH3-CH(OH)-CH(NH2)-COOH Tryptophan Trp W Tyrosine Tyr Y Valine Val V (CH3)2CH-CH(NH2)-COOH Trivial name Symbols Formula IUPAC: Amino Acids 59 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 349 Development of Techniques for Ionization of Peptides and Proteins 1963 LDI Laser Desorption/Ionization (R. Honig) 1969 FD Field desorption (H. D. Beckey) 1974 PD Plasma desorption (R. D. McFarlane) 1976 SIMS Secondary ion mass spectrometry (A. Benninghoven) 1981 FAB Fast atom bombardment (M. Barber) 1984 ESI Electrospray (J. B. Fenn) 1988 MALDI Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (M. Karas & F. Hillenkamp, K. Tanaka) 1994 nano-ESI Nanoelectrospray (M. S. Wilm, M. Mann) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 350 Current Ionization Techniques in Proteomics FAB max. m ~ 10 000 Da LD ~ 20 pmol (classical FAB), < 1 pmol (CF-FAB) ESI max. m ~ 100 000 Da (z >> 1) LD < 10 fmol (routine) LD ~ amol or 10-9 M (selected applications) MALDI max. m ~ 106 (practically unlimited – TOF analyzer) relatively least vulnerable to contaminants LD < 10 fmol (routine) LD ~ amol or 10-9 M (selected applications) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 351 Mass Spectrometers in Proteomics MALDI MS high sample throughput TOF ESI MS-MS structure elucidation QqTOF, IT, FT ICR New instrumentation MALDI TOF-TOF, MALDI LIFT TOF MALDI QqTOF • fast identification in MS mode • option of later detail analysis in MS/MS mode (result-dependent analysis) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 352 Separation Methods in Proteomics GE gel electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel HPLC high performance liquid chromatography on reverse phase IEC ion-exchange chromatography AC affinity chromatography CE capillary electrophoresis Centrifugation common centrifugation, gradient centrifugation Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 353 Gel Electrophoresis (GE) 2D SDS PAGE 2D: 2-dimensional electrophoresis 1. dimension: according to pI (isoelectric focusation) 2. dimension: according to size of SDS after denaturation (charge/size = const.) PA: polyacrylamide gel as separation medium • Useful for separation of tens of thousands proteins, for very simple mixtures 1D GE sufficient • Fast identification and protein characterization on 2D gel is the most common analysis of current proteomics • Approximately 5% proteins and 30% peptides exhibit abnormal migration • PTM’s influence apparent protein m (errors up to 50%) • Problematic protein transport from gel matrix (electroblot on a membrane) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 354 Example: 2D GE of Human Plasma Zdroj: Expasy 60 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 355 RP HPLC • Column: classical, capillary (f ~300 mm) or nano LC (f ~75 mm) • Packing: C18, particle size: 3 – 10 mm (RP ... reverse phase) • Gradient elution, e.g.: - organic phase: ACN (acetonitrile) + 0.1% TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) - aqueous phase: 0.1% TFA - start: 10% organic phase + 90% aqueous phase - end: 80% organic phase + 20% aqueous phase • Organic solvent promotes peptide solubility, enables detection in UV (230 – 240 nm) and evaporates fast, which is convenient for fraction collection, e.g. in MALDI MS. • Standard technique of column separation for peptides and proteins Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 356 Example: RP HPLC of BSA Digest (Source: ThermoFinnigan, 2002) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 357 Enzymatic Protein Digestion protein peptide mixture Reasons for moving from high m/z region to low m/z region: 1. Better parameters of mass spectrometers (higher resolution, precision and accuracy of m/z determination, sensitivity) 2. Narrower isotopic envelope (simpler spectra, higher sensitivity) Note.: digestion = enzymatic cleavage digest = mixture of protein fragments, products of digestion modifications before digestion: • reduction of -S-S- bridges using, e.g., dithiothreitol (DTT) • alkylation –SH using, e.g., iodoacetamide (IAA)  m: + 57 Da • purpose: „unfolding of protein― ... better approach for enzyme enzyme Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 358 Enzymatic Protein Digestion Most commonly used enzyme is trypsin (modified, e.g. TPCK to suppress chymotrypsin activity, methylation etc.). Other enzymes and reagents: lysine, chymotrypsin, CNBr etc. Products of enzymatic cleavage • specific fragments of analyzed protein E.g. trypsin cleaves on C-terminus of amino acids K or R, if P is not a neighbor. (Actual rules more complex): N terminus-X-X-X-X-X-K-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-C terminus (YP) • non-specific fragments of analyzed protein • artifacts (modification of amino acids, e.g. oxidative, due to PA gel etc.) • fragments of enzyme (autolysis) • keratin fragments ( ) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 359 Enzymatic Protein Digestion in 2D Gel 1. Wash the gel slices for at least 1 hr in 500 microliters of 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate. Discard the wash. 2. Add 150 microliters of 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate and 10 microliters of 45 mM DTT. Incubate at 60 degrees centigrade for 30 min. 3. Cool to room temp and add 10 microliters of 100 mM iodoacetamide and incubate for 30 min in the dark at room temperature. 4. Discard the solvent and wash the gel slice in 500 microliters of 50% acetonitrile/100 mM ammonium bicarbonate with shaking for 1 hr. Discardthe wash. Cut the gel into 2-3 pieces and transfer to a 200 microliter eppendorf style PCR tube. 5. Add 50 microliters of acetonitrile to shrink the gel pieces. After 10-15 min remove the solvent and dry the gel slices in a rotatory evaporator. 