Reproductive value (RV) identifies age class that contributes most to the population growth measures relative reproductive potential of an individual of a given age when population increases then early offspring contribute more to vx than older ones v1 .. left eigenvector of the dominant eigenvalue of transposed A - v1 is proportional to the reproductive values scaled to the first category rx x o x rx xx x el eml v − − ∑ = vx age 1 0 111 vAv λ=′ ∑ = = S i RV 1 1 1 v v Sensitivity (s) identifies which process (p, F, G) has largest effect on the population increase (λ1) - examines change in λ1 given small change in processes (aij) - sensitivity is larger for survival of early, and for fertility of older classes Elasticity (E) weighted measure of sensitivity - measures relative contribution to the population increase - impossible transitions = 0 v.w ijij ij wv s ′ = ij ij ij s a E 1λ = ← sum of pairwise products to adopt means for population promotion or control Conservation/control procedure 1. Construction of a life table 2. Estimation of the intrinsic rates 3. Sensitivity analysis - helps to decide where conservation/control efforts should be focused 4. Development and application of management plan 5. Prediction of future A mouse species has spread dramatically. You perform a lifehistory study and find that it breeds continuously. So you distinguish age classes based upon 3-months intervals. You obtain the following data: Compare fecundity (m) and RV for each age. Estimate r. Predict how the population size would change in another 10 years using initial population structure (30, 10, 5). x lx mx 0 1 0 1 0.8 5 2 0.5 12 3 0.3 4 (0.5+0.8)/(1+0.8) (0.5+0.3)/(0.8+0.5) 2*(5+0.72*12)/4 2*(12+0.72*4)/4 2*(4+0.72*0)/4 A<-matrix(c(6.8,7.2,2, 0.72,0,0, 0,0.62,0),nrow=3,byrow=T);A L<-eigen(t(A));L v<-Re(L$vectors[,1]);v RV<-v/v[1];RV x<-c(1,2,3) mx<-c(5,12,4) plot(x,mx,type="b",ylim=c(0,12)) lines(x,RV,lty=2) L<-eigen(A); r<-log(max(Re(L$values))); r N0<-c(30,10,5) N1<-A%*%N0;N1 years<-10 Nt<-matrix(0,nrow=nrow(A),ncol=years+1) Nt[,1]<-N0 for(i in 1:years) Nt[,i+1]<-A%*%Nt[,i] matplot(0:years,t(Nt),type="l") legend(2,2e+10,c(1:3),lty=1:3,col=1:3) There is a butterfly species that appears to be rare. You perform a life-history study and gain data on survival and reproduction. You also observe which factors determine stage-specific survival. Create transition matrix, estimate λ, and find stable stage distribution. Perform sensitivity analysis and identify which factor has most dramatic effect on population change. Suggest a conservation plan. stage lx mx mortality egg 1 0 frost in winter larva 1 0.7 0 parasitoids larva 2 0.3 0 bird predation pupa 0.25 0 habitat destruction adult 0.02 80 0.7/1 0.3/0.7 0.25/0.3 0.02/0.25 A<-matrix(c( 0,0,0,0,80, 0.7,0,0,0,0, 0,0.43,0,0,0, 0,0,0.83,0,0, 0,0,0,0.08,0),nrow=5,byrow=T);A L<-eigen(A);L L1<-max(Re(L$values)) w<-Re(L$vectors[,3]);w scd<-w/sum(w);scd M<-eigen(t(A));M M1<-max(Re(M$values)) v<-Re(M$vectors[,5]);v s<-v%*%t(w) ss<-s/as.numeric(v%*%w) E<-ss*(A/L1);E Stano Pekár„Populační ekologie živočichů“ dN = Nr dt model is based on the assumption that development rate is a linear function of temperature valid for the region of moderate temperatures (15-25°) at low temperatures organisms die due to coldness, and at high temperatures organisms die due to overheating D .. development time (days) v .. rate of development = 1/D tmin .. lower temperature limit .. temperature at which development rate = 0 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0 10 20 30 40 Temperature Developmentrate ET.. effective temperature .. developmental temperature = t - tmin S .. degree-days .. number of days required to complete development .. do not depend on temperature = D*ET tmin and S can be estimated from the regression line of v = a + bt tmin : S : b a t −=min       +=−= b a tDttDS )( min btav D + == 11 bta b at S + + = b S 1 = 0min =+ bta accumulated degree-days (S) are equal to area under temperature curve restricted to the interval between current temperature and tmin for temperatures between tmin and tmax (upper threshold) several different non-linear models (Briere, Lactin, etc.) allow to estimate tmin, tmax and topt (optimum temperature) easy to interpret for experiments with constant temperature instead of using average temperature, use actual temperature because below and above ET model is non-linear Briere et al. (1999) v .. rate of development (=1/D) t .. experimental temperature tmin .. low temperature threshold tmax .. upper temperature threshold a .. constant Optimum temperature: parameters are estimated using non-linear regression tttttav −×−××= maxmin )( 10 1691634 maxmin 2 min 2 maxminmax tttttt topt −+++ = Lactin et al. (1995) v .. rate of development t .. experimental temperature tm, ∆, ρ, λ .. constants tmax and tmin can be estimated from the formula: topt can be estimated from the first derivative: λ ρ ρ +−= ∆ − − )( tt t t m m eev λ ρ ρ +−= ∆ − − )( 0 tt t t m m ee )(1 0 ∆ − − × ×      ∆ +−= TT T T m m ee ρ ρ ρρ In the laboratory the development of Diprion pini was studied. Seven temperatures were used. For each temperature the development time (D) of the complete development were recorded: Fit linear model to the data. Estimate the minimum development temperature (tmin) and the degree-days (S). Estimate on which day the development is be complete if you know average day temperatures during two weeks: 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 23, 24, 21, 25, 22, 25, 26, 22 a 23 °C. t (°C) D 5 - 10 49 15 22 20 16 25 12 30 9 t<-c(5,10,15,20,25,30) D<-c(0,49,22,16,12,9) v<-1/D v[1]<-0 plot(t,v) m<-lm(v~t) m abline(m) -(-0.022336/0.004351) 1/0.004351 tem<-c(17,18,21,23,24,25,23,24,21,25,22,25,26,22,23) ET<-tem-5.13 plot(cumsum(ET),type="s") abline(229,0) Effect of temperature on the development of Nephus includens was studied in the laboratory using a range of temperatures. Use Lactin‘s model Estimate minimal, maximal and optimal temperature. t D 18 23.5 20 18.5 22 13 25 7.3 28 5.5 30 5 32 10.9 t<-c(18,20,22,25,28,30,32) D<-c(23.5,18.5,13,7.3,5.5,5,10.9) v<-1/D plot(t,v) m1<-nls(v~exp(rho*t)-exp(rho*Tm-(Tm-t)/delta)+lambda, start=c(rho=0,Tm=30,delta=1,lambda=0)) summary(m1) x<-seq(15,40,0.1) plot(t,v,xlim=c(10,35),ylim=c(0,0.25)) lines(x,predict(m1,list(t=x))) library(rootSolve) tminmax<-uniroot.all(function(x) exp(0.01*x)-exp(0.01*33.7-(33.7x)/0.7)-1.19,lower=0,upper=40); tminmax topt<-uniroot.all(function(x) 0.01*exp(0.01*x)(0.01+1/0.7)*exp(0.01*33.7-(33.7-x)/0.7),lower=0,upper=40); topt