Key – Week 10: Future Research 4. a) They are working on improving allergy diagnosis. b) birch, apples, carrot, peaches 5. With some allergens present in several substances, it is difficult to identify the source of the allergy. It is the work of the researchers to break down the constituent parts of the potential food alergen. They have to isolate, extract and purify each protein all the better to analyze its structure and properties. The allergens thus purified make it possible to develop more reliable methods of diagnosis. 6. apple, pear, hazelnut, peanut, coconut, mustard, sesame seed, potato, celeriac, cucumber 7. new diagnostic tool (biotech screening)– needs just 1 drop of blood for testing different allergens 9. skin and breast cancer 10. Research Done at: The Department of Experimental Therapeutics at the University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center in Houston (Paragraph 5) Research Lead by: Bharat Aggarval (Par. 5) Research Reported in: Journal Cancer (Par. 6) Name of Compound: Curcumin (Par. 2) Compound Found in: The spice curry and turmeric (Title+Par. 2) 11. a) It makes melanoma cells more likely to self-destruct. (Paragraph 3) It supresses 2 proteins that tumor cells use to keep themselves immortal., (Par. 6) b) Not yet - just on mice. (paragraph 4) Clinical trials are planned. (par.8) c) It has not been shown yet. (paragraph 10) 12. The present article is titled Curry Ingredient Fights Skin Cancer and was released at the Journal Cancer. It deals with a substance that can fight some types of cancer. The name of the substance is curcumin and is found in turmeric and curry. Tests have shown that this substance made melanoma skin cancer cells more likely to self-destruct in a process known as apoptosis and also that that the same substance helped stop the spread of breast cancer tumour cells to the lungs of mice. So far the effects of curcumin have been tested in laboratory conditions, but clinical trials are planned.