Aplikovaná chemie a biochemie Přednáška č. 3 Proteinové techniky (2) Proteiny (2): • funkce jednotlivých domén; • posttranslační modifikace (fosforylace, acetylace, glykosylace); • regulace odborávání proteinu (ubikvitinace; proteazomální degradace); • manipulace s proteinem (overexprese; dominant negative constructs, antisense oligonuclotides, siRNA). Proteiny se skládají z domén, definovaných na základě struktury a funkce: Primární a sekundární struktura proteinu může naznačit jeho funkci: P53 domain structure Proteinové domény často charakterizují celou rodinu proteinů: Families of DNA-binding domains (A) Zinc finger domains consist of loops in which an α helix and a β sheet coordinately bind a zinc ion. (B) Helix-turn-helix domains consist of three (or in some cases four) helical regions. One helix (helix 3) makes most of the contacts with DNA, while helices 1 and 2 lie on top and stabilize the interaction. (C) The DNA-binding domains of leucine zipper proteins are formed from two distinct polypeptide chains. Interactions between the hydrophobic side chains of leucine residues exposed on one side of a helical region (the leucine zipper) are responsible for dimerization. Immediately following the leucine zipper is a DNA-binding helix, which is rich in basic amino acids. (D) Helix-loop-helix domains are similar to leucine zippers, except that the dimerization domains of these proteins each consist of two helical regions separated by a loop. Různé strukturní domény mohou plnit stejnou funkci: Příklad – funkce domén v interakci proteinů: Identification of the region responsible for the nuclear localization of ARNT. Various portions of ARNT were synthesized using PCR, and the resulting fragments were fused to the modified -Gal control vector. An expression vector of -Gal/ARNT-(1–789) fusion gene was delivered into the indicated cells by means of electroporation. After a 48-h incubation at 37 °C, the cells were fixed and stained with 5bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl b-Dgalactopyranoside solution. The subcellular localization of the fusion proteins were examined by microscopy. Regulace hladiny, aktivity a lokalizace proteinu – dynamický proces: • posttranslační modifikace; • vazba ligandu; • interakce protein-protein; • štěpení inaktivní formy proteinu; • degradace proteinů (lysozóm, proteazóm) Overview of sorting of nuclear-encoded proteins in eukaryotic cells. All nuclear-encoded mRNAs are translated on cytosolic ribosomes. Ribosomes are directed to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by an ER signal sequence And these proteins move to the Golgi complex, from whence they are further sorted to several destinations After synthesis of proteins lacking an ER signal sequence is completed on free ribosomes, the proteins are released into the cytosol and those with an organellespecific uptake-targeting sequence are imported into the mitochondrion, peroxisome, or nucleus. Control of cell cycle CyclinUbiquitinUbiquitination Blood-clot formation Fibrinogen3′- Phosphoadenosine- 5′-phosphosulfate Sulfation Blood clottingThrombinHCO3 -γ-Carboxylation Signal transductionRasFarnesyl pyrophosphate Farnesylation TranscriptionRNA polymeraseNADADP-ribosylation Signal transductionSrcMyristoyl CoAMyristoylation DNA packing; transcription HistonesAcetyl CoAAcetylation Glucose homeostasis; energy transduction Glycogen phosphorylase ATPPhosphorylation Protein functionExample of modified protein Donor moleculeModification Posttranslační modifikace: Protein kinases and phosphatases. Protein kinases catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to the side chains of serine and threonine (protein-serine/threonine kinases) or tyrosine (proteintyrosine kinases) residues. Protein phosphatases catalyze the removal of phosphate groups from the same amino acids by hydrolysis. Příklady PT modifikací – detekce specifickými protilátkami Příklady PT modifikací – detekce pomocí specifické protilátky Příklady PT modifikací – detekce podle MW a pI Příklady PT modifikací – detekce aktivity modifikujících enzymů Příklad proteomové analýzy – karbonylace proteinů v průběhu apoptózy Proteinová degradace: The levels of proteins within cells are determined not only by rates of synthesis, but also by rates of degradation. The halflives of proteins within cells vary widely, from minutes to several days, and differential rates of protein degradation are an important aspect of cell regulation. Many rapidly degraded proteins function as regulatory molecules, such as transcription factors. The rapid turnover of these proteins is necessary to allow their levels to change quickly in response to external stimuli. Other proteins are rapidly degraded in response to specific signals, providing another mechanism for the regulation of intracellular enzyme activity. In addition, faulty or damaged proteins are recognized and rapidly degraded within cells, thereby eliminating the consequences of mistakes made during protein synthesis. In eukaryotic cells, two major pathways—the ubiquitinproteasome pathway and lysosomal proteolysis—mediate protein degradation. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway Proteins are marked for rapid degradation by the covalent attachment of several molecules of ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is first activated by the enzyme E1. Activated ubiquitin is then transferred to one of several different ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2). In most cases, the ubiquitin is then transferred to a ubiquitin ligase (E3) and then to a specific target protein. Multiple ubiquitins are then added, and the polyubiquinated proteins are degraded by a protease complex (the proteasome). Cyclin degradation during the cell cycle. The progression of eukaryotic cells through the division cycle is controlled in part by the synthesis and degradation of cyclin B, which is a regulatory subunit of the Cdc2 protein kinase. Synthesis of cyclin B during interphase leads to the formation of an active cyclin B–Cdc2 complex, which induces entry into mitosis. Rapid degradation of cyclin B then leads to inactivation of the Cdc2 kinase, allowing the cell to exit mitosis and return to interphase of the next cell cycle. Další typy modifikací – SUMO, sentrin, NEDD Detekce ubikvitinace – shift assay: Detekce neddylace – rekombinantní protein: The other major pathway of protein degradation in eukaryotic cells involves the uptake of proteins by lysosomes. Lysosomes are membrane-enclosed organelles that contain an array of digestive enzymes, including several proteases. They have several roles in cell metabolism, including the digestion of extracellular proteins taken up by endocytosis as well as the gradual turnover of cytoplasmic organelles and cytosolic proteins. The containment of proteases and other digestive enzymes within lysosomes prevents uncontrolled degradation of the contents of the cell. Therefore, in order to be degraded by lysosomal proteolysis, cellular proteins must first be taken up by lysosomes. One pathway for this uptake of cellular proteins, autophagy, involves the formation of vesicles (autophagosomes) in which small areas of cytoplasm or cytoplasmic organelles are enclosed in membranes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Lysosomes are able to degrade cytosolic proteins in a selective manner. The proteins degraded by lysosomal proteases under these conditions contain amino acid sequences similar to the broad consensus sequence Lys-Phe-Glu- Arg-Gln. Životní cyklus konexinů: Dráhy regulující „protein trafficking“ lze studovat pomocí specifických inhibitorů: Práce s DNA a RNA: • manipulace s proteinem (overexprese; dominant negative constructs, antisense oligonuclotides, siRNA); • detekce exprese mRNA • příprava a izolace plazmidů, izolace genomové DNA, transfekce živočišných buněk