6. Re-swell the gel pieces with 10 microliters of 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate containing Promega modified trypsin (sequencing grade) at a concentration such that a substrate to enzyme ratio of 10:1 has been achieved. (If the amount of protein is not known, add 0.1-0.2 microgramsof modified trypsin in 10 microliters of 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate).After 10-15 minutes add 10-20 microliters of additional buffer to cover the gel pieces. Gel pieces need to stay wet during the digest. Incubate 4 hrs to overnight at 37 degrees Centigrade.Proceed to step 8 if further extraction of the gel is desired (recommended)otherwise continue with step 7. 7. Approximately 0.5 microliters of the supernatant may be removed for MALDI analysis and/or the supernatant acidified by adding 10% TFA to a final concentration of 1% TFA for injection onto a narrowor microbore reverse phase column. (If necessary the sample's volume may be reduced~1/3 on a rotatory evaporator.) 8. Extraction (Optional)- Save supernatant from step 7 in tube X, and extract peptides from gel twice with 50 microliters of 60%acetonitrile/0.1% TFA for 20 min. Combine all extracts in tube X (using the same pipet tip to minimize losses), and speed vac to near dryness.Reconstitute in 20 microliters of appropriate solvent. Proceed with chromatography or MALDI analysis. (http://www.abrf.org/ResearchGroups/ProteinIdentification/EPosters/pirgprotocol.html) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 360 Strategy of Analysis in Proteomics Basic Analysis Types 1. Identification (confirmation of presence of a known protein in sample) 2. Relative quantification in differential proteomics 3. Sequencing of unknown protein/peptide (de novo sequencing) Sample is usually mixture of many proteins/peptides       Analysis is based on combination of separation with MS and MS/MS Identification Amino acid sequence of many proteins has already been described and it is not necessary to analyze it again. 61 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 361 Strategy of Analysis in Proteomics Top-down • protein isolation • protein processing, enzymatic cleavage • analysis of peptides (MS, MS/MS) Bottom-up • enzymatic cleavage • separation of peptides • MS and MS/MS analysis of peptides Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 362 Some Useful Terms genotype genetic ―equipment‖ of an organism, disposition phenotype actual state of organism, result of interaction with environment in vivo in living organism in vitro outside living organism, in artificial environment http://www.meta-library.net/gengloss Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 363 Protein Identification Information known prior analysis: • Sample source (organism) • Isoelectric point (pI) from 2D PAGE • Molecular weight of protein from 2D PAGE, or possibly from MALDI MS • N- and/or C- terminal portion of sequence (Edman degradation) ... The information is not sufficient for protein identification Methods for protein identification A. 2D GE + X + MS (peptide mass fingerprinting, peptide mapping) B. 2D GE + X + RPHPLC + MS and MS/MS (sequence tag, AMT) C. X + 2D LC (e.g. IEC and RHPLC) + MS and MS/MS D. X + AC (afinity chromatography) + MS and MS/MS (IMAC, ICAT) E. Strategy using X and isotopic reagents/standards X ... selective enzymatic cleavage Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 364 Protein Identification • MS is used to obtain information specific for protein • Comparison of specific characteristics of analyzed protein with a protein library (containing specific characteristics) of known proteins. Specificity is based on: 1.Analysis of more peptides related to the protein peptide mass fingerprinting (peptide mapping), MS analysis of products of enzymatic cleavage of the protein 2.Detailed analysis of a single peptide of the protein a) sequence tag, MS-tag – MS/MS analysis of a portion of the protein (fragmentation of a peptide in gaseous phase) b) accurate mass tag, AMT – determination of amino acid composition of a portion of the protein (accurate m of product of enzymatic cleavage) • Requires accurate MS analysis and a quality database • MS-based identification is much faster and more sensitive than chemical methods, such as Edman degradation) • Negative result of database search may mean new protein discovery!!! Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 365 Peptide Mass Fingerprinting, PMF (Peptide Mapping) Confirmation of protein identity using MS of products of enzymatic cleavage 1. Separation (and possibly quantification) of proteins: 2D GE 2. Band excision, modifications, enzymatic cleavage cells, tissue band excision 2D gel electrophoresis protein extract isolated protein (in gel) peptide fragments (protein digest) chemical modification and selective cleavage (e.g. trypsin, CNBr) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 366 Peptide Mass Fingerprinting, PMF (Peptide Mapping) 3. MS analysis and evaluation of results peptide fragments (protein digest) MALDI MS ESI MS m/z search in protein database (identification of known proteins) separation - ESI MS m/z ESI MS-MS of selected peptides structure (mutations, new proteins) 62 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 367 Example of Database Search: MS Fit Input: Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 368 Example of Database Search: MS Fit