10. FUTURE RESEARCH 1. Speaking: The following is a list of modern technological inventions. Which of them do you find most useful and why? Which of them is NOT important for you? Can you imagine your life without them? cell phone television computer the Internet credit card airplane …your idea 2. Speaking: Work in small groups. Spend some time thinking about developments in each of the areas at different points in the future. Write your ideas into the boxes.^ 1 Example: I think that in 2050 people will fly to Mars. 2015 2050 2200 Chemistry Medicine Space Computers 3. Now regroup and compare your ideas with people from another group. Which of them is realistic or unrealistic? Then choose the most interesting idea and report to the whole class. LISTENING – THE FUTURE OF ALLERGY RESEARCH (From Euronews – Futuris)^ ^2 Vocabulary. Do you know how to pronounce these words? diagnosis (n) – diagnóza purify (v) – vyčistit, purifikovat allergy reaction (adj+n) – alergická reakce reliable method (adj+n) – spolehlivá metoda present in … (adj + prep) – přítomný v … relevant (adj) – relevantní, zásadní source (n) – zdroj constituent parts (adj+n) – složky extract (v) – získat, extrahovat tool (n) – nástroj, přístroj technological advances (adj.+n) – technologický pokrok 4. Watch the beginning of the video (3.38-4.39) and answer these questions: a)What are the scientists in Vienna working on? b)What is the patient allergic to? 5. Now watch the second part (4.39-5.04). Fill in the gaps in the transcript. With some allergens present in several , it is difficult to the source of the allergy. It is the work of the researchers to the constituent parts of the potential food allergen. They have to , extract and purify each protein all the better to its structure and The allergens thus purified make it possible to more reliable methods of diagnosis. 6. Watch another part (5.04 – 5.53) In Vienna, there is a library of the most common allergens in Europe. Circle the allergens mentioned in the video. apple, pear, hazelnut, peanut, coconut, mustard, sesame seed, potato, celeriac, cucumber 7. Watch the rest (5.53-6.46) and explain: What is the future of allergy research? Article: Curry ingredient fights cancer 8. Vocabulary. Do you know these words? compound (n), protein (n), effects (n), determine (v), rate (n), prevent (v), reduce the risk (v+n) New vocabulary interfere (v) (with cancer cells) – narušit (rakovinné buňky) suppress (v) - potlačovat likely (adj - pravděpodobný conclude (v) - dojít k závěru spread (n) – šíření potent (adj+n) – účinný, mocný cell (n) – buňka induce (v) - vyvolat treat (v) something with something - léčit investigation (n) – výzkum, vyšetřování dose (n) - dávka clinical trial (adj+n) - klinická zkouška 9. Read the text quickly and answer this question: What types of cancer are mentioned in the text? 10. Fill in the table. Then ask and answer questions in pairs. E.g. Where was the research done? Question: Name of Compound: Compound Found in: Research Done at: Research Lead by: Research Reported in: 11. Comprehension – Answer these questions: a) How does the compound fight cancer? b) Have there been any tests done on people? c) Does the spice reduce cancer risk in people? 12. Fill in the gaps in the summary: The present article is titled ____________________________________ and was released at __________________. It deals with a substance that can fight some types of _____________. The name of the substance is ______________ and is found in _________________. Tests have shown that this substance made _______________ cancer cells more likely to self-destruct in a process known as ________________________, and also that that the same substance helped stop the spread of _______________ cancer tumour cells to the lungs of mice. So far the effects of curcumin have been tested in laboratory conditions, but clinical ___________________ are planned. Curry Ingredient Fights Cancer ^3 WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The compound that makes curry yellow could help fight skin cancer, U.S. researchers say. They said curcumin, found in the spice turmeric, interferes with melanoma cells. Tests in laboratory dishes show that curcumin made melanoma skin cancer cells more likely to self-destruct in a process known as apoptosis. The same team has found that curcumin helped stop the spread of breast cancer tumor cells to the lungs of mice. Bharat Aggarwal of the Department of Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and colleagues treated three batches of melanoma cells, known as cell lines, with curcumin at different doses and for varying times. The curcumin suppressed two proteins that tumor cells use to keep themselves immortal, the researchers write in next month's issue of the journal Cancer. "Based on our studies, we conclude the curcumin is a potent suppressor of cell viability and inducer of apoptosis in melanoma cell lines," Aggarwal's team wrote. "Future investigation to determine the effects of curcumin in animal models of melanoma and clinical trials are planned." Earlier research has shown that curcumin, which acts as an antioxidant, can help prevent tumors from forming in the laboratory. Aggarwal said people who eat plenty of turmeric have lower rates of some cancers, although the spice itself has not been shown to reduce cancer risk in people. