Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“ dN = Nr dt True predators - consume several animals and gain sustenance for their own fitness (spiders, lions) Parasitoids - free adults but larvae developing on or within a host, consuming it prior to pupation, consume about single host (Hymenoptera, Diptera) Parasites - live in close association with a host, gain sustenance from the host, but often do not cause mortality (Acari, Trematodes) Herbivores - feed on plants, may totally consume plants (seedeaters) or partially (aphids, cows) monophagous (single prey type) oligophagous (few prey types) polyphagous/euryphagous (many prey types) - not capable of consuming all prey types predators choose most profitable prey - select prey items for which the gain is greatest (energy intake per time spent handling) Krebs (1978) predators tend to specialise to a greater or lesser extent during evolution - monophagy evolved where prey exerts pressures which demand morphological adaptations - polyphagy evolved where prey was unpredictable true predators - majority are polyphagous parasites - commonly monophagous due to intimate association with hosts, their life-cycle is tuned to that of their host parasitoids - often monophagous but some are polyphagous presumably because adults are free living herbivores - rather polyphagous, many insect herbivores are specialised as a result of adaptation to plant secondary metabolites (Drosophila pachea consumes rotten tissues of Senita cactus which contain poisonous alkaloids) even polyphagous predators prefer certain prey - constant preference irrespective of prey density - switching to more common prey Thais preferred Mytilus edulis over M. californianus Murdoch & Oaten (1975) Murton et al. (1964) Seasonal shift in Columba switching - on individual level: certain individuals develop „searching image“ that facilitate the search for prey - on population level: proportion of specialists is changing their preference Effect of experience on the foraging success of Notonecta in the capture of Asellus Lawton et al. (1974) predation has positive effect on population of prey because reduce intraspecific competition - stabilise prey population dynamic true predators and parasitoids reduce fitness of prey to „0“ - Mustela consumed mainly solitary and injured individuals, so it has little effect on the Ondatra population growth caterpillars defoliate partially so that re-growth can occur, but cause reduction in fertility parasites - reduce fitness partially, effect is correlated with the burden Negative effect of mite parasites on Hydrometra Lanciani (1975) consume small amount of many different plant species consume a lot during life functional response Type II and III plants are not killed only reduced in biomass similar to predator-prey models V .. plant biomass a .. assimilation rate F .. efficiency of removal hFNT FNV K VK rV t V + −      − = 1d d mN FNT aFNV t N h − + = 1d d Model Leishmania microparasites: viruses, bacteria, protozoans - reproduce rapidly in host - level of infection depends not on the number of agents but on the host response macroparasites - helminths - reproduce in a vector - level of infection depends on the number incidence .. number of new infections per until time prevalence .. proportion of population infected =1/N swine flu virus cercaria nematode E. coli (EHEC) predicts rates of disease spread predicts expected level of infection number of deaths caused by disease exceeds of all wars affect also animals - rinderpest introduced by Zebu cattle to South Africa in 1890 - 90% buffalo population was wiped out biological control Cydia pomonella granulosis virus Type I Type II Type III periodic eruptions regular pattern iregular pattern time N epidemics occur in cycles follows 4 stages: - establishment - pathogen increases after invasion - persistence - pathogen persists within host population - spread - spreads to other non-infected regions, reaches peak - epidemics terminates rabies in Europe spread from Poland 1939 - hosts: foxes, badgers, roe-deer spread rate of 30-60 km/year Spread of rabies (Bacon 1985) virus used to simulate spread of a disease in the human population or in the biological control models: - Kermack & McKendrick (1927) - later developed by Anderson & May (1980, 1981) 3 components: - S .. susceptible - I .. infected - R .. resistant/recovered and immune + dead individuals - can not transmit disease - latent population - infected but not infectious - vectors (V) and pathogens (P) - malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, hosts become