
Fariel, R. - Hinds, R. - Berey,D.: Earth Science, Addison-Wesley 1987 High school textbook - available in the faculty library and in lessons.
Plummer, Ch. - McGeary, D. - Carlson, D.: Physical Geology: Earth Revealed, The McGraw-Hill Companies 2001, On-line updated 8th Edition
Strahler, A.: Introducing Physical Geography, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003 www.wiley.com/college/strahler

McCarthy, Michael – O´Dell, Felicity: Academic Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press 2008

http://verahranac.wz.cz/ - tables of tenses, conditionals, time and wish clauses, system of irregular verbs based on similarities on just a few pages.
Peters, Sarah - Gráf, Tomáš: Time to Practise: Velká cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 1: Slovesné jevy, Polyglot 2008
Peters, Sarah - Gráf, Tomáš: Time to Practise: Velká cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 2: Neslovesné jevy a souhrnné testy, Polyglot 2008
Sarah Peters - Tomáš Gráf: Cvičebnice anglické gramatiky, Polyglot 1998 - 8500 příkladů s řešením na protější straně

The Planet Earth,BBC with CBC 2006, Zázračná planeta Bontonfilm 2008, both in English and Czech
Links to field topics from BBC Radio Earthworks and  videos from Physical Geology textbook lower in this syllabus.