Output: MS Fit – Protein Identification from m/z values of peptide fragments using MS Fit program on http://prospector.ucsf.edu Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 369 Drawbacks of PMF • Sample with a single protein needed, if possible, max. 2-3 proteins before cleavage • m/z accuracy < 100 ppm or even better (<10 ppm) needed • Better m/z accuracy  more confident answer from database search • Absence of peptides in digest usually lower problem than presence of unexpected peptides • Usually 4-5 peptides (in conjunction with high mass accuracy) sufficient for confident protein identification Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 370 PMF: Theory and Practice Extra (unexpected) peaks • non-selective cleavage (e.g. due to chymotryptic activity of trypsin) • impurities (e.g. keratins) • unsatisfactory protein isolation (additional proteins in band) • enzyme autolysis • post-translational modifications (PTM’s), artifacts Missing peaks • low-soluble peptides • adsorption of peptides • mutual suppression of peptides • non-selective cleavage • insufficient digestion (sterical restrictions) • PTM’s, artifacts Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 371 Sequence-Tag Method (MS-Tag) • Protein identification based on knowledge of a portion of short portion of protein sequence (sequence-tag, MS-tag), usually sequence of a single peptide • Precise determination of amino acid sequence of a protein fragment from digestion – usually using ESI-MS/MS or MALDI-PSD-MS mass spectrum or peak list • Required length of sequence 3 or more amino acids • The longer sequence is known, the more unambiguous identification • The known portion of sequence is being searched for in protein databases • Other information of protein: organism, M.W., pI (both from 2D GE), etc. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 372 Basic Strategy of MALDI MS and LC - ESI MS Source: ThermoFinnigan 2002 peptidové mapování MS/MS: MS-tag 63 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 373 2D LC/MS/MS Schematics Source: ThermoFinnigan 2002 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 374 Experimental Setup for 2D LC/MS/MS (1) 1D: Chromatography on ionex 2D: RHPLC (2 HPLC columns ... higher productivity) Source: ThermoFinnigan 2002 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 375 Experimental Setup for 2D LC/MS/MS (2) Source: ThermoFinnigan 2002 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 376 Control of 2D LC/MS/MS Experiment Source: ThermoFinnigan 2002 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 377 Results of 2D LC/MS/MS Experiment Source: ThermoFinnigan 2002 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 378 LC-ESI MS and MS/MS: Dynamic analysis LC-ESI MS/MS (data-dependent analysis): • One MS sken followed by few MS/MS scans of main precursors • In the case of more complex mixtures even MS3 scans possible (e.g. for detection of phosphorylation) 64 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 379 Accurate Mass Tag (AMT) • Identification of protein on basis of knowledge of accurate mass of a single peptide fragment (after enzymatic digestion of the protein) • Accurate determination of protein mass of peptide using FT ICR MS • Typical number of amino acid residues in peptide chain ~ 10 • With precision of determination m/z < 1 ppm, there is high probability that the measured mass correspond only to a single amino acid composition as shown on the next slide atom H C N O S m [Da] 1.0078246 12.000000 14.00307 15.994915 31.972072 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 380 AMT (T. P. Conrads, G. A. Anderson, T. D. Veenstra, L. Paša-Tolić and R. D. Smith Anal Chem. 2000, 72, 3349-3354.) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 381 Proteins and peptides. Isotope Labeling. ICAT. Sequence Determination. Post-translational Modification. 11 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 382 Other Strategies of Proteome Analysis • Not aimed at complex proteome analysis • Based on column separation techniques (rather than on 2D GE) • Simplification of the original mixture – selection of specific proteins/peptides, e.g. containing cystein (ICAT) or phosphorylated amino acid (IMAC) etc. • Possible losses due to incomplete analysis are not dramatic and are compensated for by simpler and shorter analysis • Additional tricks, such as use of isotope labels provide quantitative information about analyte Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 383 Isotope Labels MS of biomolecules Unstable isotope labeling • in radiochemistry Stable isotope labeling • common in MS • basic approaches - use of inner standards labeled with isotope - incorporation of compound labeled with isotope into organism (useful for differential proteomics of lower organisms) - derivatization of analyte using reagent labeled with isotope Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 384 Some Methods and Abbreviations GIST Global Internal Standard Technology (2H, 13C, 15N) ICAT Isotope-Coded Affinity Tags (cystein-containing peptides capture on affinity columns) PhIAT Phosphoprotein Istope-coded Afinity Tag (fosforylované peptidy) IMAC Ion Metal Afinity Chromatography (phosphopeptide capture on affinity columns) AQUA Absolute QUAntification (synthesized isotopically labeled peptides as internal standards) SILAC Stable Isotope Labeling with Amino acids in Cell culture (culture growth in normal and enriched media) MUDPIT Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (SCX – RHPLC – MS/MS) etc. etc. 65 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 