72-optimalizovany INADEQUATE 1 72-optimalizovaný INADEQUATE L Korelace disperze chemických posunů L 2 Korelace disperze chemických posunů - disorder Celulóza (76.6) C4 C3 i C5 C6 iQ0.5| (78.3i (73.7) (64.71 C4 C5 C2 (88.2) C3 1.74.5) (77.8)1 I In more complex systems, correlations can be exploited to extract chains of correlated shifts. Each chain corresponds to the chemical shifts of an entire subunit with a given conformation. Korelace disperze chemických posunů - deuterace 3 Korelace disperze chemických posunů - susceptibilita Chemical Disorder (local effect) a change in the isotropic chemical shift from one molecule to another Sj gj e.g.. glasses, catalysts, polymers Magnetic Susceptibility (bulk effect) a change in the Larmor frequency from one part of the sample to another heterogeneous samples How can the chemical shift differences due to disorder be removed without removing the chemical shift differences that distinguish sites from each other? -- Korelace disperze chemických posunů - refokusace Zero-Quantum Spectroscopy For susceptibility broadening or broadening due to an inhomogeneous applied field, the shifts at one nucleus are perfectly correlated in a one-to-one fashion with the shifts at another nearby nucleus Thus, while the individual chemical shifts change, the chemical shift differences remain the same Hailetal. 1981:Zero-quantum NMR spectra are free of Bo broadening Warren et ai. 1996: Intermolecular solvent-solute ZQ coherences yield high-resolution spectra in unstable very high magnetic fields Terao etal. 1999: ZQ sideband spectra are free of susceptibility broadening in paramagnetic solids 4 Korelace disperze chemických posunů - refokusace ■ -► Fli-ľ-sf-li-ľ-r-Mi-h-oi Cliŕnikŕil ::íiift ■■ |:-|:■ m št* Fi"»i:|u*ni;y aril, units To record this red spectrum we must refocus the chemical shift distribution due to disorder within a site, without refccusing the chemical shifts that distinguish sites from each other. This cannot be done if the sites ere isolated from each other. It can be achieved if (ij the sites can be connected in a multi-dimensional spectrum (ii) the chemical shifts between coupled pairs of spins are highly correlated. Korelace disperze chemických posunů - refokusace 3ip_3ip Through-Bond Connectivities -"'P bin:;ilř:-Qi.i:ir'itijn"i Frequency Four in equivalent P-N-P pairs are revealed 1 The Reiocused INADEQUATE Experiment itai, JACS 121, 10987(1999) 5 Korelace disperze chemických posunů - refokusace 13C-13C korelace (PDSD) - dipolární interakce Proton Driven Spin Diffusion e 3D struktura prionových proteinů (2005) L 7 2D 13C-13C korelace - 1H-1H spinová difuse H I t.. ■ t -- SPINAL tmix SPINAL '>1 S4 M4SCt M51 Ce : v.. - 3 ms : i i j iBO l*a no in) mo bo so «» 20 13C Chemical Shin (ppm) 5.D >. á ■ 50 S46CU-E «tu 1 T30,.9 Ir: : j / IP > MICp.Ca j ^,S46Cp-Ca 70- M- T3GCP-G [ on T59.62CU-C i isc Chemical Shift (ppm) A. Böckmann, M. Juy, E. Bettler, L. Emsley, A. Galinier, F. Penin, A. Lesage . Water-Protein Hydrogen Exchange in the Micro-Crystalline Protein Crh as Observed by Solid State NMR Spectroscopy, Journal of Biomolecular NMR , 32 195 (2005). 8 2D 13C-15N dvojitá cross-polarizace L [*" ' I ti I 1 Acquisition t2 Avance 500 WB 4 mm sonda A 1H/15N, 2 ms kontakt A 15N/13C, 1 ms kontakt A variable amplitude (50 % ramp) A 15N RF field: 64 kHz A 13C RF field: 64 kHz A 1H RF field: 89 kHz - -240 -22o 200 150 HO H: l5N: ,JC: - -300 -280 -260 - -200 100 50 ppm Castellani, F., van Rossum, B.J., Diehl, A., Schubert, M., Rehbein, K., and Oschkinat, H. Structure of a protein determined by solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR Experimenty s dvojitou cross-polanzaci spectroscopy, Nature 420, 98-102 (2002). 9 Tří-rezonanční experimenty 13C-15N korelace Experimenty s dvojitou cross-polarizací Kostrukce sondy Souhrn Korelovaný disorder L ň 13C-13C PDSD Solid-state NMRK ■ and............. ■ -i- Double-CP-13C-15N 3D Double CP-PDSD ■JtC 10