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Curcumin: the substance, the plant: Curcuma longa L and the spice 13. DISCUSSION: Talking about science and research Read these questions. Make sure you understand all of them. You can consult their meaning in pairs:______ a) Which invention/discovery would you most like to be invented/discovered in the future? b) "Science is more important than religion in today’s world." Do you agree? c) Can you imagine yourself working as a scientist? d) Are there more men scientists than women scientists in your country? If so, why? e) Do you think that in the future science will depend more on computers? f) Do you think using cell phones too much is bad for our physical or mental health? Why? g) Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why? h) What do you think of scientific tests on animals? i) Has science and technology changed society for the better or for the worse? Give examples. Now discuss your responses to these questions in small groups. You can use some of these sentences to express agreement or disagreement: Agreeing with an Opinion: J Disagreeing with an Opinion: L My view about this is positive. I think this idea is impossible/impractical. I agree with this idea. I don't agree with this idea. I agree completely with this idea. I'm not sure that I agree with this idea. I agree partially with this idea. I think this idea is possible, but… This idea is absolutely right. This idea is absolutely wrong. I think this idea is good. I think it is a bad idea. It depends. It depends on … 14. HOMEWORK. Circle the synonym of the word in italics.^ 1. Cocaine has physiological as well as psychological effects. a. physical b. mental 2. Exercise is beneficial for a healthy individual, a. dangerous b. good 3. The accident occurred because the driver was intoxicated. a. arrested b. drunk 4. Old age brings the gradual degeneration of the body, a. strengthening b. weakening 5. Sugar has a detrimental effect on your teeth. a. harmless b. harmful 2. Cigarette smoking is so addictive, that many people cannot give it up. a. habit forming b. unhealthy 3. She was lonely and suffered from depression. a. sadness b. disease 4. Aspirin will frequently relieve pain for a few hours, a. ease b. worsen 5. Poor physical condition will make you more susceptible to illness. a. sensitive b. resistant 6. Virus infections cannot be cured with antibiotics. a. diseases b. organisms 7. Coffee stimulates the nerve centers. a. quiets b. excites 8. The view from the mountain produced a sensation of dizziness. a. fear b. feeling 9. He retired from his job when he developed a chronic illness. a. long lasting b. brief 10. The needle was sterilized before the injection. a. insertion b. removal 11. The mountain climbers suffered from exhaustion when they reached the top. a. fatigue b. hunger 12. AIDS is a fatal illness for everyone who contracts it. a. deadly b. mild 13. To lose weight, he took pills to suppress his appetite. a. release b. restrain 14. Human beings have little tolerance for extremes in temperature. a. fear of b. resistance to Sources: ^1^ Adapted from BBC Learning English. ^2 Available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zrVqwV29V8 Accessed November 23th 2010.^ ^ 3 Available at http://www.lookingglassnews.org/viewstory.php?storyid=1448 . Accessed December 11th 2009. ^4 Zimmerman, Fran. English for science New Jersey : Regents/Prentice Hall, 1989. Jordan, R. R. Academic writing course. New ed. London : Collins ELT, 1990. Lesson adapted from Marie Sabolová. Week 9 – Vocabulary (Future Research) diagnosis (n) diagnóza reaction (n) reakce present in (adj+prep.) přítomný v source (n) zdroj technological advances (adj.+n.) technologický pokrok purify (v) vyčistit, purifikovat reliable method (adj.+n.) spolehlivá metoda relevant (adj.) relevantní, zásadní constituent parts (adj.+n.) složky tool (n.) nástroj, přístroj break down (v) rozkládat, štěpit isolate (v) izolovat analyze (v) analyzovat effect (n) účinek, efekt determine (n) určit spread (n) šíření cell (n) buňka treat (v) something with something léčit (něco něčím) dose (n) dávka suppress (v) potlačovat conclude (v) dojít k závěru potent (adj+n) účinný, mocný induce (v) vyvolat clinical trial (adj+n) klinická zkouška investigation (n) výzkum, vyšetřování clinical trial (adj+n) klinická zkouška My view about this is positive. Mám na to pozitivní náhled. I agree with this idea. Souhlasím s touto myšlenkou. I agree completely with this idea. Naprosto souhlasím s touto myšlenkou. I agree partially with this idea. Částečně souhlasím s touto myšlenkou. This idea is absolutely right. Tato myšlenka je zcela správná. I think this idea is good. Myslím, že je to dobrá myšlenka. I think this idea is impossible/impractical. Myslím, že tato myšlenka je nemožná/nepraktická. I don't agree with this idea. S touto myšlenkou nesouhlasím. I'm not sure that I agree with this idea. Nejsem si jistý, zda s touto myšlenkou souhlasím. I think this idea is possible, but… Myslím, že tato myšlenka je možná, ale … This idea is absolutely wrong. Tato myšlenka je zcela špatná. I think it is a bad idea. Myslím, že je to špatný nápad. It depends. It depends on … Jak kdy. Závisí to na …