385 ICAT (Isotope-Coded Affinity Tags) ICAT ... isotope-coded affinity tags (R. Aerbersold) Determination of differences in protein expression from relative signal of peptides 1. Protein fractionation 2. Enzymatic digestion of entire sample 3. Isotope labeling (ICAT) 4. Mixing and MS analysis Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 386 ICAT Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 387 ICAT Note • Proteins can be labeled before digestion (step # 2 and 3 exchanged) Drawbacks of 1st generation ICAT • Mass difference of the isotope labels was equal to 8, which might lead to interferences in MS/MS spectra • Slightly different retention of analytes labeled with light and heavy reagent. Result: the ratio b/w light and heavy form cannot be found from the ratio of ion intensities during HPLC MS/MS; integration across entire LC peak was necessary 2nd generation ICAT • Use 9 13C atoms in the link (instead of 8 2H atoms) • The same elution profile of light and heavy forms and less interferences Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 388 ICAT Characteristics Advantages + Suitable for a range of protein samples (body fluids, cells, tissues, cultures) + Significant simplification of mixture + Compatibility with other methods suitable for analysis of minor proteins Disadvantages - Relatively large label (~500 Da) - Not suitable for proteins without cystein (e.g. 8% in the case of yeast) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 389 Determinations of Protein/Peptide Sequence Classical analysis - Edman degradation - Determination of terminals (N, C) Disadvantages: analysis time, relatively high cost and sample consumption Current strategy: combination of more methods - preparative separation - enzymatic digestion - isotope labeling - MS - MS/MS, ISF, PSD - MSn Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 390 Determination of Peptide Sequence using MS Combination of chemical cleavage and MS 1. Generation of mixture of peptide fragments differing by one amino acid: a) phenyl isothiocyanate + A1A2A3..  phenylisothihydantoinA2A3.. + A1 phenyl isothiocyanate + A2A3..  phenylisothihydantoinA3.. + A2 etc. phenyl isothiocyanate in low amounts as terminating reagent forms small fraction of phenylcarbamate of each peptide b) alternative strategy uses application of carboxypeptidase for different time periods or in different amounts  formation of different digests 2. MALDI MS of peptide fragment mixtures. amino acid is determined from distance of adjacent peaks of the same type, sequence from the peak order 66 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 391 Patterson, D. H., Tarr, G. E., Regnier, F. E. and Martin, S. A., Anal. Chem.1995, 67, 3971. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 392 Determination of Peptide Sequence using MS/MS CID • low-energy CID currently most popular fragmentation method of peptides • IT, TQ, QTOF ISD • requires isolation of pure analyte • MALDI TOF PSD • lower quality of spectra compared to CID, sometimes spectra stitching needed • MALDI TOF Note • high-energy CID, SID, photodissociation, dissociation after electron capture are not used routinely yet • Leu/Ile … isomers, Gln/Lys ... isobars Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 393 Peptide Fragmentation Fragmentation of 1 or 2 bonds in peptide chain - fragments containing N terminus (a, b, c) - fragments containing C terminus (x, y, z) - these ions may be formed even after breakage of 2 bonds of the chain - loss of NH3, H2O, CO2 Fragmentation of side chain (amino acid residue) - usually loss of a portion of side chain of amino acid - fragments type d, w, v Inner fragments - do not contain either N or C terminus ... lower analytical significance Immonium ions - useful information about amino acid presence; m(IM)= m(AKres) - 27 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 394 Schematics of Peptide Fragmentation immonium ions of amino acids: H 2 N - CH - C - OR 1 NH - CH - C - OR 2 NH - CH - C - OR 3 NH - CH - COOH R 4 x 3 a 1 y 3 b 1 z 3 c 1 x 2 a 2 y 2 b 2 z 2 c 2 x 1 a 3 y 1 b 3 z 1 c 3 H+ Roepstorff & Fohlman, Biomed. MS 1984, 11, 601. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 395 Fragments of Peptides Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 396 Schematics of Peptide Fragmentation 67 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 397 Other Types of Peptide Fragments Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 398 amino acid m(mono) m(immonium) m(accompanying ions) A 71.03712 44 R 156.10112 129 59,70,73,87,100,112 N 114.04293 87 70 D 115.02695 88 70 C 103.00919 76 E 129.04260 102 Q 128.05858 101 56,84,129 G 57.02147 30 H 137.05891 110 82,121,123,138,166 I 113.08407 86 44,72 L 113.08407 86 44,72 K 128.09497 101 70,84,112,129 M 131.04049 104 61 F 147.06842 120 91 P 97.05277 70 S 87.03203 60 T 101.04768 74 W 186.07932 159 77,117,130,132,170,171 Y 163.06333 136 91,107 V 99.06842 72 41,55,69 m ... amino acid residuum Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 399 Calculation of Molecular Weight of Peptide/Protein Sum of amino acid residua masses + Mass of terminals: usually 1 Da (H) for N terminus (-NH2) and 17 Da (OH) for C terminus (-COOH) + Mass of proton, 1 Da – ion is usually in [M+H]+ form (but e.g. 23 Da for adduct [M+Na]+ etc.) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 400 CID Fragmentation Types of ions in CID 1. b and y ion series 2. accompanying peaks –17, NH3 loss from Gln, Lys, Arg –18, H2O loss from Ser, Thr, Asp, Glu a (tj. b – 28), satellite fragment series of b type (CO loss) 3. immonium ions of amino acids. 