Písemná část

Práce s textem, slovní zásoba témat ze seminářů G1-G4 / Z1-Z4, gramatika viz obecné informace.


Vocabulary or grammar:                             

Choose and circle the correct word to complete these sentences.   

I´m afraid  I cannot give the presentation tomorrow _________  we arranged.
a.  while       b. as            c. like               d. meanwhile

Insert the given verb in a suitable passive (continuous) form: produce
correct: was produced (last year / long ago), has been produced (for many years, recently), is (being) produced (currently)

Ask about the underlined part of the text.     
e.g. The research focuses on one particular aspect of modern society.
        What does the research focus on?

Form a question from these words:  thesis/you/did/ who/to/your/show ? 
                                                                                               correct: Who did you show your thesis to?

Form the question in the past simple passive (= v minulém prostém čase trpného rodu):
What /it/ combine/ with?         
correct: What was it combined with?

Word formation:

What are the nouns from the same root as these verbs?    e.g. deep

What are the adjectives from the same root as these verbs?    e.g. lengthen

Fill in the missing forms. Do not fill the shaded boxes. (table)    sweep     _______  swept

                                                                                                                         sink        sank         _____

                                                                                                                         hang       ________ hung

Sentence transformation

Gravity and erosion may cause landslide.
Landslides ...................................... .
Correct transformation:  Landslides may be caused by erosion and gravity.

It is obvious that gravity and erosion caused these landslides.
Gravity and erosion  ........................................... . Correct transformation:
Gravity and erosion must have caused these landslide.
Landslides ......................................................... . Correct transformation: Landslides must have been caused by gravity and erosion.

Logical sequence

Match the beginning of each sentence with the most appropriate ending.

Although in December 2005 the mountain increased its activity, ………….

a. …………………

b. ………………….

c. ........................

d. …………………..

e. …………………….

Use the words in the box to fill the gaps in the text.

Aaaaaa          bbbbb           ccccccc          dddddd         eeeeee          fffff

Gggggg         hhhhh           kkkkkk          oooooo         sssss               ttttt

Few students get............ to help them study.   


Detailed reading comprehension

According to the passage, is the following statement true or false?

.......................................................................................True / false

Find the synonyms (words with similar meaning) in the text above to fit the following meanings:

Sudden and unexpected –


According to the passage, “xxxxxxx”  happened because:

 a.  aaaaaa

b. bbbbbb

c. cccccccc


In line 5, why does the author mention  “ xxxxx” ?

a. to make a comparison                         b. to draw conclusion

c. to give a definition                               d. to make a suggestion


The word “xxxxx” in line 12 is closest in meaning to:

a.  aaaaaa       b. bbbbbb            c. cccccccc               d. ddddddd



 The phrase  “xxxxx” in line 12 is closest in meaning to:

 a.  aaaaaa       b. bbbbbb            c. cccccccc               d. ddddddd

Translate into Czech/Slovak. Illegible answers will be counted as wrong.