infected only when they have contact with the vector - the number of vectors carrying the pathogens is important - such system is further composed of uninfected and infected vectors β .. transmission rate - number of new infections per untit time βSI.. density-dependent transmission function (proportional to the number of contacts) - mass action - analogous to search efficiency in predator-prey model 1/β .. average time for encountering infected individual γ.. recovery rate of infected hosts (either die or become immune) γ = 1/duration of disease S0 >> I0 - ignores population change (increase of S) SI t S β−= d d ISI t I γβ −= d d SI model outbreak (epidemics) will occur if - i.e. when density of S is high making the population size small will halt the spread: vaccination of S, culling or isolation of I will stop disease spread β γ S Outbreaks host population is dynamic b .. host birth rate =1/host life-span, given exponential growth and constant population size - newborns are susceptible m .. host mortality due to other causes Susceptible S Infected I Resistant R death death death m mm β γ birth b bb recoverytransmission mSSIRISb t S −−++= β)( d d mIISI t I −−= γβ d d mRI t R −= γ d d SIR model RISN ++=N .. total population of hosts per area R0 .. basic reproductive rate of the disease - number of secondary cases that primary infection produces - if R0 > 1 .. outbreak is plausible mb N R ++ = γ β 0 fast biocontrol effect is achieved only with viruses with high β low host population is achieved with pathogens with lower β 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 mothdensity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 %infected moth infected Population dynamic of a moth and the associated granulosis virus Biological control Rabies has occurred in two cities. In one city 75% of dogs were vaccinated, in the other only 5%. In both cities there are 20 dogs/km2. It is known that rabies lasts for 5 days (d). The dog lifespan (l) is 10 years. One dog per 10 days (T) becomes infected. Density of dogs is constant, thus mortality (m) is equal to natality (b). 1. Estimate parameter (b, m, β, γ) values from given data. 2. Use SIR model for each city for next 60 days. 3. Will there be epidemics (more than 50% infected)? 4. How the disease dynamic will be affected by dog isolation? T 1 =β d 1 =γ m = b = 0 sir<-function(t,y,param){ S<-y[1] I<-y[2] R<-y[3] with(as.list(param),{ dS.dt<-b*(S+I+R)-B*I*S-m*S dI.dt<-B*I*S-g*I-m*I dR.dt<-g*I-m*R return(list(c(dS.dt,dI.dt,dR.dt)))})} g<-1/5 b<-0 B<-1/10 m<-b N<-20;I<-1;R<-1;S<-N-I-R time<-seq(0,60,0.1) pa<-c(b=b,B=B,m=m,g=g) library(deSolve) out<-data.frame(ode(c(S,I,R),time,sir,pa,hmax=0.01)) matplot(time,out[,-1],type="l",lty=1:3,col=1) legend("right",c("S","I","R"),lty=1:3) N<-20;I<-1;R<-15;S<-N-I-R time<-seq(0,60,0.1) pa<-c(b=b,B=B,m=m,g=g) library(deSolve) out<-data.frame(ode(c(S,I,R),time,sir,pa,hmax=0.01)) matplot(time,out[,-1],type="l",lty=1:3,col=1) legend("right",c("S","I","R"),lty=1:3) N<-20;I<-1;R<-1;S<-N-I-R time<-seq(0,60,0.1) pa<-c(b=b,B=1/365,m=m,g=g) library(deSolve) out<-data.frame(ode(c(S,I,R),time,sir,pa,hmax=0.01)) matplot(time,out[,-1],type="l",lty=1:3,col=1) legend("right",c("S","I","R"),lty=1:3) L S N - + - + - + Construct an intraguild model composed of two predators (L, S). Both feed on prey (N), the larger predator (L) also feeds on the smaller one (S). Use Lotka-Volterra predation model with functional response of Type I with capture efficiency (a), conversion rate (b), r = 1.5 and K = 1000. 1. Find parameter estimates producing stable dynamic. LmLSbaLNba t L LSSNN −+= 11 d d SmLSaSNba t S SSNN −−= 22 d d SNaLNa K N Nr t N NN 211 d d −−      −= Parameter estimates should meet the following conditions: - L is by half less effective in prey capture of N than of S (aN1 = 0.02) - S is twice more effective in prey capture of N than L - N is by half less nutritious for L than for S (bN1 = 0.03) - S is twice more nutritious for L than N is - mortality of L and S is identical (mS = mL = 0.1) - density of N is twice higher than that of S and that is twice higher than of L (L0 = 20) igp<-function(t,y,param){ L<-y[1] S<-y[2] N<-y[3] with(as.list(param),{ dL.dt<-an1*bn1*L*N+as*bs*L*S-ml*L dS.dt<-an2*bn2*S*N-as*L*S-ms*S dN.dt<-r*N*(1-N/K)-an1*L*N-an2*S*N return(list(c(dL.dt,dS.dt,dN.dt)))})} L<-20;S<-40;N<-80 param<-c(an1=0.02,bn1=0.03,as=0.01,bs=0.06,ml=0.1, an2=0.04,bn2=0.06,ms=0.1,r=1.5,K=1000) time<-seq(0,30,0.1) library(deSolve) out<-data.frame(ode(c(L,S,N),time,igp,param)) matplot(time,out[,-1],type="l",lty=1:3,col=1) legend("right",c("L","S","N"),lty=1:3)