4. internal fragments – especially from Pro in the direction of C terminus Precursor selection in CID MS/MS: z = 2: [M+2H]2+ Ion with two charges provides higher quality CID spectra compared to ions with z = 1 a 3 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 401 ISD fragments Fragmentation rules … according to relative bond strength. Typical products of peptide fragmentation: c, y, z H2N - CH - C - OR 1 NH - CH - C - OR 2 NH - CH - C - OR 3 NH - CH - COOH R 4 x3 a 1 y3 b 1 z3 c 1 x2 a 2 y2 b 2 z2 c 2 x1 a 3 y1 b 3 z1 c 3 H+ Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 402 ISD. Analyte: 20 pmol KGF analog. Matrix: sinapinic acid. Laser: N2. (V. Katta, D. T. Chow, M. F. Rohde Anal. Chem., 70, 4410 -4416, 1998.) 68 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 403 ISD Analyte: oxidized B chain of bovine insulin Matrix: thiourea Laser: Er:YAG (l = 2936 nm) (http://medweb.uni- muenster.de/institute/impb/research/hillenkamp/publicat/abs-cm99.html) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 404 PSD Fragments Typical products of peptide fragmentation: a, b, y, z, d. Accompanying peaks –17 (loss of NH3) a –18 (loss of H2O). Immonium ions of amino acids. Internal ions – especially from Pro to the C terminus (B. Spengler J. Mass Spectrom. 32, 1019-1036, 1997) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 405 immonium ions of amino acids: Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 406 PSD, source: B. Spengler J. Mass Spectrom. 32, 1019-1036, 1997 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 407 PSD of bombesin, source: Bruker Daltonics, GmbH 2000 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 408 Evaluation of MS/MS spectra of peptides Manual and a semiautomatic deduction of sequence • localization of ion series of b and y type (accompanying series a) • identification of immonium ions • identification of inner fragments • interpretation complicated by occurrence of other fragments • not all peptides are product of specific digestion, e.g. not all tryptic fragments are terminated with with R or K on C-terminus ... unambiguous determination of sequence of unknown peptide from CID is often impossible Automated determination of sequence • MS/MS spectrum of unknown peptide is compared with a database of computer-generated spectra of all peptides, which have m/z of precursor • e.g. algorithm Sequest (J. R. Yates III et. al., 1994) ... much more successful than the deductive approach 69 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 409 Determination of Protein Sequence Procedure 1. Enzymatic digestion production of more types of digests to generate overlapping fragments - various length of digestion - various enzymes (trypsin, V8 ...) - random cleavage, ―shotgun sequencing‖ 2. Determination of at least partial sequence of peptides RPHPLC ESI MS/MS 3. Deduction of sequence using PC total sequence determined from combined portions of peptide sequences Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 410 Helpful Techniques for Sequence Determination Protein hydrolysis in H2 18O identification of terminus: C-terminus will not be labeled Hydrolysis of protein in mixture of H2 18O a H2 16O (1:1) 1. MS: dublets of tryptic peptides (except fragment of protein C-terminal) 2. MS/MS: both dublet peaks of a peptide selected as precursor for MS/MS; only fragments containing C terminus of a peptide will generate doublet fragments ... easier to survey spectra Esterification (methylation) of carboxyl groups of a peptide m = +14 / carboxyl group (-COOH  -COOCH3) comparison of original and resulting spectra similar technique based on derivatization of amino group of a peptide Note 1: exchange reaction may run even on C terminus Note 2: more complex isotope patterns with masses M (2x16O), M+2 (1x16O,1x 2x18O) a M+4 (2x18O) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 411 Determination of Protein Sequence Example: Various extent of fragmentation due to various length of digestion and use of isotope labels Determination of terminus: hydrolysis in H2 18O (C-terminus will not be labeled) Note: exchange reaction may run even on C terminus HK time: Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 412 Mutation Detection Detection of exchange/absence of an amino acid(s) in protein chain Procedure: 1. Enzymatic digestion 2. Analysis of mass spectra - missing peptides - superfluous peptides 3. MS/MS analysis of unknown (superfluous) peptides and their comparison with normal proteins/peptides, analysis of peak shifts Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 413 Post-Translational Modifications (PTM) • modifications after translation RNA  protein on ribosome • cannot be explained based on genome • related significantly with protein function • more than 200 PTM types described (database Delta Mass) • often only small fraction of protein modified  sensitivity • requires selective isolation of peptides with modified amino acid • bond between peptide and modifying group often weak Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 414 Post-Translational Modifications (PTM) Common PTMs: • phosphorylation • glycosylation • acylation (fat acid esters, acetyl) • attachment of glycosylphosphatidyl inositol • proteolytic products • carboxylation (of glutamic acid) • deamidation of asparagine and glutamine Some modifications might be quite complex, e.g. oligosaccharide modifications of glycoproteins (many types of sugars and many sites on protein that can accommodate sugars – O, N). For structural elucidation, combined methods using MSn and enzymatic cleavage might be used (Nglycosidase, O-glycanase etc.). 70 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 415 Phosphorylation • reversible PTM related to cellular regulatory mechanisms • monoesteric bond of phosphoric acid group to side chain hydroxyl of 1. serine (167 Da) 2. threonine (181 Da) 3. tyrosine (243 Da) MS/MS identification of phosphorylation 1. Loss of H3PO4 (neutral loss scan: 98 Da) usually provides also ion [M+H-98]+ 2. Detection of ion PO3 - (79 Da) in negative mode Parent ion scan for m/z (product) = 79 Other negative ions: H2PO4 - (97 Da), PO2 - (63 Da) 3.Fragment peak shifts in MS/MS spectra  NH  CH  C  O R HO  P  OH O O Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 416 Phosphorylation Identification procedure: 1. Preparation of mixture of proteolytic peptides (containing phosphopeptides) 2. Separation of phosphopetides using e.g. HPLC, CE, affinity chromatography, such as Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC), see Porath, J. Protein Expression Purif. 1992, 3, 263. 3. MS/MS analysis of phosphopeptides Relatively stable monoester bond  peak shifts in MS/MS spectra (m = + 80 Da) amino acid M (residue) M (monoester H3PO4) serine 87 167 threonine 107 187 tyrosine 163 243 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 417 Example: ESI MS/MS of Oligopeptide with Monophosphorylated Serine Phe Gln Pse Glu Glu Gln Gln Gln Thr Glu Asp Glu Leu Gln Asp Lys y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 Phe Gln Pse Glu Glu Gln Gln Gln Thr Glu Asp Glu Leu Gln Asp Lys y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 m/z0 100 % x2.5 y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4y3 y1 MH2 2+ H3PO4 MH2 2+ pSer b2 y2 b3 b5 b6b4 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 m/z0 100 % x2.5 y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4y3 y1 MH2 2+ H3PO4 MH2 2+ pSer b2 y2 b3 b5 b6b4 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 418 Example: ESI MS/MS of Oligopeptide with Monophosphorylated Serine Information sources: 1. Molecular peaks MH2 2+ a (M - H3PO4)H2 2+, mass difference m = 98 (m/z = 49) 2. b-ions: m/z (b3-b2)= 167 3. y-ions: m/z (y14-y13)= 167 (credit: K. R. Jennings) Phe Gln Pse Glu Glu Gln Gln Gln Thr Glu Asp Glu Leu Gln Asp Lys y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 Phe Gln Pse Glu Glu Gln Gln Gln Thr Glu Asp Glu Leu Gln Asp Lys y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 419 Disulfide Bridge Analysis. Proteins. MS databases. DNA, Saccharides, Synthetic Polymers.12 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 420 Disulfide Bridge Analysis cysteine (-SH)  cystin (-S-S-), intra- and inter- molecular bridges Number of cysteines – using alkylation of cysteine  e.g. alkylation of a single cysteine with vinylpyridine increase mass of protein/peptide by 105 Da  number of cysteines = m/105 Localization of cysteines in protein chain Enzymatic cleavage and splitting of the digest into 2 aliquots: 1. aliquot ... MS analysis 2. aliquot ... reduction -S-S- (e.g. with dithioerythritol), then MS analysis Comparison of the 2nd spectrum with the 1st spectrum: 1. m = 2 Da  peptide with an intramolecular -S-S- bond 2. the first peak disappear, two other peaks with lower m/z show up  intermolecular bridge between 2 peptides Knowledge of sequence of amino acid (MS/MS) enables exact localization of -S-S- bridge in protein chain. 71 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 421 Influence of S-S Bridges in ESI-MS Structures of lysozyme (bsheet and a helix) stabilized by 4 S-S bridges Reduction with 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT) removes S-S bridges  „Unfolded― protein with more exposed basic amino acid residues  Higher number of charges HK Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 422 pH increase: „Unfolded― protein with more exposed basic amino acid residues HK Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 423 CA=carbonicanhydrase,Cy=cytochrome Valaskovic,G.A.;Kelleher,N.L.;McLafferty, F.W.Science1996,273,1199. Examples: Nanospray MS Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 424 Noncovalent Interactions • Interactions with low mass ligands (+metal ions), other proteins, oligomers etc. • The relation between occurrence of the complex in (g) and (l) phase is not always clear • Complexes dissociate during ionization and MS analysis Example: 1.Complexes of bovine hemoglobine are stabilized in form of tetramer by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde (bridges between lysine residues). Then MALDI MS (see next slide) 2.ESI for complexes of proteins with ligands (e.g. metaloproteins with drugs) ... soft ionization, which barely removes water molecules. Study of interactions between 2 proteins is more difficult – use of soft extraction conditions, favorable for formation of complexes in solution. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 425 Tetramer known from solution HK Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 426 Scientific Databases on Internet The databases below are just a few examples of many: NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Medline: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Scirus: www.scirus.com ScienceDirect: www.sciencedirect.com Databases for organic chemistry NIST Chemistry WebBook (NIST) Spectra Online (ThermoGalactic) Spectral Data Base System, SDBS (NI AIST) 72 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 427 Scientific Databases on Internet Internet sources for protein identification using MS • Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (MassSearch) www.cbrg.inf.ethz.ch • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (PeptideSearch) http://www.mann.embl- heidelberg.de/GroupPages/PageLink/peptidesearchpage.html • Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (ExPASy) www.expasy.ch/tools • Matrix Science (Mascot) www.matrixscience.com • Rockefeller University (PepFrag, ProFound) prowl.rockefeller.edu • Human Genome Research Center (MOWSE) www.seqnet.dl.ac.uk • University of California (MS-Tag, MS-Fit, MS-Seq) prospector.ucsf.edu • Institute for Systems Biology (COMET) www.systemsbiology.org • University of Washington (SEQUEST) http://fields.scripps.edu/sequest/index.html Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 428 Scientific Databases on Internet Other links: UMIST (pepMAPPER) http://wolf.bms.umist.ac.uk/mapper/ European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg (PeptideSearch) www.narrador.embl-heidelberg.de Global Proteome Machine http://h112.thegpm.org/tandem/thegpm_tandem.html Protein (peptide) databases Genpept – NCBI GenBank NBRF - National Biomedical Research Foundation Swissprot - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Owl - Leeds Molecular Biology Database Group Delta Mass – protein posttranslational modification database Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 429 Useful Tools on Internet Tools MS-Comp – suggestion of possible combinations of amino acids, mass table of dipeptides MS BLAST 2 – short sequences (6 amino acids) BLAST a FASTA – protein homology GlycoSuite DB, GlycoSciences – saccharides analysis Mass calculators (GPMaw, SHERPA, PAWS, MW Calculator) etc. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 430 MS of Nucleic Acids and Oligonucleotides • Ionization: usually more efficient for negative ions. Analysis typically in negative mode. • Ionizaton technique: MALDI (usually IR MALDI) • Less successful than in the case of proteomics • Higher extent of fragmentation and more salt adducts • Proper desalting essential … prevention of formation of a series of adducts with Na and K • MALDI of heavy DNA (>100 kDa): linear TOF MS, IR laser, pulse extraction Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 431 MALDI MS of Nucleic Acids and Oligonucleotides Typical matrices 3-hydroxypicolinic acid 2’,4’,6’-trihydroxyacetophenon picolinic acid Typical applications • characterization of synthetic and biologic oligonucleotides (determination of M.W.) • analysis of PCR products, mutation analysis (absence or exchange of nucleotides) • DNA sequencing - Sanger sequencing (classical method) - Sequencing using exonuclease - Fragmentation (in gaseous phase) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 432 MALDI MS of Nucleic Acids and Oligonucleotides • MALDI MS spectra of very heavy NA (>2 thousands nucleotides) • m/z accuracy: < 1% ... the best of current methods • excellent sensitivity: < 1 fmol Berkenkamp, S; Kirpekar, F; Hillenkamp, F Science 1998, 281, 260-262. 73 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 433 IR MALDI MS of RNA HK Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 434 Sequencing NA using Exonuclease and MALDI MS (Juhasz, P.; Roskey, M. T.; Smirnov, I. P.; Haff, L. A.; Vestal, M. L.; Martin, S. A.; Anal. Chem. ; 1996; 68(6); 941-946) Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 435 Oligonucleotides Fragmentation in Gaseous Phase Schematics of fragmentation of oligonucleotides in gaseous phase and marking of fragments O  P  O O OH B2B1 HO O  P  O O OH O  P  O O OH B3 B4 OH w3 a1 x3 b1 y3 c1 w2 a2 w2 b2 x2 c2 w1 a3 x1 b3 y1 c3 z1 d3 z3 d1 y2 d2 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 436 Saccharides Analysis • Soft ionization methods: MALDI, ESI • MSn for determination of sequence and structure • Enzymes used for partial cleavage of saccharides prior MS analysis • Common monosacharides: glucose, manose, galactose, fucose, Nacetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylneuramine acid (sialic acid). • Determination of complete structure of oligosaccharides is more difficult than in the case of proteins and nucleic acids - result of isomeric nature of sugars and possible branching - knowledge of building blocks and sequence is not sufficient for structural elucidation. Type, location and optical configuration of each glycosidic bond needed Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 437 Nomenclature for MS/MS Oligosaccharides • Nomenclature of MS fragments with charge on non-reducing side: A, B and C; fragments with charge on reducing side: X, Y and Z depending whether a circle or a glycosidic bond is cleaved. • Lower index of B, C, Y and Z fragment ions determines number of cleaved glycosidic bonds, upper index of A and X fragment ions determines bonds that were cleaved. Lower indexes a, b etc. give cleaved branch of nonlinear saccharides. • Fragments B, C, Y and Z together with mass differences can be used for determination of sequence and branching. • MS is suitable for determination of optical isomery of glycosidic bond. Method is based on selective oxidation of b-anomer of derivatized hexoses using CrO3; ketoester is formed. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 438 MSn of Oligosaccharides Ion fragments produced upon (a) MS 2 , (b) MS 3 and (c) MS 4 of permethylated maltoheptaose. Source: Weiskopf, A. S.; Vouros, P. and Harvey, D. J. Rapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 1997, 11, 1493–1504. 74 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 439 MSn of Oligosaccharides Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 440 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 441 MSn of Oligosaccharides Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 442 MSn of Oligosaccharides Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 443 MSn of Oligosaccharides MSncharacterizationoftheHexNAc5Hex5–Iisomer fromchickenovalbumin.(a)MS3–m/z1169.5 937.7,(b)MS4—m/z1169.5937.71333.7 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 444 Lipids Fat acids, acylglycerols, derivates of cholesterol, phospholipids and glycolipids FAB, DCI (desorption chemical ionization), MALDI Negative mode ([M-H]- ions detected) Fragmentation phospholipid negative ion fragments of sacharides 75 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 445 Analysis of Synthetic Polymers MALDI TOFMS high Mmax, simple spectra, number of charges z = 1 alternative of GPC Analysis Building unit (monomer) Terminal groups Absolute molar weight Polydispersion (mean m, dispersion width) Challenges Adduct formation with Na+, K+ Mass discrimination … ionization and detection efficiencies = f(m) Correct transformation from time to mass domain Example: Carman Jr, H.; Kilgore, D.; Eastman Chemical Company, USA, ASMS 1998 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 446 Source:Esser,E.etal.Polymer2000,41,4039–4046 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 447 Other Topics ... all topics were not covered, for example: Fragmentation – chemistry of reactions in gaseous state Ion mobitlity mass spectrometry Isotope dilution/enrichment, quantification in MS Preparative MS, history: preparation of 235U etc. etc. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 448 Questions and Consultation Training for examination A consultation meeting can be scheduled in beginning of January Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 449 Questions and Consultation 13 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 450 Jan Preisler Dept. Analytical Chemistry 43, tel.: 541 129 271, preisler@chemi.muni.cz Please download updated study material in pdf format: Please report any discrepancies/errors in the pdf document to me. Thank you. Other Consultations in my office. Exam dates December? January? February? V. Questions and Consultation 76 Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 451 1. Compare MALDI and ESI (advantages vs. disadvantages). 2. What can be said about 2 different spectra of the same (single) peptide? (m/z-axis origin is not in zero, only a portion of the spectra is displayed.) 3. For 2 adjacent peaks of the same compound in ESI-MS, following values were determined: (m/z)1~ 1001 and (m/z)2 ~ 1501. Determine m. 4. Time of flight of ion C2H8O2N+ in TOFMS is 14.8 ms. Calculate the mass of a singly-charged ion, which hits the detector at 8.94 ms? What organic ion can it be? 5. What variables do have impact on resolution in TOFMS? Positive or negative influence? 6. Compare numbers of ions that can be detected during acquisition of a single spectrum using FT-ICR-MS and quadrupole filter? Exemplary Questions m/z m/z S S Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 452 Exemplary Questions 7. Why instruments that can monitor both isotopes at the same time are preferred for isotope ratio determination? 8. Can a quadrupole filter be used for analysis of a protein with M.W. 30 kDa? 9. What ionization method and what mass spectrometer would you suggest for: a) explosive detection on airport b) sequencing of short peptides c) semiquantitative determination of ~70 samples in geologic sample d) identification of elemenal impurities in thin surface layer of sample 10. What is the origin of Lorentzian peak profile in FT-ICR-MS? 11. What is mutual orientation of equipotential level of U and electric field intensity vector E? 12. What will be the difference between velocities of two ions with m = 100 a.m.u., z = 2, initial velocity v01 = 100 m/s and v02 = 200 m/s after acceleration by 1 kV and 10 kV? Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 453 Exemplary Questions 13. What determines the practical upper m/z limit in TOF MS? 14. Compare challenges in determination of peptides and DNA oligomers using MS. 15. You are about about to analyze peptides/proteins in a soup. Adding of what compound will you try to avoid prior to MS analysis? How would you modify the soup and what ionization technique will you use? 16. What detector fits ion trap better: MCP, channeltron, electron multiplier, photographic plate or Faraday cup? 17. What is the influence of time dispersion (of ion formation) on resolution of ion trap? 18. What is m of amino acid A, its residuum (in peptide chain) and its immonium ion? 19. Explain the plateau on the graph of number of peptides vs. m/z accuracy (AMT method) between 200 and 700 ppm accuracy. 20. Compare advantages and disadvantages of 2DGE and column separation techniques in proetomics. Mass spectrometry of biomolecules 2010 454 Exemplary Questions 21. What parameters of mass spectrum may improve if signal is recorded using a) FT ICR MS, b) TOF MS, c) IT for longer period? 22. Why does mass spectrometer need to be evacuated prior to any measurement? 23. What is the most significant reason of limited resolution in MALDI TOF MS? Explain principles of techniques leading to resolution improvement in MALDI TOF MS. 24. What is the difference between units u, Da a Th? 25. What is the difference between energy and velocity dispersions of ions? 26. In what region of TOF mass spectrometer are analytically important fragments generated during a) MALDI ISD, b) MALDI PSD?